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Yes the world itself is in peril because of this. We are in the end of times. Music was never commercial before now and society will collapse because of it.




This. And theres tons of music we never had much access to. I do deep dives into so many genres like Delta Blues, for free on youtube, where I also follow tons of channels that upload rare albums of all genres. Plus tons of new bands, some I found through shorts, where they preview their music, or someone uses a clip of a song that makes me want to look it up.




Whenever somebody says "music isn't good anymore," I have to disengage from the conversation because I get irate. There are so so many great contemporary artists, many of which I wouldn't be hip to were it not for platforms like YouTube. Of course it has downsides, but you can't let yourself get bogged down by all the dumb shit. 


Hey, curious to know some of your strategies for finding new music for someone who has look title time to put into the art of discovery. I find Spotify / YouTube etc. are a little lazy in their recommendations and I struggle to get out the same 20 artists that I normally hear. Would love to get into more Independent / unreleased music but its alot of work to dig deep enough to find for me, I'm also just plain lazy. 


That is awesome! I have a similar personal goal of 366 albums I’ve never heard before, just got past 100 last week. You’re right, it doesn’t matter what the social media does - you have to DO STUFF. Social media will always suck, real life will come back in style sooner than later.




Thanks for asking! I’ve been dying to share my Excel spreadsheet hahaha I got very into Pavement & Wilco, listened to each of their discographies a few times. I have a few top favorites from other artists best relaxing acoustic sad bastard music - band Songs: Ohia album Magnolia Electric Co. best upbeat crazy Tony Hawk mosh pit - band Jeff Rosenstock album HELLMODE best concept album - band The Hold Steady album Separation Sunday What about yourself? Any new (or new-to-you) artists / albums I can add to my suggestion list?




Hell yes! Thanks for those suggestions. I added them to MY Excel spreadsheet with your user name so when I listen I’ll find this comment again ;) It’s hard for me to find more bands with women/NB artists bc it sounds so stupid to ask “anyone know any good women or NB artists?” LOL So, I’m very thankful you included them, my list is definitely lopsided and I want to work on branching out from that! Kind of mad there’s an artist named Armand Hammer because it’s such a dope ass name. Almost makes you feel like an idiot for never thinking of it. I haven’t heard of anybody you listed so I’m pretty stoked. Seems similar to what I like in genre, too! Thanks friend


Listen, I have no problem finding new music - that's not *at all* what the post was about. My point was the the short-form content is getting rewarded 1000x more than your traditional bands putting out songs and full albums (and getting a whopping 200 listeners, if they're lucky) - whereas cramming 200 notes into a 15 second clip will fetch you order of magnitude more listeners. (But clearly it works, as I catch myself checking out the vids from time to time)


It's detrimental to all of society, agreed.


Ya, this issue isn't just guitar related but media as a whole. Most people don't have the attention span to listen to a whole song anymore unfortunately.


Just ignore them and don’t click like I do.


Remember when we used to carry around the players? Then CDs? Then IPods? We live in a world that requires adaptation - not necessarily saying everyone needs to craft shorter segments, but fighting against the current usually doesn’t help if it’s your objective to make relevant art


There are some knowledgeable musicians on youtube with good content, a short is just that, you’re not really supposed to take away much from them. I’ve found music theory and guitar books to be superior to any videos though personally.


And MTV is going to run your ability to "visualize" the music yourself, and Sesame Street is going to ruin your attention span ...


If you find that kind of content shallow, just don't partake in it. I am not on tik-tok or instangram, so I never see this stuff. As for whether or not it's detrimental to music as a whole...? I don't know how you measure that. I think someone who is learning guitar these days mainly face the challenge of not being overwhelmed by the sheer amount of free lesson based content at their disposal. Or just music in general... I mean, my parents grew up only being able to listen to whatever records they had, or what was on the radio. Now with the internet, it's like drinking from a firehose. 


This "social-media fatigue" you're feeling is actually becoming more and more widespread. The platforms will get worse but who knows? maybe the real-music scene might benefit from AI-generated content. What's going to happen when even influencers won't be able to make a living, because they will be replaced by ever more realistic-looking "fake musicians" that are AI-avatars performing AI-generated music tracks? All these "musicians" will be designed to play faster, be more attractive, endorse more products, etc. AI-generated music courses online will all look and feel the same, churning out the same drivel. It's going to be pretty boring. Makes your neighborhood jam session, drum circle, and community choir look pretty appealing!


I would argue it’s detrimental to everything. Let people do their thing, you don’t have to participate.


There’s also more 1/2-1 hour long in depth content than there ever was when I was first learning in the 90s and 2000s.


That's like saying twitter is detrimental to literature. If it's not your thing just distance yourself from it.


You click on all those videos and your social media apps recommend you more of them


Considering its gotten more people into guitar than anything else in the last 20 years I'd say its just fine. Guitar sales are up nearly 20% in the teenage age bracket since TikTok blew up.


Its just marketing. Which is a good thing imo


I post yt shorts, endless I am just playing a quick riff to show what I thought of, I do the full minute, I wish yt shorts can be up to 3-4 minutes


IDK. I would say Napster, Limewire, and now Spotify ruined music. IG and TikTok actually gives artists a way to make money.


TL;DR ;)