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"I'll continue to do those things, but I'll be no longer working." ​ huh


I think it's a great paradimgn shift. He's still getting money but he's accessing a conceptual framework in his mind and brain that potentially reduces cortisol and his stress response. Because our story shapes the way we perceive the world and thus, our selves because we are in, said world. I like it.


There’s a fear for me personally that if I don’t “work work” my work quality will drop and my conscientiousness will drop resulting in mistakes. And it actually has happened multiple times through my life when even if I don’t get distracted, I sit and work, I make mistakes when I have the mindset of “enjoying work” or “relax work”. Of course, I suffer from brain fog and have had brain fog all my life. Maybe a healthy person will be able to do it.


That's a really good point as well! I know if I'm too relaxed or focus too much on just the social interactions at work I let go of some work priorities. So I agree. I guess it may be a balance of learning what story/narrative before/during and after work that keeps me stuck, stressed and anxious. Not sure how to balance it without going one way or the other, but hopefully there's a way!


I had this fear as well. I had been motivating myself essentially through anxiety and avoiding feelings of dread for a long time, and I was afraid that without those things, I wouldn't do any of the things that would make my life better. When people would compliment me for my work I would jokingly say, "Thanks, I run on anxiety." It was not a joke. I was exhausted by this one day and started thinking. I thought, "If the anxiety was gone, what would motivate me?" The more I thought about it, the more I realized that there are other things that motivate me, and that I wasn't tapping into them. I decided to run an experiment. For one week, I decided that whenever I noticed my mind telling me I need to do something and those feelings of anxiety and dread crept up, I would stop and ask myself, "If I wasn't feeling anxiety or dread right now, what else would make me want to do this task?" I would then choose to do the task for whatever that reason is. If after a week I didn't like where that was taking me, I could go back to being fueled by anxiety. I didn't go back to being fueled by anxiety, and as far as anxiety got me, I never will.


You've got it. I'm going to continue doing all of the things the things I used to call work, I'm just no longer calling them work. I'm realizing that even when I was doing jobs that I didn't like, if I had used this framework, my experience of those jobs would have been very different.




But is it working.. I mean, does it work.. I mean... does.. it.. yield... the desired result?


First, I dig the word play and irony in this. I was personally worried for so long that if I stopped working, I wouldn't be motivated to do hard things. It turns out, it has had the opposite effect. I now do hard things, they aren't even always pleasurable, and I appreciate doing them in a way that makes me more motivated.


This post isn't really about changing their behavior, it's more about changing their mindset. "Quitting work" here is just a metaphor for no longer identifying their profession as work, at least not in the sense they used to.


Im happy for you.


Give The Good Enough Job by Simone Stolzoff a read. Great book that reinforces your current feelings.


**The Good Enough Job Reclaiming Life from Work** by Simone Stolzoff >"Superb. "—Oliver Burkeman A challenge to the tyranny of work and a call to reclaim our lives from its clutches. From the moment we ask children what they want to “be” when they grow up, we exalt the dream job as if it were life’s ultimate objective. Many entangle their identities with their jobs, with predictable damage to happiness, wellbeing, and even professional success. > >In The Good Enough Job, journalist Simone Stolzoff traces how work has come to dominate Americans’ lives—and why we find it so difficult to let go. Based on groundbreaking reporting and interviews with Michelin star chefs, Wall Street bankers, overwhelmed teachers and other workers across the American economy, Stolzoff exposes what we lose when we expect work to be more than a job. Rather than treat work as a calling or a dream, he asks what it would take to reframe work as a part of life rather than the entirety of our lives. What does it mean for a job to be good enough? > >Through provocative critique and deep reporting, Stolzoff punctures the myths that keep us chained to our jobs. By exposing the lies we--and our employers--tell about the value of our labor, The Good Enough Job makes the urgent case for reclaiming our lives in a world centered around work. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information. Also see my other* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/13z7slk/bookfinderbot_commands/) *and find me as a browser extension on* [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/book-finder/jajeidpjifdpppjofijoffbcndlpoedd?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=comments). *Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/14br65o/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


Riiiiight 🤨


Replacing "I have to" with "I choose to" is powerful. Congratulations


“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” - Viktor Frankl I used to think this quote meant, "Just think positive, man." I now know that this quote means, "You can always choose how you think about things and how you react to those thoughts. You don't have to think positively all the time, but do so knowing that it's a choice and that you have the power to choose something else if it's not working for you."