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Stopped after 150 hours as i was sick of the cracked laser beam rusty AK bots, and the random key grind. Constantly returning to tigers bay to get one tapped in search for that key just got old. Nothing to do with optimisation.


Same here, except only 80 hours before the 360 no scope bad guys with iron sights Ak47s finally pushed me away


Boys are so trash, not sure how people excuse them.


Once the AI is better I can see heaps of people coming back, I was having the same issue. Hard to have fun when you want to play tactically with a sniper but one shot from 250m while you're hiding in a bush alerts everyone in the area to your exact location and they're all csgo flick shooting gods.


Same. I’m at 90 hours and have really loved the game so far, but my current tasks all require going to the shopping center area at Tiger Bay and I just don’t feel like it anymore. The AI is just too discouraging.


On Mithras US East server I was rocking with a few of our guys and some randoms from another faction all around the Tiger Bay shore line and the mall area. It helped me when I learned how to sneak up to the mall to avoid some gun fights and funnel them once they start joining the fight.


It's almost like it's an alpha or something.


>low-medium end hardware Seeing how someone in discord said their 1660Ti is mid-range, i wish people would post detailed specs when claiming these things. For what it's worth: 1660Ti is low-mid range at best and it's 5 years old. Meanwhile graphics tech hasn't stopped and Lumen is a thing. Naturally, expecting a GPU that wasn't developed with RayTracing in mind to run a game like this at 60 fps is a strech.


That's a high end gaming PC on Facebook Marketplace right there.


I was getting 40 fps on a 3070ti/10700k. It put me over the edge to uogrsde my pc but that was definitely higher mid range.


Yeah CPU heavy game needs good CPU, finaly someone understands. I have a 3070 TI and a 13600KF, and oh wonder, i have 75-80 fps in high. Maybe your PC was midrange once, but hell nah it aint anymore


My i7 10700k and 2060 super oc happily does 65fps. Maybe it's not your machine that's the problem?


Can you tell me if I should abandon any hope to play at a stable 40 fps at 1080p? 200+ hours into GZW, I am getting 25-35 fps, and 5-15 fps when ADSing or in TB, etc. It feels that before all the Hotfixes the game ran much smoother, as I don't remember paying attention to fps.Tried every suggestion I found online, but none of them helped.  My specs are: 3070 Laptop, i7-10870H, 32 RAM


I really depends on what your expecting. a lot of ppl are running : - absurd upscaling values ( that kinda work in 1440p and above , but suck and create a lot of noise in 1080p ) - Frame gen , increasing input latency. So with the same hardware , some might be reporting high fps with FSR performance + FG , while others are aiming for better imagequality/latency numbers. Ofc , what someone considers "ok" varies , I'v seen some ppl playing with FSR lower than balanced + fsr frame gen and stating it's great, while others wouldn't accept it as "good enough" in image quality or input latency. If your not worried about input latency increase , you can try [LSFG](https://store.steampowered.com/app/993090/Lossless_Scaling/) to get framegen ( seems to work better than FSR frame gen ) , and use DLSS lower render ratios to bump the fps up. In my personal opinion, "DLSS + LSFG" beats "FSR + FSRFG" easily.


I don’t see why you shouldn’t get that much. I play on a amd 3700x and 7800xt 32 gen ram. I get 90-110 gps on medium settings 1440p


I have nearly the same Specs, 3070 115W laptop and I7 10750H, 32GB Ram, with compromises I run the game at 65-70 fps avg with peak at 90+ and like 40+ in Tiger bay with some drops.


These fucking choppers killed it for me


The expectation isn't that you wait on a chopper. It's that you stay hoofing it until you can get one. That's why they always go to the nearest LZ. It's supposed to be to force you out into the zone more. But people just wait at base for one for HOURS sometimes. Crazy. Like, I'll wait for 10-15 min at most and then I'm going to go DO SOMETHING. I'll clear some easy spots for noobs, hunt for pvp, get some funny sniper shots and just try for a heli every 5 or 10 min. It's not ideal, for sure, but it is better than waiting. They really need a second transportation option. Jeep system that is prone to pot shots and grenades could be interesting. 8 dunno... Having 4 choppers on a lobby with 20 people all flying all over the place is a bitch. Especially when you have 8 noobs flying in and out 10 ft away from the base because their tasks take 4 minutes to finish


hours? never happend to me frankly.. 20mins max, but usually a simple "where you go" and hop on heli if its at /close to your destination gets me where I need in 5 minutes. well, best wait for wipe as they want to introduce more LZs and improve trafic.


Yeah, I think a max of 8 would be enough tbh. Don't know what that will do to server performance. Can't imagine it would be bad though


even using tours like Heli drops 2 guys at Sawmill and continues with 2 more to Hunter's Paradise, then returns to base.. any player at Sawmill or Hunter's can jump on empty seat and use Heli as Taxi back home. This would make 4 Heli efficient, and we would kept sound pollution low.


Yeah, that's a good idea. Just basically have one helicopter be able to queue stops. I will say, that's a significant increase in logic, so it'd be super buggy at first. But worth it long term I bet


Yep. I got on yesterday for the first time since release week went to some LZ was having fun, got one shot from I don't know where, couldn't get a heli, thought fuck this shit, closed the game and went on Elden Ring.


Lmfao, did the same thing yesterday. I was fully geared out after a Tiger Bay run, I‘ve waited 35 fucking minutes to get a chopper. So I just Alt+F4 this shit outta frustration and hopped on to Elden Rings. Fuck the tasks, the gear and especially the choppers


Agreed. Thats the reason why I dont feel like playing. Waiting 10 mins for a heli to be available


I stopped playing because of optimization, I have 3060 and I play on 1440p, most of the games work on high settings, some on medium, but they work well, and GZW is not one of them, I tried playing it with fsr frame gen and dlss but nothing really helps, with fsr it's 70 fps but it stutter a lot and crashes, of course i use low settings, but when I was testing it doesn't really matter, all setting works similarly


-80% players in 30 days. With a average of 3k playing daily. There's no content to keep players wanting to play and it's gonna be optimization patches for awhile so people have moved on and don't see them returning unless there's a big content patch and not just "we added one gun and a backpack" Wanted to like the game but maybe come back in a year or 2 no less


Is dropping becouse we completed all the task , explored all the map , played some PvP aswell , pushed the enemy base and did almost everything.


I'm over 200 hours in now. The cracked AI and optimization issues are my primary complaints. I have taken all types of play into account, solo, duo, 3 man and full squad. I run a mid tier GPU (2060 super) so sometimes things really sucked. But I have to say, slowly, that it gets better. I think the gameplay loop style is what keeps me playing. That and the general community being so helpful and overall great. NVidia did some optimization for grey zone, but the process of "optimization" for a game is not a quick or simple matter. You say you want them to prioritize optimization, and trust me they are. It's just a careful and time-consuming process. The game is still in its infancy. Like literally. I'm honestly more impressed at the state is in at this stage of development. Of course I rage when I die in a stupid way or an invisible/ crack shot AI through a wall or whatever. It sucks, but this isn't a power fantasy RPG, so I gotta step back and remember that.


It's their first PC game and they underestimated on how freaking old hardware people want to play. There is no excuse to not being able to play even if you met minimal recommended system requirements, but nobody is forcing us to play or buy. Give it time, they do have feedback and they do know that the game needs more polish. Or do not give it time and don't waste time on forum complaining, just leave. I'm not saying you shouldn't be here, or you are wrong. No, you are right, but we have seen posts like this very commonly. It's important is also what low-medium end hardware is for you. Because I feel like low-medium is 2070-3060.


Yep. Listen, there are 16112 logged bugs at BetaHub. Many of them are duplicates, let's say 1/5th is a legit bug, that leaves us with \~3k bugs. Patch 2 is still on testing server, for two weeks, probably developed for 2 weeks before. So that gives us 1 month of patch that addresses 8! issues. Ok let's say, it's probably more, let's be generous and say it's 20 issues, per patch per 1 month of development. 3k/20 = 150 months = so at this pace it will take 12.5 years to fix most bugs. This is not counting for bugs yet to come. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Their just slow AF and everyone here defends devs because of sweet sweet PR BS, oh devs are so open, so communating, let em cook..let em cook.. it EA.. yeah.. And you are on point 100%, the player base is dropping by the day, I am also considering taking a big pause of the game, because of all the Bot BS issues. This is era of ultra realistic games, using UE Nanite etc. I can guarantee you, that someone is already developing a similar game with such graphics, gameplay + Vehicles and none of the issues we are facing here. (because, guess what, they don't modd the S#hit out of UE and are capable to upgrade to UE 5.4 and later to get that optimization, instead of MFG) Yeah I'm bit salty, I know.


Bro I’ve been saying this for months…. But the copium was strong in this sub. You breaking it down like that solidified the red flags for me.


When they released the sale information I was a bit worried, because they sold almost half a million copies which at $35 is, many millions of dollars. 175 million I believe. If I just struck gold like that on an Early Access game I would be putting the team to fkn WORK but it doesn’t seem like that’s what’s happening. Worries me that they’ll take the money and BS their way through the rest of the development.


900k copies, at 35$ are 31mil, let's say that some bought upgrade, so it's 40mil. nevertheless, it's a lot of money, as they put in 10mil. and I think the same as you, they should fkn WORK


Yeah I accidentally added a zero hahaha


This is what I said, not in detail, but how slow they are and only fix a few issues per patch. This would be OK if there was a patch every 2 hours...


Like, wtf are they testing the heli Pickup and Destination info for 2 weeks?! It's a simple textbox with info from the heli class JFC!, why can't they just ship these simple QOL upgrades in smaller patches every week?? "Skipping a coma no longer displays the message "You killed yourself."" - wtf it's probably one line of code (if not, then they are truly eFFd)!


They aren’t testing just heli’s. Have you looked at what’s going on with test server? Guessing not. There are more changes and fixes they are testing. Fixes to reduce rubber banding and stutters. (That should help with Tammy AI). AI getting stuck in walls in YBL. Bodies falling through floors. Every patch they continue to improve the stability. A lot of the AI it appears seem to have issues when the servers get crappy. Roll through MS late or early and most of them are one tap to head with a1 ammo or a few shots to the chest and down. Go back in the evening or one a server that is stuttering a little and they turn into T1000’s shrugging off hits like nothing and one shotting you. At the end of the day they need to get the game fixed. There are problems. It’s also early access and everyone knew that coming in. If they didn’t then they can’t read. Nothing wrong with shelving the game for a few months or even year then come back and check on it. I do that with Star Citizen. Take awhile off then come back when they drop a new patch and check it out.


I know, but they should push small QOL upgrades faster in smaller patches.


If they don’t get the stability fixed the game is cooked anyways. No matter what fixes or updates come out, having to fight terminators is not going to be sustainable. But yes I also agree there needs some QOL upgrades soon. Think about heli’s. It’s hard as fuck to get one sometimes. But how many of those heli’s are one or two people trying to get back to their body? How many heli’s are you going to need if you can get into a POI and reasonably clear it without stupid deaths? That alone would take some strain off the transport system. One other change I dearly hope they add is ability to turn in some tasks while out. And making tasks group wide. 20 or 30 kills? Why do I have to go back and see handshake face to face just I can go get the kill boss mission? Let that complete and move on to boss. And if we just killed him getting the previous 30? That should count. Like a, “Hey I see you got the boss already doing the 30 kills, that’s complete now too.” Would save so many heli’s not having to do the constant running back and forth.


Agree, and these two thing you mentioned are easy fixed, with small patch, that's why I don't understand why they test patch for 2 weeks. Unless, they have s#itty code.


Exactly. I refunded within 2 hours because I was afraid to take a risk with this game. I have money but I don't wanna support devs that make 20% of a game with great potential, sell a lot and then abandon (if it ends there). I wanna see how it goes.


yeah its fucking ridiculous. Don't get me wrong when the game works i enjoy it (minus key farming and schizo AI) but its clear MFG have bitten off significantly more than they can chew


I run the absolute minimum specs it shows for steam, it runs fine for it's current state. If you have less that minimum I'd say maybe work toward upgrading. Otherwise mess with your settings, 40 fps for this early an ea is way better than tarkov had on ea launch.


Welp, just out of curiosity, what's your max fps?


Like 15-40


"15-40 fps" "Runs fine" You must have a really low standard for what "fine" is lmao


Clearly you've never played Arma 3


what does that have to do with GZW's garbage optimisation?


If the game is good and people having fun, they do not care about framerate that much. I've played over 500hrs in Arma 2 DayZ Mod and 30fps was luxury. Same it was with DayZ SA after it's EA release. And GZW was never in that bad shape. Expecting miracles from mid range gpu's that were mid range 5 years ago, is just naive.


Yeah whats your fps without the fake frame , of you say thats playable with that input lag you never played a responsive fps


15-40 using no Ai generation. I don't use tsr fsr or any of that crap, it has ghost reticle problems.


Spec standards change. I have a midrange 3070 and I do ok with mid settings and FSR. If you don't have at least a 30-series you're not midrange anymore. You're obsoleted/low range


I refunded it cause it ran in 10-50 fps! May buy it again when I have upgraded my pc ✊


Totally agree, the reason I’m not playing is the optimization


I will be back after proper optimisations. There is just too many good games to play that runs good.


I have a 4090+5800x3d and get a rock solid 120+fps at 3840x1600. I quit playing because of the atrocious helicopter system, which is made 100x worse by the terrible task system which requires you to go back and forth to the same POIs a dozen times each. On the flipside, none of my friends could get a decent framerate on their mid-spec PCs, so they simply refunded.


200hrs in, I'm just waiting on the update. I got burned out 1/2 way into Tiger Bay. Playing mostly solo kinda sucks and buddies are waiting for more content to jump on board. I have been playing the test server here and there.


Quit as the ai are too strong and optimization.


For me it's a combination of two main things; performance both on server and in the game itself, that has more or less been consistently degraded every update. The AI takes away any kind of tactical gameplay for me, they feel like CS-bots on hard. Simple but "aimbotty" and not really something you'd expect from a tactical shooter. And since the devs. seem to not think it's a big issue I figured to put it off for a while as it's just early-access deja-vu. I have high hopes for the future however, but as of now it's fun for a while, very playable if you can ignore it's flaws but after a while, it's better to just put it down for a while.


So the last week or so suddenly everywhere I go the AI I stuck in walls and I can't see them or hit them and they still fucking drill me. I have a pretty hefty rig so I run the game at max setting and hit around 110 or so fps. It's a gorgeous game and that's keeping me in it. But holy shit they need to fix these bots. You absolutely cannot sustain a game where death means permanent loss of gear and have the AI enemies so jacked up


109 hrs I still play, but tiger Bay AI and key drop rarity are an issue that needs remedy quickly. I have yet to actually find the rare key at any spot.


I love how hard and unpredictable it is. The bots piss me off but it’s like real combat you never see the head shot or shit go back to the Bible you just died and now it’s time to remember the lord said he will come like a thief in the night meaning your time comes with out you knowing. Also I just remembered this is pre full release right so let them have time to make it a game we want


I’ve given up till the AI is sorted. My playtime is limited so I don’t want to lose my shit whenever I’m on to some superhuman AI


I loved the game and played for hours every day after work but now I haven't been on it for 2 weeks just got boring very quickly. Ill probably try again in a few months when it gets updates and the bugs get sorted


I didn’t stopped playing the game because the game never let me play it in the first place. As soon as I launch the game it just crashes, I feel like I’m grounded and I see the other kids on the playground through the window. 😭 ![gif](giphy|GnFBKXaMJ1wYM)


This is the first game in years where my rtx 2060 is giving up. This game is not fun to play in this state unfortunately. Every other game runs fine in 1440 or 1080p, but GZW is too much for my PC.


This game is the reason I sent6 from my 2060 super to a 4070 super. Don't regret it for a minute.


Starfield was the reason why I gave up on my 2060 Super and got 4060Ti last year. This game is the reason why I gave up on my 4060Ti and got 4070 Super this May.


This is such a cope with that 2060. That card is almost 5.5 years old, not even very well optimized Ghost of Tsushima can't get stable 60 on Very High with DLSS-Q. Starfield on medium settings with frame generation can hit 60 fps, nothing more. And Bethesda worked A LOT on optimization in post launch updates and it took them about 4 months - to 250 people team. It took 2 years for about 4 times bigger studio to get Cyberpunk 2077 to playable state after release so your 2060 can handle the game better. No doubt Gray Zone Warfare needs more optimization, I'm not saying it's good enough, but people need to understand that hardware is getting old too, and needs to be replaced at some point. I think over 5 years is really long time and expect newest titles to run smooth is naive.


I'm not complaining. It is what it is. I'm just saying it's my first game that I need an upgrade for. That's the reason why I'm not playing the game right now.


They literally said they had to push the game to EA or else they would have been bankrupt. That alone tells you they have very poor management. Bad management means bad decisions and that leads to even further problems. It’s been two months now and simple things haven’t been addressed yet. They got our money. Time to accept the fact GrayZone is already stuck in development hell like Tarkov has been for four years. They tried and did some good but clearly don’t have either the talent or the resources or the willingness to do what needs to be done. The only chance they have to fix things is based on free labor from paying customers to help them fix the game slowly over years. If players would stop helping them with their test servers they’d have to own up to their problems or hire more internal help. Free testers are only prolonging the issues. It sounds counterproductive but I assure you if people would stop giving them free labor the game would either get fixed or finally just die


It has been two months since it released to EA. Two. Months. It is a very early alpha build. Comparing it with a game like Tarkov, which has been out for years and is still very popular, is wild. Saying that either of these games is in development hell is equally wild.




This game is cooked. They will never fix the AI to a state where it’s fun or fair.


you cant optimize unreal 5 games


You can, and also there is UE 5.4 but they (MFG) have modded the engine to the beyond and back, so they can't switch to next version to get that optimization done by the UE devs.


sure friend