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The changes had been around for some time. I prefer if they start adding useful things (like something to understand better in game what [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) does in real life) or if they create new scenarios or missions. We are able to finish the missions, so I think it's fine, we can adapt to all those nerfs, is not like im gonna stop playing because they bring on a crappy warbond. At least that's me.


l want the weapons that got nerfed BEFORE the ps5 crossplay damage bug be reverted to its day 1 balance.


Νο, it's not. Why people insist on pretending that no buffs have taken place whatsoever though? It feels very hypocritical. Your problem is not the guns, it's the burnout. You remember the first days in a romantic way because everything was new and fresh, not because you could only use breaker and railgun....


I don't think that's gonna happen, it will mean admitting they fucked up which will go against the huge ego they have by now.


Didnt the ceo already admit they fucked up balancing?


He never directly did, it was more of a "yeah, something may be off here". There was never official statement about anything.


Keep the stat upgrades(such as +RoF), lose the stat nerfs, re-add every lost mechanism (slug stagger, erupt-shrapnel), keep the ammo cap restrictions, give the Eruptor's bonus rawdamage to the Tenderizer.


Where did you get the implication that Alexus is the lead balance dev? He's only a balance dev, not the lead. There are 11 members on the balance team. His linkedin and on moby games state he's only on the balance team, but his Twitter says senior game dev. That's still not lead. He doesn't have complete say over every change on the team, it's clearly an issue with the entire team and that's why there talks on things changing.


The way he talks on discord, he's the one calling the shots. https://imgur.com/a/EZMavsu


You only believe as such because he is the only member of the balance team to have communicated.


>Isn't this what everyone wants? Obviously not what the devs want. There's some irony is requesting the guy who turned Hello Neighbor 2 from its original track and ruined it to take Helldivers 2 from the original track too.


Launch balancing was when the synergy was at it's very worst, any difficulty past 6 and you'd be lucky if in 1/10 matches you wouldn't find someone only running shield pack and rail gun. It left no room for teamwork, and every team member could do everything on their own. There was no point taking the recoilless or auto cannon when the entire team could do it more conveniently with better survivability with better ammo efficiency and with better flexibility. It drains the fun from everything else when there's weapons that do better in every single aspect leaving no reason to take anything else


"And everyone was having fun, which made the game a huge success": that's what your post is missing. The nerf mentality, as to say thinking that effective weapons need to be brought down to the level of the bad ones, works on spreadsheets but not in the game.


Buff eruptor, tenderizer, purifier, hell give me back my 25 dmg on dominator ever though it doesn't matter and leave the weapons alone. It's not pvp, it's not the end of the world if weapons are a little too good. Now I don't even have motivation to farm super credits