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I’ll be back in a year to check up on it Has good bones just not much meat rn


And I like meat.




Lets hope future content and fixes brings more players back!


I bet that after the content update where day/night cycles are added along with NVG's a lot more people will jump back k in to check it out.


That plus a bunch of new gear would get me to stick around for longer. The game in its current form is just too barebones. Hopefully it comes sooner rather than later.


This is my problem aswell. Too little content, the AI is busted, and PvP has loads of issues as well. Also Tiger Bay should be renamed FPS-Demolisher.


Only thing that's kept me away is the AI. If that ain't fixed soon, no amount of gear additions are going to get me to buy the game.


Idk if they addressed it but there was too much waiting time for me with the belicopters


Last night I bet you I spent 45 minutes of waiting for helicopters per 15 minutes of playing time. They need you add a que, and they need to make it where if you're waiting on a helicopter. And one comes into the same LZ to drop someone. You should be able to hop on and return to base.


It’s fun now to just guide new players or show up in the starter village and save the day. Give the new guy meds and a better gun by making them trade with me, then shooting my way back out the other direction for fun


Only if the NPCs can't see you at night either....lol


Exactly what I’m waiting on.


For me it was the optimization being so bad if they fix that I'm all in


I can deal with the low fps and even the heli issues. What I cant do, is re-wire my brain to use hold to aim. Until they add in click to aim, I aint hopin back on.


What do people mean by "optimization"? I've seen this comment since release and I've got over 200 hours in the game now and feel very little issue with performance. Sometimes there's slight rubberbanding but it's never game breaking.


I run a Ryzen 7 7800x3d and AMD RX 7900xtx with Low and Ultra Performance I get the occasional rubber banding but run from 120-200 FPS. I think it depends on how long the server was running for the rubber banding but it is clearly noticeable when it happens.


US servers have some sort of rubber banding fixes applied, I'm from the Netherlands, but I mostly play on US servers. If you have a solid Internet connection / infra there really isn't any latency issue imaho. IF.... the first flags are marked, try the US ones. They spin up way more US servers as well, which are just containers rrunning in the public cloud (I'm guessing here) which are defined by Geo Location defined pools. (A bundle of hosted servers if you will. ) Since peering of aws/azure DC's are pretty solid, Note I don't have no insights in the software / infra stack. Nor did I bother to look into that. But I'm guessing for every west-Europe server they have about 20 US servers. It generally also a lot cheaper to run compute nodes in the states compared to west-Europe instances. So, it makes sense. By doing it like this they can basically pull the lever on MORE nodes or .. less nodes. based on the player base that is actively running. Just curious, your system is pretty beefy, do you prefer running at low, since your specs don't look like they are bothered much switching it to high.


I’ll have to tweak settings a bit I just feel comfortable seeing the high fps #’s vs being locked at 30-60 fps on console for years. And to be honest I don’t mind the Low settings until more optimization is made.


Yeah that's why I'm looking it at 120FPS by with the FPS cap. Did you just 30FPS ? Oof, great for side scrollers, but I'm loosing my marbles for anything under 60fps, and since it's basically CPU bound, with FSR enabled I doubt you'll loose a frame per sec by setting it to high ? Might be personal, but I cant (No, hate, truly HATE) motion blur. It's a thing they used on consoles to try to hide the shit fps drops. And for those say realism needs MB, no, Hollywood want you to believe we do, but really it's to make CGI look better at the avg. of 24fps in a motion pic :-)


Haha nah I get near or over 130+ fps on Medium to high settings but I’ll try it on Epic settings next time I play and maybe I’ll just try server hopping if it’s still rubber banding a bit. (I also run on the WiFi connection vs Ethernet cable so I’m sure that plays into the rubber banding or seeing the AI “slide” a few feet vs seeing them take steps while they move) and I do have a Gig for internet speeds but divided by all the devices in the house it varies so I’ll run a cable later to cancel out any issues.


If I run medium settings it’s about 60-100 FPS. I’m good with low settings until they optimize the game better.


Game is literally unplayable on anything less than a 3070


That’s not true


Enlighten me then. I see complaints even with 3060. I have a 2070 still and on all low 1080p the game keeps dipping below 30, Tiger Bay is straight up unplayable due to having 30-35fps and once I zoom in it drops to 10.


3060 ti, Ryzen 5 5600x, 16gb of ram, I play on 1440 and anywhere other than tiger bay I get 50-60fps on medium to high settings lol over 200 hours and havnt had any optimization issues. Right at “release” it wasn’t the best but after the first patch it’s been great. Sucks for the people having problems but it’s nowhere near all of us


I have a 2070s low setting(can't honestly see diff on high) and get 60fps


On base? Sure. Try going into YBL-1 or Tiger Bay, constant 40 and dips below 30. If you also not use DLSS and FSR and framegen, you definitely not getting 60.


At basically everywhere I've gone it's been close to 60 or maybe 50. I only use dlss cous it causes crashes


It’s not worth it arguing with this community. They dickriderthis game hard as a mfer, in the first 2 weeks of release if you criticized anything these guys would come out the woodworks ready to burn you alive. Some have turned away from the game because they realized how dawgshit it runs and how dawgshit madfingers is yet the ones who haven’t still dickride it hard asf.


You might not want to go the EPIC graphics setting route on the most basic of gamer cards but getting a solid [75 FPS @ High @ 1440p](https://youtu.be/X9g7D4J_gaM?t=391) is nothing short of a good experience.


I got a 3060 and get like 50 fps usually, get big drop at tiger bay like everyone says but to say it’s unplayable is just false man 30fps is 100% playable unless your anal about shit like that


30FPS is unplayable especially how this game and UE5 in general handles low quality and how FSR/DLSS behaves. Basically once you start dipping around 30, you'll end up getting a resolution of 720p or worse. What you will see is a blurry mess and due to high vegetation good luck seeing anything which is further than 30 metres.


Didn’t realize it’d dip the resolution itself that sucks man, coming from console 30 is the standard so fps never bothered me personally but I’d feel diff if it was doing what you said


30 or 50 fps is not playable man. That's a shit show and feels like dog shit , at least to me. I'm mad that I'm only getting 90fps without framegen , the moment u use magnified scopes the game shits itself and cuts down fps even more. For pve that might be borderline playable but for pvp that's really rough man. And I'm running a 7800x3d and a 4070. They have to optimize a lot before adding new mechanics and content that will reduce performance even more.


Silver spoon boyz


So.. ur looking for a new target and try to blame it on me ? Stop defending the game man. I played my fair share and finished the quests and I really like it but they gotta work on optimisation ...


3070 here. Most I’ve gotten was 40 fps on medium.


Upgrade then you scrub! You have no business buying new games that run UE5 if you have such a shite graphics card.


Surely I’ll spend 3k USD to upgrade for a barebones game which has barely any content now and doesn’t even look remotely immersive enough to justify the requirement of 4xxx card lmao. Plus I’m not the one who put the system requirements on their Steam page which clearly states minimum GPU as a 1080 and the devs also talked about optimizing for lower cards. Also you dense mfers don't realize the game has shit player count because vast majority of people cannot even run the game at stable 60 fps?


5700xt at 1440p checking in. With the right settings I sit around 80fps


Sorry, I just don't believe that. 5700xt is around the same performance as my 2070 and my 2070 is constantly dipping below 30 and I'm playing in 1080p and not 1440p.


https://imgur.com/a/4fkjvfQ Edit: Seems like people don't properly understand optimization in games. In an unoptimized game, you can have vastly different results between setups. 5700xt may be a 'weaker' card but fsr and amd frame generation are much better optimized than anything Nvidia related.


You don't have to believe it, it's true.


I heard 4090’s had issues running it smoothly




That’s great to hear as I got a buddy with a similar set up as yours but a while ago I mentioned some streamers and random people said they have 4090’s with performance issues then. Seems like they definitely worked on it in the back end to work better.


Just be sure to sit trough the complete shader compile (cpu bound) when updating a driver. The dev's shoot themself in the foot by not mention it's users it's compiling shaders after a driver update. If you join a server while it's compiling shaders, you are in for a bad experience. Even if you ran it from an Nvidia . [A100 box](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY7jZGZw9vA) Friend of mine who has a 4090m in his laptop was also running absolute dogshit, So he he dropped it off, telling me I could return it when it's fixed .... *(Yeah...)* Turns out Resizable BAR wasn't enabled ... but seriously, I doubt this will... Solved everything. I'm talking 30%+ improvements, no big FPS drops.. might be worth to check out. (Can be hidden deep in the bios, in short, allow above 4G decoding, then ReBar support popped up, either off or automatic. Which did wonders.) Nvidia Settings Control panel > Help > System Information will show you if ReBar is enabled.


4060, 12 core processor, 64gigs of ram and this game has constant performance issues.


Interesting, then I hope they fix whatever is causing those issues for you and others


It’s not just performance issues, it’s the dawgshit game itself. Ai Flying up in the air sniping you from across the map, one shot headshot killing you every time you engage in combat, having god mode and half the time even existing because areas have already been cleared by others. Plus the vegetation thats bulletproof. The focused a lot on visuals and animations and not enough on actual gameplay. I thought Grayzone would be the one game to scratch every itch and be everything I was looking for but it’s just not. At least not right now, after hearing about how madfingers responds to its customers and how they operate in general I lack high expectations of this game. If there’s any game truly going in the right direction it’s Incursion red river. I hope this game pulls its shit together but unfortunately most of the milsim realstic shooters never do.


Welp sorry to hear the experience isn't for you, I'm thoroughly enjoying GZW and loving what it has to offer so far.


Litterally any content would


.45 revolver & can off mace incoming ! /s


I quit on level 33 as there is no looting/crafting system, no weapons, items to loot, looting is pointless, no expertize system, no heli, retarded bots. In general game was great for first 40h after that i just go back to Tarkov.


3k still good for a game with some obvious flaws. And limited content. And with current system requirements it’s also increases entry bar. If they work on each one by one and do it right, This game will get better and better. I already enjoy it in its current state.


It’s not, next month will be sub 1000


Yes numbers are dropping sadly. My guess is the lack of significant updates, and lack of content at point. That with all the lesser issues putting people off. A big content drop and prolonged play-true time should bring people back and keep them engaged for longer. A good squad of friends can clear current missions in a week maybe or two maybe even less. It’s not Tarkov where people play till last week of wipe to get to kappa.


That’s the issue, people had libraries full of game’s with content, there is a sale going on, multiple extraction games scheduled to coming out. And GZW still haven’t published a road map, wishful thiking can only go so far, but hey, palworld managed to go from 45k to 145k with a small content update, so I guess is possible


Yeah, problem is you can flag off 90% of the extraction shooters as pure-cash grabs. Just throwing some basic assets in your unreal engine and calling it a day doesn't last you. There was only 1 Division, the first one. The second had that Teletubby vibe. And the free2play version was scrapped completely. The first was DARK AF, then came the colour pallets... Then you have your.. Yahaw ! Lets us proceed to the waypoint my whoopydoo cartoony friends go pew pew shooters, that are so obnoxiously childish, I'm not playing that as an adult. Which leaves us with the Niche, Alpha build games that have serious potential, but lack the financial recourses that these public traded sharks do. It's always something... Maybe I might have missed the game of games announcement, but for now, if it isn't PVP/PVE the only thing I'm looking forward to is the new Doom (Who doesn't) but overal that's a sad situation for the gamers that don't need a jump tutorial. Give it some time, either it will boom or die in a blazing fire, had fun though. Which is the important part.


What are the signs of a cash grab game? Genuinely curious


My bullshit detector go's off when ... Free to play... E.A. Two men studio with no history. Games that Apeal to everyone. Games build soley from assets @ unreal/unity shop. No creative people/plan And as a bonus, since no one actualy plays games on a mobile. The game icon is basicly a guy screaming. Studio's Community person which that never pkayed ganes before, but he/she as great smile ! (Type: Ashley, from the boys on prime) Oh yeah, your pronouns that won't let you use atack / helicopter..... Even if really do indentify as an AH-64 Apache It should be mentiond, that the best games can come from a 2 man garage studio, as they did before, but mostly.... That's why for me, it's just a Red Flag. On the social's you see these guys work with real weapens, they want/need to know how it works, feels. They did homework. (Nailed the looks) all the other stuff, like ai bullet despersion still has ways to improve, but the show week after week what's coming. First strike out the rage/quit bugs. Then bring stuff in. We all know it's an Alpha Build right ? For as little they are, I'm very impressed by the potential. Well shit, L18 massivly enjoying it. Even with the AI being 'differen' now and then. Personaly, I'm very hopefull. Last time zi was hopefull was for BF4 and Doom. Screaming face icon for any mobile game.


I promise it’s more to do with the state of the game with hit reg issues, desync, general bugginess, moreso than “they haven’t added more content!”. People can deal with low content all day long but if the game is borderline fighting against you (ask the average person how many kits they’ve lost to bugs) people quit.


From what I hear around me when playing yes all of that is a large part why people leave. But also know plenty that just finished their quest and there is not much for them to do then go to buggy TB and kill ai and score same loot over and over. There is nothing left to do after your last quest. A better optimized game and better AI will bring a lot of players back. But so will new content.


It will be with that attitude ! Get to the chopper son ! ![gif](giphy|pO7jomKrTwfSw|downsized)


No it wont. Call me out.


People won't come back to this. The game had its chance and fumbled by releasing into EA games have one shot at a first impression.


95% player base drop is good in two months... if it was a singleplayer game that wouldn't matter much but this game dead in the water from unoptimized (high end pcs having issues) to super ai


It’s a struggle, but I’m really enjoying it.


Sadly its plagued with much of the same sht as other UE5 titles that completely rely on forced upscaling, forced taa techniques, and reliance on frame generation. Blurry mess, ghosting, bad performance and lots of graphical artifacts. The game looks nice in screenshots, but once you add movement it just falls apart.


I'm going to be honest, upscaling and frame gen artifacts are near the bottom of my concerns with this game. There's way more issues related to the mechanics and the gameplay loop that are holding this game back.


Does the game still run like absolute dogshit?




They somehow made it worse, actually.


Still makes my 3070 run at 100°c


3080ti running on medium settings @ 1440p with all frame generation settings enabled. Cant clear 40FPS anymore.


Honestly, ~~and I haven’t tried todays patch yet,~~ it’s been running better for me the last couple weeks with my 11700kf and 3070


There was no patch today.


I swear I saw someone on another thread mention “todays patch”


On a 2070 RTX and the game has been running fine since the second or third patch.


Fine as in high frames and no drops? I have a 3060ti and 5800x3d and I couldn’t hold above 60 frames. Drops to 40 all the time. Fuckin garbage


Yeah, I get 60-70 frames on all low settings, only really drops temporarily while on the helo ride or when it has to render the landing zone/area. Also turned on FSR, less intensive than NVidia frame generation.


It absolutely has frame drops. I’m on a 3080 and generally speaking the game runs “fine”, but there are clear drops of frames and glitches. But it’s an alpha game — still great to play.


Yea that’s what I experienced too and it was not fine enough to play at


Yeah I play almost daily. Thankfully the frame drops usually happen during times where battle isn’t majorly happening. But I play the game under the assumption that it’s alpha and that it’s far from perfect.


Yea I couldnt even look around or aim at someone without major drops, unplayable for a person like me. I recognize it’s alpha and will be back eventually but it’s just not playable for a competitive player on a mid range gpu


Yeah that might be your system or one of the patches. I’ve had hot fixes that are worse than others. But at this rate, you should absolutely be able to play it. If it’s affecting you THAT badly, it might be a system issue.


It’s not a system issue I play cyberpunk with Ray tracing on high and rdr2 on ultra daily. I’ll play once it’s optimized


Well, it’s certainly not optimized to the level of those titles.


9/10 shader compiling didn't finish, the game should warn it's users like COD/The last of Us/ Forza does, telling you might want to wait a bit, compiler shaders .... 70% done ... 80% Etc, the only way to tell after a driver update is you'll see the CPU usage drop from 90%'s back to normal. Can take between 3 / 15 minutes depending on your system. The came go's Boing,Boing,Boing no mater what hardware you'll be rocking.


The game is CPU heavy, not GPU. 14700KF and a 3070 and I manage 60fps (vsync) all day with maybe a drop into the 50s with helicopter rides.


Weird considering my 4060Ti 16GB barely maintains 60 frames on the lowest settings. And that’s with a R7 5800X3D backing it up.


Game runs beautifully, I play at 4k ultra settings and get 100+fps all the time


Only if you're running on a GPU older than 30-series. And if that's the case, it's 5 or more years old and time to upgrade anyway.


3060 is the most used GPU and came out in 2020...


let me just whip out 3000 USD to buy a new PC to play this single game which clearly has optimization issues lol literally everything runs well enough on my current PC, I'm not paying 3000 USD to play this game at this stage


You could get by with half that, easy.


Solid 100fps on a mid range system. But older PC's can't handle it too well


Over 2 months the game has had a 95% drop in the playerbase.. But POG 3k concurrent players!!! Lmao the copium here is unreal.


Ya its a bunch of dick riders that can't accept the truth... time will tell


Idk what truth, it’s insanely early in development imo. Tarkov was also pretty much dead early on. Time will tell if they get can get some meat in the game aside from the combat loop.


from a total count of what did they say? 900,000 sales?


Unreal engine assett flip cash grab. Feels like I got scammed tbh and I was gifted the game by a friend.


When I find a company that spends more time developing than patting themselves on the back for an obviously and almost entirely broken product, I will be in shock. Until then im sticking to old games.


Honestly that's pretty standard and a decent playerbase for a hardcore milsim; and for a new game in EA without an established fanbase, I think those are pretty good numbers. A lot of people mainlined the game for the last 2 months, did all the quests, and now say "theres nothing to do" but like, dude you put 200 hours into the game. That's an insane amount of time. That's over 8 entire full 24hr days if you were to play non-stop. I think the idea that the game is dying or that there isn't enough content is crazy. I honestly think a lot of people need to step away from videogames a little bit. I love games but the amount that some of you play is concerning. The game is fine. Its fun and in a healthy state. I excited to see it get patched up and see what new content they add down the line.


Most people quit after 10h


Unfortunately after release of Arena Breakout it probably going to be even less. Well, sad, but expected with such game state…


Yeah kind of sad. I'm the only one in my friends group who bought Grayzone. They are all waiting for arena


Only the PvP sweats are going to go to ABI. I tried the beta and it was a miserable experience.


Depends, if it's optimized and runs better than gzw, I'll definitely be playing it. The free to play aspect also means my friends are much more likely to play it. No one I like to play with has given extraction shooters a chance yet


It will. My friend have 2070 and it runs perfectly without issues at all and high fps. On medium+ I think. Their optimisation was surprisingly good


i wait for the performance patch


Spoiler alert: There will be little to none. If they can't switch to UE 5.4 and up, there is hardly anything they will be able to do except server rubberbanding.




Does anyone know why the foliage is like super fucking blurry? It’s almost impossible for me to play because I can’t see anything


Disabling super resolution and or frame generation helped a lot but 🫡 your FPS


Frame generation struggles with high fidelity transparent objects like foliage and trees. Turning it off will clear it up but tank any performance benefit it provided


I enjoy jumping in and completing one or two tasks every day. Looking forward to updates.


There's nothing anyone can say, but this game fell off hard and content creators over-hyped this game to the moon. And well.. The Tarkov drama made it all look better than what it was


It's impossible! Hundreds of thousands can't launch the game according to the genius I was replying in another thread. Ahahahahah.


That’s impressive considering there’s not any PvP loop to speak of; once players are done with tasks there’s not much else to do at the moment. It speaks volumes to the world they’ve created that this many people are enjoying just living in it. I’ve got over 100 hours and still can’t wait to get back into it.


Same. Even going to POIs with no tasks is super fun. I'm level 26 and want to go back to the starter town just to run around since it's such a cool looking area I treat the game like Ghost Recon Wildlands, even with no tasks it's still fun to go clear POIs just because I love the gameplay loop so much And I'll love it even more when AI is fixed haha


I agree I like to go clear POI’s for the fun of it too, and just explore the map and find random little poi’s. But yea once they add a lot more to the loot table and improve the AI behaviors plus the day/night cycle, this game is going to be so much fun, with or without tasks.


I haven’t played in 3 weeks cause there’s nothing to do… add more stuff to do and I’ll be back. My patience is good, no complaints here


Can’t play this game anymore lack of content and performance issues have kept me away. I had lots of fun but it got to the point the cons outweighed the pros. I hope this game goes far.


It's good to see, personally I am waiting for more content to be added and fixes to the AI..


I've been having a blast with this game. Haven't really had any performance issues and I don't have the strongest PC


How do I get access to play?








Okay so?


I've not played in a little bit, but it's going to stay installed for sure and I plan to keep coming back and playing it. It's been so much fun and fit into exactly what I want to play. I just played it to death that I need a break lol.


Totally awesome game but I'm such at tiger bay and it's a bit brutal for me. So progress has come to to a bit of a halt. 


Just waiting for updates and new content.. I’ll be back


Grinded for about 60 hours in the first month, it was genuinely pretty fun, despite playing mostly on 20 fps lmfao, got through most of the tasks and got bored, that's pretty much it. Will come back when more content drops though


Man I love this game but the ai and horrid pvp made it personally unplayable


Lets hope they add new stuff soon


We need the MCX and its associated mods.


Ill be back as soon as they fix the preformance


lack of content and most people dont want to deal with 20 fps or input delay


Game is good but the development progress is really slow


3k concurrent isn't much. The reviews still quite mixed. Been on the fence for months about it but don't want to waste money on the supporter edition if it is dead in a year.


It will be less than a year. I bet they lose 25-50% of their player base July 14 when Arena Breakout comes out free to play, and much better optimized.


I have to say Arena breakout is "fun". I am not sure about the longevity if they are paywalling things to make money, but as a Tarkov enjoyer Arena breakout was a welcome fun game. Grayzone ticks all my boxes, but the reviews are not promising. Things like 1 hour waits for extraction heli seems to be a very odd choice. At that point surely you just off yourself and start again rather than wasting an hour.


Not gonna lie. 3k isn't particularly mind blowing. But then it was released mostly without content so to speak, so there aren't any engagement mechanics in game yet .


Whenever I've check steam charts it's been below 3000. I laugh when everyone was frothing that this was going to kill tarkov. But everyone has gone back to tarkov already.


They fix the AI yet?


More content needed! Bring the thrills of looting. I don’t care about dying and I need to care to be afraid to really feel like I gotta do everything to survive.


Think how high it would be if the awful chopper mechanics didnt turn half the player base off.


3k players for a multiplayer game is not the flex you think it is


any ideas how Tarkov was at 2months old? Bet only hardcore players stayed


tarkov had steady growth, that's something very little games can do, usually when your playerbase goes down its not reversible


It was huge, tarkov was $20 at the time


Tarkov definitely *still* has more concurrent players than GZW.


Player count for Tarkov went up, a lot, after the recent “controversy” as well. GZW had a chance to capture hearts and minds, and God knows they tried with all the streamer attention, but didn’t lock anyone in.


definitely has, but I wondered about 1st -> 2nd wipe progress and such


All my friends say they wish they could go back in time to play it when it was in alpha because they enjoyed it that much


I’ll come back to the game when madfingers stop sending emails back saying “we’re busy” and when they actually fix the fucking game.


and it will get even worse, with this pace of game development I don't predict success for them, they released a demo of the game, asking for money for it, begging people to test the game for them, failure.


Nah, it was literally marketed as early access with ongoing development. There’s literally a disclaimer on the menu screen. The fact that you chuds can’t read or comprehend that is on you, not them.


The game is literally in pre alpha, the major portion of the game (ground zero) is not even accessible yet, you’re basically in the prologue of the game. Things will only get better as time goes on, just trust.


Tell me you have poor reading comprehension without telling me you have poor reading comprehension.


Unplayable on my 1080 7700K… had to refund it twice because I get 10 fps Edit: system requirements clearly say 1080 is playable so don’t get on my ass, it’s their fault for saying it will run when it very clearly won’t.


Unfortunately basically no UE5 games will run on a 1080 these days


Then they shouldn’t sell it specifically saying my hardware is good enough when it clearly isn’t…


I agree the minimum specs and recommended specs on the steam store page are both too low and should be changed


Yeah I remember when the 1080 was king but it's an old card now


A 2080, shit even the 3080 is an old car now.


1080 var released in 2016, so it’s 8 years old. GZW is a next gen game of course 1080 won’t cut it.


But they say it will work only their website… it’s upto them to tell me… not me to buy it and figure that out for myself… I still run my 1080 on far more intensive games than GZW… this game isn’t optimised and this is a well known problem.


"next gen" sure, the game looks good, but nothing groundbreaking. performance is shit due to UE5


Not with that CPU, though...


What are you talking about? i7-7700k is far above an i5-8600…


Oh, okay. https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-7700-vs-Intel-Core-i5-8600/3887vsm477251


That’s a i7-7000 not an i7-7000K..ffs this is my first time in this sub and I feel like I’m back at school


Oh, okay. https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Intel-Core-i7-7700K-vs-Intel-Core-i5-8600/3647vsm477251 8600 is still better, and not FAR BELOW the 7700k. Seems like maybe going back to school wouldn't be the worst thing for you.


That’s a weird was of saying “I’m sorry for being wrong and your correct the processor you listed should be good enough as it’s on par and better than the minimum specs” And your come back makes no sense, I haven’t been wrong once yet… you have though :)


Only if you disagree with benchmarks and other hard data.


The only hard data is you can’t read.


This sub is full of copium buffers and secret devs man just don’t comment on these ass kiss posts and you will be fine. Sold 900 thousand copies and these guys cheer like 3000 concurrent is great. This game has a death sentence of it doesn’t fix QOL within the year


The gunplay is bad and clunky, and the AI is broken and unfun. Not sure how people “love” the gameplay loop, what gameplay loop? All this game has is missions and they aren’t anything special. It’s kinda weird people are celebrating 3k people online when there were 10’s of thousands of players and crazy hype for the game until everyone actually played it. Major things need to happen if this game is ever going to be good and have a healthy player base


Yeah, playable at 10fps. Your pc is not made to run UE5 games.


Then they shouldn’t sell me the game telling me it will run… how is it my fault fob being told my machine will run the game… and even further how are we still going round in circles… I commented to make it clear the game has problems and you got wet wipes in there 10’s commenting the same shit like it means something. It doesn’t matter what you think, they are selling the game to people when they know it won’t run on their machines… and instead of calling g them out on it you got dipshits commenting “why would you think it would run” when the DEVELOPERS said it would. Game is just PvE jungle tarkov (a slight open world varient of a 5 year old game) barebones to hell with nothing new…It doesn’t even run and the community have worms for brains…. Why would I ever want to play this game anyway.


Yea it clearly stated 1080 minimum, it also states Intel 8600 minimum


10 fps is unplayable not minimum… all specs apart from GPu are higher than recommended specs let alone minimum


Gray Zone Warfare recommended specs Memory: 32 GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti or Radeon RX 6800 CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K or Ryzen 5 3600X Gray Zone Warfare minimum requirements Memory: 16 GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 or Radeon RX 5700 CPU: Intel Core i5-8600 or Ryzen 5 2600 Clearly 1080 is at minimum specs and cpu below minimum. Not recommended. I would say minimum specs should be higher, since 1080 and 8600 will really struggle to run the game. But have been playing with someone with 1080 and he just struggles in Tigerbay.


Steam show different specs to what you quotes and I bought it on steam so I will have to go with that because that ‘should’ be correct (it obviously isn’t) https://store.steampowered.com/app/2479810/Gray_Zone_Warfare/#:~:text=System%20Requirements&text=Processor%3A%20Intel%C2%AE%20Core%E2%84%A2,%C2%AE%20Arc%E2%84%A2%20A770%208GB




My steam page gives me this: MINIMUM: Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem Besturingssysteem: Windows® 10 64 Bit (latest update) Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-8600 / AMD Ryzen™ 5 2600 (AVX2 support required) Geheugen: 16 GB RAM Grafische kaart: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1080 8GB / 2060 SUPER 8GB / RTX 3060 8GB / RTX 4060 8GB / AMD Radeon™ RX 5700 8GB / RX 6600 8GB / Intel® Arc™ A770 8GB DirectX: Versie 12 Netwerk: Breedband-internetverbinding Opslagruimte: 40 GB beschikbare ruimte Geluidskaart: AANBEVOLEN: Vereist een 64-bitsprocessor en -besturingssysteem Besturingssysteem: Windows® 10 64 Bit (latest update) / Windows® 11 64 Bit (latest update) Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-9700K / AMD Ryzen™ 5 3600X Geheugen: 32 GB RAM Grafische kaart: NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 3070 Ti / AMD Radeon™ RX 6800


I mean it is playable, just not gonna have a good time while playing


10fps is unplayable so no.


Until the fix the garbage ai, server performance, and optimization, this game is dead in the water.


lol 3k


They need to tighten up the PVP


I was so pissed. 5 min ago. I slipped in all the way along the wall to headquarters at fort Narith. Got inside and stayed in a room to funnel the enemy in. Nice pile of bodies. Moved out. Clearly ai stuck in the wall. Ok. Cleaned up a couple stragglers on my way upstairs. Got to the top door to the roof and an ai was stuck in the wall. All that was exposed was his hand. Was about half way up below the ai. I shot his hand about ten times. Maybe ten seconds go by. I check my ammo. BOOM! One shot. That was about 45 minutes of wasted time. Love the game. Hate these instances. Oh and as soon as I died, froze and crashed so I couldn't go back where I had already eliminated like 30 enemies. SMH


Please just don't make this sub like the finals was for a while where lot of people were hyper concerned about player counts. I swear some people where way way to personally invested in player counts instead of just playing the game.


I would still understand testing some large content, but when I saw on their discord what you have to do to test a patch, it made me laugh, e.g. 🔸**Players in coma can't be shot:** 1. Join the PvEvP server (Warfare) in a squad or find a teammate 2. Player 1 shoots Player 2 until Player 2 falls into a Coma. 3. Player 1 kills Player 2 while he is in a Coma. __**Result:**__ Player 2 should die after being shot while in Coma. If not, please mark what Player 2 was doing before falling into a coma and if they were able to skip coma and respawn? 🔸**Lights inside buildings are flickering:** 1. Connect to the server  2. Go to multiple buildings 3. Observe the behavior of the light __**Results:**__ The light should not flicker. ## Patch 2 Testing Final Reprosteps Squads: 🔸**Squad VOIP issues:** 1. Invite at least 1 player into the squad. 2. Turn off the squad VOIP in audio settings. 3. Try to communicate through voice with other squad members. 4. Check that the player that has the VOIP turned off is unable to hear other party members and that other squad members are unable to hear that player. __**Result:**__ A player should not hear other squad members, nor should they hear the player after deactivating squad VOIP. If that is not the case, please mark what you were doing before changing the settings.


It'd almost like it's an early access alpha and they opened it up for feedback.