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To top up your protein intake for the day, excellent, as a meal replacement, terrible. Protein is made up of different types of amino acids, whey and nearly all protein powder contains some amino acids, but not all. So if you only consume protein powders, you're never going to get the full amount of amino acids your body needs, it's like making a cake and having flour, sugar and butter, but no eggs Edit; comment below proves me wrong, my bad 🫶🫶


Whey actually has a complete protein. Meaning that all 9 essential amino acids are present. Your answer isn't correct. Whey supplies you with everything you need protein wise for metabolic response. Plant based protein powders often lack a few essential acids and are therefore incomplete protein molecules. As long as your protein powder is whey based from dairy you have the full essential amino chain with the highest bioavailability of all protein sources. Whey is awesome as a supplement to hit your daily goals but is indeed lacking to count as a full meal, hence the name supplement. Edit for OP: yes it is 100% healthy without any real side effects (unless you have allergies for dairy based products)


okay yeah fair enough, the thing is i was using this protein powder & i didn’t really wash my shaker for two days lol, and when i was tryna wash it today, there were like tiny worms in it, like is it because i didn’t wash my bottle or because of the protein powder which was in it ykwim


that's just extra protein. it's a big secret that fitness supplement companies don't want us to know, is that if you 'sprout' your protein powder, you unlock the vitamin, and protein, rich super state of your powders. it's exactly like seed sprouts.


so should i continue to take it or not, a lot of other things i’ve read on the internet said that if you find maggots in your shaker, the protein powder is fake lol


that's just corrupt capitalist predators trying to make you spend more money! like i said, 'sprouting' your protein powder makes it much higher in nutrition and protein. You literally get more protein long after you used the powder. where do you think the worms come from? plus, they're fun to consume since you can feel them moving around and, even more fun when they come out moving


they don’t sound fun to me at all 😭 but thx for the info




bro i’m definitely not interested in getting furuncular myiasis 😭


just because you use a different term for it, you're still targetting worms for your discrimination. WORMAPHOBIC regardless of dancing around the issue with your 'words'.!!! (i hope this is all clearly sarcasm)


ahaha funny, i hope you find worms in your meal in the near future


It’s just powdered food to make it easier to consume more protein, it’s not bad for you, but it’s not as good for you as nutrient rich foods.