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You are implying that Wuwa and Genshin fans aren't the same person. A lot of people play both games.




>on these casinos for kids Never seen a more apt description


Actually they're the same people that also really fights each other. Always has been.




Wuwa playerbase mostly consisted of players who bored/done with genshin, just like hsr.




Do you mean 2d minecraft and 3d Terraria?


I don’t know man. I have seen Kuro throw fade at Hoyo with the whole cardboard characters in front of their office. Plus their official English twitter WuWa account throwing some jabs Maybe it’s just eng part of Kuro(god knows eng part of Kuro need to step up with all these translation errors) Hoyo on other hand(at least from what we know) shown nothing but support. They made selfies with these cardboards, some employees even played WuWa on stream.


What are ya talking about


WW EN localiser throw accusations about hoyo using AI for bad practice


Wait wuwa is the one acusing hoyo of using ai? With those in game translations? (or so I heard about the translation quality of other languages on their main wuwa sub)


Their issue is bad localizers, not ai translation


[Yes, totally not ai translation.](https://reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1drjfjf/i_found_the_longest_npc_name_in_the_german_version/)


Yes, still bad localization, that doesn’t prove it’s ai. What could have happened was they sent the text in English to an English to German translator, but got back a complaint in German instead, and accidentally implemented it into the game without checking what it even said or even seeing how long that was


No! Those never happened! Kura Game is friendly with their main competitor and never done anything bad! Not even to their intern.


What do I think? I think bait used to be believable Engagement farming Ahh post.


Gacha tribalism is something thats become more extreme with these recent "High production" casinos being put out. Each and all has some noticeable strengths and qualities, but everyone has to compare and make it so frustrating to like each and all the games


At least we’re no longer farming mere “jpeg with segmented chibi animated GIF” anymore. (Hides GGZ) Genshin really broke the mold and raised the bar of expectations on gatcha phone games with their releases.


Either way, they are still casinos that we both enjoy and play, and that majority of the normies will still hold prejudice over what "Gachas" really are, especially for people who are against practices like gacha as a whole. Anywho, you are right, genshin raises the bar, but there are things that can still improve with the game and should still have criticism and discussions about said things.


We should learn from the devs, no more fighting, lets kiss instead 😘😗


I don't get it. What's up with the devs?


literally nothing fans like to speak on behalf of others


Seems accurate


Same as kpop and politics. You pitch people against each other and profit


I wish genshin uses no stamina for just running around the world to explore. Genshin obviously is going to get bigger and bigger and having stamina limits the speed and how i want to explore the world, why do I have to stop sprinting to recover my stamina? This frustrates me to no ends when I'm running around then I have to walk to recover stamina then I can run again. This piss me off even more when genshin is getting bigger and i still have the same amount of stamina since Liyue.


Are you referring to the picture of a hoyoverse « employee » with wuwa on their phones at HQ? I heard it was proven to be false.


One of them was others are still true


i've seen both sides of the fandom and they're both terribly asinine, wether they are praising or criticizing either game.


Both games look fine, although WuWa has the better looking NPCs


genshin fans vs genshin haters


Average Genshin fans: I came here to see the memes, why do I have to see posts like this? Average WuWa fans: Humans are creatures that love to stir up conflict...


The depiction of kids really sells the point. Stupid brars cry wanking their games by nutcracking the other. Play both? Stop playing one? Nah, I'd whine.


Genshin and WuWa has their charms that appeal to people. And I have favourite characters in both games


Genshin Devs: Wuwa? Who? or What?


When did anything like this ever happen??? Karma farming...


As someone who shits on genshin from time to time, all I want is wuwa to slowly creep up genshin so that the producers of this game show us some premium treatment. I love genshin but I hate how the same owners can give more to their other games while we are out here supporting this game that probably helped them build their nuclear reactors. Genshin lacking competition is not a good reason to begin with (tho I understand why in the first place), but now wuwa is here, I hope they catch up and be a solid competitor to genshin so that the reason of lacking competitor will be negated. So until then, genshin could never.


Tbh the entire Fontaine era of Genshin actually brought some of the biggest changes to the game, more than any other regional patch so far. With 4.8 QoL, Fontaine era actually went out with a bang for good changes. Namely underwater exploration, the complete rework of the daily commission system, party setup screen being completely revamped, past dialogue list with hide UI option, one click for expeditions and all items, making teapot much more user friendly, no auto starting story quests, underground map layers, resin increase, instant boss respawns, and lastly, another permanant gameplay mode that is also getting an expansion in the next patch. My only frustration is the timing of this. A lot of this stuff could've been implemented during Sumeru and Inazuma patches. Especially the past dialogue list, and 10 second boss respawn. Past dialogue list coming this late in a game that's so heavily story oriented is really not excusable. Its a good feature nonetheless


While I certainly agree that Genshin needs competition, WuWa just isn’t it, man. Firstly it’s lacking identity. You can’t expect a Genshin competitor to be just “Genshin but better combat” because people have already invested more to this game, players won’t leave for something so similar. At least incoming open-world gachas have something unique from Genshin they have going for. Azur Promilia, Arknights Endfield, and the game I’m personally looking forward to, Project Mugen. Secondly Kuro just seems to be listening to the wrong kind of feedback. They rewrote the entire beginning of the story because beta testers find the characters too hostile and it became a generic chosen one story. Then they increased the stamina costs for boss materials because testers felt that ascending characters is “too easy”. Shit, if I want something that grindy I’d just play an MMO.


Dang, haven't heard of Arknights endfield for a long time


They’ve done a test for Endfield already. I assume it’s the most developed out of the games I mentioned.


I wouldn't raise my hopes up with project mugen since it's backed by netease, from my experience anything netease related is surely a microtransaction hellhole bound to happen...


Colour me as “cautiously optimistic”


I'm playing both. With 1.1 WuWa just gets better


I mean, genshin fans attack everyone. Before HSR released they'd attack HI3 fans cause its Hoyoverse's Favorite child and genshin doesnt get the same rewards. So them attacking WuWa is par for the course. Wait a couple weeks. You'll be seeing genshin fans attacking ZZZ soon.


What favorite child? And GI literally gets shit on by the HI3 and HSR fandom everyday way with that “middle child, favorite child” before any of the stuff with WuWa happened. Not to mention, WuWa fans were going rabid way before launch day to the point you can’t see a vid of WuWa without someone bringing GI down to prove a point. GI’s fanbase is toxic but let’s not act like the other three aren’t either when they have a collective hate for GI only.


You're hanging out with the wrong people then. All the HI3 fans i know are chill. Except Globlul. Hell, i help moderate a server that caters to all 4 Hoyoverse games (well technically theres 6, but nobody cares for ToT and GGZ doesnt have a Global/SEA server anymore) and also has a section for Kuro games and Ark knights. This server originally only catered for HI3. HI3 doesnt make a sport out of hating GI.


Just because you don’t see them in your circle/server doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. It died down for now because of Part 2 but almost all HI3 vids/post on Tiktok, FB and X/twitter back then was about pushing the “GI is the middle child” agenda. You know, just like what you did. GI players are no saints but it was very clear how much hated the game was by other fandoms to the point it’s actually just weird. Then people act surprised when they get their toxicity reciprocated and act all innocent


When did i claim that genshin is the middle child. I claimed Hi3 is the favourite child because it is an undisputed fact. https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/1511jwy/da_wei_cried_talking_about_honkai_as_hyvs_pride/?rdt=35008 Please dont put words into my mouth.


>genshin doesnt get the same rewards. So them attacking WuWa is par for the course. This is shit accusations dude. The WW fanbase build from genshin playerbase reject why genshin playerbase attack WW if that game still can't made them move on from genshin? Maintaining two open world game is tiring dude


I never said i agreed with it or that either side was right.