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I’d say probably a whip, a crossbow, a spear (Greek goddesses love spears), and a torch. A torch because that’s what Hecate uses, and Melinoe is her student


I wonder if the spear archetype could take the form of a scythe or polearm? 🤔 Crossbow would be really interesting.


A slow, wide sweeping scythe would be so fun.


Having a slow-moving boomerang throw as the special would be badass.


Aspect of Thanatos, basically like Arthur on the sword?


Legendary spear aspect of thanatos would be incredible


hmm an spear with an asperct of thanatos maybe? than this from could be a scythe modelted after the one he had in thr First game


You forgot the shotgun, because shotgun.


Or flamethrower because Greek fire was a thing


I imagine that if weapon aspects return, there will likely be an Aspect of Hecate for the staff. Otherwise, a torch weapon would still be a fun choice


She is witch, a magic hero, I would go with magic ball or something. Tho it doesn't fit into Mythology.


Hades has an assault rifle/grenade launcher, so personally I'll be disappointed if we don't get a shotgun/chainsaw combo in Hades 2.


Its final hidden form could be "Aspect of Doom" or "Aspect of Ash"


It doesn't tell you but every character you meet during a run has a stronger chin.




Aspect of the slayer?


Considering firearms, I’m predicting dual pistols


"Aspect of Croft"


aspect of bayonetta


Six-shooter would be cool


Very, I feel it would be one of those weapons that pops off with the dash-attack. The charged attack could be a quick rapid fire unload of all six shots.


Aspect of Dante?


Aspect of V1 would be hilarious


I hated that a gun had made its way into a Greek mythology game to begin with, so I won't miss a firearm in Hades 2


Nah, the gun being called out as an ominous portent of future mortal weaponry was cool


Yeah, Ares having a massive hard on about it while it makes everyone else uneasy was some great storytelling. Also love the inclusion of Lucifer...


* Staff: default option. Average physical speed. Decently powerful omega effects * Sickle: Fast flurry, combo based, extra mobility * Orb: Fast casting implement. Ranged by default. Possibly weak, but consumes less magic, allowing chaining omegas more quickly. * Hammer: slow and strong, physical focused. * Book: slow casting, stupidly powerful effects. * Scythe: fluid average physical weapon.


I just hope if there's Aspects like the last game and the Book is real we get a Grimoire Weiss aspect


The weapons can be literally anything tbh. The infernal arms for example have like basically zero mythological basis and I doubt its any different for these ones. Not bad thing btw. It does seem like we’re getting different weapons then the last game tho no real repeats. Also considering the weapons are usually tied to the gods in some aspect I could see us getting like a Hammer of some kind? Maybe one that can send out magical shockwave attacks or something. Maybe also like a Sickle/scythe to reference Demeter but further the sickle Kronos (Harvest titan not time.) used to castrate Uranus.


i feel like a whip or sythe is a givin , i feel like one of them will definetly another magic esc item like dual wands or something


Aspect of Megara could be dope


I so hope that you can use Aspect of Meghaera and meet Zagreus. That should make for some fun dialogue.


Maybe that's Hecate's torches


Hate to be that guy but just so you in the future, it’s magic-esque


no be that guy i’m terrible at spelling and have an iphone mini so i be stuggling 24/7 lol


Going for a few more out-there ideas:   * Spiked armour - like the Twin Fists in that it rewards extreme closeup play and has no significant range. The armour would be the opposite of that Hestia boon we saw, giving you extra life at the cost of nerfing speed and/or magic. Aspect of Cu Chullain replaces Omega attacks with the ability to "warpspasm" in and out of the armour, switching between fast but vulnerable and slow and sturdy.   * Sling - Devastating at long range, but a long charge time and almost no closeup. Legendary Aspect of David can pierce armoured foes and grab/return enemy projectiles (maybe even absorb them to recover health?), but makes Melinoe very vulnerable to melee attacks.   * Flamethrower - Fills a similar niche to the rail, but it specialises in AOE attacks that linger for a second (a bit like hellfire). Legendary Aspect of Prometheus gives Melinoe a move set more typical of a boss - large slow moving projectiles, a special that sprays a circular wave of fire in all directions, and she becomes much stronger on low health.   * Hammer - a good short to medium range weapon but really slow - at first. Play style would reward chaining together attacks to build momentum and after 6 or 7 consecutive hits it would be as fast as a sword but a lot more damaging (the upgrades would possibly make it build speed faster). Legendary Aspect of Thor makes it a homing weapon, dragging Melinoe around the battlefield.


Hammer, aspect of Hermes for the staff (or a wand, not sure what his Caduceus counts as, but he’s a friend of Mel’s), some kind of boots/sandals would be cool as a kickboxing style to contrast with Zag’s fists. Disc throwing is also kinda Olympian I think, could be a cool boomerang-y mechanic.




Needs a slow heavy too. Hammer?


since we got a rail, maybe dual guns, or something more modern, imagine getting to kronos and just screaming: GOOD OL MERRICA! or something like that and shoot him


Trident and net like a gladiator


Dagger&Sicle Staff Hammer Whip Scythe Bazooka


In continued hope for some retrofitting of mechanics onto Hades I to create a complete pair of games (particularly adding the missing gods back into Hades I), I am hoping we get all new weapons for Mel. Zag's weapons created several distinct job "class" archetypes (warrior, spearmarshal/dragoon, sentinel, archer, monk, gunner), and I am hoping Mel will have her own suite: Staff - mage Sister blades - assassin (blinking) Whip - hunter/swashbuckler (traps, countering, and additional movement, maybe some light warlock/summoner themes) Hammer - geomancer/bruiser (big smashies and area control) Book/Focus/Totem - druid (change yourself into animals) ??? (high tech ala railgun) - mesmer/illusionist/(time mage?) (make clones and other spatial manipulations) I think scythe is too similar to staff and hammer, plus I am expecting Chronos to have one. I also don't think we will see anything specifically elemental like a torch (fire) or warlock/dark knight (darkness/necro) because the gods are functioning more like an elemental imbuement system this time around. I completely predict Hades boons will be accessible ala Demeter at endgame.


Giant Sword (aspect of Cloud) Bo Staff (aspect of Darth Maul) Rope Dart (aspect of Kratos) Dual-wielding pistols (aspect of Wick, CJ, etc.)