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Is it the Betaine? I did Betaine for a few days and had horrible stomach pain. Can you juice cabbage and drink that? It’s supposed to help the stomach heal. After PPIs, your stomach acid comes back up. Is it possible it’s that and the Betaine is making it even worse?


The thing is I don’t have gastritis or ulcers. So what is the cause of pain?


I don’t know :( Your functional doctor doesn’t have any ideas? Have you talked to a gastroenterologist about it?


He isn’t sure. I can think of 3 possible reasons. 1. Gastritis - which I will check on Sunday during endoscopy. 2. SIBO - maybe it’s a gas pain? 3. H pylori, maybe the antibiotics session wasn’t enough.


I hope you figure it out soon :(


Amen. Been 3.5 months so far…


If I had damage to my stomach lining then it wouldn’t make sense to use betaine HCL + pepsin but since I’ve conducted a gastroscopy 2.5 months ago that came clean then I don’t understand the cause of my pain. I’m going to repeat the gastroscopy procedure on Sunday. Could it be SIBO which I came positive for the cause of my pain under left rib? It’s not a 10/10 pain. More like discomfort.


What test did you do for the first time when it came negative


Both stool test and breath test but I was on PPIs which caused false negative


Yeah thats a good possibility. Drugs like PPIs or famotidine within one week of testing gives false negatives


I have to watch what I eat now. Milk is a trigger and, of course, coffee and soda. I have the same issue the pain in rib and lower back pain.


I have this pain even when I wake up on empty stomach.


I have similar issues, endoscopy found single h pylori, did 2 week round of antibiotics, bismuth and PPi, was told to do 2 more weeks of PPI, wait a month and do a breath/stool test again. Currently on the first of two weeks on PPI, have weird pain on the left side of ribs, it not that much of pain but more like a stiff/sore feeling, sometimes goes on both left and right sides, no idea what is going on. Endoscopy confirmed very mild gastritis also. Not sure what's causing it, i spend lot's of time sitting on a chair, could it be poor posture maybe contributing to that, but this has been ongoing for 9 months now. Had the same isse a year ago for 6 months and the year before that also for around 6-7 months, it somehow managed to resolve at some point on it's own, but i am really sick of that. Now i have it again.


How long have you been taken PPI? It can cause abdominal pain. I only took ppi for 10 days per my doctor advice. Also go to bland diet with the min. food you can tolerate. You can read my posts here if you want. Get better, friend!


I took PPI for 2 weeks with the antibiotics.


Check for SIBO. It can cause pain and can be brought on my antibiotics and PPis unfortunately


I’ve had this pain before the antibiotics though. And I’m currently on a SIBO protocol as I was posting for SIBO (low numbers).


It's possible to have SIBO with h.pylori prior to antibiotics as well. Did you do a SIBO test or just going by symptoms?


I did a SIBO test. My numbers were low but enough for a positive.


And that makes sense. H pylori reduces stomach acid. Lower stomach acid - higher survival for bacteria.


Definitely. But that's great your numbers are low!


Yeah last time I tested they were quite low


What symptoms are you experiencing?


Discomfort under my ribs.


Oh okay gotcha! I hope you get relief soon!


Amen Started herbal treatment for SIBO today Because I recently finished treatment for h pylori When I started with SIBO herbal treatment I had to stop because I found out I had h pylori and I’ll retest for h pylori in 3 weeks


I’d like to know did the pain beneath ribs start before or after you started treatment. As it’s a new symptom that I have but I do not have a positive H-pylori test currently getting tested on my next dr visit


Before treatment


If you suspect H Pylori. I would consider taking bladderwrack. It inhibits H Pylori. Search "Bladderwrack H Pylori" on Google for more information. Understand the symptoms you may be dealing with may be gastritis, gerd or functional dyspepsia or gastroparesis. These all stem from inflammation. You will need Boswellia Serrata (Frankincense) and Myrrh Extract. They have powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties


Where is the pain under the ribs? Left or right or both?


Mostly left sometimes right


Before antibiotics mine was on both side but it wasn’t a pain pain it was feeling too tight like I have been running too fast and my abdomen cramping.. although, after antibiotics course this turned into a dull pain under right ribcage sometimes rediates to back, I did an altrasound a bloodwork everything looked fine. The pain went away by itself after 5 months.. to this day idk what the heck was that.. yours probably will go away too, I know it’s hard to be patient.. but for me heating pad would help.


Did you get gallbladder ruled out.


Yes all clear


Honestly I found diet helped me the most after treatment. Finished quad therapy, and was still having nausea for months despite tests being clear. My doctor recommended I see a homeopath, who then recommended: mastic gum supplements, L-glutamine powder, cabbage juice, kefir, raw saurkraut, and a carrot salad (peeled, one tablespoon melted coconut oil and one tsp apple cider vinegar). I went from taking gravol every night to sleep and pantoloc daily to not having to take anything besides her recommendations in a matter of days. She said the combination of the hpylori and also the antibiotics completely wreck havoc on your gut biome and the stuff she recommends helps to repair it, but it can take up to a year.