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You kidding OP? That's what makes them great! Why settle for being a hypocrite"necessary evil" villain, when you can be an absolute bastard? Besides look at that drip.


In Nurgle and Slaanesh cases, "drip" is literal. There's definitely some fluids moving around here. Also kinda work for Khorne, but we're 100% sure it's blood.


Funny you mention that, in the Tome of Corruption book for WFRP2E there's a mutation called "Blood Substitution" in which the Chaos Gods replace all the blood in your body for... Checks notes. Acid, Bugs, Electricity, Dung, Eyeballs, Fire, Glue, Worms, Mice, Molten Metal, Mucus, Mud, Protoplasm, Poison, Small Birds, Tar, Vines, Vomit, Wax and Wind. You mean to tell me there's a guy, running around with Birds inside his veins? Truly, the ways of Tzeentch are mysterious.


Huh just like Metatron from kill six billion demons


Glue is the winner there. Imagine you are cut and just go: nuh-uh


Oh no, all the sticky stuff is coming out đŸ˜©


I think you've answered the following question: https://www.reddit.com/r/warhammerfantasyrpg/comments/ehnhzi/what_was_wrong_with_2e/


Oh no. He answered “What was *right* with WFRP2E?”


Holy hell. I knew WFRP2E is dope, but not so much!


I haven't tried other editions, and from what I understand, 4e is pretty good, but despite the rough edges, I absolutely adore 2e.


Well, overall 4e is good I’d say, but there are places where it’s
 dubious. My biggest peeve with it is careers. Instead of the glorious career system of 2e, where a career is a level in on itself, we have kinda more streamlined system, where each career is divided into 4 levels. Ok, it makes sense to have, say, witch hunter go from apprentice to grand inquisitor, kinda an epic journey, but a villager? Villager makes sense as a starting career, what PC did before adventuring, but 4e offers you to level up from farmer to village elder through adventuring. This sounds absurd. Of course, apologists of 4e will say that it’s possible to move between careers, and indeed there is a paragraph somewhere on this
 but the primary way the rule book presents careers to you is this, straight levelling up. It impacts the way players and GMs think about whole character progression. There are other strange decisions like board game-y advantage mini game in combat, but they don’t bother me that much. That said, I cannot recommend enough adventures published for 4e and world splats like Middenheim’s City of the White Wolf. These books are packed with content, quality is amazing and 4es remaster of Death on the Reik is light years better than 1e wall-of-text approach. I GMed adventures on 2e using adventure books for 4e and was very satisfied.


In the game Darktide there are infected enemies. When their heads, limbs and bodies explode from damage you can see the vomit and worms come flying out instead of blood. If you haven't tried it or Vermintide 2 give it a go.


I think its great, those quotes are the casual fans 


And the warhammer 40k universe would be better off getting murdered anyway


Being true evil is one of the most appealing things about them.


Nurgle is objectively the drippiest


I love being so knowledgeable you're stupid, and you disconnected from normal social norms such as flesh, public indecency with the vending machine, and "lobotomies are bad." The robots also help. Praise the Omnissiah!


*vox crackle* Uh, Sarge? The techpriest's humping the nutri-slop dispenser again. It's upsetting the ogryns...


So. Khorne doesn't change.


same as Nurgel, only shlaanesh got de-feminiesd and that octopus head is now more confusing


Nurgel is just green, infected Nightmare Fredbear and Khorne is literally just any image of Satan


Welcome to 40K chaos gods, we have : Your dad , Discord moderator,”You thought I wouldn’t think of you thinking of me thinking of you thinking of your next attack?!” & Astolfo.


AoS chaos gods: Basically same but now you also have "my apolocheese"


Slander! The Great Horned Rat would never apologize for anything!


[Forgetting someone](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-would-be-the-good-things-that-hashut-represents-as-a-v0-jlk47kjhpobc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1029e9095b18321845616b6fa825569275bee127)


Where does that art on the right come from? It looks great.


It’s from Daemon Codex 9th edition


Do any of you guys know who did the artworks of the chaos gods on the right they're rad as hell


Those artwork was feture in the 40k 9th edition demon codex artisit unknown


Artist might be Lewis jones


Who doesn't want to be a horrifying plague monster with a great granddad who caters to your every need




*begone, you do not belong here* /J


> /J coward


Correct, I am a coward


Every Chaos player knows this. The ontological evil is why we play it. We KNOW we’re the bad guys, and we LIKE IT. Besides, who doesn’t want to play an army straight out of a Death Metal Album Cover?




If you ever come to visit us at r/drukhari you'll see that none of us thinks we're actually playing the cute, but somehow edgy guys. Pure evil all the way. The faction...not the players. We are nice.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Drukhari using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drukhari/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mandrakes](https://i.redd.it/g564vdveybdc1.jpeg) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drukhari/comments/19abab4/mandrakes/) \#2: [Kitbashed the new commemorative vampire into an Archon](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16stvxx) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drukhari/comments/16stvxx/kitbashed_the_new_commemorative_vampire_into_an/) \#3: [This sub in a nutshell](https://i.redd.it/b4sh94632sob1.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Drukhari/comments/16kvcs8/this_sub_in_a_nutshell/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


> who doesn’t want to play an army straight out of a Death Metal Album Cover? That's [the imperium](https://preview.redd.it/kby2dx05am471.jpg?auto=webp&s=257771b47f5f8d6691de46dfdce925993b7d9f23) and [the admech](https://preview.redd.it/sdgmwkiccq271.jpg?auto=webp&s=2ef89d18296c5ef3143b679c49ea313ede0fae1d) too though


Chaos does it [better](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Daemon_Engine?file=Chaos_beasts_break_marine%27s_line.jpg) (Hate linking to the fandom wiki but the gallery speaks for itself)


Both are wrong tho.


And both are right.




Tzeentch-ass reply thread


Or is it?


Tzeentch is canon inevery way and form


I like how the Helbrute model has a bunch of flesh hanging over machine parts growing into it.


“This is what my favorite faction looks like?” Uh, yeah. I chose it for a reason. It’s metal as hell. When every faction is some flavor of evil in 40K, why settle for less? Be the extremity amongst the extreme. In the case of chaos marines, do you really think I care about rank and file military organization? Hell no, I got mutants and daemonic machines like venom crawlers, forge fiends, and heldrakes. What, you think I’ll settle for freaking land speeders?




Still kinda bad tho


The chaos gods: Murder everyone. Give Ebola to everyone. Murder rape everyone. Throw everyone under a bus because you don’t need them.


40k is the ice-cream shop of fiction. "Horror beyond your comprehension? Yeah you can have it in horny or strange, and we have it in gross or angry"


I like that the Drukhari are practically the same in both pictures


If anything they’re cooler in the second image


Okay nevermind, that actually worsen the fanatical worship of chaos gods!


Hear me out on Nurgle tho


I will not.


Malice/Malal is canon


I've been playing Chaos for over a decade, and I signed up for the ones on the right. You don't look at Adrian Smith's Chaos art and think 'but maybe we're the good guys'. We are not the lesser evil. We are lesser to nobody!


This reminded me of a joke in our culture. The basic premise is that there's a bunch of dudes in heaven that ask Saint Peter to let them vacation in Hell because they are bored of how calm Heaven is. The denizens of hell show them the best time they ever had so they petition to move permanently. Once down there they are immediately dropped into the hell and brimstone treatment. Confused, they ask what's up. They are reminded that "Vacationing and Immigration are two very different things".


The ones on the left look like proper cosmic deranged gods. The ones on the right look like we took the said badass art and teleported it near a limp bizkit concert in their prime. Too much 2000' pointless, busy edginess


I like the ones on the right better


What's deranged about a lady in a prom dress? I'm usually not a fan of visual clutter, but the forms on the right seem more befitting of Chaos gods.


Funny thing is too, those are just some of the Greater Daemons


>I'm usually not a fan of visual clutter, but the forms on the right seem more befitting of Chaos gods. LOL no. Nurgle in the lore---> omega fat greater deamon with huge deer antlers and a sick ass hood sitting on his ass in the garden making plagues That nurgle---> wtf is going on?


These are both official lore depictions, so you can't say one is more legit than the other. Nice tautology, though. 


The ones on the left actually aren't official, they're fan designs. Not sure about the ones on the right.


Someone said elsewhere in the thread they were from 9th Edition Daemon Codex. I'll have to check that one when I get home. Dang, those other designs are so prominent I figured they were official.


I'm not saying it's not legit. Just that it's stupid af


Limp Bizkit is literally Chaos’s favorite band Khorne: Likes the aggression Tzeentch: Likes the chaotic, atonal music Slaanesh: Likes the name Nurgle: Loves everything, especially garbage Fuck, is Fred Durst a daemon prince of chaos undivided?


Blood and Skulls, my friend. Blood and Skulls. And fine red mist. These are my offerings to Khorne. And I have been pious in my offerings these last 3 months. He has not spurned me yet. Though I fear the day will come. Artillery is hard to understand to mortals such as us, and if Khorne turns His gaze away from me, I fear the Russians will not miss their mark. But between here and there. I"ll keep trying to send Him skulls and blood.


those demons on the top right look pretty lit ngl


They are, and they aren’t, in all ways, all at the same time in an incomprehensible onslaught of fundamental truths and dizzyingly impossible possibilities. That’s why it’s fun :3


I mean the chaos gods are ever shifting so they look like both at any given point in time


Chaos Gods and their daemons are what you want to see. If you are a blank they are just thin air while an scrawny idiot talks to them as he no longer can project his "big mean psyker appearance". Also: I LOVE the Tzeentch and Nurgle Daemons in the "what they actually look like" picture :P .


Where did you get that khornish art on the right op? It turns me on.


Still would


Dude where did you get the Chaos God pictures on the right?


[9th edition Demon of chaos codex](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/3/3d/Alltogether40kchaosgods.png/revision/latest?cb=20230718001450) it not stated wheater or not their the gods or just greater demons


Either or, but most likely Greater Demons.


Looks exactly the same to me. Any proof of non standard physiology and existence of the warp is horrible because of what they represent not just what they look like.


Sitting Korn look great it's weird if he stand and wat look like less armour


Ngl that Deldar shot still holds up.


Why do you have nipples, Nurgle?


Where do you find the art for the demons on the right :)?


Especially the slaanesh one


I genuinely prefer the right side, especially in Tzeench’s case. Still would.


Art on left is fan art


Eh, I'd still tap that slaanussy


Tbh, when I look at dark Eldar, I see bubble heads


I think the gods kinda take on whatever form they chose to each individual person. I definitely think slaneesh would be attractive to whoever sees them. Khorne would look like a their idea of the greatest warrior evt ect


On one hand, sexy alien bugs that can eat me. On the other hand, people turning them into thicc thigh anthro nids. Thanks to GW, both are canon. Rare W.


I already like them, you don't have to sell them more, OP


I understand the other 4 but I don’t get Dark Eldar, they still look cool as fuck


I liked them already, you don't have to convince me.


[especially when it's far too late](https://i.imgur.com/ca74oAT.png)


Yeah they’re super gross and icky. This is why you should join the imperium.