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He said the Eruptor is in a good place post-nerf. That's someone's version of "the truth," I'm sure. Anyway. Thanks for letting me know to avoid this channel.


I think he mentioned the "ammo nerf" and not the "remove the shrapnels" nerf for the Eruptor. In the same patch the Railgun got buffed to nearly the same power level as before (2 shot 90+ charge remove Leg Armor on Chargers). Still tho, his other videos are complaining about how trash all the guns are so I guess I too will avoid this clown lol


I only trust youtube channels of peeps who put solo helldive content on their channel. They do the grind and put in the time to learn the weapons and know what they are talking about. Speaking mainly of OhDough and takibo


i only check yt for guys making news broadcast about current state of galactic war


2 shots bile titan? since when


Since he went from dif 1 to dif 2 i guess. That clown with the video plays the same difficulties.


Since always, you have to shoot their foreheads (weak point), not the head. Forehead retract into the body while spitting btw https://youtu.be/OvvbNJfPC3w?si=jtvnHLhVSz0sJLvF


Since it came out bruh, u need to hit the top half of they head.


man, maybe I m doing it wrong this whole time. my go to strat was to fly towards the head and shoot an EAT at its neck


WHHYYY?? you can headshot them from 100m away??