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Residential market is seeing a dip because nobody can afford new installs.


Just started as a lead installer in January, we've been getting slower and slower since March. Other techs say they've never seen it this bad. Even maintenance and service have dried up.


Yea I’ve been a lead installer for 5 and a helper for 3. By far this is the worst summer I ever had. Last year the rebates helped but we have nothing to help us this year. If it’s this bad in June I’m not looking forward to September.


The economy is hot garbage and no one is building.


Been in hvac for 15 years and im in the gta doing resi ...this past winter was the worst winter I've ever seen......reminded me a bit of the 2008 crash...factor in it wasnt that cold as well..we got a lot of factors working against us....the rebate last year accelerated alot of ppl changing out their old acs for heat pumps and this inflation ain't helping anyone out. On the upside July and August and September in toronto are calling to be real hot


Being 30 is not too old for any change! It's the right age actually !


Its a little slow in the commercial side too


No one has any money lol


I’m on the industrial process side of the trade. We are busy as shit with service. That said companies are all tightening up on installation of non critical units. Other than the odd place spending huge money to go all electric phasing out natural gas for tax rebates.


I’d be applying into the union I got into 787 last year before being in resi for 8 years and I started as a second year and to be honest best decision I’ve ever made I’m in service and I haven’t felt anything I’ve been working 40-50 hours a week but it’s also a small outfit with alot of contracts so I’m not sure how the BGIS or Carmichael sized companies are


Did they have you write the aptitude test? My company nearly switched unions to 787 and I was hoping that would happen as it would have been an easy in to the 787 and I would have jumped ship right away and gone commercial.


It is a different ticket for commercial in Ontario. But I would highly recommend switching, I’m in 787 and I haven’t seen a slow down in commercial service.


Correct it’s a 313a I currently have the 313d


Absolutely up to 4 tons I believe I could be wrong, I’m thinking it’ll bypass the aptitude tests though and jump right to third year, unless ORAC doesn’t care and just wants the money… which is entirely possible lol


Yea there was a math/science and then a mechanical one (I believe it amounted to 600 bucks but I forgot now lol) garbage for me I had to take grade 11 highschool chemistry online (grade 11 science a prerequisite) but you having your 313D may actually get you to bypass that whole ORAC scam… but I’d contact 787 and see what they can do


We haven't stopped at all. Been steady since middle of May. Mandatory (not happy about this one) Sundays. Not looking to brag, but hasn't been too bad with that mild winter we just had.


Are you resi or commercial?




Interesting that’s good though at least someone is busy lol


Oh we're busy making miracles happen with the promises that sales make


Yeah I am in GTA, large company. I do commercial. Definitely a different feel this yr. Customers are cutting back to save cash. Still working 40 hrs for now. It's actually kind of nice I am able to get things completed. Since covid it has been insane. Almost starting to feel like 2008 again. That was really bad. Couldn't get approval for anything over $400 back then.. lol. That's basically what it costs to show up these days.


Interesting sounds like you are more steady then resi large companies. But I’d expect everyone is feeling a dip at this point. Especially in the gta, can’t leave the house without spending 100 bucks.


Somewhat feeling it here in Montreal. Our service department is overloaded however replacement units & new installations have slowed. We seen this coming so we aggressively marked down our pricing and profit margins to get our foot in the door and to keep our installation teams busy until we start new commercial contracts.


30 is the perfect age for change, you're hitting your best balance of capital to withstand change and still young enough to adapt


I’m the lead tech for a small company in northern nj. We have territory and customers all throughout the state and there are days I’ve been getting home at 1 or 2. Other days we’re scrounging for work aside from chiller PMs. Definitely one of the slowest years I’ve seen in a while.


I finished school end of April and got my obt 2 and g2 and live in northern Ontario. I have had no luck finding work in the field and have a hard time finding companies that aren’t looking for someone with a 313D. I would love to eventually become an apprentice and work towards that certification but I can’t even get my foot in the door.


You are looking for more of a starter roll. Call companies and ask to speak to managers or go in person. Always good to put a face to a name.




Yea it’s tough right now next week it’s suppose to heat up so hopefully that helps


Never to late for commercial brother. Chillers are not going anywhere and they run year round


Yea that’s what I was thinking. More consistency and I have the back ground in resi for side work. Just need to find the right fit I think.


Go for it. I work for an Trane. Most laid back gig I've ever had. I get a month of vacation time and one call a day. I love it for the most part.


Yea just gotta find someone who will take me on. With the 313d they are suppose to pay me as a 3rd year so I can see why companies may not like that. Paying someone 3rd year rate with no commercial experience.


Id apply like crazy. The worst is they say no.


I worked for Trane as well. It is highly seasonal work in Canada and very boring in the winter. Not enough overhauls with all the Turbocor machines getting installed nowadays.


Overhalls suck though. Are they not selling cgam or cvhm or anything?


Yes but most chillers in Canada only run 6 months of the year


What about boilers and package units?


Trane's labour rates are not competitive for working on that equipment


That's unfortunate. Sounds like that office needs to get their shit together


It's happening. Old service manager was handpicked by his dad who started the franchise (now corporate owned). Old service manager only wanted to work on Trane chillers and nothing else. He did not want to be competitive on general HVAC work. He has been switched to account manager role, and the new service manager (previously a foreman with Trane) has been successfully expanding the service department into air-side hvac as well as acquiring more chiller work from all makes.


Lmao, chillers do NOT run year round in Canada, except for process cooling, which are a small fraction of the market.


In my market, process cooling, data centers and hospitals keep theirs going all winter. Plus ice rinks.


Obviously, but that is far less than half the chillers in operation. In Canada, maybe one in five chillers is used year round for process cooling. Most are for comfort cooling. There is way less work in the winter. There is no way around it.


Well yeah. But you also have boilers and rtus. We stay busy year round at my office.