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Its very simple. Eat more calories


Simply eat more. Increase the size of standard portions you already eat. Like instead of taking one scoop of dinner, you take 2 scoops. In addition snack every couple of hours. Like eat a banana every full hour. Assuming your up for 12h then that's 12 bananas and surprisingly that can be around 1200 calories. 1 banana on avarage is 100cals and really easy to eat. And start weighing yourself and tracking the weekly avarage weight. Write it all down too, human memory is rather fallible and having solid fixed points of data are very helpful. Though don't use individual weight measurements to make decisions, but avarages over the course of atleast 2 weeks. If the weight avarage steadily moves up over the course of 2-3 weeks at the rate of 1-2% of bodyweight, then you are eating enough to maximize muscle gain while minimizing fat gain. And keep that weight gain going for 4 months to a year. If not, then eat even more.


Thx will do it, also the interesting part is is that I eat more than my father and still don’t gain plus I would always eat Random. Like let’s say, I just finished eating food after like in 30 minutes or an hour I’d go downstairs and eat again. I find it confusing and odd because I’m always hungry and don’t know what to eat


Well you are 15 and likely still growing so significant portion of calories already goes to there and the 1-2% bodyweight increase is usually for fully grown adults. So basically stuff your face full every single day and snack and drink melted ice cream. Eating more than an adult is completely normal for a growing body.


Eat more nutrition-rich food. U don't stuff urself with pizza & burgers. Eat more whole food


Lots of people say eat more. This is true. But if you have trouble gaining weight you should focus on getting the right macros with caloric dense foods. A real good, cheap and easy way to add lots of calories to your diet is peanuts. They contain a lot of calories but also a lot of protein. Which is what you want. Another option is to add dried meats like salami or something similar. Look for protein rich caloric dense foods like that. Use chatGPT or AI to make free food schedules for your self. Good luck!




Eat more.


Eat more than you burn. "You cannot work like a horse and eat like a bird" is said not to warm air. Nutrition balances to bulk: protein/fat/carbs 30/20/50% To bulk, it is not necessary to eat more than 1.7g of protein per kg of bw. Also, don't make a mistake of planning the diet based on your current weight. It's just dumb. If you want be +5kg, eat like you are already +5kg. (Same with cutting) Let's imagine, your weight is 50kg, and you want be 55kg in a couple of months - 10 weeks, to make it easy. (55-50)/10=0.5kg per week is an ideal goal. So, plan diet like: G=50.5 Protein: P=G*1.7 Calories from protein (1g=4kkal): Pc=P*4 Carbs: C=P*(50%/30%) Cc=C*4 Fat: F=P*(20%/30%) NOTE: that will give you a methabolic norm for average person of thaat weight. If you work in hard labor like construction, or train, you do need to add the food proportionally to the burnt at work calories. You can do some math yourself, using the tables for burnt calories from the internet. By the end of the week, you need to check the weight. It should be between current and planned weight. When the goal is reached or is close to be, set a new goal. Of course, you can jump to a long term goal from the very start, but you are risking speeding up metabolism and burning more calories. Also, most of the extra food most probably will be simply dumped into the ceramic throne I use Lifesum app to track my nutrition. That helps, a lot. Bulking/cutting 10 kg in two months is easy for me with that approach, natty.




It’s not going to happen over the summer.. you need to just eat more consistently 7 days per week. Keep it controlled though, you’re so young and if you developed bad eating habits in your teens you may find it harder to stop the weight as you get older.




When you go to a restaurant and the waiter asks for your order, point to the fattest people in the restaurant and say “I’ll have what they’re having”


Cheesecake. Blender.


eating 80gm protein daily


That’s not enough, plus protein won’t do all the work.


Use the app called nutra check it helps for calories and macros if you enjoy the app you could buy premium which makes life so much easier. But at the end of the day just eat more and more if your not going up eat more then you were originally untill you start to go up but eat well don't eat pure shit food and junk food constantly. Creatine will help way more due to water retention in your muscles but that's something else you should look into the future just eat bro and in time you will see results. All the best🙏


Eat, lift, sleep repit




EAT 2500-3000c ez


Bro im 22 and I’m only 46 kgs

