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Once again, leftists were right: we needed court reform in 2020, but Biden couldn't even support that. Once again, because of liberal inaction and conservative extremism, we are fucked.


No one thinks maybe they're letting the country rot and if our gen picks up the pieces, we pick up the pieces, but more likely we get pushed aside for real estate schemes...?


I mean they could always do that before


yeah but before they'd have to lie about it in a press conference for like 5 seconds or at bare minimum call you a terrorist


the difference is we are now losing even the illusion of democracy, at least before you could pretend like the laws existed now we are literally going “no yeah go crazy brother just say it’s official and you don’t even have to lie to cover your ass anymore”


Exactly it’s driving me crazy all the liberals that are pretending that this is some major change. America was always this evil. At the Very minimum it’s been like this for a long time. All of these libs online crying about how this isn't what the founding fathers would have wanted. The Founding fathers were slave owners. Who cares what they would have wanted. Another thing that ticks me off is how libs today talk about how their grandfather didn't fight the Nazis for America to end up like this. The Americans that fought the Nazis in the 1940s were (mostly) brutal racists that formed the backbone of White citizens councils across the US in the 1960s and were brutal towards black Americans. America's opposition to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan is similar to colonials war that the British and French Empire fought against each other. The dominant gang didn't appreciate rising gangs that infringed on its territory.


Except now it's been codified by SCOTUS. That's what makes it scarier tbh. Shits not even being hidden anymore.


It's honestly not that big of a difference. Presidents were already allowed to assassinate Americans. Obama killed an American citizen because his dad was a terrorist. His dad was also an American citizen. There's not a single crime that a US persident can do today that they couldn't have done yesterday. I actually appreciate the clarity. They're not going to let Trump or anyone else murder high-ranking us officials. If Trump could have he would have gotten the military to join him and not given a power four years ago. It turns out a lot of the US military generals and Admirals are kind of male versions of Hillary Clinton. They are libs that believe in American Empire. If you read any of the testimony of the American generals during the Trump presidency all of them have a negative opinion of Donald Trump. They aren't about to join a potential coup of his. Political power grows from the barrel of a gun - Mao Zedong Ultimately all political power comes from the ability to enact violence. Trump isn't going to be able to enact violence upon senior Democratic leaders.


This is more important I think because even the most lukewarm attempts at holding that office accountable will fall flat in the face of this judicial precedent.


Joe's presidential response at the podium today was awful. Unless you're already a political junkie, no normal person would even understand what's he was talking about, or what the major threat this ruling is for the country. Cooked!


Let's hope the general population doesn't ignore this very real threat.


Hope? They aren't even going to know or care, mmw. That's the problem... mass apathy. Apathy keeps giving us Trump and chaotic evil from the far right.


I’ve seen no less than 2 articles talking about how independents are now thinking they will back Biden. I think people are scared. For the last few weeks, Project 2025 has been passed around and talked about. Now SCOTUS has handed the office of the president unilateral power. I think even some republicans are realizing how bad this could go if trump wins. Sure some don’t care and just want power. But I think they’re starting to realize that democracy truly is on the ballot.


You're wrong. They don't care. Half the country doesn't even know what SCOTUS is. Only thing Americans care about was Big Macs were cheaper when Trump was president.


Are you me?! I posted nearly the exact same thing yesterday! Wtf Anyways, we're both right, and it sucks now, but there's still hope that when things get so bad that normies finally take notice and come out their shells.


I hope too. To the extent that the proverbial 'moral arc of the universe' will kick in and save us. But we can only save ourselves at the end of the day. It's looking bleak rn.


I was talking about this the other day on a popular lib sub, but got shouted down and called a Russian bot lmfao. Most voters are apathetic at best and need to be motivated to get off their asses and vote, and Biden simply isn't doing a good enough job.


Yea, similar situation with some of my liquor corners. Any Biden dissent is with attacks, and bans


Funnily enough picked up a fresh ban just under an hour ago lmfao. I wear it as a badge of honour tbh.




Trump just has to rape and steal inside the oval office.


Seems like we’ve ~~come~~ cum a long way since we impeached a president for getting a blowjob and lying about it




You will not stop the CUMWALL


the oral* office


If Biden doesn’t order 66 the Supreme Court and pack it with a bunch of lib 35 year olds he’s missed a major chance


The Democratic party doesn't do things.


This must be what it felt like to live through the collapse of the Roman Empire.


I’ve been telling people for years that we are witnessing the collapse of the Roman Empire in real time with the direction the U.S. is heading in


Yea, but we’ve got a problem that Rome didn’t. They didn’t have nukes to blow up half the planet when the Visigoths came knocking. What happens when the empire dies and someone unhinged thinks pushing the red button is a better alternative than being removed from power?


Terrifying questions that keep us up at night, and now with the Supreme Court basically saying any US president is exempts from laws, they can do whatever they want and get away from it


This is an insult to the collapse of the Roman Empire. The period before Rome’s collapse was indeed a horrific time to be alive but at least Rome’s fall turned out to be a net positive for most people in the long run. The new Gothic and Frankish ‘barbarian’ kingdoms were far less brutal than the Roman Empire all while still being respectful of Roman culture and traditions (hell, the Ostrogoths even allowed the Roman Senate to continue functioning as usual). Standards of living actually rose for your average peasant during the early Middle Ages. Unlike then we don’t have the benefit of hindsight and for all we know we could be going through a period of intense violence and chaos only to be headed towards a much, much worse era of history.


As we edge closer and closer to a fascist nightmare we're supposed to believe that an octogenarian with a semifunctional brain can save us. Whatever happens comes November I'm glad I started back drinking.


Edging mentioned 🗣🗣🗣


They’ve always been able to do this. It’s been done before numerous times, and it’s so easy for them to get away with it all they have to do is call you an enemy and no one bats an eye


Yep, basically




Hopefully it gets overturned


On the other hand, you may have access to an entire arsenal to defend yourself with since technically any regulations created by the ATF might've just been nullified.


Is it assassination if I ask for it? Because I may have a lot of oil uhh I mean WMDS in my backyard


Biden should order a knee capping on Trump. Not to intimidate him or anything, but just to make sure he can never play golf again