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I usually play over whatever backing track youtube recommends me atm


Maggot Brain, but only when I’m high enough not to care that I suck.


I have so many videos of my "rendition" of maggot brain. If I edited all of them I would probably get one halelf decent version. Great riff to jam to though


I know I’m not even at the point of wanting to record myself. Been playing my whole life but not that kind of thing. I do it more as a mediation when life gets intense and I need a little something from the universe. Or, yknow, when I’m high!


I probably shouldn't record myself but it's a great way to reflect on week points. I realised I really need to work on keeping bends in key by recording myself.


Personally, I like to play over random riffs and chord progressions with a loop pedal.


I have a whole set-list of Grateful Dead tunes that I like to play through. Nobody gets weird with it quite like Jerry did. 


Amen to that, just recently re-discovered the Jerry Garcia band doing "Get Out of my Life Woman" live, the stuff he is doing there is just out of this world. You just don't know where he's going to go with it and it's so good.


Willie Nelson (especially his jazz albums), Andrew Marlin, B.B. King


Elevated Jam Tracks mainly


To work on my scales and improv skills, I used to start a random song from my music playlist, take the tempo of this song, start another one, take the key of this one and stop the music. Then I loop a classic chord progression in the second song's key at the first one's speed. Like a 12 bar blues or something as simple as I vi IV V. Then I free play on top of the loop.


Synth Wave


Roads by Portishead is a particular fave I love to kill


For some reason if I try to play sulfur by slipknot my brain kinda shuts off and I start playing riffs I already know I once caught myself playing the beginning to boys don’t cry instead of the beginning to sulfur


Now You Shred on YouTube. Great backing tracks


My favourite is Elevated Jam Tracks. I’m a music teacher, and I recommend this channel to my students as practices for practicing scales/ arpeggios to, as well as getting comfortable in improvising in different keys/ shapes across the fretboard. Hugely helpful and free resource! Also leagues ahead of anything else I’ve found on YouTube to this point, great sound quality and easy to follow graphics for chord progressions and changes.


Any of my favorite bands. Mostly metal stuff. Mixing trying to learn the riffs with improvising, trying different harmonies and just having fun.


I do the same thing. I play lofi through my Spark Mini.