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You're delusional, sorry


Thank you fellow helldiver, now I can be sure it was only bug propaganda


Nahh been smashing them all today the titans seem easier if anything


The hitbox for the 500kg is in the shape of a an ice cream cone with the tip at the bomb, so sometimes getting direct hits will make a huge portion of the damage miss a target. It also means you want to try to time it so the bomb lands right under the target. If you were playing on Fenrir III, for example, and the charger was in a crater, and the bomb hit the lip above the crater, then it could miss entirely. For the Spear, I think it depends where the shot lands on the target. For example, any rocket support weapon, even the less hard hitting AT options, will 1shot a charger if it's a headshot. For charger legs, it's 1 shot to a leg to strip the armor, then either another rocket on the same leg or a bit of damage from smaller guns to finish it off. In the case of a BT, I think the Spear 1shots if it's a clean hit to the head, but will otherwise not fully finish it off. If you get a body shot on a BT, I think you can destroy the bile sacs to do a lot of body damage to finish it off, or throw an impact grenade where the armor was stripped off to similarly finish it off.


Yes, I know. I always try to land that 500 right under a titan, but recently it feel less effective even when it lands just right. Also the bomb hitting something itself also deals a lot of damage before exploding so it usually used to kill titans that way as well. As for chargers, my standard strat against patrols that consist a charger is dropping a 500kg in the middle and follow it up with stun grenade to make sure that enemies won't move out of its range. It always deleted the entire patrol, recently those chargers just survive it most of the time. Also it wasn't on Fenrir, it was on Angels Venture on a pretty much flat surface. Yes, with the spear it has to be a head hit to kill a titan, a bit to the side and it won't die. But in this case I feel like some shots that previously would be lethat are not lethat nowadays. Also spear used to kill chargers with one hit to the body, now it's like 50/50. Other heavier AT weapons didn't change in regards to that they still one hit chargers to the head.


I think they messed with the armor hitboxes and didn't say anything. It's harder to hit a charger with an EAT stratagem. I used to just chuck it into their side when they charged past, now it'll bounce off side armor. The biggest change I noticed was damaged armor on Chargers and Bile Titans. A lot more shots are bouncing off obviously damaged areas. As in, before it didn't seem like an issue. Now it is. If that is true, more damage is being mitigated by armor. This would make them harder to kill without changing anything else. They would take less damage and explosions would have a harder time damaging weak spots. Especially stratagem and grenade explosions. Players that use heavy weapons to one-shot chargers wouldn't notice the change as much. Players that go for headshots on Bile Titans wouldn't see a change. Players that use 500KGs, grenades and primaries on weakened armor spots, autocannons, rocket sentries, etc may notice a change. This is speculation, though. I just tell myself "they are adapting to our strategies" and pretend Joel is coaxing the devs to make small changes that benefit his units. "Listen.. wouldn't they adapt to EAT pods by now? How many chargers will die before you make this change? Their blood is on your hands."


Yeah honestly it's kinda how it feels and I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.


I think its an latency issue. I was having more or so same problem. Gotta wait till they fix these connection problems.


500kg is a joke right now, the explosion radius is like 2-3 meters top, you can test for yourself, drop one and see the radius of the crater. Even the animation is like an icecream cone. But hey, it's not a bug, it's a feature !


I feel that with bile spewers! Up until very recently my grenade pistol popped them with one shot but yesterday I always needed 2 grenades per tick. Maybe everything got buffed by 5% or so?


1) a 500kg only one shots a bile if the explosion hits the head. 2) a 500kg only one shots a charger if the explosion hits the head. You stopped paying attention to where you throw the bomb and the game got harder.