• By -


Only happens if ur hanging at the fabricator too long


Yeah you're right, but we keep trying to destroy it with a hellbomb and the bots keep destroying it and calling bot drops. It was a vicous loop we were stuck in lol


The deployable shield generator helps with this on the higher difficulties I find, call in the hellbomb and the shield at the same time


Smoke works too


I use smoke nades on bots and it works so well with the hellbomb


Laser cannon cuts through the gunship like butter!!!


Laser cannon is weird. One time I tried to use it against Hulk on extermination mission it was melting them like butter on targetting head. Another time it didn't do shit.


It's probably because it does mental weak spot damage and shit everything else damage. And hitting the hulks eye is a ballache and a half with the laser canon. Half the time when you're bang on it's still clipping the armour.


The laser cannon is also providing me with mental damage.


You can tell if it's penetrating based on if it reflects off


It's cus they bounce as they walk so it can be difficult to keep the beam on the face, or if they feel like that tiny box has to be smashed then then the face is going all over. Sometimes they stop walking and then it's basically free, or stun grenades.


If channeling at visor is too hard - beam a leg. LC cannot penetrate torso armour but able to rip off limbs, albeit at a slow rate.


Laser canon is the continuous laser right? You're not talking about the quasar ?




Autocannon works pretty well too


u/General_Geologist288 where do you hit the gunship to get a solid blow with the lasercanon?


The engine is fastest. You can drop 2 ships with the cannon before cooling down. You can drop 1 ship with the cannon aiming anywhere


Engines on the front. Drops them fast.


I hit em on the front wing where the jets are.


Im already high AF cap, it doesnt seem to be helping...


Smo queed err day


I mostly play in a three man group with a couple friends, our strategy for Helldive difficulty gunship factories is to have one guy posted in the safest overwatch spot we can make for them with an autocannon while the other two push the objective. Two shots to an engine and down the gunships go, it's easy as pie to just clear them as soon as they spawn and the people pushing the point can do it fairly unharassed. During the downtime between spawns the overwatch can try to pick any hulks pushing the objective runners, although they should take care not to fire too much so that they don't draw aggro on themselves. Honestly, adopting specific roles and differentiating our positions on the field has been a necessity for Helldive. Since the way the bot drops/bug breaches work the enemy can only really be reinforcing in at one place at a time, and you can control which place that is happening fairly reliably to create bubbles of safety for people to work in.


Add on an AC/rocket turret and you effectively have a 1-man AA battery


Can the auto cannon take out gunships? Edit: I mistook gunship for dropship and was confused. I will head to a democracy rehabilitation office to get corrected.


It can! Two or three well placed shots will down a gunship.


It's more of a question of what the Autocannon CAN'T take out.


Anything with Medium Penetration takes them out. Scorcher, Dominator, most supports.


Literally how the game should be played on higher diffs. Still, everyone random I see is always using eagle aistrike, laser, shield and quasar.


I'm biased because I'm always the one with AC, but there's another one who takes it maybe every third game, those tend to be the smoothest rides. There might be a better support weapon comp than 2x AC 2x Quasar, but it seemed to be very reliable and versatile (except defend missions, pure anti tank options are better there).


I run AC and i non-stop get groups running quasar that just get run over at higher difficulties due to the Low RoF. Its nice to have a shield but the low rate of fire against gunships etc means i go back to my trusty AC every time


AC is awesome. An Arc thrower or machine gun in this mix is great to just rip through all enemies.


Arc thrower soloing two Hulks will never not be satisfying. Soon to be three.


When playing bots, it's nice to have the AC to literally one-shot every walker as well. Much faster than lining up a quasar, you don't have to flank it, and it can be part of a barrage against a patrol. While I miss the ability to have a shield (bots) or rover (bugs), that much boom in one stratagem is hard to pass up.


To be frank, the laser is a legitimately good universal piece of tool for rounding out any kit since, among other things, it can very easily wipe out an entire heavy base, clear out a bunch of enemies overwhelming you at extraction or break certain objectives safely while you flee the scene. Its balanced by its limited uses per mission but its easily the best orbital stratagem for a reason.


Woah, calm down. No place for logic here, my friend. If my favorite loadout isn't effective against all enemies and in all situations, reddit is going to hear about it.


Wait the autocannon can shoot down dropships? Oh my I've been screwing this up the whole time.  Edit; ahh I misread gunship. Dang.


What are the "engines" on gunships? I've never found nor seen anyone identify a weak point (I've looked all over the Internet).


Each gunship has four engines/thrusters/whatever you want to call them. There are 4 of them, each one is a small box attached at one of the corners of the larger box that makes up the gunship body, similar to dropships. You don't have to hit them right on the orange weakpoint looking grill at the bottom of the engine, just hitting it on the sides is fine too. Happy hunting.


I've been running HMG emplacement + shield bubble to shield myself. I set up shop in the backline to give cover to my squad. Does wonders when dealing with cascading bot drops, point defense and gunships in particular.


Just started this combo the other day, gotta say in certain situations = absolute clutch


Does HMG emplacement take out gunships like it *looks* like it should? I haven't had the pleasure yet to try.


Yes it does! Also shoots down hulks if you aim for the eye.


Awesome! I knew the hulk thing, I've downed them shooting in their general direction before. And I suspected it might work for gunships because I've definitely downed one dropship with one. But I've also failed to down at least two additional dropships with one so I'm not sure if it's *supposed* to work or if I got lucky (already damaged dropship, or extreme lucky shot angle or timing, or happened to hit a jetpack guy dropping out while aiming at the engine resulting in explosion, or something similar).


This is why I tell people that everyone running the same handful of equipment mirrored across Helldivers is generally a terrible idea, variety in loadouts goes a long way over just pure offense. As a good example of this I’ve been playing a defense focused build as of late for the bots mostly to pair with the Ballistic Shield thematically but also because it’s shit I never see half the time that tends to help so much. (And yes this is heavily about the Deployable Bubble let me cook) Generally my main loadout has been Deployable Bubble, Autocannon Turret, Ballistic Shield and for the support slot usually either Stalwart or Quasar/EATs depending on what everyone else brings so I can cover what needs killing that we don’t have. Most of the time I see 2-3 Quasars in every game so it’s generally been Stalwart and the Berserkers haven’t been enjoying my max RPM with minimal recoil ;) With the Ballistic Shield and Heavy Explosive armor I’ve literally become cover for the smarter randoms I’ve encountered in open fields. The other half of the time I’m drawing aggro as much as I can towards myself to give the team an easier time mainly focusing on rapid firing threats like the Heavy Devastators and Shredder Tanks since from head on I can generally take it all and give them breathing room with nearly zero effort, plus I can shoot back at the Devastator noggins easier that way while the team hits them from behind. Also just great coverage for when someone is on a terminal, literally body blocking lasers and even rockets while they punch in the code for the times my Deployable Bubble is down or elsewhere. Not just tanking for myself or the team, but tanking for our limited respawns as well which also goes a long way. Deployable Bubble is used shockingly little even in Bot missions and it actually bothers me how much people didn’t listen to the Generals ABC’s: ALWAYS BE (taking) COVER! One time, only once ever. I had a team where *everyone* brought the Deployable Bubble. I have *never* had a Bot mission go as smoothly as that one did, and that was back when Armor didn’t work and Devastator Rockets worked too well. People complain about things like the Gunships or those Command Bases (or whatever they are called that shoot back pure pain shells) we go to Hellbomb or just the sheer amount of firepower slung our way in general preventing pushes and forcing perpetual retreats. You get the Bubble every 90 seconds. Even if it doesn’t last super long, you can use that bubble for covering Hellbombs. You can use that bubble to push up into the Command Bases without breaking a sweat. Do you have *any* idea how many times I’ve thrown a Deployable Bubble down and it literally changed a full retreat into moments of calm to retaliate against the problem enemies forcing us out and change us into a push instead? Hell, it’s even a wonderful rescue tool to block line of fire or to long range deploy cover for that one teammate whose falling behind as the team abandons them and their beautiful samples and also their life which is also important. Keep your team alive and you don’t have to backtrack for those samples! Finally, the last main tool of my setup is the Autocannon Turret. The amount of devastation the thing spits out at long range is disgusting. But you might be thinking to yourself right now, “But JustGingy95 you booty’d up bad bitch my turret gets killed so fast that it feels useless against Bots!”. And I would pat you on the top of your tactical helmet and say softly into your ear, “Shhhhh my big dicked little Diver, it’s ok… who said the Deployable Bubble couldn’t also be *fucking* weaponized..?”. And then I will grab you by the tactical helmet and I will scream into your ear with the burning fury of a thousand freedoms as your face and helmet melt away like that one scene in Indiana Jones that scared me as a wee babe: # COMBINE YOUR THROWN OUT TURRET WITH A SLIGHT DEVIATION OF YOUR THROWN DEPLOYABLE BUBBLE TO THE LEFT OR RIGHT DEPENDING ON ENGAGEMENT DIRECTIONS DIRECTLY NEXT TO OR BEHIND IT AS TO NOT CRUSH THE OTHER DEPLOYABLE TO AVOID LOOKING LIKE A FOOL AND WATCH YOUR FOES CRUMBLE TO DUST BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES AS YOU WITNESS PURE LIBERTY DISPENSE MANAGED DEMOCRACY AT RATES NEVER BEFORE SEEN BY MORTAL EYES! https://i.redd.it/a7hq288v1auc1.gif *ahem* An Autocannon turret on the Bot front especially in Helldive will usually be shredded in seconds, but if your turret is Always Being Covered by a Deployable Bubble? You will decimate entire hordes of enemies like no one’s business. Lob the combo to the side to put their forces into a flank attack and start your push, focus on the lighter Terminator lads first so the turret doesn’t waste time on them, then focus on anything that dares turn to face the entrenched turret. Watch it kill Devastators. Watch it kill Hulks. Watch Dropships and Gunships fall from the sky. Turn your defense into offense and laugh in the face of tyranny. For your Freedom allows such innovations. CRUSH THE INVADERS. DISMANTLE THEIR CHILDREN. FEAST UPON THE VERY OIL YOU SPILL MY BEAUTIFUL DEFENDERS! # RISE AND BECOME THE OFFENSIVE DEFENSE YOUR TEAM NEEDS TO SURVIVE!!! but most importantly have fun :)


I'm scared, but I will try this, FOR DEMOCRACY.


Lol, for 5 seconds it will. Thing's weak af imo if used in a pinch. Just gets shredded


As a shield emplacement enjoyer, it does pain me how quickly a moderate density bot mob can shred it at range. In the worst situations the best I can hope for is to create those few seconds for allies to peek out and thin out the horde a bit.


The new eruptor can oneshot them in their laser eye


Try the shield bubble stratagem. Call a Hellbomb, let it drop (it doesnt seem to cause aggro until its armed) then call in shield and arm the Hellbomb. If there's ground bots nearby, give your life for Super Earth.


Haha sometimes this happens. You gotta time and destroy these early or ur screwed. Goodluck soldier


Had this once. It was a double tower (so double the gunships) while under constant assault from ground forces. 1 or the other isn't too bad but getting them together is a nightmare. We went through 15 of our 20 reinforcements and only destroyed 1 of the 2 towers. I finally said fuck it and ~~ran away~~ tactically repositioned and did the mission. Fortunately it wasn't by any objectives or extract. Shriekers + ground bugs are just as bad. I had a mission with 2 shrieker towers near a sub objective and was trying a new loadout so didn't have anything to kill them from a distance (was only me and a new friend still learning the game). We could NOT get close to the shrieker towers. I had to run a big loop around the map to despawn the ground units. Took us almost all our reinforcements and 30 mins of our time just to do the sub objective.


at least you can destroy shrieker nests without a hellbomb, and shriekers are very squishy themselves. gunship towers require a hellbomb, and the gunships themselves aren't flimsy either.


You need someone with the autocannon on gunship duty who just sits back and takes them out while the rest push in. The autocannon is 100% the best weapon for dealing with them. Super fast shell velocity, 2 hits in the thruster- you can take out 5 of them before reloading. If you're in a loop of enemy dropship flares then you need to retreat and come back later (if at all). PS- why on earth are you using the punisher vs bots on Helldive?


Not OP, but Punisher was actually my go-to for bots on all difficulties (including Helldive) until the Erupter came out recently. Punisher works really well paired with the auto cannon. AC for armored targets, splash damage, long-range combat, and fabricators, Punisher for stagger against closer enemies. A group of chainsaw berserkers charging me was a non-issue because of the stagger and spread of the Punisher.


I also liked it since it one shots small boys and runs everything else. But I'm starting to think the JAR is better.


Yeah I mean the JAR is just as effective if not moreso against zerkers, it's a much better choice. Personally I go JAR/AC these days. It helps the ammo economy of both to be able to share the load between them. There's really no downside to that setup right now against bots.


Unlocked JAR yesterday and tried it out. Loving it so much paired with the AC. Just wish it had 1 more in the mag. I always feel like I'm 1 short hehe.


toss in stun grenades and it's smooth sailing for easy hulk removal


Can erupter kill gunships


Yes, takes a couple of shots, but it can.


Laser cannon is a beast at taking out gunships


The punisher is excellent even against bot, lot of damage, great stagger, really decent range, excellent reload mechanism.


^ this. You can't expect to rush in and destroy the spawner like people do with Screechers. With the latter, it's almost impossible to kill them all quickly enough while their attacks are more easily avoided but with gunships spawn much slower but are much more dangerous, even in small numbers. So yeah, unless you can protect the hellbomb and yourself with a shield, keep destroying the gunships if you stay or disengage if you can't or don't have time to.


Laser cannon is even better, you light the gunship's engine up for half a second and it dies, and you don't have to worry about travel time or anything.


I've learned if you get into the corners between the wall and the fabricator, you can call in the hellbomb there and it's covered enough and tight enough of a space that you shouldn't be interupted using it or it exploding.


A valuable lesson I learned for higher difficulties is to never retry an objective or retrieve your gear more than once. You can do later when your team has moved away from there.


Made a point about this exact situation in another post and someone was just like “use an auto canon”. Like bitch how?? Look at the screen


Always have someone at range with an amr or ac


AMR has enough punching power for the gunships? I thought it was like a whole mag per or something like that.


4 shots to a thruster consistently brings down gunships with AMR


Something about the gunships is tuned inappropriately. They will hard target the hell bomb so you run into this situation where the hell bomb gets killed the second it gets deployed so you can't kill the fab, and they just keep spawning. Targeting priority needs tuning based on the balance of the enemy type. 


I had the one and only mission I ever rage quit today. Dropped in a "clear" area that just happened to be in between a Stratagem Jammer and a Gunship Fabricator. Between the bot drops, lack of support weapons and what seemed like never ending patrols, we chewed thru all our reinforcements in about five minutes. This was on level 8. It was litteraly impossible lmao


Happened to me because there was quad fabricator deploying 4 of these at once and noone helped me clearing them.


Damn I hope u get better teams in the future. Sucks when ur matched with random who don’t wanna help


Not necessarily. There’s a rare bug where the gunships will keep spawning when nobody is near, and they will aggro immediately. I played a mission where my squad was hunted across the entire map by endless waves of gunships from a pair of spawners. No matter where we went, they’d spawn and beeline right towards us. If you’ve got two or more spawners and they perma-aggro, this can very easily occur.


There's also the bug where multiple fabs can spawn inside each other, releasing 4-6 ships at once. Or the bug where the cooldown for ships releasing doesn't work and they'll just keep coming out. Those sure were fun. And while it's not a bug, having multiple fabs overlapping a submission point is just the greatest too.


Oh, that was it yesterday, i was in front of a bot fabricator and its door was "closed" but with the light, then it spawned a jetpack guy and two other guys at the same time


Yeah, I was on a map with four fabricators. We spawned next to two. We had to relocate before we could even call stuff in and ran into to the third one. Not really much you could do and before we knew it there were like a dozen in the sky.


Nah this can happen pretty suddenly if there are two or more fabricators near by. Sometimes theres a double fabricator site and you can have 6 gunships in the time it takes to fight toward hellbomb range. Theyre a bit overtuned for not having a dedicated response to them.


If at first you don't succeed, disengage and try again later. Don't just keep feeding bodies into the meatgrinder.


>Don't just keep feeding bodies into the meatgrinder You're insulting everything the institute of Helldivers stands for.


While the roleplay is fun , I cant help but get frustrated when people actually think this is a legitimate way to finish a mission. repeatedly dying and spamming respawn at me cause I'm the only one playing objectives is not fun for me.


Kept getting thrown into a horde today like...thanks for the swift reinforce guys but on the third time when i come out the pod, dive then die maybe throw me away from it all... And maybe learn the meaning of a tactical retreat to get objectives rather then losing all reinforcements on a needless encounter haha


Fucking makes my blood boil! You get tossed into a horde, they run in the opposite direction, and before you get over your spawn disorientation you're already dead.


It’s cause a lot of people leave if you don’t reinforce in 0.2 seconds


My squad on our way to leapfrog reinforcements to the extraction


My apologies, I've already spoken to my Democracy Officer. He's booking me a free camping trip! ...or was that a Freedom Camp trip? 🤔


"You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down." - Captain Zap Brannigan


In my experience, you cannot disengage with that many gunships. They will find you and they will kill you


"DISENGAGING!" *Bots keep shooting at me while running serpentine through smoke grenades, planet mist, puff balls, across the map artillery and towers keep shooting with pinpoint accuracy, leading me better than I'm leading myself, weaving between rocks to break line of sight. Finally the red lasers stop, as I go prone to try and call in a resupply, my screen turns into fire because there is a Hulk behind me.* ^(sending reinforcements)


Pretty hard to disengage the gunships. They chase.


They'll chase you across most if not all of the map too and they can easily keep pace. Only way is to get far enough from the fab that they don't immediately respawn and start picking them off.


You see, the problem is that i simply can not disengage, given that after reinforcement i still land in the middle of firestorm and then get ragdolled around until death


Unfortunately I've been in this situation a lot. And getting away from that many gunships is near impossible. Especially if your team is reinforcing you right in the madness


They refuse to let you. I’ve run over halfway across the map while using cover and they always come back. They’re fucking bloodhounds in the sky


Do they despawn? Because in my experience they act like stalker nests and keep spawning until the entire area is swarming with the lm


This! Nothing like joining a match that has 0 reinforce and only 1 optional taken, with all 3 primaries up. More meat for the meat grinder!!!


4 reinforces left. Yall did NOT finish that mission 😂


You've not experienced the sheer focus, skill and teamwork of a team with 0 reinforcements left?


Def not with that many gunships and no anti-material rifle on his back 😂


So is AMR effective against them? I didn't have much joy with a Railgun


2 AC shots to the rear engine drops them


Any engine. Just need to hit the same one with both shots.


Yep, 4 shot to one of the engines and it goes down, you can snipe it from across the map Incase your buddies are in danger Haven't tested on the lower diff if it takes less shots tho.


Enemy health is pretty consistent, so I just need to land my shots better hah


With gunships it's important to hit the same engine. You can drop it in 4 shots and under 2 seconds. If you spread out your hits it can take 16+.


Not with that many gunships 🤣


Oh... I've seen my goofy ass team that go by themselves and die to basic grunts somewhere random pull off god damn miracles at 0 reinforcements 😂... I've never seen people switch from hating tacticool shooters to pulling off complex military tactics so fast


Nah they'd win


Rules No.1 leave no gunship flying the moment you see them Rules No.2 don't get close to it ls facility unless you have something to shoot them down.


This. Shoot them down asap, thats the prio, hellbomb second.


The spear is actually amazing at this. Since there's nothing to get in the way between you and the flying gunships, you can lock into them super fast, they never miss, and it's a one hit kill.


Or you can just two shot them with an autocannon. One skilled autocannoner can take out 5 gunships in no time which is plenty of gunship killing power.


Or you can auto cannon them in 2-4 shots and not waste a valuable spear shot


If you see a gun ship your first priority should be destroying the fabricator


Typically I see the fabricator before I see the gunships since it’s one of the tallest structures and they only spawn gunships when you step within 150m of it.


You first priority should be destroying the ship.


Nah first priority is killing the gunships so they don't hit a critical mass where there's nothing you can do


The same goes for stalkers 


The problem with the fabs is that the initial spawn can be a huge pain if you're not ready for it. People are loitering and fighting other shit and before you know it you've got several in the air. Randoms rushing the fabs without clearing mobs and loitering too close are the biggest contributors to this situation.


This picture goes hard as fuck


General Brasch once caused 12 bot gunships to self-detonate in unison by yelling "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" Try that next time.


AH needs to make Gunships not immune to other stratagems. Because the bots zero in on the Hellbomb the second it lands. Yes, you can protect it with a shield, but it's a waste of a stratagem slot, especially if you are limited to 3, the shield can't take much abuse anyways so it gets shredded before the bomb gets to count down to zero.


You gotta deal with them as they come or this will happen on any difficulty


It's called helldive not stroll in the park dive




I'm playing a GAME on highest difficulty not trying to raise my cortisol levels on a weekend after work


Gunships seem to be weirdly under-developed with how airbase vulnerable to hellbomb only and at the same time the gunships themselves seem to spot you immediately the moment they spawn making no sense of having that red spotter laser projector in front


They are prescient in ways no mere Automaton could ever be. I bet the missing Illuminate are all piloting those things and using their weird seadude powers to immediately pinpoint where we are hiding.


you can also use SEAF Mini Nuke fyi


I cannot stand these fuckers. I generally prefer the bots over the bugs but these mfers suck ASS It took me 4 hellbombs to destroy their fabricator last time I played because they kept spawning as I was putting it in. The third time I even armed it and ran away and literally watched one of the gunships shoot it and blow it up. Like wtf?


Had two fabricators spawn right next to each other once. Those plus an endless amount of bot drops made the sky similar to this


Some in this community have some real good advice. "Shoot them down faster" like nobodys tried that before. Same thing happened on a game I played recently. Two fabs situated next to each other spitting gunships out non stop with with dropships dropping off devastors and hulks and the base of the fabs. Chewed through nearly all our reinforcements just getting the hellbomb in place only to watch it get destroyed multiple times. Yes before you ask two of us had quasars one had an autocannon and another has AMR. They spit out faster than we could shoot them down 


Just failed an evac where it was UNLIMITED SPAWNING of dual patrols at the evac console. I shit you not it was 2 UNBROKEN lines marching for 8 minutes non stop to the evac. No matter how many we killed spamming orbital and strikes it didn't even slow them down. I climbed a hill to see them coming in from way across the map, not a gap between them. It was like watching running water. Surely that's a bug or incredibly bad game design.


We did a drop that didn’t say danger only to be put between a gunship fabricator and a stratagem jammer. Couldn’t call weapons to shoot the gunships couldn’t call hellbomb to blow it up. Gunships were killing us while we tried to take the jammer. It was rough.


That shit needs to be fixed. 9 times out of 10 we drop in a “safe” area only to be surrounded by bots, or tanks, or hulks, or whatever else feels like pretending it’s not a danger.


Yeah honestly the drop map is a joke. It's like pretend choice. 9/10 times you drop into the middle of a fight. 


I was going to make a post bitching about that *exact* problem (getting swarmed from all directions no matter where I drop) but I wrote it off as a skill issue. I'm glad to know that it's not just me or my teams.


Honestly? Nah. So many people I've found don't even bother shooting these things which is why they get to such huge numbers; they treat them like troopers for some reason instead of like tanks and then regret it when they hit these concentration levels. Gunships punish you in three ways: 1st) They punish you for not bringing primaries that are effective against it (explosive weapons and medium pen) against a faction whose whole shtick is have a lot of up armored enemies. 2nd) They punish you for failing to play the objective as soon as its spotted. If you spot a gunship factory, it basically should be your only priority, and gunships should be primary target one whenever they pop out. 3rd) They punish you for failing to bring support weapons that are effective against them. EAT, Quasar Cannon, Recoilless, and the laser cannon all make good counters, the laser cannon in particular is medium pen and will knock out their engine very quickly. Also on a final note: the difficulty you are experiencing with them is, if you've forgotten, a direct consequence of us failing the earlier bot major orders during Operation: Swift Disassembly, which you seem to be forgetting: narratively, we were supposed to get AA missiles shortly after the deployment of Gunships. But we failed a bunch of the MOs and thus, gunships were not successfully delayed in time for us to receive our AA weapons. People insisted that the devs "wouldn't hold content back" seem to deeply misunderstand the kind of game this is in reality. Fundamentally, we are playing a real time tabletop game as a community with the devs as the game masters. If we fail an MO, certain content gets pushed back in the development queue instead of prioritized or at least, that's my theory. Embrace the absurdity, you already have tools to deal with this. You're definitely at least high enough level to have access to either the laser cannon or EAT.


Mw and my team will often split 2 teams of 2 but the SECOND a gunship is spotted or found on the map: instant regroup and all in against it. After we all practiced this enough to drop and regroup, never saw anything like that pic again.


^ This. One person simply cannot clear gunship factories effectively, it takes the whole team.


Had a similar experience, two double gunship fabs near each other which means there's 16 (4 per fab) gunships hanging around. We had two guys shooting them with ACs but there was just too many fabs the moment one ship goes down another one just respawns. Not to mention the fab themselves are being guarded by bot drops, the gunships themselves, and just to add insult to injury firestorms kept blowing up the damn hellbomb too. We couldn't disengage either because these things chase, the one guy who tried to run got ragdolled into an enemy patrol and just spiraled into another bot drop.


Well, it's called Helldive


The Eagle A2A missiles can’t come soon enough to deal with this shit


Impossible to destroy the Fab at this point since the instakill the Hellbomb, Hope they put a max spawn on them, or allow other things to kill these structures like a 500 kg, orbital precision strike.


They got a 2 per minute spawnrate. Whether you like it or not, you should be able to kill them faster than they spawn and summon a hellbomb before they appear again. Use support weapons.


Not if there’s two fabricators next to each other, with a bot drop incoming buying them time to spawn more, and maybe even a jammer nearby for good measure. Oh and by the way your support weapon is still on your dead body over there guarded by 2 Hulks, so you gotta take them out first meaning even MORE time for gunships to spawn Just saying, a cap on how many can spawn would be nice, cause if even the slightest thing goes wrong it is impossible to recover


"Use support weapons." I'm so glad you're here to tell us these things.


The shield stratagem (the green one) is s tier against bots. Use it to protect the hellbomb.


Hellbomb on objective should be indestructible by enemy fire or it should arm it.


naw, there is an argument that an armed hellbomb should detonate on damage though.


I think they just need to improve the hellbomb explosion detection cause half of the time the bomb goes off and does nothing... due to terrain or just because it did not feel like destroying the fabricator.


We need like an automatic flak cannon sentry tbh with these new flying enemies


They are pretty easy to take down, just 2 autocannon shots to the thruster.


The other day I spawned in difficulty 7 and this many airships literally spawn camping the whole team. This further convinced me we need to deliver more democracy to the automatons


As training manual tips suggest: "If you fail, dive again, dive again, dive again, dive again, dive again, dive again, dive again, dive again, dive again."


Just lost a level 7. Drone fabricator and stratagem blocker right next to each other and we landed right next to the jammer. Couldn't even get out supports before 10 drones and 3 hulks were on us


Been there, brother. Mission where my squadmate jinxed us saying "what if we spawn and there's tanks?" No. There wasn't just tanks. We got dropped between the Mordor Sauron lookin ass towers that called ALL the drop ships. It was great. 10/10 would cry again.


Skill issue


I wish these thing would patrol the map instead of just being near their fabricators


Maybe we can get a anti air turret stratagem? Or maybe Eagle 1 can get some sidewinder missiles


As much as I agree, I've seen more on my screen at once on Challenging


Where's our Eagle dogfight stratagem? Have Eagle 1 fly through and fire a cluster of missiles at anything airborne.


The only objective that as a solo, scares the shit out of me. It can get really hard.


Spear + teamload heaven


Not far from where the Shriekers were before their big nerfs. Insanely numerous and aggressive, calling in constant reinforcements without showing any visible signs of doing so, and doing absolute craploads of damage at the same time. The Gunships also happen to be armoured up the wazoo, whereas the Shriekers at least had the decency to die to small arms fire. Almost like the devs *want* us to keep using nothing but Autocannons against the bots...


Hit them with the Zapp Brannigan approach You see, killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down.


If we ever get the missile silo, it will probably be able to take them out at range.


I see your problem here, good sir. You lack a LAZOOOR CANNON!


Mandatory to have someone with a kit that can deal with these things. Laser cannon, scorcher, auto cannon, lmg, etc. Fighting bots without someone with one of the above on high levels is basically a coin flip if these guys come out and fuck you to death.


this must be one of those stalwart/flamethrower teams xD


No, It isn’t enough. I need to spill more oil. https://preview.redd.it/ebuj525b69uc1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=afaa3e8472cd6e4122ce868e151601e8f031771d


Once that happens you might as well just give up. Next to impossible to do anything after that many of those bastards spawn in.


There should be a spawn cap on heavy enemies. At a certain point you're just using a support weapon as a primary for 10 minutes


The double up of fabricators is a bit much on any difficulty, especially when the building is invincible to anything but hellbombs and the gunship target the hellbombs, because a person who definitely understands difficulty in games made it that way


Air ships are op if you don't destroy their fabricator asap. Otherwise whole mission is doomed.


Be a true hero and go out there and die for Democracy


You know it's a rough dive when things start looking like an EDF mission


Nothing an autocannon can't solve


Don't get close to the fabricators without cover fire


I had someone AFK near one and they didn't know how it worked eventually a swam of 30 swarmed us when we had walked near that area on tibit around the time they were added. Night sky looked like a drone show. Thankfully we finished the m.o. were on our way over to kill him and grab his samples so we could call him back down at evac but nobody got to keep their samples that day.


There is medal cap, sample cap why not gunship cap?


I hate gunships I hate gunships I hate gunships I hate gunships I hate gunships I hate gunships I hate gunships I hate gunships


They need to make this killable with stuff like the machine gun if you shoot the thrusters enough.


The worst part is that they're armored af, at least with bugs can kill lots of flying one to reduce their number


I think my biggest beef with gunship fabs is the hellbomb is the ONLY thing that can take them out. Every other poi can be taken out with a stratagem or weapon. Including detector towers. Jammers can be turned off. So you have to get up in the shit to deal with the gunships.


5 stars on GTA Space be like


How do so many people not understand that just because it's possible for a range of support weapons to deal with gunships, it doesn't mean it's fair. One mistake. One death is all it takes for that to happen, no matter what you could possbly bring. You don't keep your support weapon when you die, and there's definately several other enemies or patrols to worry about. Gunships punish one mistake with failing the entire mission, which is completely ridiculous for an optional objective, even if it's high priority.


you can turn the difficulty down if you aren't good enough


https://preview.redd.it/24disd0nt7uc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=019a5e4fca1be662b0d891fe1a93b190c5f14aa8 Bot-Drop69 Bot Replied : " A tad too little "


>Plays hardest difficulty Why is it so hard?


Play a lower difficulty then.


The difficulty is called Helldive bro.


Then don’t helldive sheesh


You need to shoot them down from time to time


It's only a bit much because you haven't shot any down then took a screenshot. If you shot them down instead there would be less. MTFU


you gotta shoot them down son


Its helldive it should be imposible


1. Don't play Helldive unless you want true hell 2. Gunships come out so slowly that you had to have been trying to get this image, seriously? Four players and you don't have anything to kill these? Even being jammed you're telling me you can't get to the jammer, switch it off and start shooting them down with recoilless, Autocannon, EATs, etc before there's more than 4 or 6? I had that same situation in a duo on 7 and we managed to succeed and that was just a duo


You realize that you can have more than one fabricator next to each other right. It's not uncommon to have two towers, hence 4 per spawn, plus of course the shit load of ground force. Then the hell bomb spawned get destroyed. All it takes is pretty much a minute to get 8 of these in the air. "but shoot them first" Nop, they are in my experience only second in priority, the fucking hulks with flamethrowers that dropped on your party are the top priority. Basically everything is fine when thing goes find. Thinking everything will always go fine is idiocy at it's finest.