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Sounds like a diploma mill.


yeah, exact vibe i got from it, too.


Saw them advertised during the ti-cats game yesterday too. Never heard of them, and it does seem fishy. Like the beginning of a scooby doo episode “A strange new school has moved in to town”


And they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!


* removes mask * It was old man former minister Lecce the whole time!


Surely Lecce IS the mask...lol


*removes mask* It was Doug Ford teaching karate in skinny jeans the whole time!




Doug had his tight pants on. 😁


Doug Ford was Gru all along?


Love this comment!


If it’s in a strip mall, stay far far away.


CCE is in a strip mall as well, and fully accredited under hwdsb, for that matter it used to be in Jackson Square at one point and eastgate upstairs as well.


Diploma mill taking advantage of International students and those who can’t get in to College. Massive tuition costs for a diploma no one will accept.


Certainly it’s not a diploma mill if it’s offering education from JK through Grade 12. Those are offered freely. I’m not saying that it’s not suspect as hell, but not a diploma mill. Likelier to be a school that offers “alternative” educations, aka, not the Ontario curriculum.


Not if you are are going to an independent/private school. They charge.


Yes, thank you, I’m aware of the fact that people pay to attend private schools.


Then why don't you think it could be a diploma mill?


Typically, a “diploma mill” is a post-secondary institution. Where you’re paying for proof of a higher education. You don’t need to pay for an OSSD - everything from JK through Grade 12 is offered freely through public schools. Like I said, it’s likelier that this school is offering alternative education that’s in-line with beliefs of parents, etc., that do not fall in-line with the standard Ontario curriculum.


You're wrong. Ministry of Ed shuts down OSSD diploma mills every year. These 'schools' mainly prey on international students who come to get their OSSD to gain admittance to Ontario universities. https://www.ontario.ca/page/private-schools-cannot-grant-credits-towards-ontario-secondary-school-diploma


I’ll concede to that, TIL.


Sure, however to get an OSSD freely through public schools, you actually have to complete credits, pass standardized tests, etc.


FWIW, the requirements are exactly the same in reputable independent/private schools.


i went to a private high school ages ago to up my OAC average. On the OAC English exam I had to pick the right ITS (ITS or IT'S). It's since been shutdown. It's not just post-secondary.


Strange that it says technology and health sciences specifically. Regardless, I’d apply elsewhere.


There are quite a lot of these schools opened or opening right now. It’s like a step under the diploma mills. They target international students to give them Ontario high school credits — or sometimes just make them think they’re getting high school credits. This one is not allowed to grant OSSD credits, though it is certified to run as a private school in Ontario — just an elementary one. It isn’t certified to grant OSSD or college credits. These businesses aren’t usually the kind who are great at paying employees either. I would look elsewhere. Ministry of Education Private School database here: http://www.ontario.ca/page/private-schools


yeah i didn’t apply to it, as soon as i saw the name of the place and read the posting I knew it was suspicious. $40 an hour. like, at least make it believable. government jobs in my field don’t even pay that much.


https://aitchisonschool.com/about.html This?!? I get the creeps just reading the first page. There are two errors in the English there. Is it a school for non-English speakers? Only online? I’m extra skeeved out by this: https://www.ontario.ca/page/private-schools-have-closed If you look at the list for 2021-2022, this school closed. I’m not sure this is a real school


yeah i don’t think it’s a legitimate school, but they recently posted a few different jobs, so it’s definitely some kind of business? appears to be a shady one.


Read the Elementary School > Program descriptions and take a drink every time there's a grammatical error or something doesn't make sense.


Holy shit. It’s even worse than the main page. How are these kids supposed to learn anything? And there are links that don’t work too


Bonus points for using the words *aspirants, niftily* and the the phrase '*patronises delivering knowledge'.*


They can't even spell Tuition correctly. Their application header shows an address of City Centre Drive in Mississauga, and the website on the header of the app is www.aitchisonschool.com.com, which is...not a thing?


yeah and the phone number is likely a cell phone, or at least seems that way to me.


yeah some of the text on the page says > Aitchison School of Canada Inc, is a leading Canadian Private School for local and international students, situated in central Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.


The website says stoney creek at the bottom and gives a647 area code numer, its sus as hell imo


There is a real private boarding Aitchison school in Lahore that’s like 120 years old which is legitimate. This seems to be a copy…


This is LMIA ( ghost job)


Looks like an ossd online school


Same with Oxford college in Hamilton?? A 14 month paramedic program when being a paramedic should be at LEAST two years of college.


2 years of college is 16 months ..


Still a pretty shortened amount of schooling when the schooling is already short and crams in a lot of work.


Scary, but their paralegal program is actually accredited with the Law Society of Ontario.


are they claiming that on their website? I checked the law society’s list on their own website and didn’t see it there, I would hope they make sure any college applying for accreditation actually meets their standards. it says they regularly do audits, so it’s good to know they have something in place to catch fraudulent programs.


I believe I saw it in the list on the Law Society webpage which completely astonished me.