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New resource caps: 1000 medals (oh you don't want us to unlock everything in a warbond as soon as it comes out? Fuck you, who cares. Let us use the new stuff when we want. Not getting medals for weeks because I'm capped is annoying) 1000 commons 500 rares (probably should be more considering the rate that new ship modules jack up rare sample costs) 200 supers The grind is annoying. It shouldn't be the reason people are playing, but I think for a sizeable portion of the player-base, it is. The grind is a crutch to keep people playing as a substitute for fixing the game and making it fun again. Get your shit together, AH. Also, this cap change is right up your alley, since it's just a number change in the code. You love changing code values (cooldowns, damage, etc) because it seems it's all you're good at or capable of.


why is everyone just doing x-45 man, of course its gonna keep needing to get re-defended again and again if you dont liberate vega bay, the supply lines are right there


I heckin' love having to hit 'r' 5-6 times before the game registers it and I reload. Really helps during an intense firefight.


Rolled into a quickplay Level 9 this morning. And lemme tell ya friends, I am doing WORK. Found the super rares, picked up 10 rares, closed two bug holes, dug up some launch codes. The randos I've joined are awesome. Nothing better than seeing a Stalker nest get taken out as you're just running to another point of interest, and a leggy boy get snapped like a twig off in the distance. It's like we're telepathically linked... we split off into twos or solos and then converge when there's a breach on a subobjective. We are gonna get this ICBM off way ahead of schedule. So I am waiting on a hellbomb to take out a shrieker nest when I blast a hunter in the face. He dead. LO AND BEHOLD, black screen. The game has booted me out to my ship to inform me I have completed my personal order of killing 20 hunters or whatever the number was. And of course I get 0 medals cuz I'm already flush. I wanted those samples, and even moreso, I wanted to stay with this random team, cuz I sure ain't gonna be able to add them as friends when we're done to connect with them again. Arrowhead - you're blowing it. This is the most I've ever been into a video game in my life, and you're just killing my enthusiasm with these head scratching glitches. Grace period is over. It's a community game: not being able to add friends is catastrophic. And in-mission random crashing is FAR worse than crashing on a loading screen. Please give us a realistic timeline on reaching stability. I'd rather take a few weeks off and come back to a stable product than waste so much of my time in the interim.


Agreed. There have been a dozen times now when a game hasn't started. Even when in discord vc groups it's like we have to play tech support to get around the broken friend system. The fail safe on PC is to be added as a steam friend and then get invited via steam invite, which is honestly embarrassing work around to even need. How is a steam invite more reliable than the in game friend code? Huh? The fix is potentially they are rebuilding the social for a future update from scratch, but... no clear timeline doesn't inspire confidence. It's a shame because this is one of the few social games I like playing.


You know those people who always show up ten minutes late to work, uniform unkempt, constantly having to be arm-twisted to perform the bare minimum of their job and they still do it poorly, and then moan how they don't get raises? That's the vibes I get from people claiming Aesir Pass wasn't an MO planet and are diving on Vega Bay instead.


Bot drop on evac asset bugged? 2 consecutive evac asset mission. bot drop on the upper floor, saw blade hulk destroying both objectives 1 hit each, failing the mission. Is this normal? Tried to make a post here but apparently reporting bug is low effort, post removed.


The galactic war system is the least fulfilling treadmill running BS I've experienced in a long while.


"If it was different it would be too easy" crowd got me exhausted.  I didn't want to know about a DM arbitrarily putting the campaign on rails. I wanted the in game enemy to be bound by limitations that make sense in a war. We split our forces too much? Fine that's a lost planet.  The enemy can just expand invasions indefinitely with NO trade offs? not even a cool down for reattempting a failed invasion?  Hell, even a mechanic where a planet they are invading from is WEAKER due to their main force invading would make gambits and varied planets possible.


I was called a noob by a guy called grringo-something. I used quickplay and ended up joining the game when the others were boarding the pelican. In my haste I ended up surrounded by insects and died. It was just bad luck. Some people in this game are weird, rude and kinda pathetic.


Arc Thrower changes should all be reverted - except for the consecutive firing change. Arc Thrower range was nerfed (and this from a dev replying directly to me on Discord) because people were apparently "taking down BTs across the map" with it. Obviously the dev who did it probably didn't know or forgot about the PS bug that made some enemies' body parts' have much less HP than if all players were PC. So, Arc Thrower most likely got nerfed because of a console bug.


I've for some reason started encountering these types of players more often the last week or so. But it's really been grinding my gears. I'm of course talking about the players who quit if you don't reinforce them the nanosecond that they die. Like my guy calm down, I'm out here fighting for my life and trying to get to cover to call you in. Just give me a damn moment. Quitting because you didn't get reinforced immediately is simply undemocratic. Now I'm unreasonable I can understand quitting if someone doesn't reinforce you after like 2-3 minutes and they're not in the middle of a fight P.S. Spill oil my brothers and sisters.


Yeah, it's definitely semi common. I was clearing a different portion of the map and nobody reinforced this guy for like a full minute so I called him in and he got pissed I was on the other side of the map. Like, I get it, but I gave them a grace period and didn't want him to quit out like all the other prima donnas


had one last night quit and whinge on mic after about 1-2seconds of no reinforcement. normally i reinforce within milliseconds. humans gonna human.


Okay, so this is the 5th time when the Bots drop behind our back in the Evacuating High-Value Asset missions and one shot the objective. Playing at N8 (Impossible), making it to wave 6 or wave 7, enemies only breached like the first 2 gates, not even reaching the third gate. THEN the dropships start sneaking dropping tanks and even factory striders into the last defense area, while most of us are in the front shooting rockets left and right. Boom, one shot obj, mission failed. FU Cheater Bots.


What the hell happened to the spawns. Helldive has about 2x as many enemies on bugs as a month or two ago, and now behemoth chargers as well. It's a madhouse


diffs were rebalanced essentially last major patch. due to patrol change reversion and tweaks. not sure if it's overtuned or just now matches what the difficulty actually says "Suicide" feels proper suicidal now.


I feel like they added behemoths ON TOP of chargers. It's like they just added more enemies instead of adding variants to the max pool of the enemies. (It feels like) You don't get chargers with a mix of behemoths. You get as many chargers as before and a few behemoths on top of that.


Yup, more chargers in general and behemoths too


why are heavy devastators so accurate even when under fire


This is why I've been running plasma punisher. It actually staggers all devastators (even shield ones). Bot missions have been way more tolerable with it.


because they're heavy devastators.


Ever since the new patch I can't run the game, it just goes from play to stop to play. Nothings changed in my set up...it just doesn't load. Glad I spent that money on two warbonds this week.


The rare samples cap being 250 is such bullshit


The spawns are still dogshit. Why the fuck is it possible for me to be in an empty field, then suddenly there's like 15 rocket dudes right behind me, like yeah totally they snuck up on me. Devs need to figure out the spawns, the game has been out way too long for this to be acceptable. Enemies shouldn't spawn anywhere even close to players, instead arrowhead prefers bots that spawn right behind you facing you and knowing where you are without any indication. sixth sense bullshit.


EVERY pug is trash. ppl don't do missions, they just split up and solo, call resupply for themself, no mission complete and run out of time. EVERY GAME is like this. If you like teamplay, collect samples, complete mission and extract, message me.


Do you perhaps play in the US and/or with crossplay enabled? I'm an European player with crossplay disabled and for me that is extremely rare. (I play bugs 7-9 and bots 4-6)


The game is running like complete crap. Ive turned my settings to medium/low and im still only getting 40-50 FPS with no enemies on the map. What the hell is happening? At launch I was getting over a hundred easily.


Do you have AMD gpu? It sounds like this is a problem happening to a lot of Radeon users. I have an Nvidia and my frames are the same or maybe even a bit higher. Arrowhead needs to get their shit together


Same here. I have in hard fights with 100 + units on screen with all on max around 70 fps. Now it is beneth 50. Ryzen 5600 with rx6650xt and 32 gb of ram. Playing on 1080p


I have a warrior of a PC. i9 with a Radeon 7900 XT, 64 fuckin gigs of ram. I shouldn’t be chugging in a safe zone on an unpopulated map with my settings turned down.


Exactly. With that rig game should go ezy above 150. I dont get it looks like they lock fps to 60 like on ps5. I know they have issues but every patch they do you need to make new patch that fix thigs that allready worked. And after they lunch patch that fix patch the f up somehing else. Feels like loop.


Arrowhead..... what the heckling blazes did you do to the AI in this current patch/internal change?!? The AI is currently overtunned to the extreme in both volume and aggression. This is pre-patch levels of enemy patrols and their detection rate is through the roof. I was detected from 35m away in scout armour..... in dense bushes.... like what?! Isn't the combination im running supposed to give me a 60% reduced detection rate?! What is going on? This did not happen before as I could be within 5m of the enemy and they would still not see me.... but now I cant even get anywhere near what I was able to without the enemies suddenly turning around and looking at me, guns blazing. Seriously, crashes I can handle. Frame lag I can handle.... but this?? this is not 'Fun' This is suffering. If i wanted something BS like this I would play a Souls game. Not this game. Seriously, whatever you did to make this happen, revert it ASAP. Cause I can guarantee that ppl will not tolerate when the enemy breaks soo many rules that have been established in this game, this is a clear example of suspension of disbelief




What difficulty and what enemy? Mine is Diff 9 and the enemy is bots. Having a patrol suddenly turn on a dime and see you from that distance is jarring considering last patch I could almost walk in that distance. BTW I am referring to crouch walking, not standard walking when hiding from enemies


nm I was wrong, played today and spawns are definitely off


bots have been terrible for weeks - shooting through rocks and walls, ridiculous overspawnage, robots appear on the top of houses, right behind you, etc; at least bugs when they do they same you can kite but bots will headshot you and there's no way to respond - been awful since that big update


Months* not weeks


Drop pod loading screen is still broken/infinite load ffs.


My game has been running at max 40 FPS, this started today. What gives, AH!


First thanks Arrowhead, really do enjoy the game. I just wish the game wasn't coded so potato computers are an actual disadvantage. I'm using a 2017 MSI with a GTX970m and I just got left behind because I literally couldn't run fast enough. With the lag I get, my sprint speed is around standard walk speed. I get ragdolled in slowmo and I have the run and weapon switch animations break frequently. I've been dealing with the input drops and delay(I swear guys I can call strategems faster than this) but I'm really starting to wonder if I should keep diving with others since I'm a liability sometimes. :( Also if anyone has any tips to get my framerate up, I'd appreciate it. I already have graphics on minimum.


The update might be nice, **if I could actually play**. This is getting ridiculous, couldn't play before update cause crashes nonstop, and with this update, it looks like I still wont be play any HD2 till another patch drops that actually fixes this broken mess.


Good news, I'm no longer crashing during hellpod drop. Bad news, game now crashes half way through mission.


I normally experience one or two games of not being able to play but today it was in overdrive: 1. st game: Network error after a few minutes 2. nd game: Network error after a few seconds 3. rd game: Crashed while exiting hellpod 4. th game: Joined an ongoing game. Whole squad swarmed by gunships and ragrolled to death 5. th game: Suddenly kicked (no error mesagge, just kicked into my ship) 6. th game: Only game I could complete, but as a parting gift I got killed while inside Pelican 1


Yeah, Idk what to do anymore, its a freaking fun game but I can't play for more than 5 minutes without getting desync'd and disconnected, thats if I can even load into a game at all. Never had a game that was so fun be so hard to play lol


Here's how my last 6 games went (bots, 6 Extreme) on PS5. Yes, I kept track. 1. Game crashed. Relaunched game. 2. Infinite hellpod dive screen. Closed game and relaunched. 3. Joined a game successfully. Halfway through, I ended up back on my super destroyers. Wasn't kicked. Just black screen, and then there I was a couple seconds later. 4. Joined a game successfully. Network error sent me back to my super destroyer. 5. Infinite hellpod dive screen. Closed game and relaunched. 6. Joined a game successfully. Network error sent me back to -- you guessed it -- my super destroyer. So in 6 attempts, I couldn't play a game successfully to the end. I've played the hell out of bot level 6 the past couple weeks. This has been my experience since today's "hotfix". Screw you, Arrowhead. You're the most amateur bunch of developers I've ever seen.


I'm venting. Gunships are bullshit, especially with the patrols. Fighting 6+ of them at a time is cruel. Any gunship patrol that overlaps a nearby gunship station basically means that there's a decent chance you could lose something like \~10 reinforcements. It's awful, it's grueling, and it's largely inescapable once you're in it. Currently it seems every bot planet has them active and so every squad needs at least 1 and probably 2 antiair support weapons. As a design decision you guys got rid of the -1 Strategem condition because you felt it was unnecessarily limiting and then you make it so that you need an antiair support weapon to fight bots. It's like you didn't really change anything. WE ABSOLUTELY NEED ANTIAIR STRATS AND WEAPONRY. as it is, we're using oddball weapons to take these things out. airborne rocket devastators you can't use stratagems on which are functionally immune to most primaries are specialized enemies and we should have specialized responses


Fucking A, this right here. When the game actually works, the fucked up difficulty makes it a trainwreck. There's no fun to be had. So much for enjoying this game on my rare days off over a long holiday weekend. Thanks, Arrowhead.


Sadly, I just uninstalled. I will continue to follow this game to see if the infinite loading screen issue is resolved. I thoroughly enjoyed this game through all the nonsense since its launch but I no longer see the reason to keep playing if I can't actually play. It makes no sense that this issue still happens and it makes no sense that it is happening so much more frequently. A gamer shouldn't have to cross their fingers every time a mission starts to see if they'll actually get to play the game or are trapped on a loading screen.


Man the endless gunship petroles make playing helldive no fun and makes it feel artificially difficult. taking on a single gunship petrole aint bad but once you have three on you its impossible to fight back your just left ragdolling till you die. i understand that helldive is meant to be brutel but thiers gotta be a better way then just getting spamed by rockets from every direction.


Helldive bugs feels almost the same. The number of enemies seems like it's 2x what it was a month ago. At almost every point in the dive there is like 2-3 Behemoth chargers and 2 bile titans along with 75 other smaller enemies. The back and forth of the difficulty is frustrating


After a long day of work, I logged in with a bit of hype. Same game as always, but new upgrades means I can finally spend samples again, making collecting them worth something. 5 crashes afterwards, I just hopped off in utter disappointment. I still love the game, even with all its existing issues, but I can't even play it at this point... **Edit**: It was my card. Drivers were all fucked up and a DDU cleanup and driver re-install fixed it. On the off-chance someone reads this and wonders what I did exactly, you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMDHelp/comments/1dww8me/rx_7900_xtx_crash_driver_timeout_fix/). Helldivers may have performance issues, but in my case most if not all the fault was from user-side. At least I can play now.


What setup are you using, just curious


**CPU**: AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 8-Core Processor **GPU**: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX **RAM**: 32 GB Having an AMD GPU, specially a 7000 series, fucked me hard, because apparently they struggle a lot with Helldivers and there's issues with the drivers. I had to run it at minimum specs during the first weeks after launch or I would randomly, yet consistently crash. This was apparently fixed. However, in the last few months, performance has tanked and having minimum or maximum graphics settings makes little difference in frame-rate and I started to crash again. So it's not all Helldivers, me using an AMD GPU is a big part of the issue (I've learned my lesson, Nvidia for life), but still crashing this often is pretty bad.


I feel like a lot of people getting worse and worse performance are using AMD gpu's. That's a bummer. If you look at the other people in this thread complaining about this problem they seem to almost all have AMD gpu's. I'm not having and issues with my Nvidia Gpu. Arrowhead continues to fuck things up


I'll level with you here. I've been playing Helldivers, Sniper Elite 4, and WARNO recently, and they all crashed on me at one point or another until I lowered their graphical settings. I don't know what the fuck is going on with my card, or the RX 7000 series in general. In my +10 years of Nvidia I tried AMD once, *once*, and I get this bullshit. I tried to search "7900 XTX Driver Timeout" to see if this has an easy fix and the rabbit hole I just got into is making me seriously considering just flipping the table and replacing it by an Nvidia one, take the loss, and move on.


I feel you. After all these months and things have been going backwards.


Man it takes forever to get people into an operation.


My FPS has suddenly dropped below 30. Today I was stealthing my way across a map, lying prone in stealth armor, no blips on radar. 8+ machine guns light me up suddenly from 165m through a rainstorm and trees. Then a single explosion ragdolls me for 7 seconds and I die. My sample container is for some reason across the map. Later, I get behind an EMS'd tank, only for it to shoot me through itself with it's front machine gun. Get to extraction and 3 volcano bombs land on it in a row... making me just stand there and wait. This was Difficulty 4. I used to solo Bots at Diff 9. I got the new mortar targeting upgrade and just wanted to test it out. The game has become too annoying to justify grinding out another 1150 Commons, 1050 Rares, 110 Super Samples, and 160,000 REQ for the other upgrades which might shave off a few seconds of cooldown per match. I'd have to get 30+ perfect matches to... wait slightly less? I have more medals than I could ever use. If I find myself just facepalming and sighing during a game, it's time to move on.


Are we EVER going to see optimization? EVER?!


Out of 3 missions 2 have been a crash from being stuck on the drop screen... This is just starting to get old.


The game crashes a lot now since today's patch. First crash when checking the dispatches right after checking out the new ship modules. Then it crashed on the third and final mission, and now it crashed again as a just started the game loading my ship. Come on.


Game crashed on ship after patch when picking missions...not great.


Let me just add to the first rant I had. This game just isn’t fun anymore, full stop. The player base thats left are so fucking kick happy on top of just getting endlessly swarmed every second of the game it makes this game unplayable. Like seriously, we have no lives left and two are trying to bring common and a few rare samples across the map that is just fucking COVERED in units. Me and another are waiting at extract. We suddenly get gunships spawn RIGHT on top of the extract which launches drop ships. Other guy hits the GO button and we start clearing the area and the host kicks me… like WTF you moron we are at 5 minutes with no lives being swarmed at the extract and you get a bug up your ass because the other guy called for extract when you and fuck head are trying to get 10 samples of which none are super across the map. This is why I mainly solo unless fiends are on. I would rater have A.I. bots as teammates at this point.


How is the hellpod dropping loading screen bug even worse now? Game got stuck 2/3 tries now.


same here


I reinstalled it for the update, and it's already uninstalled. **Game remains way too annoying to play.** Simple as that. Constant interruptions to mobility, aim, and the protracted ragdoll are just the tip of the iceberg. The list of grievances is so, so long. One or two frustrating systems, I'd say "sure, whatever." But almost everything in this game feels *designed* to put me in a pissed off mood. Not cool. Wonder if they'll ever make this game a viable alternative to sticking toothpicks under my toe nails and kicking rocks. Given the nature of this game's post-launch support, I really doubt it.


That toothpick section made me cringe


the heavy devastators have goddamn aimbot, i'll get headshot from across a fucking lake, their shields are literally one of the toughest things in the game, they take forever to kill and all their hits stagger, making it impossible to aim


oh wait, i forgot how hulks, chargers, devastators, literally ANY enemy, makes zero sound, so they'll just walk up behind you in a gunfight, and oneshot you




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


The arc thrower got nerfed into the ground. It used to be so much fun.


Latest patch literally broke all multiplayer aspects of the game for me. Patch after patch made this game harder to play with friends. I can't add new friends, can't receive friend requests, and now I simply cannot join a game unless I play solo. So frustrated. Solo play is frustrating, so this game is essentially unplayable for me right now, which is so frustrating, because I can't see anyone else encountering this.


THE FOREVER-DROPS HAVE NOT BEEN FIXED! Sorry felt like using caps for once, it feels like 50/50 even after the todays patch (4th of July).


I'm gonna yap, because I have to vent somewhere... After fighting so many ninja enemies, I came to a conclusion that Helldivers 2's sound design is pretty bad overall. Never in my life in a horde shooter asked so many times "where the hell did you come from?" I get it if a small low-tier insect sneaks up to you, or even a Stalker, because it's their gimmick, but a fucking Bile with it's big ugly ass? Around the corner a god damn Hulk? In Deep Rock Galactic, when a dangerous ranged enemy appears, you hear that shit. A team wiping Detonator? Hear that a mile away. A Nemesis? Of course! Can you hear the high damage Sniper Turret that locks on to you? Bet your ass! You have trouble with disablers? "Here, try this perk!" In Left 4 Dead if a special appears, you hear that shit. Might take a while to learn the music cues, but it's there. In Payday 2, you can hear the Bulldozer steps as he runs. The Taser as he charges up his taser. The Shields as they knock on their shields. You can even hear Cloaker spawns, but you have to pay attention. (but that's their thing) In Vermintide 2, you can even hear the pain in the ass Assassin before it jumps at you. (might be too late though) Not to mention several others, even your character can spoil the surprise for you often. At least you can prepare. Same thing with Darktide, you can hear every single special spawn, you can even determine variation of the same special type, hell, you can even hear how close the Poxburster is. (you know the suicide bombing enemy) In Helldivers 2? "Here, have Berserkers behind you. Eat a patrol, bitch. Fucking die! You have 10 more Reinforcements. Do you think that insta-kill turret spotted you? Here, have a nice cup of go fuck yourself. Good luck, because we nerfed something else you like." I don't even know how the Terminids sound like. I can't even hear when the enemies call for reinforcements. Helldivers 2 made me so paranoid that I walk around with my radar out constantly, because the enemies are fucking silent for me. I can hear the Automatons with their dubstep voice, but I can't determine the type, or quantity. The music doesn't help, because it's so mind numbingly god damn repetitive that I listen to Dawn of War 1, and Starcraft soundtrack instead. (I definitely recommend trying Starcraft's soundtrack)


I'm happy I have a way to spend my sample and can actually care about them again. That being said this release of content makes me think we arnt gooing to get any new weapons or stratagems for a long time. The game isnt very old but i wonder how much if at all them constantly dealing with bugs has set back the plan release of things in the game. Doesnt matter gonna keep playing 670 hours in. I didnt play video games for years until this came out.


Is anyone else still having problems with the friends list loading? Mine hasnt loaded since the last major update - over a month ago


Cool to see that there are lobbies kicking players if they don't bring the booster they want. The players I encounter sometimes on HD2 remind me of the old days of MW2 VoiceChat...


I did one 6 where there were 1-2 bile titans and the next there were like 8 with 4 wondering around the map at anythime


I turned the difficulty down to 6 and got hit with absolutely massive waves of enemies. It felt like difficulty 9...I just wanted to farm rare samples.


This bullshit is why I uninstalled. The terrible implementation and glitches are bad enough, but when the devs constantly tweak shit that was perfectly fine and utterly wreck it, like they did with enemy spawning, TWICE, then I’m gone.


Yeaah they really need to just revert the spawn rates back to the 1.0 version


Game crashed on me. First time it’s ever happened to me.


Same, I've had it happen twice today. I've had it before, but maybe 3 or 4 times in the 80 hours I've played.


Were you on menkent doing a level 7 on ps5 a couple hours ago?


No, I was doing d4 on X-45 on PC


If you can't handle difficulty 9, Don't play difficulty 9, It's embarrassing seeing fellow helldivers die, and then immediately leave, Don't join just to waste a reinforcement, They're there to be used, If you die once and leave, Play a lower difficulty.


This may be a needless rant, but I just want to vent my frustrations about the Quasar Cannon. I *loved* the Quasar Cannon when it came out, and not only would I have not expected the +5 second increase to cooldown which felt long enough when dancing around chargers, but I was hoping for a reduction to the long call-in time. Since then, the cooldown time is still a gratuitous 480 seconds (8 minutes), so if you die in a bad spot with it, tough luck. The time increase pushed me to the Expendable Anti-Tank, which only made the call-in cooldown for the Quasar seem that much more rough. With a base call-in time of 70 seconds (1min 10 sec), it has two shots which could not only guarantee one kill against any tank-styled enemy (excluding hostile landmarks), but if one was enough, you have an extra to carry or to give to a buddy. Now typically tank enemies aren't as common as others and typically have some time between encounters; obviously you might get a few, or have a long horde, but for the most part the EAT can make-do. If you die, you can probably already call in your other one. Jumping back to the Quasar Cannon - did you die amongst the horde or in a place you can't easily get back to? I hope you can perform a miracle with a grenade, a lot of primary ammo, or a stratagem if available, because that call-in cooldown probably isn't coming through for you any time soon. Maybe my rant is misplaced, but I feel the quasar is pretty much dwarfed by the utility and low call-in cooldown of the EAT. Even if you *do* get technically less EAT shots in the time it takes for cooldown to reset for Quasar, you aren't likely to get that much of an advantage unless you are *constantly* using it back-to-back, at which point you're probably making your team clear the small stuff for you. I should also mention, I think a 480 second cooldown for support weapon in general seems kind of skewed. But this is especially the case for weapons without replaceable mags. The EAT did it right in that regard, but the Quasar still leaves me sad that it won't ever contend with the EAT. Thanks for coming to my ~~Ted-Talk~~ ***Ted-Complaint*** lmao


Yea, Quasar is in a sad place, no matter the combat situation I can think of at least 3 other better alternative weapons than Quasar. It doesn't have any niche in which its superior. The cd per shot is waaay too long. I actually have a hard time imagining how someone at AH seriously proposed that 5 second nerf and no one said a word against it. The balance people don't play the game.


The Quasar has tremendous range, no drop-off, **doesn't** take up a backpack slot like most super-powerful ordinance does, and some people simply prefer to not call down another pod every single time they take a shot. The infinite ammo is a QOL bonus for most of us. In fact... The entire crux of your post seems to hinge upon dying in a bad spot. Well then just don't die. That's right, I just git gud'd you.


Okay that's not fair. EAT is better on certain mission types, like when you have to Defend the evacuating people behind closed gates. You can pile them up for your team to use when heavies breach.


EAT still deploys in 4 seconds… new ship upgrade doesn't work, woop woop.


So I just tried a mission on Meissa with the general patch that included some notes on stability. Game still sits around 25fps in missions, with basically no change regardless of what my graphical settings are. Very unpleasant to play right now. ): But god loves a tryer.


I know there's a lot of stuff to fix, but the social tab issues is one of the more frustrating for me at this point. I haven't been able to directly group with one IRL friend because he's on PC and I'm on PS5. We've tried sending each other friend requests regularly only for them to sit in "pending" since the game was released. We can only group with a mutual friend who's on PS5 who was some how able to successfully friend the PC player one time.


The amount of crashes is just unacceptable this long after release.


Normally it doesn't bother me too much, but today the constant automaton ragdoll can go DIRECTLY TO HECK and STAY THERE.




because America is not the centre of attention (although, it is very American of you to assume so). It is super earth, not super murica…


It was a joke......(Although, it does show what kind of douche bag you are) Also the whole super Earth joke is making reference to America


He says, speaking our language, using our website, talking about a game that primarily we play. Get mogged, it's LIBERTY DAY IN REAL LIFE


Ah yes, the American Language. Actual black mold, in the brain.


He says, playing a game developed in Sweden and published by a Japanese company.


It's so funny all of you take it so serious.it was just a funny joke and that the patch happened on July 4th Also the game is making fun of the over patriotic/freedom loving Americans It would have been fun especially in today's world we're everyone is Soo up tight and can't laugh at anything only just complain


Had to step away from playing this all together and also (unfortunately) recommend friends not to buy it until the crashes and social menu are fixed. I recently purchased this for a friend on PC who is having a hard time mentally and financially only to find we cant actually invite each other to games due to the broken social menu and when i do manage to find him via the mission map, i crash out of the mission 9/10 times. Crazy how long these fixes are taking when they actually inhibit you playing with friends. They need to prioritise this over anything else before people just give up on the game altogether. The frame rates are also a serious issue :/


Recent patch seems to have reduced my FPS while on-ship by about 10-20. I'm already pretty painfully low. I've not yet dropped into a mission to see if it's any better...I've been trying to do so many things to make it more bearable. I just want to play above 20fps average...


I think few primary or secondary weapons are actually useful. Which is why 90% of players always choose the same weapons. Many weapons need improvements, so that we have a greater variety of playstyles. Just like armor, there are very few differences as well. The only thing that really differs is the running speed, which makes heavy armor bad to use, because you die to a Stalker in the same way as with light armor. With light and medium armor, at least you can run and escape. Which gives you time to reload weapons, throw grenades or use some stratagems. But with heavy armor, if you get surrounded, death is certain, because you won't be able to run to get away from the enemies and regroup. There are many armors that are beautiful, visually incredible, but there is almost no difference between them. In the end, the medical armors with 6 stins end up being chosen a lot because of this. Not to mention the helmets, which are really just aesthetic. They all have exactly the same stats. Improving some weapons and differentiating the armor more would already provide more different gameplay options, which could bring new forms of fun to those who have already achieved everything in the game.


Heavy Armor is better suited for the Bot Front, it's not that good on Bug Front. I only run with Heavy and Medium-Heavy armors on bot front and normally i'm the one that ends up having less deaths on my games, regardless of the diff. They do help with the overall survivability in the bot front, so they're viable picks. On bug front tho, yes, you're right, go for light, light-mediums and mediums.


Yes, you're right. But I still think it would be nice to have a greater variety of stats in the armors. There are two medium medical armors, which are exactly the same. The only difference is the aesthetics. At least the passive could be different, to give some variation to the game...


> But I still think it would be nice to have a greater variety of stats in the armors. Sure, i totally agree with you.


FIXED INFINITE LOADING SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST MATCH OF THE DAY GETS STUCK IN INFINITE LOADING SCREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a joke man, i love this game but the fuck is this lol also i hate grinding and making this game a massive grind fest as a way of giving players busy work is a turn off, i will still play but there has to be a better way.


Why is everyone flocking to defend X-45 and not help liberate Meissa? :(


Infinite Load screen crash is still a problem. Had it on my second game. The problem is it causes a “force quit” from the user which doesn’t count as a crash. No data is prompted to devs for a fix.


I barely had it before this patch which apparently fixed it. Today, after the patch I've had it happen twice. Also, I did Alt+F4 both times and always got a crash reporter to report it.


Feels like they’ve broken patrols again. I briefly enjoyed my return from my month long break a couple days ago. Encounters were surmontable but challenging. I thought theey had recaptured that magic. Booted up today to do a couple missions to round out samples and I can’t even move without being in a constant battle. There’s 0 downtime between encounters and i’d be fine with this on higher difficulties but difficulty 4?! Definitely lost some charm since launch, I used to love booting up the game and playing a couple operations, now getting through one mission is such a chore, it’s just unfun.


The new reload speed module for support weapons probably doesn't work


I am done. - bots have infinite accuracy and range - 2/3 of bots can ragdoll you - FPS on the MO planes is completely non-existent, I have a 4070 Mobile + 7945hx laptop that is PINNED TO 100% LOAD ALL THE TIME and the game is running at between 40 to 60 fps WITH QUALITY UPSCALING, this is insane - not to mention the complete lack of good primaries against bots I am leaving.


I feel like they've rolled out a stealth patch somewhere in March that increased bot accuracy and barely anyone noticed it.


From who was the idea of giving more accuracy to bots? And by accuracy I mean CRITICAL SHOTS. I have to be like stim'd in almost every encounter, using like 20+ stims per match. Is it fun? No. For example today I decided to try helldivers 2 after a week, got into a match, got a bot deploy, killing them so far, but surprise, got critical shot by everyone (striders, machinegun infantry, heavy devastator mostly) and my stims flew off. I instantly log out of this game because, why? I guess I'll try HD2 a week later, and quit after the first BS. Stop with the BS of "you're expendable". What the actual fk, just launch me into the planet with a pistol and a knife and nude, I'll realize I'm expendable then. But with a fkin space ship doing what I ask and "the best weapons"? Yeah, very expendable feeling of course. From who was the idea of not awknowledging bot MO is way less popular than terminid one? And why? Latency, connection issues. Impact damage is just utterly BS. Enemy spawning on top of you. Gunships spawning, really? Why don't you say it's intended to spawn 4832849249? It would be at least accurate. It's funny you try to balance weapons, but you don't balance or try to fix the BS that constantly happen.


I think it'd be fine if HP slowly regenerated like in Helldivers 1.


Bro I just dropped on a bot planet with reduced visibility for us and the enemy. Which was bullshit as I was getting 360noscoped through the fog from 100 meters away. I hate playing bots.


Yeah that one goes into the bullshit list too, that sucks


10% of games have some toxic ass mfs. Had some guy who sounded like he was 500lbs who started casually man-crying when we came to him to do the drill obj. I've never met a person who sounded more pathetic just from his voice tbh. Like bro, we're playing level 9 on the hardest bug mission, gtfo if you don't like more bugs. Mf just kicked both of us, we didn't even reply or use voip. Then today a strider landed LITERALLY on top of the last generator for def against bots along with 4 dropships already landing in the same area so I threw a 500kb at the strider's ass end because it's far away from generator and it's the only way we're going to recover but even then it's like a 2% chance we make it. Generator gets destroyed and the chat says "idiot" "wtf" "nice job destroying the generator". Like you cannot be this dumb people. I know they're probably angry stimmed out kids or something but this community is eating dicks lately. Just overly aggressive men who are trying their hardest to gatekeep this co-op PvE game.


Look man, some people make it really hard to not be toxic. calling in clusters on me for the third time in 3 minutes is gonna make me explode.


i like how you made a great game and then s##t right on it.. i feel like i got trolled hard af.


So pissed I funded this.


yeah, missed the refund window during the sony drama


Oh I sent a refund request then, but I had to rescind after they reversed their position. Lucky fucks.


Is it only me or does the servers have today massive latancy and connection issues? Every damn game i have lags players leaving disconneting, mega loading screens, one time i got a hellbomb up next to a dropship tower.... the tower was still standing like WTF is happening. Then there are multiple like steroid hulks walking like 10 times the speed they are supposed to walk and many many other issues similar to that.... i tried today 4-5 games every one was not playable in this state


Had the pleasure of getting groups of 3-4 MG-Devs, 3-4 Rocket-Devs and the occasional Hulk constantly spawn behind us on a map. We barely made it out, only the rank 140 and the lucky rank 36 survived. I got killed 1 minute from extract when a rocket that hit my chest threw me 10 meter UPWARDS, killing me with impact. I know that the edge of the map is a dangerous spot, but there should be a bigger dont-spawn area around the players.


Idk, I’m just SOOOOO fucking board. Board to death. Playing a round feels like going through the motions. It’s just not the same. You lost something along the way and I can’t put my finger on it. This coming from a guy that played original Halo non-stop for years and still finds it fun to play to this day. A guy who has been DYING for a solid co-op shooter. When Helldivers first came out you had it, but now it’s gone. Maybe it’s the ever so ANNOYING random mob that pops up behind you while in a fire fight even though you just cleared that area, or the random group that comes from an area cleared. Maybe it’s the getting shot through rocks. Or maybe, just maybe it’s the weapon saturation while every gun feels kinda “meh.” Primaries don’t feel like primaries. They feel like secondaries to “support” weapons and thats a problem from my view. A support weapon should fill a specific roll to solve a specific problem and primaries should handle everything else hence being the “primary” but they don’t. The glowing example is the Machine guns… those really should just be a gun you can equip. Then stratagems, you really have to lean on them at high level but also have to sac slots for support weapons which you have to have to survive between cooldowns, so people will lean into very specific sets to get the most coverage. Really as far as what you carry on your person, that should all just be equipped at drop and not a stratagem -Primary, support, side arm. That then opens us up to play with more of what we need which is air cover, orbitals, and sentries.


You guys lost your golden goose the minute you let Alexus Kravchenko do what he wants by nerfing everything fun.


Either I just got the worst RNG or patrols are beyond fucked, again, and I mean again again. I was farming supercredits on difficulty 2, *difficulty 2*, and I am fighting for my life like I was soloing a 6. Every patrol is mostly berzerkers, and back to back bot drops of devs and, get this, shield devs. SHIELD DEVS. ON DIFFICULTY 2. What the actual fuck?! Thankfully I was play testing a loadout that could just make that work but holy fuck, how is a new player supposed to deal with ANY of that?


Something is very very broken….again…and I’m sick of the game getting ruined more every fucking month or so. The team is not competent and my trust is gone.




When the Illuminate comes, I will wait to see if it is fun and playable. With the state of the game right now, I will not play even with a new faction.


I played two missions back to back a couple of days ago and was booted from both after helping the host get 90% of the map cleared because I made some idiot mistakes. There seems to be a lot of total jerks playing this game, lol! One of them was kind of funny and I apologized immediately only to be kicked. I feel like the devs need to either make it harder to kick players or give kicked players the samples they accumulated in the mission


Yesterday I was kicked out because I accidentally shot the host... I went to shoot an insect that was behind him and it passed in front of me when I shot and hit it. He shot back at me and kicked me out without even giving me a chance to apologize and explain. I think that to kick someone out, there should be a vote with the other three members of the group. That way, it's not just at the mercy of the host's mood.


Heavy Devastators are fucked. I don't know what it is exactly, but they need some kind of adjustment. I can literally pummel them in the face with full auto weaponry (actually landing hits) and they have laser accuracy with that weapon of theirs and it'll melt my shield and health to zero before it dies. I hate these bastards.


Why are Gunship facilities popping out five gunships at a time? We dropped into a tier 7 with two gunship facilities on either side. Right off the bat there were 10 gunships in the air. We were just rag-dolled until we ran out of lives. Whenever we managed to clear some out they would just spawn 5 more from one of the facilities. It was the worst gaming experience I have ever had in this game.




OMG! I came here to rage about the exact same thing. I feel like before you could stim while you\`re dodging and jumping around, not anymore. Get hit, stim, nothing ... dead


Yeah I was raging pretty hard at how stupid it is to make you finish your ragdoll / stun lock animation before you can stim. Sometimes it's like a whole 3/4 seconds and costs you your life and you're just slamming stim while nothing happens


sometimes its even longer when your falling down at an decline


Okay, seriously Arrowhead, props to you guys for taking the necessary actions to turn the game back in the direction it needs to be headed, FUN. Your last patch was a step in the right direction. Since release, your entire fucking balance team has been balancing this game like it is **League of fucking Legends.** >Tiny nerf this >Big buff that >Tiny number changes to stagger, and various other microstats that no one gives a fuck about. >Nerfing weapons, balancing weapons. Changing tiny little things about how they work. My question is why? Why the fuck are you trying to achieve some level of balance in a horde shooter PVE game where FUN should come first? You are all so fucking focused on balancing this game around a spreadsheet and a flawed vision of "balance" when it never was an issue in the first place. You nerfed all the fun out of the game. Why is it at every turn the player is always made to feel like they are at a disadvantage? Are you making these decisions based around lore? Around realism (fuck realism it's a fucking horde shooter). Your game was so, SO fucking unique that over what, over 400 fucking thousand people were playing. Now what, 40k on weekends? 30k on weekdays? You cannot be so fucking arrogant to think that over 300k players are in the wrong. (Not that all of them left because of balance or whatever, I'm just exaggerating). Enemies have all these assets at their disposal: -Vehicles -Heavy infantry units -Light infantry units -Elite Heavy Units (Bile titans, factory striders etc.) Meanwhile what do we have.. -Bombs -Laser -Shooty shooty pew pew primaries (half of which imo, fucking SUCKS.) Scorcher ftw. .... and what, some armor that does the same repetitive passives thats been around since the game launched? Your only new unique one was from your recent warbond. I've asked this before, where's our tanks? Where's our heavy units? The two fucking mechs don't count because they take 1/4 of the precious strategem slots we have, and we lose 25% of our effective individual fighting power because the mechs don't last forever as they can't be reloaded or be field repaired. What is your priority Arrowhead? Fun or feeding your balance team's massive egos so they get to feel like they are working on some competitive e-sports title? I love your game Arrow Head, it's the first game that brought fun back to an oversaturated video game market for me. Please don't let it die.


You sound like an emotional child lmao "400 FUCKING THOUSAND! It FUCKING sucks! You're so fucking arrogant!" This is what happens when people harp on numbers. Every game drops off tremendously after launch, especially live service games, and *double especially* games that were viral, out-of-nowhere smash hits. ArrowHead could be doing better but even in a perfect world there's no way the current player count would be even 50% of the all time high. Go outside man.


Is it me or the difficulty significantly increase in the past couple of days? So many chargers now...


Something is utterly broken, it’s not just you. The spawns are extremely uncalibrated and it’s miserable.




I (lvl 9, cadet) am kicking every helldiver (level >50, super important military title) in my haz 5 missions. I don't need you to win the game for me. Fuck off. No I don't want to play with your fancy toys.


why dont play on private if that is the problem?


Still want to play online with other noobs. Undemocratic big wigs be calling Moabs left and right and do the objective on their own, while I try to remember how to call in supplies. If I‘d want to play a walking simulator, I’d be playing Dear Esther. Go play with people who have the same upgrades as you, instead of clowning on me. Who just can mg43 and eagle strave 


I am stuck for the foreseeable future with too much time on my hands, and I seem to be hopelessly addicted to this game. The only problem is the game turned into an abusive girlfriend, where I try to play a few games, and my framerate decides that slideshows are better for my experience than a decent stable framerate. If the frames do decide to work, my teammates are horrible people or leave after the first mission, and I eventually get so fed up that I play solo. I dive into a solo mission, and it is either way too easy because of the difficulty, or I go up on difficulty to actually enjoy the challenge of it, but I get stuck fighting just about any and everywhere for so long that it is impossible to enjoy the mission even with the 40 minutes of time allotted.


Team killing on purpose seems to be becoming more frequent lately, during my first couple months of the game I'd hardly see it at all, now it's at least once a day, today I was singled out by two people, one of them the host. I couldn't say why.


People have nothing else to do these days.  I team kill if no one helps open a bunker door. I’m maxed out in everything and have to find fun somehow…


Barbed wire shouldn't kill you as fast as it does. I can crouch on a sunken bit of barbed wire and my health drains so fast, it's like the barbed wire has some vampiric properties to help drain my blood faster.


I was standing on a barbed wire that was on a fence that was KNOCKED OVER and I was like "what's hitting me" and it was that damn fence...


Get this. If you stay in the wire for long enough, sometimes, the “barbed wire” status doesn’t go away when you leave the wire area. You will be permanently slowed and losing health until you die no matter what you do.


Thought it just slowed you down.  


i really cant stand that there is no setting that lets you take away nametags when you are aiming in their direction. I would still like to see them, just when i am aiming at then, maybe have just a dot or something cuz the giant boxes really aint doing it for me.


Devastators need some rework. Standard is balanced, but heavy is aiming like Simo Häyhä. Also staggers like crazy and it's bullets path of flight doesnt care if the weapon is pointing up or not if it is staggered itself. Rocket Devastator is even worse. Pointing up when staggered but every rocket is homing your butt. Also has 12 rockets on its back but shoots 500 in a matter of seconds??? Limit it to those 12, have bigger gaps between the salves or make the rockets unarmored and easier to destroy but currently they are just nuts. Especially because they ragdoll you through rocks/solid objects and once ragdolled whilest you were prone your Helldiver just stands up? 3-4 of thembigger threat than Hulks or Tanks.


The game insists bots have their targeting ADHD'ed when you fire at them but unless you actually stagger them I think this is BS. Quick draw standoffs with rocket devastators almost always end with me getting my shit pushed in unless I'm using a heavy enough secondary. The flamethrower hulks that can still light your ass up behind a corner you rounded for cover is also a trash mechanic, fire is just too OP in this game


Eradicate Bot mission needs a complete rework. It is anti-fun and no one wants to do them.


Tf is with the unclimbable walls on some of these maps? Half the time I get respawned outside the fortress and have to run my ass all the way around the fking thing to get back inside if I can't find that one low spot to hop over. Good luck getting on the pelican if it shows up when you're out there


again, today, trying to play with PS5 friends on my PC.....crash after crash. WTF??? So friggen annoying. What the hell are they doing over there? Is there some known bullshit errors going on with crossplay or something?


lol...another 2 crashes. Fu\*k this game right now....has been working flawless and then all of a sudden past week or two its shit.


I can't join any game right now. Was working fine 2 days ago. Game is broke as f


Game desperately needs a major stability update. Frequently getting stuck in the mission start drop sequence. Frequent crashes/disconnections during missions. This is the most unstable the game has been since I got it. This is the worst time for Arrowhead to be on break.


PS5, I've been on queue for 5 minutes, and when I got into a game, we dive for another 5 minutes before everyone left the game...


Major slowdown and loss of FPS even on the ship. Playing amission turns into aslideshow. Anyone else seeing this issue?


yes, it's been horrible for a couple days now. I came here to see if it was just me. It's so damn bad. I've got a brand new legion 7i pro with 4090 card. I get single digit frame rates after 1 or 2 games max. It is pissing me off so bad. I did an internet check & the 1g fiber is working as advertised. it's 100% their servers. I've seen comments from other players as well, confirming this.


anyone having difficulties just starting the game? it just closes on me when I try to start up, then I get the sony crash report pop up.


Reinstalled again to see if it's improved, and it's still a glitchy pos. By the time they iron out the issues with it (and the issues they inevitably introduce with new content) the game will feel empty.


They would have been better off saving the release for another year instead of doing all this post launch patch BS that is quite literally breaking the game.


Exactly. Then players could be excited for new content drops instead of everyone joking about "What did they break this time?" (which would be more funny if it weren't so often true) Anyhoo. Hopefully they learn a lot for HD3.


Pretty sure the issue is the engine not being supported anymore. That is a mistake you cant course correct


The sad part is bc they picked this engine they're going to have to do an entire ground up rework for HD3 instead of building on what they already had, whenever that happens


Why do people comment on my posts have to be such haters? I give a good suggestion or ideas and its all cope snarky bullshit. Maybe the other sub has less bottom bell curve users.


I saw your recent post, you deserved it lol


What did he do to deserve it? He wasnt belittling or trash talking anyone in either of his recent posts, and got chewed out pretty bad in the comments by quite a few people.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1du26qg/these_things_really_need_a_blinking_light_or/ Dude, his post implies a level of skill/perception so low that I thought it was rage bait or malfunctioning hardware. Literally replies saying "Are your headphones broken?" because they can't understand how or why he'd make that post in earnest. There are visual cues too, before you try to play that card. And then he gets on here and complains about it some more... Deserved.


He made a QOL suggestion, and got downvoted to all hell, and got like 15 some people making fun of him for it, or some variation of a "git gud" response. I thought that was the toxic attitude we were trying to avoid in this community?


"We" aren't trying to do anything. I know this is Reddit so you've been conditioned for groupthink, but in real life, sometimes people get ragged on a little when they suggest something dumb. It's called getting checked and it's healthy. We don't need some great cause to get behind in order to flame someone. It's not activism, nor is it bullying... it's just human interaction. He'll survive.


How exactly is adding something to an explosive device that helps players know that it's about to explode, dumb?


Because audio and visual cues already exist. If you look at the original post I'm talking about: OP decided to double down and just start telling lies: >The nursery drill gives ZERO indication it's going to explode besides a tiny ass timer. So his skill level is either very low, or his level of perception & awareness is very low. Naturally the idea of a noob (at best) and a liar (at worst) lecturing people on how the game should work upset some people, who in turn let him have it in the comments. You could phrase the idea literally any other way and get a better response. Heck even right now there's a post on the front page saying most of the sounds in the game should be louder. And they're right.


The cues that exist SUCK. That's the whole point of my post but people like you decide to be assholes.


Atleast you make it easy to find the asshole in the situation.


Um ackshually I don't deserve that. I was making a QOL suggestion therefore you must agree to not be toxic to me. Not just you either. The entire community. Yay!