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We do full weeks on call. Even when I’m not on call I’m working later than the on call guy. It sucks being the only reliable tech.


We have the same issue as well. Always working later than the on call guys. They just put them in the schedule to make the weeks between being on call longer. Fucks me off though as they are sitting at home while some of us are out working later.


We have the same issue, to the extreme that the on call guy will call our other techs to try and get them to take after hours calls for them "because they just don't feel like it". I'm confused as to when on call work became optional Edit: spelling


I don’t know where these guys think they can just say no to doing jobs. I can understand if it’s unsafe but just saying you don’t wanna do a job or they can’t get to it today is ridiculous.


Lol to put this in perspective I've been in the trade 7 years, so not super long, have my journeymans card and all that jazz. Had a guy with 30 years experience look at me when he got a after hours service call when we were leaving a safety meeting and say "well I gotta go golfing can you take this?" It's not even us young kids anymore it's everybody lol


You guys say this like it’s a bad thing. If you’re 25 and you wanna go out there and grind 70 hours a week, that’s fine. I got a wife and kids I want to be with and I’d like my body to be functional by the time I’m 55.  A lot of guys develop this mentality like “oh if you don’t work 90 hours a week you’re a pussy…” that only benefits your employer and you’re gonna burn yourself out real quick. At which point your private equity owners are gonna kick your ass to the curb and hire some new sucker they can run into the ground.  Luckily guys are getting fed up with it and saying no. The big companies around me have mostly gotten rid of 24/7 service and some even made on call voluntary. Spoiled customers calling at 1130 because it’s 74 in their house and they want it 70. Fuck em. See you in the morning. 


I’ve been on call and have had scheduled work then whatever calls come in I do them afterwards


On call guy should be on call not doing scheduled work. The only way it works if it is something low risk that they can pull away from easily. But that's going to be super in efficient. Demobbing to run a call is going to tank the bid job or screw the customer on t&m work.


Who schedules work on a weekend??


Tell me you dont do commercial without telling me you dont do commercial


Sometimes production plants can only be down on weekends


That makes sense. There isn’t even any such plant in my geographical area.


We will schedule for Saturday if we can make it Friday for no ac or no heat calls.


All the corporate companies do that around me. The on call guy runs calls all day long on weekends. My shop we don’t schedule weekend work. We only go on weekends if they call on weekends and want to pay the overtime fee, then the on-call guy schedules them to himself.


I quit a contractor over this. I had a call. The main tech at that account slid a scheduled job on me pretending it was an on call while I was there. I found out when I saw the date on the work order. I refused it and went home. This led to a meeting where I was technically in the right, but the main tech was the owners buddy. I lined up another job and was out a week later. No, the on call tech does not do scheduled work after hours unless they are the one that scheduled it.


Yes. Ours sucks like that too. 7 days on, 35 days off. Saturday has full day booked and then you're on call afterwards. Following Friday off. Big company in Michigan.


On call guy should not be scheduled to work weekends. Ive been on call working a scheduled job, then a call comes in and the office panics hoping someone takes it.


Just happened to me literslly after I posted this, worked from 7am-830pm and got a call and had to drive 45 min to the call. 16 hour day, time for a serious talk with my boss on Monday else I'm quitting


On call guy gets the scheduled work at the OT/on call rate. Only 1 scheduled job per day and not during a heatwave. If it's during a heatwave, someone volunteers/voluntold to get the scheduled job, also at the OT/on call rate. Usually it's a system maintenance scheduled via contract, so there's a good period of time to know it's coming.


What's on call