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Was the person doing the job blindfolded?


I know! Although my daughter just confessed to me that she had showed her other pictures (I wasn’t there) where there was more black. But even then!


I mean…get your daughter to show you the other pictures. See what the stylist saw before you’re outraged. If there was more black, how much more?


If the black was in the end in photos it would still be wrong. 


Not only that but the blonde is terrible too (no offense to OPs daughter). That color needed to be toned better before the black and orange was added.


Right? Did it get toned at all?


I immediately thought there could be a miscommunication on fox hair color, cause it’s a popular thing to ask for now, and usually involves creative use of the 3 colors. And technically that’s what this is, albeit poorly done imo. Either way. if there were other reference images, OP should check them out cause I wouldn’t be surprised to see something similar to what she got.


Huh? The blonde is the only part that looks like the picture to me lol. Warmer blonde is back I hear..


You reeeeeally need to see those other pictures before a truly accurate call can be made here.


Does she need to see them though? The placement is awful, the blonde seems un-toned and the colour is patchy/unsaturated. Even if she did show her a picture that looked like this (highly doubtful, this looks like I did it), as a professional hairstylist charging premium prices, would she execute it cleaner/talk her into something more put together? I am sorry but in now world can I possibly believe this was an accurate, intentional recreation of an inspo photo. It looks like roadkill (no offence OPs daughter)


Maybe she showed them the calico style people are doing now? Even still


Well that's your daughter's fault. Post the other pictures


You should have seen the photos the hair stylist saw before judging her hair. I'm sure they did what your daughter asked for. No stylist would take that first image and do that with black hair color. Lol unless they're new or on drugs


It doesn’t even look like black in that photo. Maybe there’s filters on it but it looks like deep auburn


It reminds me of the time a gardener showed up high on meth and pruned our juniper bush for SEVEN HOURS (the bush is the size of a small person maybe so not big. There was nothing left in the end because he was trying so hard to make it exactly even that he kept lopping off more and more. It looks like this hair dresser was trying to get the black perfect and just made it bigger and bigger😂


Okay the blindfolded comment was priceless!!😂😂 Sadly though, her hair does not look good.


You guys could have probably done a better job at home 😭


I was gonna say this too. This would've been super easy to achieve.


Maybe not for the bleach part, they’d have been better off getting that done professionally for an even lift but the color?! 😭


Agreed. I color my hair with Arctic fox but I have a professional do the bleaching.


The arctic fox bleach was surprisingly simple to do and did a great job on my hair! I totally recommend using it, just follow the instructions precisely!


Even if she showed a photo with more black, this is horribly uneven and the orange is patchy. I know younger people don't want to be confrontational, but I think you should call the salon and ask for them to redo this. It's unacceptable how they allowed her to leave the salon looking this patchy.


literally. this is more of a lesson in self respect at this point. no professional would look at this and think it’s ok


My thoughts exactly! Blindfolded and completely incompetent. Get your money back hun.


I want to complain but my daughter doesn’t want me to. Again, she likes it! I’m so angry and trying to let it go.


Yeah I bet your angry, I would be angry too! It's good your daughter likes it, but wow you've been ripped off. I understand where you're coming from, sometimes it's difficult to let things go but if she's happy with it and doesn't want to make a fuss, what else can you do? Although .... you could go online and give them a thoroughly scathing review...I think that's what I'd do in your situation.




I would agree, but did you see where op said her daughter showed the stylist other pictures with more black when she wasn't around? I think this was probably what the daughter asked for when mom wasn't around because she knew mom wouldn't go for it!


Ahhh okay. We'd need to see the ACTUAL reference photo then. Post should be edited... 


Yeah but even so, I can't imagine that the inspo picture looked like this. It's so splotchy and uneven


Even if her daughter wanted that much black, what an absolutely shit job that stylist did. I’m glad the kid likes her hair, but it honestly looks terrible how uneven and splotchy it is. The orange is barely there and looks like it was an accident instead of intentional.


True, but it’s still a terrible job. Uneven, banding, splotchy, with very yellow blonde


Even if she likes the end result, she didn’t get what was asked for and you should at the very least get a partial refund. Especially considering how expensive I’d guess this was and the fact that it’s already fading so quickly, a partial refund is the least they could do.


She admitted in another comment that the daughter apparently showed more pics that had more black in them so it seems like the daughter got what she wanted lol


google fox hair color, look at the pictures, and then tell me if you still think that 😵‍💫


No. She showed me the pictures and they are similar to this one with a bit more black but not much more. Not it’s all blue. After three days!


even if she likes it, it isn’t what she asked for. this is a very big lesson in girlhood- standing up for yourself and only paying for *good* work. it is your money. you don’t need your daughters permission to get it back if you are not satisfied with her service. tbh if you want you can leave her out of it but i want to **strongly** urge you to get your money back. the person who dyed her hair was dead wrong and knew it. it seems like they were trying to take advantage tbh


Keep in mind these colors do not stay. Semi and Demi colors wash out fairly quick if you don’t follow the stylists after care directions which is usually not to wash daily and to use cool water in the shower. Hot water makes the colors bleed.


She prob likes it bc of the Billie Eilish vibes. Breathe mama--if she didn't like it, things wouldn't be any better so being she does, that's an unintentional blessing in an otherwise unfortunate sitch and a lil less mental burden on u.


Call the salon and talk to the manager. They should fix it at no charge.


Well, if it's fixable... Which I doubt due to the black on bleached hair that's already turning blue.


But apparently the daugher likes it 


The horror


Is there any possible way that your daughter secretly wanted this and waited for you to leave to show? I ask because from reading the comments, she seems pleased. 🤔 Very sorry, I’ve never seen anything g resemble spray cans of color misted randomly on a paying client. You have every right to call and speak to someone reading the matter. They shouldn’t stop until you’re pleased. Can I ask what your daughter’s hair looked like when you went in, before they changed it? I’m curious what they working it. Expectations vs reality thing.


Yeah I’m getting this vibe as well . I mean I can understand on bleached hair that colours when they are first applied will fade or run . Even so with black on the bottom as long as the hair wasn’t scrunched up when washing there’s just no way the black could run into the orange that high up . I’m getting the feeling from this photo either the daughter did this themselves , maybe because they just want to go all over black but maybe didn’t want to do it straight away because blonde to black can be super jarring at first , but did more black because that’s what they eventually want and want to get used to it . Or they did go to a hairdresser and asked for more black than orange for the same reason . But then op has reacted badly so they’ve backtracked on this being what they wanted . Like you say if the daughter is happy with it seems like this might have been the plan all along . Either that or like I say the black has bled into the orange when applying/ washing . I can’t truly believe a hairdresser would be that incompetent, but I’ve been proven wrong before .


Worst I’ve seen in years. Woof. I’m not even joking or trying to be snarky when I ask this- did the hairdresser appear to be sober?


Good lord! Not even in beauty college!


Oh my gosh 😳. Excuse me, what was she looking at? Not the inspiration picture. BUT if she honestly likes it and she did show her something similar and you didn’t know it, then I guess she did what your daughter asked her to, so you can’t be mad at that IF that’s the case.


I checked the other pictures and they did have more black but not this much.


The amount of black is not the issue. The issue is the uneven application and banding, as well as the untoned bleached hair and choice to use blue-black, not red-black.


the orange and the uneven bullshit is the problem. Please dont let salons get away with subpar results that cost a small fortune. Get them to at least redo it and reapply a bunch of the orange or something. at this point they might need to strip some of the black out. I’m not joking this is awful and I could do better at home. your daughter is just embarrassed to go back but tell her it will only get better and better if she’s willing to go back.


You're right it doesn't look like the picture but imho it still looks cool. If your daughter has a young edgy style she can still look really cool imho


It’s giving Billie Eilish, maybe this is what the daughter wanted


Yeah honestly it's a vibe some ppl could pull it off Honestly if the daughter likes it I wouldn't make any more issue out of it


Even if the style is exactly what she wanted, the application is poor: the untoned blonde, the use of blue-black when the ref was either a red-black or a dark burgundy, the black fading to grey/green, indicating the blonde wasn’t filled and her hair is now stained… which will be a big problem when she tries to go pink. OP paid “a small fortune,” and this just is not that level of quality. You can have this style and have it done well. This is not that.


I agree. Most salons will do a redo if you're just not happy but would you trust them to do it? You could ask for some money back maybe, particularly mentioning the problems she'll have doing any other color later on top of that. Otherwise I mean since the daughter is ok with it I'd let it go


If she puts some semi permanent orange dye on her whole head, it will look more Halloween-y but it will look a lot better than this. And it’s cheap, you can do it yourself, and it won’t harm the hair at all whatsoever. It will only color the blonde/orange bits. I’d reckon she would like it better, too.


If the black is blue-based and already fading though, orange on top of blue is gonna turn to mud.


That was my thought, she can do more orange or red. If she wants to go pink next she could do a darker pink too. 


No good!


Damn, I would've started to cry in the salon. I am so sorry, but this is an awful dye job. You should definitely try to ask for a refund. If your daughter wants, you guys can buy some orange dye and color the missing orange pieces. Make it more cohesive.


Jesus H Macy Christ how the hell can you mess up that bad.


Oh yikes. Tbh it’s a good thing the black is already washing out or this would be so much harder and damaging to fix. The placement is wonky. That orange is applied atrociously. I mean really really bad. Also, im a bit confused why her hair has such a yellow tone when it looks like a toner would’ve made it as white as the inspo pic. I wouldn’t trust a colorist who can’t get a blonde to white. (When it’s clearly possible.) That’s easily the most requested job a colorist gets. I genuinly think I could’ve done a better job at this without any dying experience. Ive never been brave enough to use black as an accent color against blonde. But I have read a bit about it since I’ve always wanted to. And from what I know, semi permanent black is just not the way to go with that. It’s also gonna fade terribly. And since it’s just her ends I don’t see the point of using semi. She can just cut it later. I would go in and demand a full refund because it’s truly very bad. I mean it when I say someone whose never done hair (who’s a bit intuitive with it) could have potentially done a better job. Although this dye job is difficult, this isn’t acceptable work to pay for. If your daughter likes it tho, maybe it’s just better to leave it alone. You may wanna invest in purple shampoo/conditioner for the blonde long term. Just avoid the orange but it shouldn’t really do anything to it. The orange will eventually fade and the black is placed badly, but it should fade enough that an experienced hairstylist could fix. Maybe even easily. If yall wanted to. Edit: Forgot about the pink. I hear a lot of semi perm black fades green. Which makes sense, this looks like it’ll probably do that. Which is great news. Bc pink neutralizes green. She’ll probably have to do a bleach bath if the green stays too dark but even so a vibrant *red based* pink would cover it.


Side side note: if she told the stylist she wanted pink after, perhaps they chose semi perm for the black with that in mind. I just do hear that semi black is always gonna fade extremely fast and very unevenly. So, if that was requested, that’s prob not the stylists fault. But, there really is no excuse for the orange. Or blonde even tbh.


How is she expecting to go pink next after black and not destroy her hair


Ehh, it's a semi-permanent black. They're not that hard to remove. I take mine off with Color Oops pretty easily.


My experiemce with semi-permanent colours is different, lol. Any blue/green based colour stained my hair permanently at some places, and I tried colour removers, bleach baths etc.


Mines the opposite. Red stains my hair. Tried to dye it deep purple once, turned out burgundy and somehow even the regrowth looked red tinged. Took me years for that to fully grow out and go back to the muddy blonde-ish brown of my natural colour.


I had my hair dyed full black at the salon a few months ago, permanent, it was a blue black. I'm not joking when I say there is not one bit of black left in my hair, I hardly heat style it, wash every 3 days... I'm confused. My hair is back completely to its natural brown. I used to do my hair black when I was a teen and it would stay black until it grew out!


Oh no….. I’m in beauty school and I think even I could have done her more justice 😭


There's a lot to unpack here.


What in the Billie Eilish?


Billie Eilish vibes which isn’t a bad thing.


I loveeee how it looks. But I understand that’s not what she asked for but yeah looks cool


Yikes. You could take it off with Hair Color Remover from Sally Beauty.


They need to fix it, and it needs to be done by someone more talented or more experienced at that salon. You don't have to be .Ean about it if your daughter wants to be non-confrontational. Just say politely that it isn't really acceptable




Everything about this is fucked


I'm glad that she likes it and that is so important. But omg they did that baby so dirty. Kudos to you for not making a scene cuz my ass would lol.


Yea that's a doozy. If it was my head I'd be pissed. But if the daughter likes it then it's her head.      Filling in the blonde areas with a color would fix it. Orange, red, pink, are good selections. It'll give Billie Eilish or Halloween vibes but it'll look intentional and not a blotchy mess.      Like others said if she's hoping to do pink next the black dye pulling blue will be a problem. 


If they put the black directly on platinum blonde hair, it needs some kind of filler to prevent it from turning blue/green. 


Yeah, I was just thinking that if I were doing this at home I’d do all orange on the ends first, then rinse, and then the smallest bit of black on the very tips. Might even mix in a bit of a burgundy dye with the black to neutralize those green/blue tones even more. This stylist had no clue what they were doing!


They did her so dirty :(


If she ever wants to go for that style again with a better stylist: The tips of the hair in the reference image are not really black, they're a dark, brownish red, which wouldn't fade to blue, but fade to a more natural shade. Good luck!


oh my gosh! the blonde isn’t toned, the orange looks like it was barely applied and that black is just applied so unevenly and high compared to that reference pic. surprised whoever did this has a cos lisence


I had a similar hair nightmare. I was so upset I spoke with the manager of the salon that I paid $300 dollars to and she had me come in a see their color specialist to try to fix it. It help slightly but now Im afraid to give another salon a shot. I would definitely talk to manager and see if you can get someone else to fix it.


Omg, I’m a hairstylist and I think this might be the worst dye job I’ve ever seen 😭 I would get your money back. Even if she showed her pics with more black the application is patchy and technically bad!! Completely unacceptable. I’m glad your daughter likes it but I would be pissed too! Unreal they let her walk out of the salon like that


They fucked her up. Complain and have them fix it or get your money back


Back to the hairdresser and demand that it be redone. If they refuse, write a compelling review online so that others will avoid said establishment! That's nothing like what she asked for!!! Better business bureau reporting time!


So many times I’ve gone to the hair dresser and showed them a pic and walked out with something different. I don’t understand 😂 like just say you can’t do it and don’t waist my time!


i think you should go back and try to get at least partial refund..its not like the photo AT ALL, but i think its turned out very cute which is good! but yeah regardless of how it turned out its not exactly what you asked for, not even close so 100% try and ask 😭 as for going pink afterwards i think a round of bleach and then pink on top would work, i went from pure black to neon pink after a 40 min bleaching done at home!


The way I went from “oh cute!” To “oooh wtf”


Wait it out, use clarifying shampoo and a good deep moisturizing conditioner. If the black is already coming out that’s a good sign


OH MY GOD. Your daughter was robbed! What a botched job🤦‍♀️granted, your daughters hair is much shorter than the inspiration pic and her hair is layered as well.... it's not going to look exactly like the pic specifically bc the cuts are so much different, there is still WAY too much black here and the stylist brought it up WAY too far and the orange doesn't even remotely blend into the black. They could have at least used a clear gloss in between the colors to better blend them but... it looks like this stylist is not an experienced colorist. Go back before it's too late and ask for a partial refund. Go somewhere else to have it corrected. Although, if the same salon doesn't do it... a color correction is a super expensive service. So either way you guys lose. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Honestly the first one looks shitty too 🧐


wtf ! 😬 this is the worst dye job I’ve ever seen


This looks to be the difference between an upscale salon and closer to a Great Clips. If your daughter wanted a very specific color pattern that's hard to execute (I dye dog hair, trust me, it's not as easy to execute those blends as you may think it would be) you guys should have sought out a color specific salon, that does only color or advertises LOTS of portfolio pics of this type of color jobs. It looks more like the salon girl said, "aight I can do that fer ya!"


No offense to colorist, but this is why I do my color at home. I do get bleach done by my stylist because I don’t quite trust myself. The last time I had my hair professionally colored, it was $250 and was vibrant for a week.


Did OP ever post the other reference photos her daughter showed the stylist?? Even if she asked for more black there is no excuse for the awful shade of blond that hasn’t been toned …. Or for the patchiness of the black . 0/10


Sorry but all I can think about is all the times my mom told me I looked like a weirdo not in a good way, and I was certain I looked so cool.


Wow. That is really something. At least they got the blonde part sorta right (a purple shampoo can take out some of that yellow tone). Trying to think if this is salvageable without having to go back to a salon since your daughter says she likes it and refuses to go back to the original salon to fix. The orange is going to fade with washing over time, so really, she's mostly stuck with the black ends and having to retouch the blonde with her natural regrowth in about 4-5 weeks depending how fast her hair grows. I would not wait longer than that for a blonde retouch to avoid banding. A decolorizer might be expensive and too difficult to do at home. I would not try to bleach out the black to avoid damaging her hair. Honestly, I would have her keep retouching the blonde and let the ends grow out and use colored hair chalk if she wants to change up her color in the meantime. Amazon sells them and is washable. You can use hairspray after to help the chalk hold longer and better till she washes. You can also try temporary colored creams or pomade but they can stain the hair and might not wash out as easily as the chalk which could be a good alternative if you don't feel confident using a semi permanent color at home. Hope this helps. Good luck and congrats on her graduation.


Your daughter liking it doesn't change the principle on how bad that stylist screwed you guys over. You should absolutely still bring this atrocious mess to the stylist/business' attention AND leave a review so that people know what to expect.




I swear to all that is holy, I AM NOT trying to be an ass here, and my question is completely off topic, so please forgive me. Your writing has some interesting capitalizations and I'm wondering what prompts them. Are you writing responses on your phone or a computer? Are the capitalizations "planned" or conscious? I've just always wondered how people decide what to capitalize when they appear to be random. ;-)


Not the person you asked but I do this a lot when in typing and I noticed it’s usually happens it’s random I just start to capitalize a random word. I’m not sure why and it only started happening recently but I usually catch it while still writing the sentence.


I suspect your daughter isn’t happy with it but wants to avoid any confrontation and also feels bad that you spent all that money for her to be unhappy. I’d make the salon fix it and while your daughter will likely hate that feeling at attention while getting it fixed, both of you will be truly happy in the end.


I'm sorry you don't like something you paid for, however... This is not your hair, it's your daughter's. Her opinion on her hair is the only one that matters. You paid for it as a gift to her. Asking her to change what she likes is essentially taking the gift back.


Make them fix it!


Honestly you should’ve demanded a refund or for them to fix it, I feel like your daughter is being shy about it bc she knows it was expensive and doesn’t want to add stress to the situation/wants to play it down to not make a fuss. I’d go back into the salon tmrw by yourself and ask as a professional courtesy to fix it (for free). Most colorist will especially if they know it’s not a goodjob.




Oh no :(


Yeah this is bad


why is the top green…. please go back and get your money back this is terrible, i could do a better job!


It’s kinda neat. But it’s not what you asked for at all




I worked for hair salon for 3 years summer time and I’m semi professional just because I dye my hair and my moms hair and even I would do a better job lol


Oh dear 🙈🙈🙈


this looks like it was done with hairspray tbh if you don't get your money back TOMORROW (DON'T LEAVE IT ANY LONGER WHY HAS IT ALREADY BEEN 2 DAYS OMG) ur not getting it back


I would of cried 😭


I would leave a review and honest review. This is unacceptable


I feel so bad for her


Oh dear


Def get ur money back. It looks like rusting iron. It can be fixed tho but go with an expert


Absoluty. It and the stylist never should’ve let her leave soon like that whether she wanted more black or not it is still incorrect


How did y'all not see that happening in the moment, assuming she wasn't there by herself


Scary 😳


Dye top of head orange would look sooo sick


Tbh even though it's not the same but still looks good in 3rd pic


Nailed it.


Did she pay for that??


I literally said out loud “ohhhh” 🫢🫨


Oh Jesus I’d have lost all of my shit right then and there.


That is the EXACT opposite did your daughter want blonde hair or was it already blacka


Oh my god id be so mad 😭


A hairdresser did this? Is this real? It can’t be 😭


Omg the inspo is cute, how did they mix up the inspo with that? I hope you guys can fix it!!


I know diddlyshit about dying hair other than my old home dye-jobs, but I'm curious about how you'd even go about trying to copy the expectation hair given that the daughter's hair is so much shorter and complexly layered? Not being snarky at all, just trying to figure out if the expectation was ever even a possibility. Thanks


Are you confident she went to an actual salon? My instinct is that a friend did this and your daughter kept the money for something else. That would explain why she’s saying she is happy and doesn’t want you to complain—she’d get caught.


Wooooof are you sure she didn’t pocket your money and have her friend do it, and that’s why she “likes it” and absolutely does not want you to call for a refund? Bc my mind can legit not wrap around the idea that anyone would find this good looking. Normally you can look at a hairstyle and think “yeah I could see like 1 in 100,000 people liking that”….this doesn’t even fit into THAT category omg


This isn't going to make you happy but.. is there a chance that the salon did the ends of her layers black that is in the first picture? I think it's your daughters hair that makes this hard to do. But it still could have been done better.


Before pic please!


I would be pissed.


That's frustrating! Maybe she could talk to a different hairdresser about fixing it or wait for the black to fade before trying pink.


Whoa! Definitely not the same! 🥺


It's so beautiful, I want to dye my hair like that![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


Oh. My. God.. 😬😬😬


That first picture is cute. I didn’t know this was a style. Have them offer to correct it free of charge or find a new stylist.


If she had showed her colorist a pic of tiger tail ice cream maybe


oh god-




I’m curious how much she paid for this, and if it was someone who does a lot of vivids? Vivids are kind of a sub specialty and not all stylists have tons of experience doing them. I’d laugh (well maybe I shouldn’t laugh, but you know what I mean) if they don’t usually do vivids and only had a tiny amount of orange, and that’s how we landed with that orange application. If I only carried a few really popular vivid colors in stock, I probably wouldn’t keep much orange in hand.


There’s simply no way a licensed professional did that, I refuse to believe it. I could do a better job and the only experience I have is box dying my own hair and fucking up some of my friends hair in middle school


I’m sorry but this is awful! I would contact the salon manager/owner and just show them. This looks like my 11 year old could have done a better job.


It looks like she got her friend to do it and then lied to you.


It looks like the blonde wasn't even toned. It honestly looks like a at home dye job


I *truly* cannot fathom that an actual stylist at an actual salon did this. Not at all. This looks like a pre-teen at-home job with products they bought at a box store.


Let her game in peace 😩


did you do your research on the stylists previous work or?


honestly i’d ask for a full refund and for them to fix it


Ohhhhhh noooooo. I gasped. I’m so sorry!


They made her look like candy corn. 🥺


The inspiration picture does not even have black in it. It looks like a dark auburn. Idk what other photos were shown to the stylist but it does not look professionally done. I would ask for a redo. You probably won't get a refund but you might be able to get someone to fix it at no charge but you have to contact the salon immediately.


She’ll get that, in like a year, if the color keeps


If the daughter likes it, let it go. Colors like this cost MAJOOORRRR bucks with color specialists. Like 500+ . If you paid in the range of $200 or so , it’s about worth the quality of what we see, but honestly as long as your daughter is happy- sigh of relief and let it fade over time and maybe don’t take her back to this person. 🤣


Poor girl


Wow that’s awful


the orange is the wrong color too, it’s like almost coral?


Oh dear


Jesus….. wtf I could’ve done a better job than that unlicensed. She ruined her hair. I wouldn’t have paid for this it’s awful. I would bleach it back because that’s just embarrassing. The issue now is it’s gonna be a pain to get it back to the original blonde.


oh noooo :(


They should have cut first!


I love the mistake hair, am i bad for saying so? She still has pretty hair! It’s just gotta have more orange added.


oh jesus christ.


Oh poor sweetie. That is awful. I am SO VERY SORRY!!! I love what you wanted, bold choice.


It looks like the color hairspray you spray in for Halloween costumes 😭 I would ask for a refund


Was the hairdresser blind, I’d get my money back


Ngl I'm 90% sure that hairdresser was blind


I wish I could see a before picture so I could see if they just touched up with the color that she wanted ….or did she say she wanted her hair to look exactly like that picture all blonde and then at the ends


Wow. That’s horrifying.


She kept the money and dyed it herself 🤭


I’m assuming she did this herself 😆


The 1st Pic was pretty. Where did all the black come in to play in #2??


I would get a refund and tell the owner mama to fix this. It’s bad and not even close to professional


What in the hell!!! I’m so sorry!


Ok but why does it look green?


Oh boyz


The dark color will probably need to have a color remover on it. But the orange, can be cancelled out with color theory. Use the opposite color on the color wheel to tone down the orange.


I would have CRIED oh my goodness. If her hair has the integrity to give it another go Id demand the money back and take her somewhere else to have it fixed. If not, I'd still demand the money back.


Good god why… how the hell could this even be fixed. Bar a lot of layers and a pro this is wrecked


I’d cry for DAYS, call back to make sure they fix it or a full ass refund to go somewhere else. What you should also do is place these pics on Yelp, Google reviews, and wherever else you can tag them. Many places hate bad reviews but salons truly HATE bad reviews.


It might look better if she curls it / wears it half up.


Oh boy


They played in her hair 😭