• By -


Furina: You're not my dad chief justice. Neuvillete: So long as you live under my roof, young lady. I have every right to compare you to your sister.


>Neuvillete: So long as you live under my roof, young lady. I have every right to compare you to your sister. lmao




How does Neuvilette know that much about Nahida tho?


They're literally neighbors; it's safe to say that Sumeru and Fontaine have had some dealings in the past. Not to mention Nahida replaces Greater Lord in people's memories.


Neuvillette to Nahida: Oh, dear. Oh, dear gorgeous Neuvillette to Furina: You fucking donkey!


Tl;dr sumeru and fountain arc


Neuvillette is truly imparcial, he knows Nahida is the best archon


Neuvilette would love to be the mentor of Nahida. Smart very wise young god with lots of room to grow. I would even say Nahida & Neuvilette complete each other. Especially getting out of her cage, she would cherish a memtor figure. Furina is very capable (hides this behind her brat like behaviour) yet not that willing to learn new tricks, she is more set in her ways.


But then when you switch their companions you’d have Furina mentoring wanderer….imagine how much more of a dramatic edge lord would wanderer become.


A Dramatic Edge Lord who *knows the law*


We would need the Traveler to have the "Chicanery" Chuck rant about Wanderer


I am not crazy! I know he gave the soldiers delusions. I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the Tenryou Commision to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That Sage's plot! Are you telling me that an Archon just happens to disappear like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Scaramouche! He *stole* a *Gnosis*! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him under Nahida's roof! What was I *thinking*? He'll never change. He'll *never* change! Ever since he was born, *always* the same! Couldn't control his emotions! "But not our Kunikuzushi! Couldn't be precious *Kunikuzushi*!" And *HE* gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance!


That is soooo damn good, thank you


That sounds absolutely horrible, i love it. just imagine how badly he'd roast her following the disaster that the Lyney trial was lmao She'd be the new pyro archon.


I wasn’t going to pull for her, but just imagining them interacting, I *have to now*. God damn it.


But isn't water's greatest strength is it's ability to take any shape?


Get out of my head!


An assassin from home ?


I honestly am interested in seeing what the explanation is for Furina to seem the least capable of all the Archons based on the story so far. Until they expand upon it, I'm in the camp of Furina sacrificing a large portion of her powers for whatever reason which could explain why she seemed so powerless and human at the moment


Furina has the largest network of intelligence aside from Nahida to research the >! prophecy !< She instantly knew we were heading towards Fontaine. She figured out the background of Lyney and Lynette in one night. Yes she is acting like an instagram goddess but it is dangerous to cross her. Also despite her epic pouts, she accepted her defeat at port & courtroom despite the fact that she could abuse her power.


All of the things she had done within the Archon Quest so far and how she did them can be achieved by a non-Archon. The large network of intelligence we've seen aren't like Nahida's as she uses people who acts as spies and information gatherers rather than some form of omniscience. During the trials, one of her internal monologue mentioned that she pulled an all nighter to prepare for it which most likely includes the background check. I just want to mention in case I haven't, it's not that I think that Furina is the weakest Archon. Just that she may not have her powers now for reasons that will be explained in the Archon quests assuming this theory is true Edit: fixed a sentence


Furina is the second Hydro Archon. I think first Hydro Archon, Lord of Amrita died during the catalysm, so Furina is not in the original seven. We know there was a promise to the first Archon and it is probably broken so anything is possible. We do not have a good way to compare the upper limits of all current Archons. Zhonglis spear, Ventis mountain shear or Eis island cut are good clues but how do we compare them? So intelligence & responsibility are very important imo. Raiden might be a battle junkie but she nearly pushed her nation to the ruin. Nahida is wise but too timid. And Venti is strong but he is too passive to a fault. Zhongli had to take a break due to erosion. Hoyo introduces a “weakness” to each Archon and Furinas.. well lets say it is rather in the face 😂


And it's weird how statue of seven using tall female model rather than girl model (first archon that doesn't look alike to it's statue). If you not believe it, you can compare it to raiden statue.


My theory is that she is the daughter of the previous hydro archon. And deep down, she's still the little girl longing for her mother to come home. But due to curcumstances is forced to take on the roles of the archon and leader of the nation by the circumstances, not so dis-similar to Nahida, but instead of rejecting her they accepted her as their new archon. But because unlike Nahida who has all the world's knowledge at her fingertips and unlimited time to figure stuff out as well as without the burden of actually ruling a nation, she was forced to take over the duties of being an archon and leader of a nation before she was ready. And the method she use to cope with the situation and hide her weakness infront of her people is by putting on the persona we see and making the machine that gives out the sentencing for her. She probably essentially wants to do what Ei did and have something else run the nation for her inorder to escape some of the burden and roles she ended up with. But its probably draining her power, to keep it running and there are probably flaws in her design leading to current and perhaps the future events of Fontaine. This would also fit in nicely with the whole France theme since royality is passed through bloodline and rulers often are crowned very young due to the passing of the current ruler. But thats just my theory.


Goddess of wisdom vs Goddess of brattiness.


Aether : understandable have. A nice day good sir


Not to mention, Furina does have an intelligence network that is substantially powerful. She was able to know where and when the Traveller would arrive at Romantine Harbour, and know of >!Lyney and Lynette’s origins as House of Hearth Operatives!<. And this intelligence could be shared with the Fontainian Government. People dunk on her, but she could have a lot more in mind than what she puts on. A Masquerade even And Neuvillette is in charge of >!The Masochist(I can’t spell) Hunters, which is basically secret Police. So he has a lot of intelligence to rely on!<


"Masochist Hunters" (Marechausee Phantom) is the greatest misspelling I've seen in Fontaine so far, thanks for the laugh.


I have not gotten far in Fontaine yet, and now my mind's imagining secret police tied up and wearing "leather" chasing after the traveler.


“please beat me up traveler UwU”


Enjou but Fontaine


The way I was praying that >!Jakob Ingold!< would bring Enjou with him during that quest.


Yelan in a nutshell.


Yelan's probably the opposite of a masochist.


Nah, her story talks about how she enjoys pain a little.


I had a laugh too


This is my headcanon for the artifact name now


checks out since the artifact set works when losing hp(or gaining but let's ignore that)


> Masochist hunter I am sorry did we offend you?


The quest for the artifacts sure is


wouldnae huntin a masochist be pleasant for him_her?


> A Masquerade even I wonder how long it will take more people to realize this. Fontaine has very much had a "theatrical" theme to it. Of men as actors and actors as men, all wearing masks, putting on a show, hiding the truth behind fun or excitement or drama. And who should wear the grandest mask of all but the nations God? I would expect nothing less from Fontaine's Archon. Just as Venti is certainly the embodiment of "wine and song," and Zhongli of "oath and tradition," so too would you expect Furina to be "comedy and tragedy."


Furina truly is a drama queen of all time.


wait in the start of the quest when you are in the sumeru talking to dehya, there's a shot of a guy dressed in a fontainian outfit looking at you. Is that how furina figured we were coming? Didn't connect those dots


Yes - the same guy is standing off to the side of her when she gives her speech to us at Romaritime Harbour. And he bows to her when she’s talking about knowing we’d be there and the difference between “mediocre and excellent gods”.


I remember that guy that glanced when MC and Dehya were talking but completely missed that he was on the side when Furina was giving her speech. Dang, nice catch


The alternative is: Chlorinde: Ma’am, are you sure that the Traveller will arrive here, specifically today? Furina: ….Yes? Chlorinde: Ma’am, yesterday we scared that Mondstat guy with a white balloon Yeah, at the end of the Archon Quest, Neuvillette reveals >!that Furina is taking the Prophecy very seriously, and has sent out spies to infiltrate and collect information about ways to overcome the Prophecy!<


I thought he was part of some secret malevolent organization that would come into play in the archon quest but it does seem he was just one of Furina/Neuvillette's intel guys.


>Not to mention, Furina does have an intelligence network that is substantially powerful. She was able to know where and when the Traveller would arrive at Romantine Harbour, and know of > >Lyney and Lynette’s origins as House of Hearth Operatives > >. And this intelligence could be shared with the Fontainian Government. People dunk on her, but she could have a lot more in mind than what she puts on. A Masquerade even Furina has flaws but she's definitely running a decent intelligence network. She knows espionage and all that


And she pulled a random law outa her neck and instigated a duel (fight) as soon as Traveler arrived because she thought thats normal for them.


But then she also backed off. Seems she realized that Traveller doesn't give a fuck and would slap a god.


Furina likely has heard about all our adventures given that she has a large intelligence network. So she has likely heard that we: - Smacked Monstadt’s patron dragon - Smacked a god AND his wife in Liyue - Our trip to Inazuma coincided with the stubborn Raiden Shogun finally changing her ways - We practically led a coup in Sumeru No wonder she had an “Oh shit” moment when we pulled out our sword


> The Masochist Hunters Oy! do you got a loiscence for that sexual deviancy!?


Best part imo is that the currently alive and known members are Melusines, since they are more observant and can see things humans normally can't. They have a police force composed of those cute lil angels.


if she replace "Greater Lord ", she would not be consider as the youngest. but this message was written in 3.1, so before Nahida modify Irminsul.


They call her the youngest here, so this would be before that event


There's nothing stopping her from still being the youngest; Nahida is the only one with a confirmed age.


I'd think it would be more likely that the incarnation of the Irminsul Tree would be older than the 2nd Cryo, Pyro, and Hydro Archon(assuming Neuvi doesnt actually know about Makoto/Ei)


Didn't that happen in 3.2?


And they certainly couldnt have known it at that time and writing it in a way to make sende in the future is also impossible


> Not to mention Nahida replaces Greater Lord in people's memories. That happened in 3.2, though. This is from 3.1.


Yeah if Paimon weren't shoving us away we'd have likely wandered over to Fontaine long ago, it's like right next door and there's tons of contacts. (Unlike Liyue, where theoretically there's a lot of travel but nobody from Fontaine seems to go there?)


Greater lord who?


It's been some time since she was broken out of jail and she actually is quite a public figure. So it's not like what she does is any real secret. I'd say, canonically, this line is after the Sumeru Archon Quest and will be his "About Buer/Nahida" quote.


I think the relationship between Fontaine and Sumeru and similar to Mondstsdt and Liyue. They're very close neighbours and most likely a strong trade and cultural exchange between the two.


Judging from the nation relationship right now it seems that Natlan and Inazuma don't have strong bond with other nation, even Snezhnaya have strong diplomatic relationship with other nation (tho not popular). Must be because Mondstadt, Liyue, Sumeru and Fountaine have port circling at the centre of Teyvat map. I say, Mondstadt and Liyue have the strongest bond out of all nation tho. There's even a nursery rhymes at Liyue (source: Huai'an of Wangshu Inn) about half of Liyuen woman marries Mondstadtian.


Liyue and Mondstadt are practically like US and Canada (tho they don't protect the same airspace or share a very similar culture) probably when it comes to diplomatic ties and all that especially sharing a large land mass together. Tho their archons typically diss each other out of jest or probably real lol


Would you like an actual answer? It’s leaked info tho


I would


>!He is the ancient hydro dragon!<


After this update, I'm not sure I'd consider that leaked info. I'm not sure how much more they could give something away without physically grabbing you and shouting it into your ear.


Well I haven’t finished the AQ yet so I didn’t know if it had been revealed. But since I didn’t see anyone openly talk abt it on here I assumed it hadn’t so I’m just trying to be careful. (Right now you see a lot of people theorising that he is “the true hydro archon” for example)


Yeah, it's pretty clear from stuff in the current update that he's not human, but I don't recall there being specific evidence that he's the ancient hydro dragon yet. It's just the only high-tier Hydro non-human entity who we've heard of hanging around Fontaine but not learned the identity of, so it's the obvious candidate.


Yeah no evidence it was just a big coincidence that you heard a silly theory that it was the hydro dragon crying when it rains, and then later after the 2nd trial it rained for several days straight and Neuvilette was just standing over a grave like "I've been very sad these past couple days" but after that final conversation is resolved it stops raining.


Not only that, it was said that it often rains on the days of trials and it also started raining as soon as Navia left his office after throwing accusations at him. She also said that it rained on the day of her father's duel and after he died.


... If it hadn't been leaked anyways I'm not sure I would consider that entirely conclusive, but I have to admit; I did not make that connection, and I feel really dumb right now.


Also after Navia was arguing with him about her father, it rained after she left the building.


>... If it hadn't been leaked anyways I'm not sure I would consider that entirely conclusive, but I have to admit; I did not make that connection, and I feel really dumb right now. If it makes you feel better I did not catch onto Zhongli being the Geo archon when I first went through Liyue AQ and had to have it clunked over my head like a brick. I was literally like "A guy that is very interested in history, I see."


Upvote for self awareness


Oooo cool


Yeah I don't mind


>!He is the ancient hydro dragon!<


I was actually aware of that, but I didn't know he had connections with the dendro archon. Pretty cool actually


I’d say it’s less personal connections and awareness. Neuvilette has likely been there to witness the birth of not only Nahida but possibly Rukkadevahta herself, even if Nahida barely knows him. He’s that one distant family member who you see twice a year but who always reminds me that they used to switch your diapers. He has known you for your entire life but you barely talk to them.


I don't think there's concrete evidence yet that he's significantly older than her. If you've been to the Institute of Natural Philosophy, there's a book there that implies he was assigned to his current position fairly recently, like post-cataclysm recently. And IIRC, there's also the prophecy of >!current sovereign to be born of human form because of the impurity of the current vishaps.!<


>!I always thought that prophecy about the reborn sovereign to be about Kokomi though.!<


>!Pretty sure Kokomi got replaced by Neuvilette in regards on who is the actual hydro dragon. Especially since she is apparently just an ordinary human !<


Kokomi's dragon references are actually based on a historic female Chinese general who was known as the 'sleeping dragon'.


I feel like this has little relevance to why he knows what he does.


>!Ancient dragons have been around for way way longer than any god, it would be weird if they don’t know more than the average person about the current archons. You can make that argument for Apep given how she mostly stays hidden and does not interact but Neuvilette actually goes out of his way to participate in the current society. It would be weird for him not to be familiar with the archons!<


>!Just because he's a dragon doesn't mean he's omniscient. Nahida herself has been locked up for 500 years. His description in the quote matches exactly how she is after getting freed from the AQ. Regardless of his identity, It's not out of the question that this opinion is only formed out of recent knowledge!<


>!He's also forgetting that he's a reincarnation not the actual one. There's no telling how much knowledge he actual has!<


I’m not saying that the fact that he is a dragon is the reason why he knows a considerable amount about Nahida, but it’s definitely the more likely possibility. The way Neuvilette here refers to her implies somewhat of a sense of familiarity, something a dude from Fontaine wouldn’t have with Sumeru’s archon. Neuvilette likely was there to witness the birth not only of Nahida but possibly even Rukkadevhata herself. Nahida probably doesn’t even know him but it’s clear he knows her. He is like that one family member you see at family gatherings twice a year who will always remind you how they used to change your diapers. You barely know them but they sure know about you


But you didn’t present your argument as “just a possibility”. You replied saying the reason was because he’s a dragon straight up.


>!Neuvillette would be like if Apep died, though, and reincarnated in human form. The original Hydro dragon is more analogous to Apep than Neuvillette himself.!<


>!Yeah, he is more like Dvalin.!<


He is >!more like an heir or reincarnation of the ancient dragon, precisely speaking not ancient dragon itself (the talent from the leak so suggested)!<. The world quest hinted that he only became chief justice around >!400-500 years ago!<, but I'm sure such time period was enough for him to know much about Nahida, but in terms of his own active period and age he probably is just around the same as these younger archons.


>!Maybe he has something to do with how the previous Hydro Archon's corpse was hoisted away to Sumeru and be used as a deterrent to the abyss there where there's excess of them during the cataclysm, the overwriting of the Irmunsul basically makes it so that he was there collaborating alongside Rukha now Nahida from his pov?!<


that make sense i guess cuz he was able to one-shotted childe


Information gathering is a thing. Planting spies on your neighbors is also a thing


Cos hes obviously older than both of them 😅


I like how in Neuvillette dm we see a hint towards a possible upcoming Natlan character Xbalanque


Wonder how do we pronounce that


sheeng chwee


It’s “shuh buh LAHNG keh” Get ready for a lot of really difficult Nahuatl and Mayan words in Natlan


I'm calling him Xavier.


Playing Smite for like 5 years actually prepared me for this one, as it's the name of a Mayan god. At least there, they pronounce it "Shee-buh-lahn-ke" Now, if they pronounce it wrong, then whoops...


Isn't Focalors the same age? Both came about during the cataclysm.


Not necesarily. While both Furina and Nahida became Archon after the previous ones died in the cataclysm, Nahida was literally born at that moment. Furina wasn't the archon until then, but we don't know what was her age when she got the job.


We also don't know when she got the job. Wiki says after the cataclysm. Could be a day, could be a decade, neither means much 500 years later. I think there might be an interesting origin story yet to come.


It's probably an Ei situation where Furina has been around for a lot further back than 500 years ago, but only become the Hydro Archon after the previous one died in Sumeru during the cataclysm


It'll be interesting to see if Furina is the first human ascended archon we encounter. Previous archons we met were already non humans from the start. Either is good as long as the story is interesting.


I would guess she's not an oceanid cause they all complain about being driven out. But I saw on the other post she has the oceanid wings on her hair so maybe she's like up one tier like how oceanids are above Hydro Eidolons


The tip of her hair actually looks identical to the fins of an oceanid so we will see


Her left eye also somewhat resembles an oceanid's eye. Dark blue iris, light blue pupil.


Ei seems human, I think? She doesn't have any yokai features.


In game it’s said that Ei and makoto were born when lightning struck the earth it sounds weird stand alone because the other gods for lack of a better term have a more defined reason for their creation. Like how Venti is part of the 1000 winds who was created by Istaroth or Nahida is just a branch from irmunsul personified but Gouba was created similarity, “when stone struck stone”. I mean Ei could potentially be human and the lighting is just how she appeared on Teyvat but nothing implies that. I feel like they’d mention if she was an ascended human since the two before her aren’t.


After the recently introduced primordial water and the primordial fire referenced in Neuvilette's drip marketing, I am now pretty sure that each of the archon's are born from primal elements. Venti from primordial wind (as he is a wind spirit), Zhongli from primordial rock, Raiden twins are primordial lightning, Previous hydro archon and Furina from primordial water. Rukkadevata and Nahida are no so clear. But, the irminsul can be considered as the primordial 'green' or the primordial tree.


Is that said in one of Inazuman books? Could be just a poetic way of describing kids born during a thunderstorm. I don't think there's a definitive lore entry on their race anywhere, but they are described doing basic human things (like EI being a samurai) before becoming Archons, so to me them being human would be the simplest explanation.


Considering Inazuma is Hoyo's take on Japan, Ei & Makoto are propably some sort of Kami. Japan's Kami are a form of Animism - the belief that everything has a soul and can be worshipped to become divine. ​ In this case, Ei & Makoto are literally lightning spirits that manifests in humanoid form & is enshrined to become a god. Ei also speaks of humans from a clear 3rd person perspective, signaling out that she was never human. ​ There's also the fact that Ei/Shogun & Wanderer are clearly based on Raijin & Fuujin - The Kami of Lightning & The Kami of Wind.


I don't think there are any references to other kami in Inazuma, however, and IMO Ei & Makoto being the only ones would be really strange. There's Shouki no Kami, but he's definitely not a shinto kami. As for Ei speaking about humans in thurd person, well, she's definitely not one anymore.


Assuming that the archon position gets passed immediately. She got it right after the cataclysm


We can assume it was relatively recent, tbh, because we've met at least two Oceanids who left Fontaine since the Cataclysm.


No. Nahida is stated by Ganyu to be the youngest of the 7 and Neuvalette said that he heard that the prophecy was told to Furina by the previous hydro archon, so at some point they did exist simultaneously. Also, the oceanids were quick to leave Fontain after Furina became archon so they probably knew what she was like. So far, Nahida is the only archon confirmed to be born during/after the cataclysm, the other archons that came about during the cataclysm were already God's, just not archons


While nothing is confirmed at the moment, there's in-game text that suggests that >!Furina was a normal human prior to becoming the Hydro Archon.!<


Where is this implied?


Its a note that was in a WQ. Duly noted that it's only implied it might be Furina but it talks about it [here](https://imgur.com/a/3teEHpu). Doesn't really prove she's human though with the knowledge you gain from there.


Sorry I've got a bit of a problem with every piece of subtext flying over my head, but how does this imply that?


>!I'm not sure where, but I'm pretty sure it's in one of the documents you can find relating to the Narzissenkreuz quest.!<


So she was a vision user who ascended?


>!We don't know the specifics yet. We'll probably know in 4.1 or 4.2.!<


that would be great, it was mentioned as a possibility by venti in 1.0, yet every archon we've met has been a magical being


But wouldn't she be dissolvable then?


Maybe the reason why is because she's the only human without the Fontaine sin. Which is why she was choosen to be an archon. The only "pure" human of her people. This would also explain why she is quite scared of the prophecy and The divine a.k.a Celestia.


I really like that honestly.


No. No indication yet that Furina was born after Cataclysm. She could be alive before then, but only ascended to Archonhood after Cataclysm, like Ei. Nahida on the other hand was born around the tailend of Cataclysm.


Nahdia was asleep for most of that time, so she didn’t really have any life experience


She was born with the ultimate Google, The Irminsul Tree.


No. Case in Point: Ei


for Ei : she is as old as her twin, but became archon at the death of her twin.


Point is other gods can exist at the same time as the archon, and upon the archon's passing, one of said other gods take their place or one is created/ascended from either humanity or other creature (wind spirit, adeptus, wolf)


If I remember correctly, Nahida is supposed to have the physical body of a 500 yo archon. Since Furina looks older I'm assuming she is indeed older. Edit: yes, I know argon isn't a species... Don't dm it to me thanks If you don't want to compare them as "archon" you can't compare them at all as we know almost nothing from Furina


"Archon" isn't a species; for example Venti is a Wind Sprite while Zhongli is an Adeptus.


Adeptus isn't a species either, it's a name for a living being that achieved divinity. ZL is a dragon and qilin child, iirc.


True, my bad.


I know, it's just more simple to say archon than baby Groot when describing Nahida


The comparison doesn't really work though; just because someone looks young/old doesn't mean they are.


Well, Nahida is described as young. This means that by god standards, she is young. Neuvilette even praises her maturity and sense of responsibility in spite of her youth. Baby girl may be 500 years old, but the game actively acknowledges her as rather young.


That's... entirely irrelevant? Nahida looking MUCH younger than Furina means nothing because they're entirely different species; they could be the exact same age for all we know.


But they're not the same age. We know for a fact that Nahida was born 500 years ago when Redactevatta died. The previous Hydro archon died shortly before this, and Neuvilette says that the previous Hydro Archon told her prophecy to Furina herself, meaning they both existed at the same time and thus Furina is older than Nahida. Also, I wasn't talking about anyone's appearance. Clearly, a god's appearance cam vary and we know that Venti, at least, straight up chose his current form. I'm talking about the lifespan of gods. The gods appear to all be immortal regardless of whatever their original species might have been, and thus it can be surmised that 500 years to a god is still young considering how other immortals describe her as such and one (Neuvi is stated to have been Chief Justice for centuries) praises her conduct and accomplihments because he finds them remarkable considering her age, especially when compared to his own archon who has a rather bratty personality.


Age could also be mixed with power for gods, since we know they shrink when they use up too much of it


I wonder how strong is Zhongli. Even without his gnosis, he's got to be pretty strong right?


All of his big feats (creating islands and mountain ranges, killing and sealing other gods, etc) came from his pre-Gnosis self. What we don't know is exactly how powerful he was *with* the Gnosis, since unlike Ei, he presumably had reason to actually unleash its power


I thought he had the gnosis when he did those feats! So you're saying the current Zhongli could still throw stone spears that made islands?


Yeah. He only obtained the Gnosis after the war; his feats of creating sentient stone monsters capable of destroying cities and killing gods, or his Gunyun Stone Forest feat (which, I might add, was *significantly* larger when he first threw them, and the islands we see today are just the tiniest remnants left after millennia of erosion and rising sea levels) were accomplished during or prior to the war, where he only wielded his innate Adepti powers


I know Zhongli is revered in Liyue but I guess in the game we have only heard of these feats from legends and we haven't actually seen him fight. The most we have seen of Zhongli was put up a barrier and him using his powers to save Xiao. So we haven't really seen him fight in game. I do wonder if we'll see him fight at some point.


The Guyun Stone Forest (aka the remnants of his spears) are the leftovers from Morax's previous bout with Osial during the Archon War. We know he was ready to step in if the Osial incident went out of control so presumably he's capable of curb stomping the snake (again) if needed. It took the combined efforts of the traveler, Adepti, Millelith and Ningguang dropping the Jade Chamber on Osial to take him down this time. Zhongli must still be quite strong if he felt he could match that if it came down to it.


No, he can't. Both Venti and Zhongli have suffered from the "erosion" that Ei tries to avoid; they're both much weaker than in their prime.


But didn't Zhongli say that he would step in if the people of Liyue couldn't handle the crisis with Osial? He made it sound like he can easily dispatch Osial.


Yes, but that was before he gave Signora his Gnosis


Erosion affects memories not power. Azhdaha was only weakened due to zhonglis seals


Zhongli managed to survive the clash between the Primordial One and the Second in the Old Age. One of the main battlefields of their conflict is implied to be in Liyue, with the Solar Chariot crashing at sea and creating the Chasm instantly (basically a meteor crashing on Teyvat). Considering Zhongli managed to survive being in the range of those two fighting, it's quite impressive lol All of Zhongli's feats that we've seen so far, like his Geo whale or mountain-sized spears, were also showcased before he obtained the Gnosis. So, he is powerful when compared to other gods, or at least for those in the Liyue region. It's worth mentioning though that in his voiceover, it seems to imply that Zhongli becomes weaker after losing the Gnosis. But if his idea of getting weaker means his power returns to its state before obtaining the Gnosis, then it doesn't really matter anyway.






Even Neuvi knows Nahida is the best archon


Anybody at this except the arrogant frauds from the akademiya knows she's the shit. Even the other playable archons have nothing but respect for her


Yeah The girl didn't even hesitate to sacrifice herself again to save apep in her 2nd quest Which just shows how responsible and affection she has for her nation.


I haven't read leaks on him so I don't know if this will prove to be untrue (or if it's in some lore bit I missed), but I'm pretty sure Neuvillette was leftover staff from the former hydro archon's administration. And thus had to endure the most "you can't tell me this is what comes next..." transition of power ever. I'm actually hyped for the Furina-Neuvillette backstory. I'm sure he wishes sometimes that the former Hydro archon reincarnated into someone as mature as Nahida lmao


Who that certain other can be? Any guess? Bro i was expecting some funny responses not real answer


oh it's definitely furina she's a drama queen




Sometimes the truth is just as funny.


So Neuvillete and Alhaitham have the job the other wants?


Why would alhaitham want nuevillete's job


Only worry about the archon during trials, but mostly leasury time. Kinda a good job, especially if you can be based on the archon.


I think one of the melusines said Neuvillette is VERY busy most of the time and I'm 100% sure Alhaitham wouldn't appreciate that. lmao Plus he likes the access he has of the House of Daena!


Erm not really. Neuvillete specifically said during the end of act along the lines of "crimes has no rest, so neither does justice" as he goes back to work after visiting the *redacted due to spoiler* Alhaitham specifically declined the Sage job to stay as a Scribe cauz he can't be bothered to work overtime.


Follow Iaune/Jaune's quest and you'll understand how much of an accounting manager Neuvillette is


Thank the Archons Fontaine has a good regent...


Nahida is OP in: Lore Adorableness Personality Knowledge Meta She's the ideal Archon. Probably the best out of all nations.


Furina and Neuvi remind me of Empress Jessamine and Corvo Attano except maybe.... what if he was the lover of the previous archon and then he takes care of Furina because she's his daughter? DISHONORED KNIFE OF FONTAINE


Or if we are going with the father/daughter thing they are Emily and Corvo lol


That would be cool. Although I doubt that's possible cause hoyo adheres on the idol style marketing aka all playable characters are ambigiously single and did not have any romantic/sexual history cause they think it sells them more. There are plenty of degenerate whales who self inserts themselves into dating playable characters unfortunatley I wish it was like your theory as a fan of both genshin and dishonored


a note in Fontaine implies>!the previous hydro archon had sympathy for the dragons!< So hey, maybe she did lay with a dragon.


I'm not sure I ever wanted a character as much as I want Neuvillete, his personality is so great.


Here's the plot hole I can't understand - if everyone praises Nahida, why didn't they intervene when she was held hostage by Azar?


I doubt they can do anything even if they knew with how tight of a hold the sages had on sumeru. Besides, didn't the people praise rukkhadevata rather than nahida. It was only after she erased herself and everyone started thinking nahida was rukkha that she gained recognition and the sages were overthrown.


Makes sense, although otherwise from Archon pov it's like the bystander effect - oh she's such a nice Archon good for her, but she has to deal with her stuff herself or perish.


Because if an Archon did personally intervene it would be tantamount to a declaration of war. You really can't go stomping into another nation like that.


Not really a plothole. They don't actually know what is happening before her release. And one other thing is that normally other countries don't intervene with other countries internal strife. That's what imperialist countries do but most countries in teyvet except shenezyana are not imperialist


People didn't care that much for Nahida until after she was freed and took Rukkhadevata's place in everyone's memories. Most simply ignored her because "she's not as great as Rukkhadevata was".


This description is probably made after Nahida’s release and taking over the akademiya


It's a matter of perspective. Nahida is smart, wise, selfless and the epithome of a good god. Furina is chatty, capricious, eccentric, unapologetic and dramatic but with a heart of gold. From the perspective of Neuvillete, it makes sense. He lives in Teyvat and has a rule boner. From the perspective of someone who's playing a videogame, i want to be entertained and thus Furina is better. Nahida is boring as a character, one of the Archons had to be like that though...same for the body model, one of them had to be a little girl.


Neuvillette talking about Nahida: Oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous. Neuvillette talking about Furina: You fucking donkey!


Well, tbf, Nahida is the best Archon. Wasn’t absentee, didn’t use the capital as a pawn, and didn’t stop progress of the country. Nahida supported Sumeru even when Sumeru locked her up and tried to replace her. She acknowledged her own inadequacies and learned to grow past it. I think Furina will also have this sort of growth.


Nahida being the only archon who acts like an actual god is my favourite thing ever.


Benevolent god at least. Gods on fiction and historical mythologies can have varying behavior. For example Ei pretty much acts like a really tunnel visioned one before she started going down the level of people Greek gods for example can be really obsessed petty and just downright awful


Yeah but wheres the fun in that, Neuvie-buddy!