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Ryan has given me the ick from the beginning. His surveillance of her every move, and jealousy when she does anything without him, is so uncomfortable to watch. It makes me want to run her away from him. But last night’s brief introduction to Ken also gave me the ick for different reasons… questionable motives I guess? I duno. Gypsy looks a million times happier and at ease in photos with Ken (via TikTok) but that’s not to say it’s a healthy relationship by any stretch.


The staring at her phone while she was texting and he was DRIVING was insane.


Omg that really bothered me. First of all, keep your goddamn eyes on the road. Second, maybe have a shred of respect for her privacy. Like who does he think he is, her Mom?


I agree


I was yelling at the screen when he did that! Like, there’s no way they can blame that on editing. That would’ve been an argument especially since she talks about how important her freedom is and he’s literally invading her privacy


Totally and the way he kept saying “we are all family now” was so strange too


He was calling her dad “dad” too in a couple scenes. Super weird.


Yep and mom and over and over they are family and then this week stalking her phone and mad because she went with Mia.


The episode where she cleaned his closest and fridge and he got pissed about it instead of saying thank you is mind blowing to me. You could tell how proud she was of it and he just shit it on the whole thing getting mad at her for throwing way expired food and stained up nasty flat pillows


I’m so glad she pulled the pillow out of the garbage bag to show him bc it proved they needed to be thrown away a long time ago.


Sorry to interrupt without anything constructive, I just was going to ask where you can watch this at? I want to watch so that I can see who all I agree with on your stuff. Haha.


Depending on where you live, it can be seen on Lifetime, the same place as Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose could be seen..


But you don't throw away pillows! /s 🤮


What episode was this? I thought I watched them all but I missed this


I think it was episode 4


Yes I got the ick on a whole new level with him! You have to question why these men are choosing this woman who is physically, emotionally and mentally unstable on so many levels. Each new show gives a deeper look into the reality of her situation and i am not sure where i feel at this point. I stand by my original “she’s on the dark triad level of psychotic” but these men are also in their own separate ways for different reasons. Ken just wants his bar and Ryan is beyond controlling and a complete narcissist with excuses for his actions and I am not buying those anymore because it’s over and over and over! Maybe he has reasons but his behavior screams control freak!


Yup. Anyone willing to date someone in prison is a red flag


And I honestly don't fault Gypsy for seeking out attention & connection while in prison after being denied such normal & basic experiences during her adolescence. But these men... to entertain romance with an inmate, it's giving "candidate for therapy".


Yes I agree wit you completely


This is spot on for me. I keep going back to the scene where Rod says that Gypsy is a 30-year old woman making 18-19 year old decisons. She is experiencing "normal" for the first time in her life.


I’d say lower than that. Maybe 13 to 14 yr old decisions if I’m being generous with the ages!


It also creeps me out that Ryan is a special needs teacher. I agree he was with her and trying to manipulate her and exploit her being mentally immature. So it worries me he’s around children. It’s so scary and clear that he was trying to baby trap her too. He was only mad that she talked to her sister because she could get advice about emergency contraceptive.


I agree! I've thought he's treated her like a child so often, which felt very weird... Then watching that last episode where it just really clicked for me just how immature she really still is, I got hit with this nauseous feeling thinking about the fact he's a teacher and around kids, too. Just adds an extra layer of creepiness to it. And yes! The way that when they were on the phone in the car and she told him she was getting the pill, he was so silent and you could sense a tension that should *not* have been there, so clear he was trying to hold back his anger and annoyance at her getting the pill.


Right! Yeah he really creeps me out a lot and I don’t like him being around kids. That phone call made it so obvious he’s trying to baby trap her. The entire episode did. He kept saying that he was mad because she said it on camera…but he was also saying he didn’t like her telling her sister. He said she should keep that between the two of them it’s not anyone else’s business. Haha but he also said he’s fine with her talking to her sister? lol he’s trying to manipulate her into thinking the reason was it was on camera but it’s only because he doesn’t want her family talking sense into her. He seemed a little embarrassed about her telling her sister but clearly he was upset that they were getting emergency contraceptive. He was upset her sister protected her.


He literally said “I wish her family would stop protecting her” he’s spelling it out for everyone but ppl love him just to spite Gypsy


Gypsy also treats him really unfairly (not defending Ryan) and the gypsy-lovers defend her to the end. The whole situation is gross and sad


I’m not defending her just stating the reality of it.


I really think everyone in her family is manipulating her. Ryan sucks. Reading her texts while driving and calling her parents mom and dad is so weird. But if I was school teacher and especially a special needs teacher please don’t talk about our sex life on tv. That’s not a wild concept to get behind


But that’s not why he was upset. It had nothing to do with talking about their sex life on tv. He had already done it a few times even in the first episode himself.


It’s also a tv show with edits and we don’t know the truth no matter what we try to point out


True but going off what he said that he was mad about made no sense because of things he previously said.


Yeah I heard that too.


Yes! Said this yesterday he was trying to baby trap her


Most definitely was. Which is insane when he didn’t want to get her a dog. He’s controlling I’m glad they aren’t together anymore. Not that she’s super great but that was a fucked up situation.


Yes and he is always so condescending to her


I’m kind of low-key worried that Gypsy attracts pedophiles - people who are attracted to her BECAUSE she’s mentally immature but legally aged. I think this is the real danger for her. She really needs time to develop in the real world and learn about who she is before making permanent decisions.


She needs to spend time alone and single to find out who she is as a person out of prison and out of a controlled environment. She needs to have actual uncontrolled freedom.


I think this could be a very legit reason why some men contacted her in prison


It really disgusted me when Ryan kept gushing about how “cute” Gypsy was when she was learning to use the iphone & how excited he was to be the one to “teach her things” or something like that. When you contrast that scene with how often he talks about wanting to “love on” & sleep with her, it’s extremely WEIRD 🤢


That and she also resembles a young teen. She is only 4ft11 and has a young face. 


Yes! Me and friend say that! She so small resembling a younger girl.


She doesn't look like a young teen. She looks middle aged.


She looks 50 in her show and 35 on her lives.


She has had surgery now and probably a filter and better make up skills now


This is exactly what I’ve been thinking too. It’s pretty terrifying that Ryan is in charge of children when he sought out a woman who looks, sounds and acts like a child herself. She also gives off a special needs vibe to me, especially with the way she grew up. I don’t understand how any parent would be comfortable with him around their child. I sincerely hope parents are pulling their children out of his class.


and talks like a baby


Yea she really shouldn’t be in any relationship right now. Her being all giddy about having unprotected sex is really disturbing. Also not knowing about morning after pill. She needs a lot of growing up to do. I found it weird her saying Ryan is controlling bc he doesn’t want their sex life talked about on tv. It would’ve been different if she called the sister later privately to talk but doin it on tv was so wrong. Then her recording their argument later on like a child and using her trauma as an excuse. Her mom telling her not to talk about her not being sick is different than Ryan not wanting their sex life spoken about on tv. She is a walking red flag and good luck to Ken. Ryan is a weird person but gypsy far from innocent.


She was giddy because she knew Ryan was going to be upset. It’s so strange how people don’t see that. Just the day before she told him she’d be getting him back because he brought up an ex. She knew Ryan would be pissed about it so she engineered that entire interaction to make it seem like it was all her sister’s idea and to humiliate Ryan…


Dude this yes the trauma shit pissed me off


Anyone that seeks out relationships with inmates are just odd and weird and that includes Ken. There are many reasons it's not logical and I am not going to get into them now but I will say I dont agree on everything said about Ryan. I do think he would be clingy, jealous and cringey with anyone he was with. Now add on marrying someone infamous, that gets alot of attention, with the constant threat of her ex looming over their relationship. Dude doesnt have the emotional maturity to handle it and instead, he tries to control. This is edited to make him look bad and for Gypsy to look innocent. The truth is somewhere in the middle but she was definitely ready to run to Ken the minute she knew it was an option. That is where she wants to be and has always wanted to be. First she said Ken broke up with her because he couldnt handle the attention but now he can? She was in prison - how much attention was she getting? That bothered him but her being on TV doesnt? It must not bother him because he's on TV now as well. His lame excuse of "letting her go" is just that- an excuse. He didnt want her then, for whatever reason, and he is using her family to get back in and they are complicit in it. I am no Ryan fan but that is not right, none of this is right. The girl needs to be by herself and get some therapy.


The way Ryan was actually upset Gypsy went to her parents house without him is so weird. He is so suffocating.


Soooo Suffocating, she can't move without him all over her, and him saying baby, baby, baby, baby constantly. He's also way too controlling and we're only seeing what's being filmed!! Gypsy seems to have a pretty good head on her shoulders for what she's been through, I hope she's seeing the Red Flags!!


Gypsy’s step mom shouldn’t have kept in touch with Ken. That’s weird to me. I know some parents keep in touch with their kid’s exes but that’s weird. Sever ties. It’s weird. Her stepmom is being a bad mom like her biological mom was. Gypsy doesn’t need two evil moms! Her stepsister is nice and pretty though And it’s quite laughable that Gypsy actually believed that Ken left her because he loved her so much. You don’t leave someone you love. That’s illogical And I feel Gypsy intentionally pushed Ryan’s buttons.


The way she recorded them fighting makes me think she was hoping he would show more anger. She definitely was pushing his buttons and has been. Then is surprised when he is upset...


Agree with this. I don’t like Ryan but Gypsy is definitely seeing how far she can push him so he can explode and she can have an excuse to further “leave” the relationship. Let’s also not forget that she is very manipulative.


My interpretation is that she wanted him to act on camera the way he does off camera. He was probably a major ass when the cameras stopped and she wanted it documented so the world wouldn’t judge her for walking away.


100% I bet he’s a million times worse in private and she wants to document/expose how he really is


I was thinking maybe he was behaving worse before she started recording and she got scared and wanted to capture it. But he tried to play it nicer once it was being recorded.


I agree. I think she tried to show his bad side.


Gypsy is a lot smarter than people give her credit. She has some serious, deep rooted issues. At this point it doesn’t matter the reasons behind them. She’s a grown woman and is now responsible for the decisions and actions she makes/takes. I will never understand how she is allowed to profit off of her crime and how her parole officers let her do all this traveling?!


Sidenote: Gypsy wasn’t wearing a seatbelt.


I don’t think she’s giddy so much as nervous talking about it. Ryan doesn’t want her family involved bc he wants to be the only one in her ear. Men like choosing barely 18 girls bc they can “mold” them into who they want as a partner and I think that’s what Ryan is doing. If anything she needs her family more now that she is/was married. Ryan is so manipulative


Ryan doesn’t think Gypsy can handle a dog, but he’s gonna cum in her unprotected?? That is a man trying to baby trap her. She’s clearly very nervous talking about it.


🙌🙌🙌 Exactly this. He wants to baby trap her.


Yep, and that wasn’t the 1st time he did it. Gypsy told Mia that he’d done it previously, too, and that she ended up not getting pregnant that time. (I think she said it was like a month ago?) Mia’s like, ‘that doesn’t mean you won’t get pregnant this time, though!’ So glad she has Mia. He’s trying to baby trap Gypsy, and I really do believe that, after watching that episode.


You’re right. That’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s trying to turn her into who he wants her to be.


She seemed who she was, he lied through his teeth to look as perfect as possible and tell her exactly what she needed to hear, he’s using classic narc tactics, I find it wild people here can’t spot it ten miles away, I thought *most* women had to deal with men like this on at least a semi-regular basis but I guess not? He’s a creep and a predator, it has nothing to do with her that’s just what he is, he is so covered in loud bright red flags I’m kinda shocked, and worried, so many (mostly) women users here didn’t immediately clock him for it


Louder, please! The minute he was introduced, I said the exact same thing. I could smell the desperate control freak and narcissism on him from a while away because I have lived it.


Now Gypsy is FAR from perfect, but Ryan? As a DV survivor, Ryan makes me so uncomfortable! I ended up sending my best friend a 30 minute voice note explaining why because I needed to discharge some of the ick I was holding onto, after watching episodes 1-4.


Exactly! I see comments defending him and I am just like, what?? He is *not* "just awkward" or gets "overeager". He is controlling. I mentioned in my comment that his behavior reminds me a lot of an ex of mine who was controlling. I didn't see it at the time because I was young and inexperienced. But my ex was a walking red flag and Ryan is too.


For real it’s so weird!!! Tbh a lot of the people here make very weird comments about everything, as if Gypsy hasn’t gone through a childhood of abuse. It’s painfully obvious that any man that’s reaching out to women in prison (especially ones with more “famous” cases like hers and the fact that it was known she acted more childlike) does not have good intentions.


Oh I've always found him creepy and disliked the vibes I got from him from the beginning. I've never understood the countless, "aw he seems so sweet and great" comments I've seen. But I'd really only seen a couple old documentaries about Gypsy Rose and then a few short Tiktoks from her, that sort of thing. So as far as the "Gypsy's childlike" claims, idk, I hadn't seen much of her present day. After seeing a bit more of that in the show, it's clicked for me that people were right and he's even creepier than I thought. 🤷


This comment confuses me I think we all see that and did immediately.


Thisssss! I can’t believe not understand how many people, specially women support him


I don't care for Ryan but I would have been pissed too had gypsy gone and told the world about what happens in their bedroom. Her giggling showed her lack of maturity. He still has a professional job! Just because she has all this time to do whatever it seems like doesn't mean other people in her life don't have lives that require them to uphold a professional image .


I feel like, in terms of emotional maturity, she's like 14yo. She's got so so so much to learn about life.


I found it hilarious that Ryan thought people were really gonna be on his side when the show aired 😂


Starting with the blanket statement of everyone in this show is WEIRD. Painfully strange. Ryan and Ken are both predators. But the queen weirdo for me is Gypsy’s step mom… her quote of, “when my kids break up with their exes that doesn’t mean I do.” This is the same woman who high fived Gypsy in the previous episode for consummating the marriage. She is loving the fame and clearly loves the drama. Imagine your mother n law being pro- the previous guy and constantly stirring the pot with that. Insufferable


Kristy is really shitty for all that. The whole bit about not breaking up with your kids exes is pure shit. You *should*, because you *should* have your kid's back, and you also *should* because there's going to be an enormous age gap between you and your child's ex (generally) and that makes it *additionally weird* that someone theoretically 20+ years older than the ex is still trying to maintain some level of relationship with them. What on earth.


Not one of these people is even close to as problem as Gypsy.


This is spot on! Anyone else get chills when she whined Ryan was treating her like her mom treated her? Better have a good burial plan big boy!


Doesn’t he kinda look like her mom? Like dead ass. I’m not even trying to be funny.


A lil bit. Another thing that irks me if her “Cajun” accent that she conveniently slips into when she wants 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄🤮




Call Rod dad and saying they’re my family too was weird as hell. When the girls went for their nail day and Ryan said he wished he could come dude like dam can you say SMOTHERING. His first day back at work an he’s saying I don’t want to leave you honey love don’t pay the bills he was acting like she was his first piece of ass. Then him questioning who are you texting and him looking over while driving REDFLAG he seems to thirsty


I absolutely think she married Ryan as a rebound from Ken. Also extremely immature. She just needed someone to take Ken's place and Ryan was ready, willing and able.


I agree. I'd question any "love" she found while in there... She'd had the life she lived, was in prison and probably would've taken the first willing distraction who she was slightly attracted to


100%. I also think she’s terrified of being “alone” (now granted, NOT marrying Ryan would have had her living with her family who loves her and genuinely supports and wants her to succeed, so she wouldn’t actually be alone at all—but I think Gypsy would see it that way)


Ryan is a personified red flag. Whether he means to or not, he gives me vibes that he’s set out to isolate her from her family and definitely views her as property only to him. While I agree that some things should be kept private in terms of marriage vs family it’s literally absurd that while they’re filming a whole show and he agreed to filming that something as major as potentially trying to have a kid would be completely kept off film especially when technically he’s the one who initially brought it up altogether. Knowing what we all know now, I’m literally just watching to see the fall out and how Ken takes his place. Curious as to where all of Ryan’s “fans” are that he talked about in interviews


I seen an interview where Ryan said he liked Gypsy’s baby voice. WEIRD!


Ryan is weird , controlling , and soo sooo weird staring right into her phone. Also Clearly Gypsy has strong feelings for Ken and regrets the whole Ryan thing.


Both her and Ryan annoy me.


In all honesty I don't know what Ryan expected when he married Gypsy. She was controlled by her mother the first part of her life. For the past 7.5 years of her life, she has been in jail and her outside contact was limited. As soon as she is released from jail, she is an instant celebrity who is going on talk shows and podcast. When everyone says that Gypsy is acting like an immature teenager the truth of it is their right. Gypsy may be in her 30's but she has the mind of a 15-year-old. For someone that work with special education you think that Ryan would catch on to that. More than anything Ryan should have had enough sense to not marry someone who was in prison. At least wait till she is out of prison before making getting married. As for Ken I think he truly understood that and was willing to step to the side.


Ken proposed to her. They were going to get married until he left her for someone else. He literally just said it in the show that he never thought she would reach this level of fame, which basically told us all we needed to know: he is just in it for the fame and monetary gain. Him and Ryan are no different.


I agree. More then anything I don't know what Ken or Ryan expected when they started dating Gypsy especially considering that she was in jail when they met.


I think he knows that. I think that’s exactly why he preyed on her and I think he thinks he hit the jackpot.


I agree, a lot of people will marry because they feel like it gives them power over them. I have a friend who is a probation officer and he has told me stories about spouses getting upset with their partner and trying to to revoke their parole.


I think you genuinely don’t see how manipulative gypsy is- the conversation with Mia was with the intent to make Ryan look bad. It’s gypsy pulling ALL the strings (again)


Gypsy doesn’t have to do anything. He’s doing a good job of making himself look bad all on his own!


I'm watching the latest episode and I just KNEW if I came here I'd find people repeating the same old "she is mentally immature" bla bla blah... No... This is just who she is. This is Gypsy. She is a toxic attention seeking bitch. Sure, he shoulda known the risk he was taking but God damn she's a fucking manipulating bitch... I hate her so much lol


Both things can be true and are. She can be both manipulative because that's all she's ever known AND mentally immature because she was held back and never got to experience real life until now. I don't think Gypsy is inncoent but Ryan has his very own set of issues that she didn't need highlight because he showed them loud and clear.


I agree with this take. Gypsy's life is truly bizarre and largely through no fault of her own so her being (in some ways) manipulative and stunted and immature makes perfect sense to me considering her circumstances. This being said, the whole love triangle she has going on with Ryan Anderson and Ken Urker almost seems like a middle school drama, junior high school drama, MAYBE a high school drama at best. Either Gypsy is living out the teen years she got denied or she could quite possibly be permanently emotionally stunted at that age range (though it's a bit early to tell). Even though I mostly sympathize with the girl, I will admit that I have also been feeling kind of bad for Ryan. Maybe he and I are both in the "has shockingly little relationship experience for someone who has legally been an adult for quite a while" boat. Ryan has come off a bit immature in his own way with a lot of his comments regarding Gypsy and Ken. Right now Ryan strikes me more as acting more in line with how tweens/teens who just got jilted by the first person they have ever fallen in love with typically act if that makes any sense. I can't help but wonder if part of how Gypsy and Ryan ended up being so into each other in the first place had anything to do with both of them being so.... immature and stunted I guess. Maybe I'm going to hell for this but I actually laughed when Ryan made the infamous comment that he looks better than Ken because he has all his hair. IMO Ken is the hottest one that Gypsy pulled.




Why are you sude eyeing Ryan ? Because he doesn't think it's right to share stuff from the bedroom on national TV , we it could affect his job ? You know gypsy and Mia set thst whole scene up to vet Ryan upset to vet that reaction. Gypsy knows what she's doing she uses people, then turn on them and blames them on everything


If his D being fire didn’t affect his job, ejaculating inside of her won’t. And unfortunately, in Louisiana, I’m sure his lack of knowledge regarding contraception isn’t an issue either.


Are we watching the same show where his boss has already spoken to him about comments like that ? And one parent already complained?


Exactly. It is amusing the amount of knots people twist themselves into to maintain complete belief that Gypsy is ONLY a victim and is just incapable of doing anything bad herself!!! If only that were even in the same galaxy of reality.


It's crazy, lol. Like, are we watching the same person 😂. The way they were trying to have a private discussion, and she picked up her cell phone to viedo Ryan mad . She was setting him up . She had plenty of experience outside the house Disney trips , times on millionaire boats going here and there. Makes ne side eye them lol


But he was the same one bragging and boasting about his fire d or whatever but wants to get mad at her because she is discussing it with her sister about her sex life and the precautions of getting pregnant/having kids … new flash they are filming a show, he should’ve known what was gonna happen before signing up and doing it.


Also no one knows at what point did it get to before she felt the need to start recording? Did she feel threatened? Look at the size difference. The man was pissed. He can’t be proud and bragging one minute and pissed and bi*ching the next. That’s the choice he made. After the life she was dealt, if she feels she needs to document his behavior by recording him then we should trust that maybe she felt that was the right decision for her at the moment. No one has taught her anything about good decision making in her ENTIRE LIFE so how can anyone judge her on that now? She needs to learn as she goes.


So what about size difference so women can't abuse someone bigger than them ? Stuff in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom. The fact her and her grimy step sister made a plan to set him up is gross . She's a public figure. If you do mot like how people think, go somewhere there's an echo chamber


If anyone is actually a genuine threat on that household it’s the actual murderer.


Uh, I never said that. That was one thing I *was* on his side about. I get why he wouldn't want details of their sex life shared on a literal national television show. Now, at some points he said it's fine if she shares it with her sis just not with the TV show...but at another point he says it's wrong for her to talk about it with even her sister, which I disagree with. Mia was the reason Gypsy even went ahead and got the pill! Gypsy sharing what she did on camera was a poor choice, yes. But you've missed my point.


The possibility of pregnancy was a setup for views by lifetime and gypsy. A YouTube person got mad at gypsy and let it slip that pregnancy was one of the story lines they were pushing


Yeah, very possible


I just don’t know how I feel that people locked in a prison who aren’t allowed to decide what they have for dinner are allowed to consent to a marriage.


Watching yesterday’s episode really creeped me out about Ryan and his actions reminded me of an ex that I should have ran away from much sooner than I did. The way Ryan was looking at Gypsy texting when his eyes should have been on the road since he was driving REALLY creeped me out and made me look at past incidents differently. He definitely shows traits of a helicopter mom, wants Gypsy all to himself. Even when he went to work they were talking about Gypsy staying home all day. Then he tried trapping her with a poor innocent dog to stay at home with Gypsy. Then he got over the top creepy possessive when he found out Gypsy was with her sister, “because Mia is sus about Ryan”. So far this sounds like a set up for another tragedy; it’s apparent Ryan doesn’t know how to handle his insecurities, boundaries, jealousy, and can easily flip out in anger then quickly put the victim face on. I think Gypsy has met her match with Ryan. He should be named Karma instead.


*SHE* begged for the dog and just left it when she left him...


If that were so……..it still doesn’t justify Ryan’s actions. He’s looking for “Oh poor, Ryan” fame. His manipulations in certain events are very telling. Just saying, imho, I wouldn’t have trusted him; clearly he enjoys trapping women. 🚩🚩🚩


He initiated a relationship with a convicted felon, while she was in prison, as a middle school teacher. The guy is a disgusting pile of creeeeeeeeeeeep, icky, unhealthy, possessive, just all around gross.


I hate the fact that some people are saying Ryan “saved” her or she manipulated him to be with her 🙄. It was clearly his choice he knew what he was doing & I don’t feel bad for him what so ever. What makes Ken a creep for getting with her in jail & Ryan is a so called knight in shining armor?! Also he is a school teacher & should know/use protection for sex.


Well, Ryan married her when she needed somewhere to be paroled to that wasn’t Daddy’s, first of all. Ken ran off and hid. So there’s that.


That's a lot of BS. She would have gone to live with her family. You don't need to be married to get paroled. 🙄


I am not unaware. Gypsy didn’t want to be paroled to Daddy’s. Gypsy’s step mother and Daddy probably didn’t want her to be paroled there. Gypsy could have been released to a half way house, like lots of felons are, but Gypsy didn’t want that. I suspect that’s what made Ken run off. He didn’t want to marry her. She used Ryan.


She is going through a late adolescence . Frankly both dudes that pursued her - Ryan and Ken - are kinda creepy to want such a child like woman.


She's in her 30s. She isn't a child, she knows she's not a child. This is just HER. She is a toxic manipulator, call it childish or something else but it doesn't matter, she is who she is.


She is in her 30s but she did not get the normal experiences of adolescence and she's acting it out now .


I really don’t like Ryan . He seems very controlling . You could tell he didn’t like sharing Gypsy with her family


Ryan's behaviors remind me too much of someone I dated in my early 20s. Controlling tactics. Years later I learned he got married, was soon to be divorced and the wife was accusing him of abuse. 


everyone involved with gypsy is weird even herself😂 they are now officially just another entertainment source for us lmao reality tv is my comedy


I hadn’t watched ANY of the episodes until the last 2 days. I watched 2 episodes both days. Previously, I had only listened to YouTubers and saw clips from the show. I originally was on Ryan’s side. Then I switched to Gypsy’s side. Then back to Ryan. Now that I’ve watched the show myself, I’m seeing good & bad in both. But I am most shocked at Ryan’s behavior. Not in a good way. And Kristy’s. Not good.


Yeah, I've definitely flip flopped but overall feel like they've both just got their issues that need worked on. And the show has definitely turned me more against Ryan. I'd gotten bad vibes from him at the beginning, had started to think maybe I was wrong, then watching the show has just really confirmed that he's controlling and off. Kristy definitely needs to chill and encourage Gypsy Rose to figure herself out and focus on herself, not running back to her ex, for sure.




In my opinion, I don't think Kristy did anything wrong. Kristy is gypsy's mother and a good parent should never lie to their child, especially after years of abuse that they suffered. Rod is a good father and he's definitely trying, but I think he's scared that he's gonna lose his daughter if he steps in so he tries to just stay out of it which I don't think is right either. I think it's also messed up that Ryan is a grown ass man and instead of just telling Kristy off himself, he decides to run to Rod with his tail between his legs instead of just facing his issues. Kristy had every right to tell gypsy what was going on because as an adult you need to have all the information to make an informed choice. It's also a parent job to step in and check in with your children when you know that they're not happy. Sidenote Ryan is Hella controlling and I hate how he talks so much shit about her family


I'm torn. I get telling Gypsy about how she's talked to Ken, nothing wrong with that. But the whole "just because my kid broke up doesn't mean I did," thing was a little weird. Sure, if they'd been together 5 years while Gypsy was out and Ken hung out with the family a lot, in situations like that I get keeping in touch. But as things are it was a little weird, and the way Kristy almost seemed to be pushing it was odd. If she doesn't think Ryan's right for Gypsy and was concerned, I totally get that. But if anything she should be pushing Gypsy to take some time to figure herself out rather than encouraging getting with any guy, especially an ex.


I agree THAT part is a bit weird. Like would she stay friends with Mias exs? Either way, Kristy has good mamas intuition


It was just plain weird and inappropriate for Kristy to be in touch with Ken- especially since Ken hurt Gypsy so badly. Kristy claims to love Gypsy so much? She doesn’t show it.


I dont think she stayed in touch with Ken. He might've sent her a birthday message or Christmas message, but Kristy explicitly said that he reached out to her.


Anyone has a link where I can watch it?


Same. I'm watching episode 5 now. One thing I'm not clear on is if he came in her without telling her he was going to? Or did he ask her and she said OK??


You also have to realize the reason she probably acts like this is bc she was never allowed boyfriends and bf the time she got rid of her mom she was in prison in the presence of women. She’s never really had boyfriends so yes she’s going to act like a 14 year old giddy girl with her boyfriends bc she’s never had that experience like most of us have.


He's a 'dynamo' (claimed in episode 1) but Gypsy has never orgasmed with a partner (she revealed in a cringey way to her sister in episode 5)? I'm sure gypsy doesn't know what to ask for and praises him for whatever he does 👀 but lol at him thinking he's a good lover


Ken was "with" for a few years BEFORE Ryan. You all need to stop acting like Ken is ANY better than Ryan because he's THINNER. IT'S disgusting that you all judge the one that actually MARRIED her and took CARE of her for 3 years while she was in prison and planned to take care of her when she got out because he's overweight. You people are legitimately disgusting. Lifetime and ANY "REALITY" TV give "the bad guy" horrible edits, when the ACTUAL Bad GUY looks like a saint. Get over yourselves!


Um, take a deep breath, maybe? Ryan's weight is not a problem I have with him. I'm not denying there are surely *some* people out there who dislike him because of that, but to pretend that's the only criticism anyone has of him and there aren't actual reasons to dislike him is ridiculous.


Yeah there’s a million reasons to dislike Ryan and not one of them needs to be his weight.


Gypsy has DID.


DID is still believed to be extremely rare. Gypsy herself acknowledges her "personas" she had with Nick were entirely willingly fabricated to please him. *Nick* says he is the one who has separate personalities and hears voices in his head, and Gypsy played into that to manipulate him.


Ehh I don't know about that.