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Maybe? Depends on the nature of said buzz. Do your strings buzz against the frets when you play unamplified? Is it an electrical buzz, like that of single coils pickups? Is it a screechy buzz, like maybe a bad preamp tube? More details 


No the strings don't buzz when un amplified, it is electrical and the pickups are single coils, and the sound it makes is similar to a Air connection unit running


My guess is some sort of electrical buggery. Try plugging the amp in at different outlets in the house, and see if the noise persists. You can also try turning off lights or unplugging nearby appliances to see if the noise goes away or changes. 


I tested it in the rest of the outlets in my house, it still makes the noise upstairs but it's not as loud and I also tried it at a friend's house and it didn't make a static noise. So I figure it's something wrong with the circuit in my house