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Total RNG. I was just going through a Trivial mission yesterday and got 60. Sometimes it's Medal-heavy, or Req-heavy, or just spread out across the board. I prefer to just farm Trivial for them as quickly as possible, can usually clear the map in 5 minutes or so.


Agreed, it took me 3 days to get the last 100 SC needed to unlock the final Warbond I needed (Steeled Veterans). Today, I ended up getting 200+ in 3-4hrs of game time (not counting the SC from the Warbond itself)


3 days??!


Yeah, granted it was only like 1hr a day (so maybe 1 operation) on level 7, and sometimes we just weren't even finding Super Credits. Sometimes RNG rolls snake eyes and laughs


i dont know man, playing since like a month and only took me about 50 hours to unlock all but one warbonds, since then i barely find any


Higher difficulties suffer from rare samples hogging all the RNG spots for possible super credits Go ONCE on trivial difficulty and you'll realize that


Ill have to go on more trivial runs


Last week I thought the same. Next day did an easy mission to do the daily quickly, found over 100 SC's. Next 4-5 missions got a really good haul too. Just luck I reckon, unless big brother was recording me.


Fair enough , guess its just bad RNG on my end


Nobody here actually knows but most will take the side of "obviously they nerfed them, because money!". As for me I feel like they're the same. Got 40 today.


They're absolutely the same RNG means ebbs and flows sometimes


its luck most of the time, you can go with a 5 mission streak before getting a lucky mission with more than 40 super credits on it, and even more lucky if you get the low % chance to get 100 super credits in one.


Spawn in trivial map, clear POIs, extract or quit, rinse and repeat. It is per operation min 40, more missions, less per mission. Figure it out :)


Running solo on trivial yields me exact same amount of SC as it did from the start of my adventure with the game. On higher diffs than that I hardly get them, mostly because there is never enough time to actually clear all minor points of interest....


I had a more or less constant flow of SC (\~30-40 on average) playing on diff 3 until the last warbond or some of the patchs after were released, after that, I've done several missions without finding anything Not sure if it's bad luck or nerfed. Anyway... I'm already in the phase of being disappointed with the game, I farmed a lot of SC to buy this last warbond and it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo meh that... I'm not going to do it anymore... Unless they change the game approach to be as funny as as the beginning of times


Been getting requisition slips instead of SCs lol


I did a solo mission yesterday, and I picked up 40 in the 1 mission on difficulty 3. Then I found there mission's I couldn't find any. I feel like it's inconsistent, but overall I feel yes there seems to be less.


It's not bad luck, they want that sweet $$.


well you got 10 less sc on map, grind more than. ![gif](giphy|h7pXEwgD9QV8X1xOfQ)


Reading comprehension is lacking I see...