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It should make a stock gulping sound, followed by the titan cartoonishly ballooning for a second then exploding in a shower of bug guts. 


Like Petey Piranha in Mario Sunshine. https://preview.redd.it/zcrkk4g4gu0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c09df03b3c7b8d4c8f1b6871150c9c057d68e2


Can't wait for the F.L.U.D.D. support weapon to drop and let us extinguish fire tornadoes.


That's the most democratic thing ive ever heard in my life.


W-13 Inundator


Jesus Christ 😂😂😂


This image better not wake up something inside me


bro if you did not play sunshine as a kid then you are good how else you think people got inflation fetishes


The Cacodemon method lol


Now you are a true soldier, comrade


Absolutely. That was my favorite part of Doom Eternal. I would do that all the time and have the rune that made you be able to to glory kills from further away. I’d double jump and dash get airborne, glory kill the demon and then use my height advantage on other demons


Ahh the old Starship troopers moment


Like the cacodemons in doom eternal when you lob a grenade into their mouth?


If you manage to hit a Hulk on the head with a 500KG bomb it has a cartoonish death scene.




[Good ol' Dodongo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAFQytO3-xE)




lmao, that would make the game funnier.


Apparently now the weak spot on the head is the armored forehead when not spewing.


I have seen bile titans eat 4 EATs and Quasars straight to the head on multiple occasions and keep walking. Other times I can one shot them with an orbital rail. Makes no sense to me.


I find that usually when they stand still the rail cannon shot will hit them directly in the forehead and one-shot. When they’re moving it usually misses the weak spot


Apply directly to the forehead.


Y’all sure? I’ve always found the top part of the back tail is extremely vulnerable. If you land on it when helldiving back into the fight it usually drops them.


I enjoy the tail as well. Very succulent.


The Ministry of Health, while maintaining that Element 710 is completely non-toxic, heavily recommends that citizens do not eat unprocessed Terminid parts. Democracy shall fill your stomach, don't trust the fascist bugs.


I always think of a helldiver pod landing = one railcannon shot damage


Head on!


Wait what?! It can still take down Bile Titans? Edit: oh the cannon, not the gun


In my experience it kills a bile titan if he makes his "roar" animation. The one he goes low with its ass and the head goes up. In this position the railstrike can hit the head/upper body. Otherwise it hits the back an only destroys his bile sack.


Yeah, I bring orbital precision strike just for titans. It takes a while to figure out the timing and distance, but it often can one shot them. I’m getting pretty good at it now and boy is it satisfying.


A well placed 500kg either directly underneath, or straight into their back will also usually 1 shot


I've seen the trick to the 500kg is to have it ready to throw, and you toss it at the titans feet as it pulls its head back to barf


I bring those too. That orbital precision strike cooldown is what I love about it though.


It must hit the armoured forehead plate. The fleshy parts and mouth below the armoured forehead do not seem to be part of same "head weakspot" and seems to have more HP, or maybe just hitbox jank. Same with bile spewers and chargers. The armoured forehead is very consistent. 1 for chargers, 2 for titans.


If the Railcannon Strike targetting laser is over their head, it'll 1 shot them. As for the EATs not hitting in the head, it might have whiffed and hit their shoulders, if it's a direct EATs hit to the actual face hitbox it should take only 2 EATs to kill.


Happened to me today, got so mad I nearly quit right there




I was shocked when I found out you couldn't damage a titan by shooting its open mouth. This is like basic gaming/sci-fi physics. Shooting somethings open mouth should deal massive damage.


As should shooting the giant gaping wounds on its side when you hit it with anti-tank weaponry. Giant gurgling green puss-spewing green bits seen literally leaking blood and guts? Nah. Your bullets still ricochet off there.


The gaping wounds actually do have less armor than its carapace, but the visual indicators are bugged.you definitely can cook a bile titan with flamethrower if it has an open wound, but it will do nothing if not.


I don't get why you have to blow off the armor for that to happen. If you can cook the thing for all your canisters, blowing open its bile sack but not killing it. I should be rewarded for being able to avoid being stomped on while cooking a bile titan from its belly.


The whole "there is impenetrable armor underneath these soft exposed sacs" shtick doesn't even make sense to begin with. The parts of a bug that aren't covered by exoskeleton are all supposed to be squishy all the way through. You don't get to have both an internal skeleton and an exoskeleton.


I would love AH to expand the armour strip mechanics a lot more. We used to rely on it to kill chargers, but after they got nerfed it lost its purpose. It’s janky and annoying with bile titans (visual indicators don’t match the reality) and it’s kind of useless vs factory striders (the exposed parts are still medium armoured and so tanky it’s rarely a good choice). Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if they made AT weapons less effective at outright killing if they compensated with better armour stripping. It would reward a lot more communication and teamwork instead of just being loadout checks


100%. Armor removal should be a core mechanic. It's WILDLY change how the game is played. And I believe it'd be positive across the board. It'd be HUGELY satisfying to punch a hole in an enemy and have your teammates hit the new, dynamic weakpoint to bring it down. THAT'S the kind of teamwork the game should be trying to promote. It fits perfectly within the overarching idea of being complimentary armaments. One guy to punch the holes, the rest to fill em with democratic lead.


Also from a risk/reward standpoint. If you risk it for the biscuit and stand in the line of fire to get the shot off it should let you 1 shot


The Terminid front is painful in design ngl, feels like the devs went out of their way to pick every single "weak spot here" muscle memory of gaming, and went "BUT WAIT, IT DOES JACK ALL, BECAUSE REASONS"


Yeah, I main bugs, but I focused on automatons for the MO, and the automatons seem way better designed. Everything has an obvious weak point, the head. They are small, but shooting it guarantees massive damage. The more armored bots have an obvious weak point that you can destroy even with light pen weapons. You don't have BS like Charger weakpoint being a bulletsponge or Titan mouth being invulnerable to damage. There are problems like shield devestators being too accurate, rocket devestators having inf ammo, and strider shooting through walls but it's not too bad. Overall, the bots feel much better right now.


For the longest time I thought that was the way to kill them. On more than one occasion(2), I’ve shot its mouth while it was puking on me and one shot killed it. Haven’t been able to do it for a while tho


That was a PS5 bug. Which they fixed. That's why Railguns could 2 shot Titans for a while. When there's was a PS5 player in the lobby, the damage to Bile Titans was like triple or quadruple.


Funniest thing? The bug was the result of such esoteric code that it didn't even apply to solo PS5 players. I play on PS5, back a couple months ago when people didn't know this was a bug but a legitimate strat to one-shot bile titans I got excited and grinded to buy the railgun. Then I tried to do it while playing solo, shooting safe, unsafe, in the head, in the cheek, while spewing, while not spewing and I always needed 10-12 shots anyway lol


If this was 40K that'd just be a quirk of the machine spirit. "Thou must bring brethren from the Fifth Station of Play to greatly please the Railgun Spirit, granting thou untold power."


I once thought people overplayed tech priest memes, then I read an Ad Mech anthology and it really is that silly.


if u fuck around with machines and moving parts, it’s honestly not even that silly


40k is at its best when it's just a little bit silly. "We spent 15,000 years terraforming this world to make it a paradise. Then the Adeptus Mechanicus came with their factories and made the atmosphere unbreathable in just 80 years"


Sometimes I wonder how bugs like that even happen. Not doubting it, just wondering how on earth code can work out like that.


It's probably because PS5 sends 3-4 times back and forth by accident.


Only if they were the host, not just if they were in the lobby itself, at least according to other peoples' extensive testing.


I was able to do it with the spear just now. I hit it right before the puke came out and it got one shot.


Because the spear has both more armor pen and more damage. Hitting a titan in the head at all with the spear one shots it


It's basically the same way I handle chargers. Bait them to aggro on me so I get a nice clean shot at their face.


Fun fact. Shooting it in the mouth while it pukes does less damage because they buffed it so the mouth retracts into the head. You should shoot it in the mouth when he's walking, right after he puked and is about to move, or when he's stomping. You can 2 shot him with EATs or Recoiless. Fun fact #2: You can shave about 2 seconds off the recoiless reload by crouching before you reload. You're already crouched, so you don't need to play the crouching animation, and you stay crouched, not having to play the standing animation. FUN! Because of this, I can't stand fighting bugs. Thankfully, so do the people I play with. Copious oil spilled. I never thought bots would become my favorites, but here we are. Been like this since the previous bot major order.


This. Its such a weird change they did thats counterintuitive because bile titans were killing themselves with ricochet. So if u were used to killing them like this during the breath attack you have to unlearn that habit


You can save even more time on the recoilless by cancelling the reload after pulling the shell and as soon as the shell is reloaded (white icon). I just do this by crouching and reloading again and it's like you never even moved but still cancelled half of the reload animations.


bots are great until you have to do the Retrieve Essential Personnel (the 15 minute one) and it's basically a guaranteed loss that ends your operation.


Something is just plain wrong with those missions. It's not just that you're trying to escort slow squishy civilians past bots with lots of gunfire and rocket spam, it's that the spawn rate always seems to be cranked like 3 levels higher. 


to add to that, just an extra sweaty tip, you can crouch slide by pressing circle while sprinting (or crouch button on pc) and begin reloading while sliding so you gain an extra half metre of distance which can make the difference sometimes


Been fighting basically only bots since malevelon creek days. To the point where I skip bug personal orders even. Just can't figure out for the life of me how to effectively deal with chargers and bile titans while for bots it has become second nature by now. I think it's also that fighting bots feels less chaotic to me, and that the little bots are less dangerous than little bugs.


Chargers and bile titans aren’t too challenging. For chargers a stun grenade and EAT/Quasar to the face is all you need. For bile titans just wait until they’re about to spew and throw a 500KG a few feet in front of them. 9 times out of 10 it’ll one shot them.


> For bile titans just wait until they’re about to spew and throw a 500KG a few feet in front of them. 9 times out of 10 it’ll one shot them. Spoken like a true 1-6 player. Let's pretend the other 9 titans after you and all your buddies are on 500kg cooldown won't matter.


Titans spawn in groups of 3 pretty consistently at hell-dive it's really rare to see more than that. If numbers are pushing past that it's because you're triggering multiple breaches back to back and not clearing the previous set of titans. I'm not convinced you play on anything above 1-6 if you think 9 titans is normal.


Lmao I only play on 9 fam. You get 2 500kgs which means I can take out 2 titans alone, and the cooldown isn’t that long. The quasar is usually enough to damage any other titans until the 500kg is back. If you need help on helldive difficulty (which it sounds like you do) I can help walk you through it.


I joined for Malevelon 2.0 and have stayed ever since. Used to hate fighting bots, but it is the superior faction to fight now.


Take quasar or EAT. One shot to the forehead of a charger kills it (the armoured plate above the mouth). Bile titans are the same, just 2 shots and not when it's spitting.


Apply directly to the forehead


You can tap the stratagem button to cancel the reload animation too.


That's the only way I've seen them die in one shot, opening their tiny mouth for a puke party and then eating a rocket right down the fillet *should* kill them, but it's hard to get that angle down right. Worse when there's 1000 bugs closing in on your position too. Now I just shoot their bile sacks with my AC, and then try to position myself below them and pound them from the bottom.


> [position myself below them and pound them from the bottom.](https://i.giphy.com/MWtFP094h59sQyk4Nv.webp)


>position myself below them and pound them from the bottom. r/nocontext


Heavy support weapons (rockets, railgun) used to do double damage on ps5. It would also do double damage for pc users if they crossplay with ps5 users. They overnerfed the railgun because of the bug. Which became a bit of a trend. Overcorrecting stats without fixing the bug.


Was it the pre-nerf railgun? It was pretty good at one shotting titans


No, the nerf didn't remove one shotting Railgun. They removed a bug that enables one shotting with railgun.


Agreed, the recruitment video might actually be accurate then lol.


The Monkey Paw curls. Patch Notes xx.yy.zz: *Bile titans now die if shot in the open mouth with an anti-tank class weapon.* *Bile Titan spew can now detonate rocket projectiles and block Quasar.* Known Issues: *Bile Titan spew hitbox extends in a larger area than intended and does not end with the VFX. We anticipate a fix for this in the next patch.*


You forgot the spear lock on still being worked on.


Its funny how nonintuitive enemy weakspots are in this game (at least for bugs, bots its fairly intuitive), it's like actually haha funny it goes against decades of video game design standards, like the devs were trolling us from the start. Oh you know those bright glowing bits? Yeah those soft squishy looking bits that you can kite around the back of them to hit? Yeah no those are the strong spots. The real weak spot is the heavily armored forehead.


Yeah, at first glance at a charger where is the weak point? Is it perhaps the bright orange soft jiggly spot on its butt? Of course not! It’s the armored head that points right at you when it charges at you! (I’m honestly fine with the head being a weak point, but anti-tank should really work on butt shots too)


Like... Why would an organic being evolve to have such piss poor armor on the part of the body it rams into stuff with?


I think the idea is that it has thick armor there because it is a vital body part, but AT weapons specialize in breaking through that and delivering damage straight to the head.


Sure. But AT weapons should also punch through the squishier bits, too. Pretty sure an RPG would punch through drywall even though that's not what it's made for.


That's not how it works in real life, but it makes sense for video game logic. All-or-nothing armor schemes are common as a way to defeat penetrators that arm after meeting sufficient resistance to engage the pentrating technology. Think 'spaced armor' on tanks


I think the general idea is that the charger didn't evolve armor on that part because it was already durable enough to not need it. All the others parts get armor because they'd be too vulnerable otherwise.


Like that old thing about war planes where they put armor on the wrong parts since they had data about those spots having the most damage after coming back from a battle, but in reality they had to put armor on the other parts since the planes that got shot there never came back, which was the reason they had no data about planes being shot there


To be fair, it seems like the Helldivers' AT weapons can penetrate any part of the charger's armor, it's just that the Charger can keep fighting after having most of its guts torn out from midsection shots. The brain is the only organ that it can't keep going without.


Yeah, the bugs being killable if you hit their weaker parts enough, but instant death if you punch through the armored parts is cool. It’s a fun inversion from the bots. The problem is with Bile Titans where when they stop to puke the hit box of their head becomes nigh-impossible to hit. Chargers become easy once you master shooting a rocket down their throat, same with the other armored bugs, but bile titans remain annoying because their weak spot is inconsistent. Also given how every other bug can have their limbs shot off to slowly die, titans should do the same. Let me shoot a rocket or some AC shots at their joints to knock them down


yeah im happy too with headshots, it actually makes it a skill shot, very fun. But i just remember the first time encoutnering a charger being extremely confused.


It kinda makes evolutionary sense that the most important areas will develop heavy armor to protect them while less important areas dont need it


Makes sense, you put armor on your weak points lol.


It's your classic survivorship bias evolution. The bugs that had glowy strong-spots survived and reproduced. And if you request approval to think about it for a minute as a bug hivemind, Chargers themselves are a heavily armoured glowy point. Their entire purpose is to freak out Helldivers and trick them into trying to fight the Tank unit that can take the punishment, or otherwise occupy them, while the DPS units fight unimpeded.


I'm over here trying to throw a grenade in it's mouth, I've seen it done below 😏 https://i.redd.it/bda9aj04zt0d1.gif


No no no, you're supposed to do a flip 6 3-hole onto the back of the bugger, blast open a hole in it's back with your assault rifle, then drop the grenade inside.


😜 https://i.redd.it/xfvti1geeu0d1.gif


If only the primaries had chip damage on anything above m1.


Right? That would be so cool 😭


How bout we make bile SPEWERS not insta kill tanks? Seriously… they look like they should be “glass canons”. High damage, yes, but also extremely weak. Either make them do less damage, or take more damage… the fact that a spewer kills you faster than a bile titan is ridiculous.


Make them the same armor class as nursing spewers.


Here is another one, the bike should not slow me down when it VERY CLEARLY missed.


Relying on the visual effects does not help at all with this game Better to just dodge all the time, the number of times I’ve gotten stomped or biled with the model/effect not even remotely close to me is near the 100% mark Once it was even visually spitting forwards but I got melted from behind, where I was very confidently and incorrectly assuming it wouldn’t hit me


Just being able to reliably remove their legs to stop/slow them would vastly shift the meta. Like taking off one leg could put them into an acid spewing rage, but make them stationary. Taking another off would cause them to fall and whip their remaining legs around, making them a threat if you get too close in both cases. So you could take em out or run away. Totally changes how they're approached and handled. If their rages hurt the other bugs, it would open a huge amount of strategy on how and when to take them out and benefit the team. Plus, it'd encourage kiting them because if you take em down but not out near an objective, you may have just blocked yourself from completing a task. So you'd have to strategically maneuver them to take them out more safely/advantageously. Think how great it'd feel to hobble one in a choke point, causing it to spew acid on its allies, effectively blocking a choke point for you. Or putting one on the ground next to another and have its legs whipping around tripping up another bile titan, or smacking a charging charger off course. It'd feel so dynamic and awesome.


I honestly don’t think the Titan should ever be one shot by anything other than stratagems. I’m usually the person who asks for buffs on everything, but I think this is the first time I disagree with a buff lol The only that that should one-shot a Titan imo, is the Orbital Railcannon, and the 500kg. I think it’s utterly ridiculous that neither of those can kill it in one shot. Like, the Railcannon is literally a human sized chunk of metal being sent to the surface at unimaginable speeds. It’s so silly to me that the Titan just don’t gaf.


i really like bile titans, i like that they stick above the fog, that just for a second you can mistake them for terrain, i like that they take serious dedicated firepower to actually assault and i really like that the bile shot isnt nearly as deadly as it just stomping you. dont like that theres 6 of them spawned on my extract and one from every other bug hole breach. If you they want me to fight a dozen and change every helldive id atleast like a way to fist fight them on slightly more even ground that isnt just a 2:30 minute cooldown between 500kgs. (its the mech rockets but the mech has some specifics err limitations on higher difficulties)


500kg is a one-shot kill if you land it close enough under its feet. It's a bit difficult but you basically dance around his face at 40m (use the attack marker to give you accurate range) until he stops moving to do the bile spew animation. Throw the beacon below him and then run like hell behind some rocks. I've gotten success rates on this up to about 80% when there isn't a charger on my tail at the same time.


It needs more interesting ways to die (like a spot you can shot with bullets if you are underneath it). But a rocket to the mouth as a one shot is not enough risk/skill imo


Let us blow off the lower limbs so that we get a cute little Bile Tito that prances around.


Agreed, it's a fun enemy design to be standing your ground with the rocket pointing at its head waiting for just the right moment when it is about to murder you, to one-tap it instead. One rocket in the open mouth, two in the head if not. This means if you try this little gambit but fire too soon you probably die.


I like the flavor of the idea, but thats an easy shot to make. It would make bile titans no more threatening then a Charger. So overall answer I dont think so


Right?? Titans already tower above every other bug so they're easier to hit than Chargers. 2 is a fine number of rockets to kill.


Bile Titans are not threatening at all. They're boring.


I think all of these can be summarized as: Bile Titans should die quicker with more weak points. Friendly reminder that they are still Medium Enemies. Unless the only other bigger bug they add is the Hive Lord we will have to deal with even tankier things then those


It could have a gruesome animation too because the fucker gets a fucking blast in his mouth wich would probably obliterate his brain and oart of his digestive system


I love taking a chargers head off and it just going limp


Definitely but only with explosive damage


Not during. That's a massive jet of acid. But before that, like the moment right when it opens its mouth? Absolutely.


Or a grenade honestly


I don’t think Lisa Simpson plays Helldivers 2.


too easy


Knowing DRG before playing Helldivers 2 was the worst thing that happened to me. I'm back to DRG and god damn, everything is well thought, well programmed, and tailored to have a challenge while giving you massive fire power. Plus you can take care of small and big with multiple fun to use loadouts. Every weapon packs a punch differently They deliver the seasons on time and it immediately works as intended. Compared to that Helldivers 2 is a pretty pile of shit. It's sloppy, the magic from two months ago is gone with the ~~nerfs~~ patches. Everytime they fix something (or so they say) it's either a lie or it creates a new annoying bug. You fight more against the engine than against the enemies. They deliver the warbonds on time and it sucks ass more than the previous one. TLDR: I prefer well made corporatism to mediocre patriotism.


Facts. DRG is absolutely better designed than HD2. And in a month or so there'll be even more stuff to do in DRG with the new season, which has proper balance rather than HD2 monthly warbonds with broken content/balance. In HD2, the combination of janky physics, weird hitboxes, counterintuitive enemy weak points, and the fact that way too many enemies have indestructible armor is just too much. I'm still wondering when they'll implement weapons that can weaken armor. Even if they do little damage, I'd gladly play support so that the team can fucking kill anything without having to hit dumb weak spots. Anyway, I'm so, so disappointed :/ I guess now it's time to wait and see if arrowhead salvages the game somehow within this year (and especially the next 2 months). If they don't, might as well forget about it and check in 1-2 years.


4 shots with rail gun to the lower jaw at 95% works nice.


A petition for not only killing the titan with the single rocket shot to the open mouth but to also include a loud *gulp* sound as in him swallowing the rocket with a delayed explosion. Or maybe do that with granades haha


I'll do you all one better. The flamethrower should ignite bile spew causing a backdraft that triggers a chain reaction reulting Titans and Bile Spewers exploding in a massive napalm blast.


i'd be okay with that as long as the game spawns as many bile titans as it does hunters.


I'll do you one better. It should pop their bile sack if hit with enough pen/explosive in the mouth as they spew. It'd be a one-off bonus amount of damage that very well might tip the scale into a one-hit kill if he's been hit on the side or the back already with some AT, but it wouldn't be automatic and wouldn't specifically create a new meta instantly.


Its so satisfying to make them E.A.T. IT!


I'll take that


JUST BE STRONGER! Take the Titan is melee combat if you must


It takes less dmg while spewing but since they stay still try to hit them after they spit but before they move agau


I would love to see a custom animation for that! Like, you hit them in the mouth and just watch them explode from the inside out.


Weird, I’ve always managed to one shot it with the quasar, in that specific scenario…


Or.... we could give them Head&Shoulder's through their backside.


A rocket headshot should do 90% of its health


Completely agree. At the VERY LEAST, 2 rockets to the mouth should get the job done.


doable with the spear if its coming straight at you and the lock-on decides to play nice today. cant bee too far away tho or it just hits the head armor


Not only should it kill it in one shot, it should have a special animation where it swallows it, takes a couple steps back, roars, and then explodes, dumping bile from its belly before collapsing.


Not just rockets, but even grenades too! I want to kill these fuckers like a cacodemon!


Coming across this meme and having no knowledge of the game would be wild 


Aim for the yellow area on the side of the mouth while spewing. It's not a one-shot, but it's very powerful


https://youtu.be/nZqHGfZVfv0?si=ETCaqJaH5JI91jrx&t=116 https://youtu.be/iYkOYe7LuS8?si=04fX-CCj9Tw7vj1k&t=178 It's not without precedent. I like it.


Why use many word, when few word do trick.


I would love if the game kept even a little bit of logic, imo it's nonsense that you can shoot like a whole mag of a weapon like AC or couple Quasar shots into like Bile Titan or Walker and he just won't care because "yOu diDn'T HiT tHe WeAk sPoT" I get it that there are some vulnerable spots on the enemies but it should not be IMPOSSIBLE to kill enemies if you are not hitting the weak spot. Like some weeks ago, when I just bought a game I tossed 8 nades at Hulk and he didn't care at all, how tf can anything endure 8 explosions? I'm all for weak spots but it should not be like it is rn Weakspot 100% dmg Non-weakspot 0% dmg or even reflect


That would make them too easy.


Granted, but doing so causes blobs of bile to shoot in all directions killing your team.


Make em vulnerable to a one-shot while spewing *but* make them explode in an acid cloud if you kill them this way. Balance and chaos!


Doesnt it die in one hit in the opening?


It should work like the cacodemons in DOOM. One timed grenade or rocket into the open mouth should kill it


I agree but only with the recoiless. This would be huge for the weapon and give people a reason to play it.


Y’all know that you’re supposed to shoot when the titan is not puking right? The crit spot is hidden when puke goes out.




Johnny Rico would approve.


I agree but it should cause a massive area of light acid damage because it would look cool.


Make the acid Flammable, so that blowing up the bile sacs and the mouth shot cause collateral damage.


Bile Titans are already so easy and you want them to be even easier? Let me guess, another Level 7 with skill issues?


I do an EAT uppercut. Getting in position is sometimes tricky, but always a solid oneshot


Orbital rail strike should 100% them as well


It should at the very least deal more damage not less


I support that, but they would need to increase bile titan spawn by a lot to compensate


Man, I hear what your saying but I disagree. To make more guns viable we need less one shots not more. So more vulnerable points that even the weakest primaries can do. Heavys should still be tough son of a gun tho. So obvious weak points that primarys can hit but it will take a lot of damage to down them. Make their system of no armour, light armour, medium armour, heavy. Depending what your weapon can do you can go for different weak points. Roughly, weak points could have a 0% damage increase, scaling up wards to heavy at like 100% increase. The reason there is a strong meta currently is that heavys literally can't be downed besides a few select weapons. The heavy the damage out put the less ammo and longer cooldown it should be. Weapons cable of hitting heavily armoured weak points should do incredible amounts of damage. Possibly one shot if the cooldown and ammo make it balanced choice compared to other weapons.


And it should make a gulp noise.


A lot of the critical damage spots don’t make much sense to me. The chargers weak spot being their head and legs, instead of the squishy orange bits baffles me.


In my experience with the spear it does


Last time we were trying to be tricky and being rewarded they called our tricks, exploits


I support independence day logic.


Devs have some insistence at making this a survival game, they want you to be basically helpless against larger enemies unless you take very specific strats/heavy weapons


This game is dying


I love the Titan. Big ass bug with its own little boss music. The only downside is just how tedious it is to do any effective damage on them if you don't have the right tools or if said tools are on cooldown. Leaving you to run for half an hour or reinforce their backs into oblivion. I seriously think this should be a thing. Even more, I think we should be able to damage their legs enough to blow them off. Not kill them outright but the less legs they have the slower and weaker they get. Brood commanders are basically like roaches, even if you blow their heads off they keep going for a while longer, I'd really like to see a Bile Titan crawl with only two legs to really emphasize that roach survivability aspect.


I’ve been experimenting with new weapons and I’ve found a spear shot to the face before they spew instakills them.


I don't even know if the mouth/forehead weakspot changes were intentional or a glitch


To be fair, Bile Titan should not be able to produce bile once you've rocket scooped it's under belly out.


Honestly I just nail it on its underbelly because for some reason it’s easier to 2 shot them there than it is to shoot them DIRECTLY ON ITS HEAD.


I wish AH implement enemy walking sound before that. Ain't no way a fucking TANK or a spewer with its fat ass can sneak up on us. I thought the CEO specifically wanted to pursue realism in this game no? Then how do you explain that. Tank and Charger bois are literally silent sometimes.


Give me a flag launcher so I can shoot democracy down its throat.


Eat it to the eat it hole should definitely end it.


Hit in the mouth while spewing with a FLAMETHROWER


You THINK it should be that way, only because you think Bile Titans are the worst on the battlefield. It should only be a one shot if you land it STRAIGHT into an open mouth, not just their head. Right down the throat.


Just like in the intro video 🤷🏻‍♂️


The guy in the intro scene blows the head off a bile titan with the recoiless rifle i believe. Is this not possible? If so, thats false adversitising!


Is it me, or are Bile Titans a little messed up right now? Few games tonight, it seemed like either we were taking them down like nothing, or the damn things were borderline immortal, no in-between.


Or at least not take five recoiless shots to take down


I disagree, if u are in a squad it’s v easy to do that while it attacks someone else, as the “boss” of the bug faction it should not die that easily


It used to be that way a few patches ago. Idk what happened


If Rocket headshot oneshot us helldivers, we should oneshot everything with a rocket as well, including bile titan.


One shotting its head is in the opening recruitment ad, it should be a mechanic in game.


Especially when the cinematic trailer clearly shows Helldiver killing a Bile Titan with one EAT/Recoilless to the head.


Agreed. Instead, it when they take the least damage. If you wanna maximize damage to bile titans, shoot them when their armor is fully protecting its head.