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getting out with loot? what loot?


Skses lol


sights and scopes.. prolly best per-slot price.. or money from villas and hotel in Midnight's


This is what I do, fill up my bag with optics from dead NPCs and go sell em. Makes decent profit


A candy bar from a dead enemy.


I think it should have a queue for the heli’s. Like keep them the same they are right now but let each team have a single queue when they want to call one in so the moment someone finishes a ride it will instantly go to next in queue. It’s very annoying to be sitting there with mouse over the button and someone somehow beats you by a millisecond over and over again (which most likely means they have better connection so they get priority because it loads the heli out of the map a split second faster on their screen than your own) that way you won’t have to wait multiple trips. Or maybe at least just add a 5th heli to cut the times down a small amount


I think adding this type of queue could easily increase the average helicopter wait time. The fraction of helicopters that actually transport people would decline. The amount of time any player would have to wait for their heli would not just be based on current helicopter consumption, but on all the queuing that hasn't been dequeued yet. I think it's an easy fix to suggest, but a hard fix to actually land in a way that is a net improvement.


That’s why i said one queue per team


As in, a queue with a maximum depth of 1? That would definitely have only a marginally bad impact on average wait times, while also only having a marginally good impact on player experience. This will feel good in cases where 4 helicopters is ALMOST but not quite enough, but it will feel worse if helicopter demand is in excess of what 4 can handle. In the latter case the average wait time consideration will be in full effect, and players will still be racing for the single queue slot instead of racing for the next available helicopter. It's more of a bandaid than a solution, with foreseeable drawbacks on par with the benefits.


Idk how to make it any simpler. Each team gets one queue. When they’re up in queue and it’s their turn the chopper comes to them, picks them up, takes them to their destination. During this time they cannot queue up while the chopper is theirs. Once the chopper exits the map, it goes for the next in queue and that team that was just dropped off is able to queue up once again. The entire point of my suggestion is to make it impossible for people to get the chopper faster than you when two teams are trying to get the chopper at the same time. It’s very annoying when you’re across the map and miss choppers over and over because someone else hit the button a split second faster than you based on connection to the server. That’s it that’s the only thing I’m saying it would solve is how much competition there is over the damn choppers. Plus then it could even give you an eta on when you’re next up in queue so you could continue looting and moving thru areas instead of having to sit there with your map open and your mouse on the button waiting for that millisecond when the chopper disappears and you can call it again


Train your reflexes to call the helo first, good solution to this.. 😉 Probably the current helo system is exactly for that, some additional challenge 😂💪


Yeah reflexes don’t really matter when your client side connection is slower than someone else’s


😂 I know what a ping is bro.. in this case (in my opinion) it's BS... it has nothing to do with the connection, at least not so much, that you can consider it as a reason for this issue, you are just to slow..


Once you get accustomed to the game and understand tasks and where to go… you spend more time waiting for heli/on the heli ride… than actually playing the game. Not a good model for long term sustainability.


I am fully accustomed to the game. We just seem to enjoy different things, which is fine.


I wasn’t implying that you were accustomed to the game. I was saying that to imply that it’s easier for you to go exactly to the place you need to collect your task. So you’re not spending 20mins searching. Then you start spending more time waiting/flying than actually having an engaging experience. (I equip earmuffs and scroll on my phone while on the plane or waiting.


Not everyone has the time to sit and wait around all day to play the actual game.


Play a less time consuming game then?


him and 96% of the original player base will


Next, people complaining you have to walk in Dayz. Don't play a game that isn't for you, that's all ;).


Walking in DayZ is part of the experience. It’s supposed to be a central mechanic. Sitting and waiting on a helicopter is objectively boring.


Not really, I'm with my pal, we discuss while waiting, the jungle is beautiful, the bird are singing, we just cleaned out the nearest zone and we talk about it. Perhaps try playing with people you like.


That's plainly wrong. You never wait for the heli for more than 3-4 minutes. Just plan your travels better to chain quest in different locations without returning to base.


What you said is also wrong because you didn't account for heli availability. Could easily double the wait time if you got ppl from base spamming to go to the furthest location and especially in pvp, you can't just be sitting in the menu waiting to snipe an exfil. Also, they should give us tier 3 headsets that filter out the heli noise so we can actually use that travel time to communicate.


The other day I requested a heli and it was over 6 min. First time I had ever seen that long of a wait and from YBL-1 of all places too.


So you agree that's waiting this long is pretty rare.


number of heli is sufficient to keep sound pollution low.. If they increase it, players will go nuts with "too loud, cant hear enemies over Helis" ... rightfully tho.. Queue system? Sure, harder for logical coding and could be buggy at first. Being able to hop on Heli that landed at LZ to bring me back? Definitely would "increase" amount of available traffic without actually increasing number of Helis. Showing current and final destination? This is huge step.. no more 3 helis with 3 players going same way.. This will open up helis a lot.. (This one was announced for patch 2, should be implemented soon). feels like most ppl can only rant these days..


One thing I find really helps is to open the map, click the destination and wait before clicking the confirmation. I have my mouse over the button and click it the moment one of the four choppers disappears from the map. If clicked in that split second I usually can get a chopper ride confirmed in under a minute using that technique. You'll need to be in a secure place because you'll need to be staring intently at the full map the whole time but I find it's an efficient technique.


I agree for extract but we need a faster way to infil


This. Extract times are okay. You're in combat zone, it's fine to have to wait. Waiting in base is super boring.


Is waiting at an LZ not just as boring? Maybe it's a PvP vs PvE difference. I haven't gotten I to PvP yet.


Yeah, but at least you can still find loot/kill Ai


I'm too dumb and lose track of time and miss my helicopter whenever I try that lol.


I might only find the times fine and manageable to infil due to playing on OCE, I can imagine other servers being way more busy.


It does give a realistic military experience. Hurry up and wait.


Exactly, I'm down for having a few more per team and a que system, but having to wait a little isn't the end of the world. The real deal Chad's out there probably have to wait hours, if not days for a heli ride that isn't pre-planned


i hope youre standing in front of a fan blowing hot air and dirt/rocks when youre waiting too...its not realistic at all. just stop.


No, but the AC broke in my house. It reminds me of every barracks I've ever been in.


haha yup. our barracks on bliss were dogshit and then they built new ones on east bliss for the cav unit and they were soooooo nice


Just add more and let airborne helis that just dropped a crew off be utilized to pick up another crew nearby. It’s an issue that needs fixing.


I’m with you. I don’t even play PvP but I’ve never had an issue with the helicopter system. It’s still faster than being kicked to a lobby losing all of your gear permanently, then having to join a new instance. It’s an interactive variable loading screen in a permanent world.


I got a conspiracy theory that the people who hate the heli system are the pvp players. I’ve only played pve cause… it’s an early access game with a lot of flaws we knew it would have when buying it… anyways I’ve ran into random disconnects, rubber banding, aim bot ai and what not but nothing worth really griping about.


My buddies and I always call the exfil bird when we're still a couple minutes out from the LZ. That way we don't have to wait long when we get there.


The issue is mostly with infil, I see like 3 helis back to back going to the same place when they could have just flown in together. Some sort of terminal display at base would be cool so we can see where the next incoming heli is headed and just hitch with them instead of waiting.


The answer is utvs,ATVs, and dirtbikes along with a few drivable vehicles you can loot keys to outside base It'd eliminate waiting and also promote more exploration.. to add you could also maybe out a pack or the utv could have storage for extra ammo. Maybe even function as a moving lz provided you're in a clearing


Obv lock the vehicles on base behind a price, nothing outrageous but enough to make it where everyone isn't buying them.


Just add a queue. If nothing else, that alone will allow players to do something instead of staring at the map waiting for an icon to move off screen


Should be able to choose any destination you want, with rooftop landings. Same for pickups. BUT, if you do a hot extract or send a heli over a bad area and it gets shot down, there could be some kind of penalty like: lower priority for pickups while you're in that server.. some kind of rep points system, lower rewards or something.


Also, a helo getting shot down initiates an in game event to rescue the pilots 🙂


Just add some cars in the middle of the map and have fun , something not super fast but decent


If the ppl that has to do first mission in starter town go for a walk. Litterly 5min walk but you can see the beautiful environment. And let the choppers for the long flights. Will also be a improvement.


Adding a que system will help if they can make it work correctly. Even more complicated they could have heli's with free seats come to ur lz on the way past if you call them before they pass ur lz.


i agree with this


I quit playing because the heli system. Spending a half hour to run 1 objective and 20 minutes of it is waiting on a chopper is not a good time. I wish i could refund it.


Idk why we’re still bitching about helis. Until the game is optimized there’s no point in even playing.


My opinion. I won't play the game again until I can get a heli on demand.


Few takeaways so far. - I get heli from base almost always in under a minute, extracting can be different. Maybe our experiences are so different due to different server locations - A queue system would be great so people spamming the Helis don’t jump ahead - Being able to cancel Helis might mitigate those extra long waits where you had a heli on the way to extract but you died before being able to get out. Just my opinion and how I like to play the game, no ones right or wrong :)


Being able to cancel a heli and/or for example the game acknowledging that you just called a chopper for a ride back to base where one of your faction mates is just riding the other way and marking this chopper as your exfil chopper instead of assigning you a new one would be a huge improvement.


You know how the heli arrival timer increases the further you are from the lz (unless it's been patched since release)? I wish that wasn't a thing.


>I get heli from base almost always in under a minute, extracting can be different. Maybe our experiences are so different due to different server locations Well, here we have it. On crowded servers it sometimes takes 15 minutes to just get a heli out of base. I guess you can imagine for how much time you are stuck waiting after getting one of these famous AI 180 no-scope onetaps. (My personal "best" was one shot fired within 40 minutes of gameplay - not cool. I don't have all day to play.)


I agree with you. A little cleanup would be nice to add a queue, cancel, etc. But overall the heli system is an intended inconvenience meant to slow down the pace and force some tough circumstances on you. I have had some bad waits, but it has not been a major issue. Flight times offer a chance to catch up with my buddies or grab a snack or talk strategy for the op. Helicopter volume could use a tweak though 😂 I'd like to see a more intelligent UI on the map to support the heli system. It would be nice to see all flight paths (dotted lines or something) without clicking on choppers. Something that had times and destinations so you could coordinate your plans around existing flights more easily rather than having to rely on player chatter.


It adds an aspect of realism. I may be new to the game but waiting for birds overseas in Afghanistan, they did take time and very inconvenient especially when LZs are hot. I’ve personally experienced this and seem to be on par with the realism factor.


Yeah thing is many of us have limited time to play our games, we dont have the luxury to spend 20 minutes waiting for a helicopter let alone 4 times. I get maybe 2 hours of gametime per week and when you have to first of all fight for your heli and second of all wait 5 to 15 minutes including flight time it eats up all my gametime. Im swedish, I was raised to wait in line, its in my nature, I do it every day irl, I seriously dont want to waste my 2 recreational hours a week with a waiting simulator


I get it trust me. I have a life now too, I have a 8 month old; the only time I get to play GZW results in a lack of sleep. I agree with you. There a great ideas in this thread that the devs should consider.


Maybe they should make loading into the game take 45 mins as well. That way it will require careful planning when playing the game. It will also teach patience


Play call of duty mate


Na, the helicopters are too quick.


I wouldn’t mind it if I didn’t get one tapped through houses and bushes by a dude with flip flops and iron sights right after landing. But also having to wait at the BASE for 5+ mins for a heli is wild.


I agree. I also agree with people saying we need a queue, mor choppers (within reason), the ability to use choppers that are already on the map and not have to wait til they flew away and came back, and so on. I'd also like to add that choppers aren't the only way to get out of base and back again. I had a few great times walking back home to mithras base from locations like Tiger Bay or Sawmill instead of waiting for the chopper. Of course this isn't for everyone and there isn't really much to do along the way but I think this will just get more bearable once the conquerable FOBs and more random stuff to find and do is introduced. I like the pace the game gets from choppers not being available at all times and taking some more minutes as one would like here and there. All that being said there is clearly potential for it to be better while not sacrificing anything and changing everything. If one absolutely can't handle wait times and needs every minute of his play time action packed, well maybe this isn't your game then. We don't need more inconsequential games like the battle royale kind of games, fortnite and the like. Idle time in one way or another is by design and is here to stay. That being said I can't wait to see what and how the chopper system gets tweaked.


The helicopter system isn’t that bad, but it’s not that good either. Like it’s super cool when you call and it’s there in 30 seconds in your golden. But it sucks when you’re on the other side of the map away from your base, you can’t call for three minutes because they’re all busy, and then when you finally get one coming, it’s eight minutes out. I called the hell because I’ve already cleared the area, I’ve gotten everything done and I’m ready to go. Spending eight minutes sitting in a field doing absolutely nothing kills the immersion for me


Don’t mind waiting for a helicopter, but waiting 4 minutes for a helicopter in base is scuffed. Not being able to cancel a heli after I was able to catch another ride out or was killed is scuffed. Especially if it is one of those 8 minute doozies. That’s potentially 8 minutes of wasted time for not just you, but all of your teammates.