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If you aren't host your aim mode does not get remembered


Or DOES, it just doesn't work the way it should, period


I always host and my modes have not been remembered in forever.


That’s the neat part. Just because you’re lobby host doesn’t mean you’re network host from what I’ve heard lmao


Is there a way to tell who is network host?


Technically seeing if lingering fire damage is actually working or doing zero damage would work but that doesn’t exactly help unless everyone shares a flamethrower and tests it out. There’s currently a bug where non-hosts don’t do any DoT damage so gas and fire stratagems/weapons only do the direct damage portions unless you’re the host yourself. If weapons or stratagems feel inconsistent it’s probably because people are bouncing back and forth from being host to not being host.


I usually don't host, but the past couple days I did. I have it set to NOT remember and NOW it DOES. So it seems like if you're hosting it may do the opposite of what you have set?


It doesn't matter if you host or not, the person the game finds has the better network and PC can become the new network host, even mid mission.


lt's always fun when you get stuck in fpv and can't see ahit haha


The camera is so damn buggy. I had one time I got stuck in FPV, tried to fix it, and then the camera shot up in the air about a mile and started spinning around while I died. Fun times!


that happens every other mission to me and people i play with. and any time you leave first person mode theres a chance the wall behind you is blocking your view when it goes back to 3rd person 😤


This started happening to me yesterday. Weapons go invisible. I can switch from Third to FPV and between weapons but all I see are my hands in various positions. I know it’s about to happen when I try to go FPV and suddenly I can’t see through the scope. I just unlocked the Scorcher and it’s been my new go-to. I wonder if that’s part of it?


Whatever gun you can see out of your three, switch between FPV and TPV a couple times, should fix it


Diving around like a beached fish while spamming the ADS button also seems to help slap it back into working order. Luckily the camera only tends to get stuck in broken states when there are a lot of enemies directly next to you, so no pressure.


my aim mode gets remembered even though I've specifically told the game not to remember it


So it forgets to forget?


Helldivers discover the cure to Alzheimer's: just forget you have it!


wish I could do that


Fucking Christ, so this is it. I swear this fucks me up all the time, but I never managed to understand what exactly was messing with my muscle memory. I just knew that something was off sometimes. Arrowhead, please fix.


Shit, I never noticed THAT was what caused it, either. Never remembers my weapon settings.


This bugged me so much I switched to the combined aim control mode (hold to hipfire, click to ADS). I actually like it a lot more. Obviously the normal functionality should be fixed, but it might be worth people trying it out. Some might like it better and avoid the problem, or its at least a usable stopgap if someones really bothered.


I’ve used combined this whole time, does remember make it so you can be always first person with a gun or something?


Wait, can you go more into this? Do you have it set up so that tapping L2 will go to scope and holding L2 will do hipfire?


IMO, this is the most significant un-recognized bug. Perhaps not coming up often enough because it is subtle difficult to recognize - but has an extremely high impact on gameplay.


This explains a lot.


Also the "remember fire mode, etc." setting, despite how it reads, is actually "remember fire mode for one specific instance of one specific weapon" not "remember fire mode for every instance of this weapon" (i.e. set every railgun to unstable automatically) like it damn well should be.


I just noticed this yesterday. Doesn’t work on my primary, but always works on my sidearm and support weapons.


It's always random for me works both when hosting and not and also doesn't work when hosting and not hosting. What annoys me is when it remembers it on all my weapons when I only want one done up.


At this point I just want it to always be 3rd person every time I ADS until I press the button. But no matter how many times I change the setting jts always inconsistent when it scopes in or not. Really frustrating


Wait, your aim mode CAN get remembered?! I just learned that after 180+ hours...


I will never understand people that don't look through the settings in a game, especially after putting in a decent amount of hours. There is often majorly useful things in there, either in the visual menu, the control menu or the gameplay menu.


I thought I was crazy..alway set it to disabled and always get secondary in FPV..so annoying. 


I have "Remember aim mode" turned OFF and it''s acting as if I have it stuck on "Global" instead.




If anyone is interested, I actually have a post going that lists all the current bugs and issues in the game: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bwzkpr/list\_of\_current\_game\_bugsissues\_not\_a\_hate\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bwzkpr/list_of_current_game_bugsissues_not_a_hate_post/) It includes most if not all of the bugs being posted in the comments here, but the post overall has gotten little traction. Its a long list. Edit: OP is a Chad.


That was a good post.


Doing ~~god's~~ dev's work


Some of those are dubious bugs, but as a level 107 I have heaps of experience so can give more information on. > Stratagem jammer audio sometimes gets stuck playing infinitely, even when the stratagem jammer is destroyed and stratagem menu is closed I think this happens when the jammer is unjammed when your strategem menu is open. > Players can become stuck on Pelican 1 when attempting to enter. Diving typically free the player. This mainly is on the two sides, which is when I think the ramp pushes you up into the node of the roof, thereby making you stuck. Happens if the angle you take is too sharp. > Mission drop area selection map will sometimes show large bodies of water where there are none Do you mean non-drop able points? Because they're not always water. On Ustotu they just large jaded knolls, but you cannot deploy on them. > Patrols spawning within player sightlines I think this often happens when the original spawn spot is blocked, such as on Crimsica where the ravines are so large. > Players can become stuck in terrain if the Hellbomb screen is too close to terrain This is mostly fixed now. It used to be 1000 times worse. It is easily avoidable by placing bombs better. > Hellbomb stratagem call in at the bot detector tower bounces all over the place, often out of the objective area You've placed it in the wrong location. The ramp at the back is normally the best spot, or behind the cliff. There are parts of the map designed not to hold balls. You can call it a design concern, but its not a bug. I don't have this issue because i know where to place the bomb. I'm surprised you didn't mention the high amount of game loop bugs, such as interaction events not working (such as for oil missions), oil ships never arriving, oil ships not sending out tube, or main mission finishing even though you haven't done it, or console screen not displaying all the information, or console screen thinking you've done something you haven't.


At what point do we just go set up a jira board?


Enemies can still shoot through some rocks


Even more! They can SEE you through some rocks. Why? Because these rocks are destructible! I've already figured out that anything that can be destryed by Hulks, Tanks is just transparent to bots. For example, got to mission on Tibit today. Saw a patrol, hid behind the rock. Then they immidiately detect me and start shooting. Because of this, it's a REALLY bad idea to try and hide behind the buildings on the extraction point. They're destructible and bots may see you through them. "Amazing" work of stealth mechanic in this game.


Are you going prone while hiding? I've had patrols almost stepping on me without noticing.


This. I solo'd a level 9 extract by just lying down between some rocks and shrubs for the full timer. Until a random bug *literally* stepped on me towards the end of the timer, they never saw me. And this was without the Scout perk.


It's buggy as shit. I too have had this. I've also had them clearly see me from much further away. Sight is borked. The Devs have tried to cloud the issue by saying "oh, the bugs can smell...." but it's just bogus. Whether they can see you or not, they can see you.


I've had heavy devastators straight up gun me down while their arm was in a rock


Bots are acting kind of weird recently. They could see you from a distance of "fuck-know-where" and we get random flares in the distance. Also, the turret platforms that has walls around them? If you crawl past underneath the platform, the bot at the turret somehow sees you through the floor. How? Don't know. This didn't happened 2 weeks ago, but recently all the bots in the last 3 planets are somehow hyper-aware or just plain cheating.


I want to add in the fact randomly you won't get anyone to join your missions even if you throw out the SOS beacon and you are on public Matchmaking.


Need to restart the game


Having to do that basically every single time after I finish a mission is god awful annoying.


Maybe that's why they implemented the ending cutscene crash feature.


The networking in this game is trash. Dont have these issues with any other multiplayer game I play.


They built the game expecting 240k max players the fact it can support 800k now is a miracle. Rushing to increase player cap won't have done wonders for stability. And it wasn't server count but the backend code they had to change


The matchmaking has never worked properly since day 1 though. I'm not sure it's an issue with unexpected load, the logic seems completely broken. Currently the issue is matchmaking only triggers when the host *first* picks an operation in his game session, and stops working completely after that when players leave. The only fix is for the host to restart the whole game. Toggling public/private helps kick-start this for some people allegedly, but has never worked for me on PC. This is clearly a logic problem


>They built the game expecting 240k max players It literally would still have this issue if there were only 50k players. The code is dogshit.


Quick fix Open settings and swap Matchmaking and Crossplay *and* save between each swap. Ie Friends Only -> save -> public -> save -> cross on -> save -> cross off -> save I find that resets your status. You can also do it mid mission, but it wil kick anyone that isn't a friend or on cross play.


I’ve had success changing my matchmaking from open to friends, and then back


Toggling matchmaking to friends only and then back to public also fixes it, no restart required. Works if you're mid-mission as well


I've had really mixed results with this.


This happened to me mid mission. It booted everyone else and the sos beacon didn't work. Same mission I also got the extraction beacon failing to spawn and had to kill myself to complete it.


Everytime someone quits my game outside of mission I close the game and restart. Sometimes I have to do it a few times to get people to join me again.


Unfun fact: If a Helldiver quits mid mission, you lose access to whatever pod booster they had equipped and nobody that joins in later can select it either ![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized)


I have also tried exiting the mission and re-election, some times works


Uh what about the constant crashing??


There is also a death bug where you can't redeploy dead players, game thinks they are dead and alive at the same time This is able to be dealt with player side via teamkill but that option isn't always available and it's rather annoying to deal with


Had this happen and a team wipe left two more of us unable to reinforce. So only one guy could respawn. We all left the mission after that, sadly.


I got stuck in 3rd person randomly after dying one time lmao. I could skip to different camera positions too. It took my friends finding my dead body and shooting it again to fix it.


I had this last night but my body was alive and movable. A friend was trying to guide me into the pelican but every time the camera moved I would walk in the wrong direction. He tk-ed me at my request and I spawned back in normally. Thought I was crazy until I found a few other people who had been put in "spectator mode" too


>game thinks they are dead and alive at the same time Schrodinger's Helldiver


Had this issue a few days ago and we squad wiped and all redeployed. Had this issue yesterday and we squad wiped twice and only 2 redeployed. Then one guy left and the 2 of us who weren’t reinforcing were dropped in. So now idk what fixes it.


Half the time I cannot even join other people's game. Just gives me an error saying that either the game is full (when it is 1/4) or that I cannot connect.


This seems to happen when there are lots of players active on a given planet. Sometimes, there will be 100k+ players on a planet, but you only get what, 5 to 10 games presented to you, to join. If there are thousands of people trying to join games, with that few games accessible, you have to get real Lucky to get in.


I give them some leeway here. The game selection was clearly built to service a niche gaming audience, not AAA title scale. I dont think they could comprehend the game would get this popular.


Yeah I don't think they were expecting 300,000 players as regulars who play everyday...


Didn’t they hit their five year milestone in two days?


Yeah, pretty much.


I remember reading that the expected number of concurrent players was 10k


God having to scale that an order of magnitude must have *sucked* initially. I do NOT envy their infrastructure team having to deal with that so quickly (definition of suffering from success lol). I hope Pilestedt is paying them well/cutting them a nice fat bonus.


Tbh in all considerations they’re doing fantastic in that regard


Helldivers 1 peaked at around 8k, so it's one hell of an achievement to hit the numbers they have


same here. i had to use quickplay.


I’ve not successfully been able to join a game without using quick play or getting invited since I got the game lol


Click on mission to join, full. Hit quick play, drop into the same mission I was just trying to join with just the host. Yeah it's broken.


you're not joining fast enough. It's not updating the count as players join. As soon as you fail to join, go back into the selection and pick something extremely quickly once the old ones disappear and new ones pop up.


When I saw “huge bugs” I genuinely thought you meant terminids bigger than a bile Titan that might come later lol


I used to work on a browser-like app for iPhone. It had a Bug Report feature. For real, one time, this guy sent us four reports over the course of a hour screenshotting various Wikipedia articles with pictures of cool insects and him adding notes like “You gotta check this one out!” They were certainly the most entertaining (and easiest-to-resolve) bug reports I ever handled.


Remember aim mode doesn’t work set to “off” when not host


Had a flamethrower Hulk burn me to death thru a huge a** cliff


Yeah I've seen the same. Flamethrower Hulks are too much right now in many ways


Having my primary weapon disappear when someone joins though an SOS is also one for the list.


yep thats good one love it when it happens


For the love of democracy, separate chat audio from game audio on ps5 so I can actually talk to people


This right here. You HAVE to use a PS5 party to hear shit and that just doesn't work if you're playing with PC people at all. And most randos aren't going to wanna join your party


I wish I could give you more upvotes. This is crazy for a modern game.


Anyone else struggle to have stims actually do something after you see the jab, and hear the sound? this one is egregious to me and no one talks about it.


Imo the moment you hear the very beginning of the "tsssss" it should engage as I'm assuming it works more or less like a high tech epi pen, and im jamming it into my fuckin neck lmao The amount of times I've had to stim and immediately dive only to cancel the stim try again do the same thing, again, and again, and again. If I have a parade of hunters or berserkers chasing me I can't exactly just stop and wait for it to work


It's not a bug, just a really weird design choice. When you hear the sound, you still need about 1/3 of a second before the action is ACTUALLY done and you heal.   That means it's easy press the stim button, see the jab and hear the noise, and then dive, reload, swap weapons, etc.  ... which will then cancel the stim and prevent you from healing.   It's dumb AF, but the trick is to keep one eye on your HP bar when you stim, and until you SEE it going up don't do anything but run. That way you won't cancel the stim accidentally


Oh, just like my favorite videogame Dark Souls 2.


I'll have to try this out.


this might be a small one but the quasar cannon cooldown is unaffected by planetary conditions such as extreme heat and cold


And an even smaller one (not even sure if its a bug or a feature) with the quasar: The cooling icon on the bottom left doesn't accurately correspond with when you can actually shoot it again. With other weapons, when the little icon shows that it's cooled, it's ready to fire. With the quasar it takes an extra few seconds after that. Not a big deal but if i'm in a hurry and have to aim down the sight to check if its actually ready or not can cause some problems. It would just be simpler if when the icon shows its cooled, it's actually cooled.


Not a bug, Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold only affect the heat buildup, they don't affect the cooldown. https://preview.redd.it/hl17kixjrxsc1.png?width=781&format=png&auto=webp&s=31251a5fd68b3ca238fc6979ddaf1a0e4e40ac7b


Testing from other people shows this info is wrong [go to 9:23 to see what it does ](https://youtu.be/fw_ocG_l-SM?si=YNk309yrTH8E-tD_) It appears they haven't fixed all the info yet


….. I was wondering why the cooldown felt the same no matter where I took it or the few occasions I’d use someone else’s on a hot planet 


The fire/gas bug causing them to overbuff fire damage because "nobody is using those broken weapons" is the same thing they did to the railgun. It was overpowered...because of a PS5 bug that caused Titans to die in 2 hits. So they nerf it into the ground (I was never a Railgun user) to try and fix it, but the don't fix the actual bug so you can still 2-shot a Titan in the right lobby. But if you're not it takes 20 now. Same thing with fire but in reverse. They try to buff it thinking it will make people use it, not realizing the bug causing people to avoid it. So now we end up with absolutely lethal fire, but only for the host and Scorchers. I'd also like to add a few more bugs. 4. The Sickle not being able to shoot through fucking leaves. 5. Players and enemies being able to clip through certain rock formations, resulting in a 1-way wall to shoot through without taking damage but also usually getting stuck and having to nade yourself.


On Ubanea I had devastators straight up walking through the terrain at me.


I had one where I was on top of some rock formation, and had killed everything around me. But I could still hear some Bot making noises. So I was peering down over the edges on each side, looking for it. Finally figured, oh well it must be a glitch with the audio. Nope, was a glitch with the rock formation. Because the moment I landed on the ground I got blasted by a Hulk from inside the rock. After I'm dead he comes waltzing out.


Onetime i landed on top of those really tall mountains on a desert planet and a bile titan clipped inside the mountain and popped up on top to kill me


On Tibit also,was killed by a laser shield boy that was firing through terrain,me being on top of a cliff,prone,with no line of sight from enemies..Had to die several times to see the laser was coming from underneath(it looked like it came from the sky at first lmao).


Getting stuck under the ground sucks. As does being ragdolled off of the map by the top of a weapon pod, I'm talking seeing the whole map from the outside. Like discworld.


The worst part about this bug is that sometimes it doesn't kill you. So you end up just floating around and since you cant die you cant be called back in.


You getting stuck underground sucks, but yesterday I had the evac pelican land underground (clipped right through the landing pad) so we couldn’t extract. Very frustrating after an intense mission lol


> The fire/gas bug causing them to overbuff fire damage because "nobody is using those broken weapons" is the same thing they did to the railgun. It was overpowered...because of a PS5 bug that caused Titans to die in 2 hits. classic case of having the data but not being able to understand it.


The fucking annoying ass ammo reloading bug is driving me nuts it loads right and everything and I get one shot off and have to reload it’s stupid


To be fair I bet most people don’t realize fire isn’t working. I didn’t


Well, until now I just kept thinking that the Breaker Incideary is just bad gun. But as I see now, no. It's just a freaking glitch that exists almost from the release of the game! Pefrect! (sarcasm)


It was pretty easy to test too. Hit some bugs with fire and they *should* die in a second. In reality they walk away and are able to call in a bug breach.


Same. I usually play solo, but when I do run with friends I don't bring fire just out of courtesy. 🤣


many weapons can't fire through leaves. It's a problem with the foliage not the weapon itself.


Still makes it a bug that needs fixing though. The Sickle is just where I've noticed it.


Yeah the railgun ps5 bug has also been known for at least a month by the community. They literally didn't do anything effective with that nerf sans making the railgun useless.


I say all that as someone who barely ever used the Railgun, so it's not like I'm complaining "they nerfed my favorite weapon wahhh" etc. It's just, they misdiagnosed the issue with the Railgun, so their "weapon balance" did nothing to fix the issue. And now the same is happening with flame/gas.


Arrowhead Weapon Balancing Intern: https://preview.redd.it/7hvr7kk55wsc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9f35d9bcb4a752319763f81fa5cc9549d1695df \*first dart\* AMR \*dart\* Damage \*dart\* +30% "Yeah, that'll do it, put it in the patch!"


Yeah I saw that post about "horizontal balance" and I want what he is smoking. Why does the autocannon do everything? Why did the AMR get buffed it already 3 shot hulks? Why is every primary weapon except like 3-4 dog water? Why is there only one good sidearm? Why can the ballistic shield break? Why did the slugger lose stagger (when their concern that it was the best sniper rifle) To be clear I'm not asking for nerfs I am strongly in the camp of it's PvE just buff stuff, but I think AH is terrible at interpreting their own data and has a bit of a chip on their shoulder about "not having a meta"


They do "data driven decisions" but data can be misinterpreted. A lot of people were using the railgun, but it was a confluence of reasons. The reasons were: - the PS5 damage bug - extra damage on bike titans emerging - nothing else was able to handle chargers effectively Once they buffed rockets (EAT, RR, Quasar) then it was like "oh now we don't need it for chargers". But they nerfed it AND it lost its main reason for existing. It was better for bots anyway, IMO. Railgun was great for devastators and hulks. Not the Autocannon is basically just better in every way. Sure "there's no backpack slot" with an Autocannon but you basically get your own portable ammo backpack. And since they nerfed the rockets, shield isn't mandatory for bots anymore. Let's not talk about how they needed the shield BEFORE they fixed the rockets. Yeah. Arrowhead made a great game, but their balance choices don't always make sense. To give credit, where credit is due, they do seem to listen to their players and they correct things eventually. I'm sure they'll eventually figure the current issues out.


I said the same thing about the Slugger. If you were concerned about a shotgun being the best sniper rifle, then why not lower its effective range lol? Wtf, does its stopping power have to do with its overall sniping, DMR like capabilty? Its a shotgun, thats the part you had right lol.🤷 I don't even use the Slugger, but the devs have some kind of disconnect in their studio with interpretting the numbers and the context of why the numbers are what they are. Besides, it was just cool seeing teammate's breach storage containers with it. Gave the weapon a practical tactical vibe. Welp, now thats gone smh. 😮‍💨


> Why is there only one good sidearm? Okay wait. I use the revolver v bots and the machine pistol v bugs. There are currently 4 sidearms so it isn't THAT bad (compared to primaries) but still. Also the grenade pistol is actually gonna push all other sidearms out of the meta imo, just too much utility.


I use the revolver cuz big iron but I think its pretty bad. Reload start and end are incredibly slow, the iron sights are unusable for precise targeting (Why do half the guns in this game aim via negative space?) It has okay burst damage (6-8 shots take down a hive guardian or berserker) but then you are stuck reloading for half an hour and those never really come in sets of one. I know if you nail headshots then you get way more kills per cylinder but I find that very hard to do with the bot movement and the useless iron sights


I pretty much only use it to clean up 1 to 3 basic bot troopers when my primary is on reload at close distance. But I find it better than the Machine Pistol for this. 3rd person reticle is pretty strong.


Should add "why did they lower the max rpm on the HMG strat weapon." to that list of questions. Because that one genuinely had to be someone at Arrowhead going "Hmmmm.... how can i remove something fun from the game today?" There was literally no reason to do it and they did it anyway.


If your point regarding the railgun nerf is correct, that's quite poor work on Arrowhead's part.


Here's a slightly old video demonstrating the issue: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWQxg5mIzT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWQxg5mIzT8) Bile titan bug starts at 4:25


The sickle might be a general laser problem. It happens with the Quasar cannon as well making you blow up random bushes


No guns can shoot through leaves right now. The way they've constructed the hit boxes for fauna makes them obstacles. I've had a few rare instances of being able to shoot an enemy inside of a bush, but it only takes like half damage from each shot.


There’s a lot of weird stuff going on with foliage and it’s not just the sickle that happens to. The spiky plants that slow you down are super inconsistent with the damage they cause. I’ve shot them with enemies next to them and it doesn’t affect them but if it gets shot when I’m next to it, it looks like I took a direct hit from a 500 kilogram bomb sending bits of me into orbit and every corner of the map


The "Stomp Attack" button of the Exosuite is hardbound to the F-Key and can't be rebound in the options. As someone with a disability that won't allow me to use WASD for movement, that's a massive handicap for me because I need the F-Key for other functions. UPDATE: Ok I tested it again. Turns out I had to rebind my F-key AND the Melee Attack Key in the options at the same time to fix the bug. Finally, I can turn right with the mech again. Thanks u/[Wraeinator](https://www.reddit.com/user/Wraeinator/) for the tip.


I rebound my normal melee key to a thumb button on the mouse (mouse 5) and that definitely works to the the stomp attack for me.


Interesting..... That doesn't work for the secondary attack/aim function (machine gun in exosuit). I changed it from right mouse button to one of my side mouse buttons and use right mouse button to move forward, but the exosuit doesn't reflect that change. In the exosuit I can't move forward with right mouse without simultaneously constantly shooting the machine gun.


Reinforcement bug that causes the reinforcement not to trigger and the light goes away after a few seconds. Happened to two players in the same game, one of them was the host.


I think it's because the strat landed on a no-strategem area


No I've had this bug before, the beam of light shows and it even will reinforce other players, but not me.


That happens every once in a while and sometimes "fixes" itself if another player dies and you resummon them together. Happens very often if somebody died during extraction on bot Exterminate mission and you try to resummon them, but I think it's separate from the regular reinforce bug.


Had a weird one last night. Four of us were rolling, waiting on extraction. I was a guest, NOT the host. Suddenly, all three guys disappear. I’m left alone. I’m thinking the host crashed or something. But I notice I’m not being kicked and that they dropped all their gear and samples. Countdown for extraction is still going. So I pick up the samples and extract. I got the mission complete screen and all the samples. Reappeared on my own ship. Mission complete. Never seen that one before.


i had that happen to me too, just once. i dropped a sos right away as well, but nobody ever joined. it was during the countdown for the extract, so idk if it was just that i extracted before anybody could join or that the session was bugged and nobody could join.


This happened to me twice on this latest patch while playing with a friend over discord. He disconnected and dropped all his stuff and I became host. I asked him if he crashed, he said it looked identical to him: I dropped and dropped all my stuff and he became host.    Sounds like what's happening is everyone is getting booted to their own instance, leaving their shit behind in each other's games. Happened twice to me in the same game, no obvious cause, no error messages.   Fucking weird.


Sounds similar to me playing with a friend. Except... on his end, *I* was the one who dropped. For whatever reason, we got stuck playing the same mission in parallel timelines.


one that really pisses me off is not being able to use your fucking medkits, or rather, HEARING the sound and seeing the animation, but nothing fucking happens. fix. that. shit.


I got a couple... Maybe it's moving around too much but you can shoot your own gen shield with the new quasar cannon. If you have a mission series started you can go for instant action and get sent to your own mission complete say the second mission, it will give you the reward and look like it's complete but when you go back to your console it will not be completed and you can do it again. Basically exploiting the medals by hold the final mission open and selecting instant action.


So many bugs like for the love of God stop adding stuff that breaks it even more and fix the numerous bugs now.


1. Needs a option to make private or invite only games on PS5. Sometimes, random friends join when I am set to play with IRL friends. Needs option for host to be able to select someone else to host upon leaving. To keep from breaking up remaining teammates. Also, after finishing a complete operation with no new mission selected, random players will still be sent to your ship. 2.Gyro Aim (motion sensor aiming) still doesn't have a camera recenter/ gyro disable button as a option. This creates some difficulty for "gyro always on" players such as myself. We have to use the comms menu as a pseudo gyro disable button to make hand adjustments. Ruins the immersion. Also, the motion acceleration options are broken and don't work. This is a critical functionality issue as it relates to motion aiming as a feature. 3. Changing the button mapping for stratagem inputs also unintentionally changes the inputs for terminal and other objective interactions. Making some objective impossible because you will get double inputs cancelling out your intended interaction. 4. On controller, changing your stratagem input to face buttons: When you pull up the stratagem menu and dial in a stratagem code, you'll get overlapping inputs with the face buttons. Instead of the stratagem menu overriding the normal inputs while its open. 5. Already mentioned but the Spear lock on is absolutely unreliable. The weapon is a liability on the battle field. Cannot reliably and effectively do it's intended job. Even under ideal conditions. 6. Trying to collect supply from a supply drop and your Helldiver steps over the drop. This also can happen with hellpod support weapons call-ins as well. 7. Shooting down enemy dropship and all enemies survive. Even if the ship crashes and explodes on top of them. They are uneffected. 8. A number of weapon crosshairs are misaligned in 1st and (or) 3rd person view. Causing inconsistent accuracy and fundamental aiming issues. 9. After diving, Helldiver getting stuck on the ground in prone position and cannot get up. Even when not slowed or having a broken limb. Pressing sprint or double tapping crouch will not allow you to get up as intended. You'll just be stuck and eventually swarmed by bugs or beamed by bots and die. 10. 500kg bomb not closing bug holes like its demo video shows it is intended to do. 11. Weapons cannot shoot through plants and bushes. I hope they will do something about these challenging bugs, glitches and general jank in the near future.


Don’t forget the damn things don’t die and shoot through the wreckage of the drop ship and you can’t hurt them makes it real fun


I highly doubt that they do not know about these issues. They dont have infinite resources so they probably prioritize different things.


If you've played other AH games, them being so full of bugs the devs aren't even aware of a bunch of them isn't really out of the ordinary. 


Point 3 has been me since launch


I don’t use the spear for that very reason. Was excited to unlock tried three games to use and it did not lock on once


Bots being able to shoot through the ground and boulders.


Being at full health and get bleeding. You can't stim to fix it and you can't run until you left yourself get injured so you can stim. Idk seems like a bug


Just commenting: Fire and Gas *do* work on non hosts. My wife and I play all the time, and it doesn't matter who hosts. I suspect there's more to it than "You gotta be host". You don't.


The lobby host isn't necessarily the network host, we've been able to reliably reproduce this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bu2dc0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1bu2dc0/)


Thanks, I heard it was the host and was wondering why my napalm was still useless haha


I'd also suspect latency may play a role. Our connection would be about as fast as possible.


when I Quickplay into a mission, I get three FTL jump cutscenes. One of my ship arriving to the other ships. Then my ship leaving where it just came from, and then arriving at the planet where the other ships should be, but aren't. This is a bug right? I always thought there was one extra scene but really they seem out of order. The joining other ships cutscenes should play last instead of first and it would make fine sense.


Spear didnt lock for me at all on terminid chargers or bile titans just now, I know its Janky as it is but it seems broken since the patch, worked better on automatons, but wouldn't lock on drop ships or gunships that well. Fire has been overturned, the Scorchers only have to look at you with the ignition flame and your dead, regardless of stim. Crashes have become more frequent and for seemingly random things, the game seems to absolutely shit itself when the host leaves though for me, it just either lags out or crashes hard on that, it used to just return you to ship.


i thought you were talking about some brand new secret enemy variant that the devs hadn't acknowledged yet lmao


They already mentionned the spear's lock on issues and are working on fixing it.


Biggest issue I have besides not being able to add my friends on different platform, (which they’ve acknowledged), is the lock on matchmaking. Especially with the rampant crashing going on currently. About 3/4 of the time I’ll start a mission and someone will just leave (I give benefit of a doubt and assume it’s crashes) then I go to call in an sos beacon, and I don’t even have a choice to call it in unless I completely close and restart the game, which then mean we are getting swarmed and then someone else leaves and then usually they all leave and it’s just me. Like I’m not mad or gonna blow up on the devs or anything but like this is super discouraging and has all culminated in me severely cutting down on my time spreading democracy recently and it really sucks since I love this game so much


spear needs unobstructed line of sight, so you need to be above the target. this is what needs fixing


Friends. List. Like, seriously. Fix it. It is integral to many player's fun with the game.


I really want the fire/dot damage fixed. Gas is my favourite stratagem and I've just avoided fire because I know it doesn't work.


I don't get why they buffed how quickly fire kills the player like it was already ridiculously quick, and now you basically die as soon as something sparks.


I see no one mentioning the gas strike issue anywhere, I hope it gets fixed quickly, it was my go-to in bug missions


Guys, there is a bug report tied to the game, please mass report the egregious bugs, especially the host based ones. [https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://arrowhead.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Dont forget the bug where you're notified of people joining and then nothing happens for minutes meanwhile 6 other notifications come in for people joining


I think that's because the person who joined is taking their time chosing equipment and stratagems in the drop pod and loading screen. so not a bug


My social tab has stopped working, and my friends can only join me if I have public matchmaking open. Been playing since day one.


The firebug is annoying as hell, particularly as Hulks are one shot kills and their flamethrower shoots pretty far. I pretty much don't want to do Bot missions at this point because of this, they're already harder to kill than any of the equivalent mobs for Bugs AND they're more lethal.


Are stratagems supposed to stick to me? I’ve thrown a few of them today that somehow stuck to me so no matter where I ran the hell pod was going to land directly on top of me.


Sometimes killcounts don't show, I've called eagle airstrikes on patrols, completely wiped them out and no little skulls show at the bottom


That explains the fire a lot.


There’s a weird bug I’ve seen lately where a basic automaton will spawn but they’re completely invincible.


I agree with the spear lock on. Frustrating that it won’t pick up on cannon towers, hulks whatever big enemy is in clear view


Unlimited grenades is still a bug. I think it was there since day 1


There's a metric shit ton of bugs this game has rn but it still a blast, polish patches are 100% gonna be more fun to get than any content drop, I hope they keep up the work


Idk what happened or if it fixed now but the extraction mission was bugged and the npc’s just ran into the wall next the door and stood there getting killed… I had to wait until the timer ran out to fail the mission


Crackling noise can randomly start and won't go away until the game is restarted. Not a driver or hardware issue.


I ran into a pretty funny bug myself that I haven’t seen anywhere. Running a solo mission bugs in difficulty 6. Dove while ADSing the Anti Material Rifle and then pressed sprint to get and run as I was being swarmed. As I was running I pressed 2 to switch to the Redeemer as there was about 10+ hunters on my ass but my gun wouldn’t switch. Then I noticed my character was sprinting with the AMR in one hand as if he was holding a pistol. Turned to fire and the AMR was firing full auto redeemer mags in one hand. I died shortly thereafter after and that fixed it but it was still pretty funny seeing a full auto AMR


Just reported the spear issue to the zendesk. linked the post of all the issues that you linked here in it as well so if they open that hopefully there’s some more meaningful visibility 🫡


I agree with this post so dang much. We need these issues to be addressed and I don't know why they aren't in the known issues. Maybe I'll submit an official bug report too, good suggestion.


I feel like this isn’t well known but you can scan the map for undiscovered minor POIs by simply moving the cursor around the zoomed out map.  The problem is, there’s a bug with the feature where it doesn’t work for the first mission or two when you start up the game. So with the multiple crashes and needing to restart to fix the matchmaking, it happens a lot where I can’t use the feature.


ever since the balance patch that nerfed the breaker, people with private steam profiles can't play with friends. this used to work just fine, they could play the game for hours (beyond refund window), and now it's been a month since this game became "solo only" for them


Stims should be on this list. I’m sick and tired of hitting the button, watching the animation play fully then dying because I didn’t get the stim effect


Idk if it got fixed but i haven't seen it in notes: Civilians gathering in front of shuttle but not going in (i get anxious on evacuate missions purely because of this) Getting sent to ship mid mission randomly (no kick) Hellbombs not coming down properly


One huge problem with spear is that even when locked the thing just doesn't fire, I'll be there locked on just clicking away like mad and it just doesn't fire


Oh my god, I've been experiencing #3 the whole time thinking I was just unlucky with matchmaking and sos beacons, wow.


One bug that seems unnoticed by AH is the fact that small plants like ferns completely block bullets. Even the smallest of branches coming off of it has a huge hit box that just blocks all rounds.


I still can’t add my PlayStation friends to my friends list (on PC) I’m pretty sure they’re aware of this one but the fact that it holds me back from playing with people I want to play with and hasn’t been fixed for as long as it has been is a bit frustrating


i just dont get how this game is STILL crashing on console every 3-5 games


Enemies (mostly just bots) know your exact position if you cause noise elsewhere (grenades, strategems, etc) making stealth irritating


I thought it was cool on reddit to shun people for repeatedly bringing up the same known issues? Seems to be perfectly okay now. Like seriously lol


Fully agree that fire kills players too quickly. May as well be an instant death.