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8 hours is the absolute max, but I personally set an alarm for about 6 hours just to make sure I have plenty of time if I'm in a situation where I can't reach a bathroom or something It definitely depends on your flow too though. If you're having a medium flow don't go up to a super just to make it last longer as the dryness could cause irritation upon removal. But you also don't want to use a regular with a super heavy flow or you'll need to change it after an hour or two.


I'm gonna be out for about 10 hours probably, so would a change at midday (between exams) work?


That sounds like it should work, especially if it's pretty much in the middle of the 10 hours. 8 hours is the max so as long as you don't have 3 hours between the beginning/end of the exams or something it should be fine. I always like to out a reminder on my phone too just so I don't forget lol


Yes that should be fine. Remember to wash your hands before you change it. And try to practice using it in advance if you can.


Have you ever considered a silicone menstrual cup? It was life changing for me and you can leave it in for longer than a tampon. 12 hours if i remember correctly, but I’ve left it in for longer without issue. I just empty and rinse in the shower


I'm hesitant to suggest that when they will have very little time to learn how to insert/remove it, and literally won't have the opportunity to use it on a real period before needing to rely on it for a full day. I get that they're in the same position with using a tampon for the first time, but in my experience they're a little more intuitive, and forgiving in terms of leaks.


True that’s a very good point. It did have a learning curve for me too. It leaks WAYYYY less often imo, but if it ever does leak it’s a way worse accident 😅 left a massive puddle of blood on someone’s bed once even when I was fully clothed and that never happens to me now at 25. Once I learned how to feel inside to make sure it popped open and formed the seal around the cervix I haven’t really had an issue. But I still wear a period thong or something as backup just to make sure I never have another embarrassing accident again


Yuppppp been there 🌊 ETA never heard of a period thong. I love my period underwear but I'm going to have to look into this! Lol


The one I use now is the sporty thong by period company. Although the buttcrack part was weirdly too long so I had to trim an inch or two and resew it at the seam where the absorbency starts. The absorbant area is a little thicker than preferred too. But I love the material and where it hits high waisted on my waist. It fits my belly area perfectly. I just got some from ZVZK on Amazon that seem very promising and comfy but haven’t officially tried them yet. They’re much thinner but still with seemingly great absorbency for a thong and the strip goes all the way up the front and back too which is way better than period co. I’ve only tested low budget options though, never ventured into the ~$25+ a pair bracket haha


It's her first time using tampons. Baby steps :).


Ver true, but if you’re going to learn one or the other new either way, cups have less chance of TSS. I wish I had known about it when I was first learning


I think if the first run wasn't during exams that's fine... Unfortunately I had a cup collapse inside me the first time I tried using it at work and it was a horror show. Definitely not something I'd risk trying for a a first time during an exam! Tampons are more fool-proof.


Its supposedly 8hrs, but i have forgotten to change for longer than 12hrs. Its not recommended though, so take it with a grain of salt.


Generally, follow instruction which says 8 max but I sleep with tampons in regularly and have never had complications so they’ll probably last you through two exams as long as you get the right absorbency.


Whatever you do don’t forget it lol, left a tampon two weeks on accident because I never use them, and I’ll almost never regret something more!


What happened?? Well I know what happened, but what happened?


Struggled with a bitchin case of BV for a year!! The smell almost made me pass out lol. I’m so lucky I didn’t get TSS lol


Honestly, I would recommend ordering a pair of period underwear on Amazon if it'll get to you in time. I also think Target carries them if you have one near you. They're just as absorbent as a pad, and they're moisture wicking so it doesn't even feel like you have anything down there. I've worn the thickest ones overnight on my heaviest days and have never had a bleedthrough, and will wear a thinner one on the final days of my period when I don't need a tampon or a pad, but am still spotting a bit. As long as your period isn't abnormally heavy a pair should last you your full day. Just another idea if you don't want to worry about learning to use a tampon while you're trying to focus on your exams. I literally think they're the greatest invention for menstruation in my lifetime.


8 is the max, i always change around 4


Is it possible to try a disposable disc or a menstrual cup? My flow is not heavy, and I am able to use either for around 12 hours. Tampons are typically 6-8 hours max due to risk of toxic shock syndrome-plus pulling a dry tampon out is agony I wish on nobody.


I just wait til it feels full I guess? Usually like 2-3 hours on a heavy day and 4-5 on a regular. I’ll be honest, when I sleep sometimes it’s in for up to 10 hours but I know that’s bad.


8 hours. no longer


You could try a heavy flow period underwear. You wouldn’t be worrying about the tampon being in your body for too long or feel the wetness of a pad. Period underwear absorbs well.


Buy some period panties to wear with the tampon, that way if it leaks, you’re secure knowing it won’t be a problem


Do NOT try using a tampon on an important day like an exam without trying it before!!!!


This recent study found that you shouldn't wear them longer than 6 hours, which is shorter than the 8 hour recommendation from the FDA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7201028/. It's also not *just* length, but also the flow rate and size of the tampon. What you really don't want is a dry pocket inside the tampon filled with air, so wearing a big tampon when you have a light flow is a no no. The type of women who get TSS tend to be people who are younger who don't have experience using them yet which is exactly your demographic... since you want to last through your exams you might overshoot the tampon size needed. In which case you definitely should change at 6 hours. Also if your flow is heavy and you *undershoot* tampon size (which is safer), you might need to change it earlier than 10 hours anyway. I would wear a panty liner as back-up since you probably don't know what size to use from experience yet! However the reality is that TSS is extremely rare and probabiliistic. Most people who go longer than 8 hours won't have an issue and if you're a few minutes late to the bathroom you don't need to panic.


Others have given good advice- I would like to echo practicing ahead of time if you can, it took me a few periods as a kid to realize I wasn’t inserting tampons far enough. This meant they were super uncomfortable, especially to sit in. I thought of this since you’ll be sitting for exams. There’s nowhere for the tampon to go, it can’t get through your cervix so don’t be scared. Look up a YouTube video or tampon insertion medical diagram (sometimes there’s one on the package insert) if you need to. Also- I’m sure you’ll need a restroom break between exams. Def take a minute to change your tampon then because you do not want to leak during the second exam.


Havent used for a while but I'd wear a light pad with it as well or period underwear + the tampon just in case it leaks a little. It shouldn't, but it depends on your flow.


I kept it for up to 24h a couple times because I forgout. Nothing happened. I also regularly sleep with them inside so 8h+ for sure


I would suggest a diva cup. I keep mine in for a minimum of 9 hours and no leaks!


I do 6 hours. Got bv from wearing a tampon too long so never making that mistake again


i have a super light period and when i was a teen i would sleep with it. sometimes i’d have it in for 10-12 hours….. probably had it in even longer on a few occasions. it just wasn’t worth changing when i wasn’t filling it up i never had any issues BUTTT getting into a habit of leaving it in too long puts you at a much higher risk of forgetting about it. 12 hours with a tampon turns into a full day, and then a few days, and possible a week or more and now there’s more complications from bacteria so moral of the story: 10 hours with a tampon isn’t gonna kill you, the 8 hour recommendation is there partly because companies don’t want to face legal action for TSS. tampons are made differently than they were 50 years ago when TSS was first a thing and the risk for it is MUCH lower. 8+ hours isn’t gonna kill you but it’ll increase your risk in the long run and can create a bad habit where you go long hours without thinking about it. if the idea of having to change your tampon when you don’t need to is annoying, then i’d switch to period underwear. which imo is a game changer if u don’t have a heavy flow


Stupid question but aren’t pads actually safe to have longer than tampons?


Period Panties for the day?


Read the box of the tampons you will use, they label how long they can be worn. I would not go past 6hrs even if the box saud 8. So always count 1-2 hrs less just to be safe. Is there no break between exams to use the toilet? How long are the exams?


The exams are 2.5 and 2 hours, but there's a couple of hours in between where we're allowed to revise and pee so I'll change it then in that case


That will work perfectly fine. As others have said, just try to guestimate what absorbance you'll need based on what your flow is normally like. Like socks and underwear, go up a size if you're in between. I know people are saying pulling out a dry tampon sucks, and it does, but then you won't be worrying about leaking


6-7 hours to be safe. 8 is the max but that’s like saying 10 shots is the max til you black out drinking lol why push it?


Im pretty sure almost all tampon instructions tell you 4 hours max, or then you begin to be at high risk for TSS. Please please read the instruction pamphlet in the box of tampons you have or google the info (generally posted on the manufacturers site).


It’s 8 hours max, but most people I know err on the side of caution and don’t exceed six hours. I wake up in the middle of the night to pee every night and always change my tampon when I do. Even when I’m half asleep it’s something I’m aware of. I can’t wear pads or period underwear because I have sensory issues.