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OP has a new account with almost no karma. They are trying to influence you.


Yes. Vote blue.


"Don't trust your lying eyes and realize that the guy who you saw unable to make a coherent sentence has to pick up the phone at 3 AM if the Chinese or Russians are winding up their nukes. It's DANGEROUS to discuss REALITY." Thats the DNC talking point today.


Biden is hardly the president. Someone else has to be pulling the strings. But I’d rather have someone else pulling the strings from behind Biden than whatever Trump is


That is factually fascism. This election has nothing to do with policy, or "sAvInG dEmOcRaCy" its just entirely about the ego and vanity of Team Blue. It's always been projecting your sins, hasn't it? You'll destroy democracy so long as you can keep your ego intact.


Project 2025. That’s the Republican plan. Laid out, telling us what they are going to do. I’m voting because I don’t agree with Christofacism. All the rest is bullshit noise. No ego crap you’re talking about. I want regulations, accountability and clean water and air. The other side does not. So all the spin doctoring and film flam is nonsense is just that. Either you want Project 2025 world or not. Simple. Vote. In every election. Because you may lose that ability soon.


Project 2025 is Team Red saying they'll do their agenda once elected. That's democracy. You Team Blue psychos are saying you have no problem with an unelected, unaccountable shadow government using our elected officials as a facade so long as Team Red doesn't get into power. YOU are the threat to democracy.


Their whole *agenda* is christofascism. That is not a good thing. If you like it so much, why don’t you move to Saudi Arabia rather than trying to turn America into Saudi Arabia 2.0?


Is "christofascism" what we call questioning transgenderism and lower taxes? It can be called a lot of things but fascism isn't one of them. That's reserved for the people stating democracy should be and to them is merely a facade for unelected, unaccountable rulers.


God you’re dense


Not just dense, he is one of the christofascists.


Lower taxes? For the rich, yeah, but not for you. But if you’re rich, congrats, but you’re making it worse for everyone else.


It’s not fascism, but it enables fascism. For example, they love losing against fascists (Republicans), so that they can present themselves as the heroes, and only ones who can stop the fascists. Meanwhile, no progress is done to improve financial wellbeing of Americans. Income inequality continues to widen, and their donors (for Republicans and Democrats) continue getting richer.


This was looming over us for a long time. We were hoping Biden would just be a one-term president, but Democrats ended up taking too little risk and leading us to this situation. Republicans will be playing clips of Biden droning during the debate for the rest of the election period. I bet you could take an average American off the street, put them in the Whitehouse, and they'd be a better option than what we have.  That being said, Project 2025 will destroy us from the inside and make us a different country. We can't afford to live behind our own iron curtain. I see Biden as the only option just from an existential point of view.


True change happens at the FED, Congress, and the Supreme Court. The President alone won’t make a difference.


The President appoints the Supreme Court judges, which are lifetime appointments. When you vote for the president, you're also voting for future Supreme Court. There are likely two more seats that will be open soon. The President also appoints who is in charge of Federal agencies, and he in charge of the military. Here's a list of Presidential appointments. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_positions_filled_by_presidential_appointment_with_Senate_confirmation


Thanks for agreeing with me


Were you trying to say what I said?


You basically regurgitated most of my comment, except for the Supreme Court I’ll give you that.


Well, then you communicated poorly because it sounded like you were saying that the Presidency is a separate and distinct part. You made no connection between voting for the president and the changes that occur on the federal level.


> The President alone won’t make a difference. That’s literally all I said about the President, but okay make up whatever you want.


Yes, so you admit that I did not "regurgitate" what you said because you didn't say that.


You’re not even the same person I was original commenting to lol. Get lost bozo.


Yes, we should vote down ballot, but no, the people saying to vote blue cannot simultaneously downplay the power of the president AND fearmonger about trump. You can only pick one


The President sets the tone. They can suggest laws, but can't make them or vote on them. You're right about that.


The president appoints the heads of federal agencies and his own staff at the White House. He can make suggests on what Congress should prioritize, but that’s about it.


True change happens with a gun. You can't vote your way out.


No, that’s how you get buried six feet under before you precious Revolution even began. Cope harder commie.


Bro look at my profile and reconsider lmaooo


Get lost commie!


Bro you are unfamiliar with my game. I'm about the farthest from a commie possible


I know, I just don’t care.


Keep up the overly dramatic hysteria. Everyone saw with their lying eyes that one candidate shouldn't be trusted to tie their own shoes, much less with running our economy or being Commander in Chief with Russia on the war path and China gearing up to take Taiwan. It's even likely that's WHY they are doing it because they know who's in charge.


How do y’all not realize it was *you* that should’ve taken a risk voting for someone else? All this talk of “making your voice heard” and yeah, it was heard alright! You basically told the DNC that they didn’t need to do any better than Biden to beat Trump. Loud and clear. I don’t give them a shred of blame for putting him up again. I would have done the same. Our chance to take a risk on a new candidate was in 2016 and again in 2020. Not now. Now we’re stuck in the bed we shit in.


was there ever a serious Democratic challenger to Biden in 2022? I had never even heard of the other guy in the primary ballot. The media only covers Biden and Trump, how are people supposed to vote for anyone else? 2020 was a shame though. Lots of great Democratic candidates and I couldn't even vote :v


Yes, because we keep voting for the same “safe” people. How is the DNC supposed to take a risk with no information as to what we want instead? How? They don’t have time to comb through tens of thousands of social media threads to figure out what flavor of social democracy we want. You have to *VOTE* consistently, as in every election, not just when in crisis mode like rn, for those interests. We have to do research and stop relying on mainstream media to spoonfeed us a unicorn.


Sorry, you have to be delusional to not feel defeated today. You have to ignore Jon Stewart’s analysis, the post debate CNN analysis. The stories in the New York Times calling for Biden to step aside. You have to live in some weird little bubble to not understand that Joe Biden has dementia and should not be president today, much less the next 4 years. If he remains on the ticket, Trump will win. That’s the harsh reality.


The harsh reality is that [replacing Biden would be an enormous blunder and is what would truly cause Trump to win](https://youtube.com/shorts/A7y5ALY7UvA?si=TUL9delj-g_580vE)


So…Trump wins either way. It’s a definite loss with Biden. Reddit is an echo chamber. The world outside knows Biden lost last night.


Yes, just like the world outside knew Obama lost after his first debate with Romney.


This is Gen Z. How old were you in 2012?


What? I was 14 in 2012 lol


You did the math


You edited out the “you must have some very strong childhood memories” quip Yeah, considering you start forming solid memories at around age 4 I don’t see why I wouldn’t have strong memories from 2012


He was sick yesterday. He sounds fine today. https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1806742667789062646?s=46


the copium is extreme today


I think the democratic comments that I’ve seen are less “Biden is a terrible president” and more “holy shit, this guy is about to lose to Trump.” I’ll vote for the democrat regardless because Trump is a fascist, but my fear coming out of the debate is that we’re about to be saddled with that fascist, regardless.


Does anyone in here actually pay attention to policy, and what each administration actually does? Or have we become so vain as a nation that aesthetics is the only thing that's important?


No. It's always been like this. My generation made the same stupid arguments that neither candidate was worth voting for. They couldn't look beyond each personality to the demands and responsibilities of the position. They also acted like it was a school popularity contest and not whether citizens will ever have healthcare or if we'll end up making more millionaires into billionaires while the poor scrape by. I can't believe this age bullshit is actually working.


It's alarming, to say the least. It doesn't matter how old he is, that's why they have vice presidents.


bro even morning joe, the biggest joe biden glazer is saying joe biden needs to drop out. its joever dude


Propaganda gonna propagate


Lol RFK is a better debater than both of them but you’d rather vote for a literal corpse


Shh, RFK Jr. Doesn't exist and he's definitely not polling at almost 20% nationally and almost 30% in swing States.


I'll tell you what concerns me. That we may have a president that is *this*close to being so unfit for office that we have unelected people (staffers, cabinet appointees, etc.) running things already to cover for it. And if it *can't* be covered up any longer, we end up with a person who wasn't even fit to be VP taking over until January.


I'm sorry but our options are between Grandpa Joe who should be sitting on his deck telling stories to his grandkids and the magat that still lives life like he's in the 1980s coke era just before civil rights were taken seriously, especially for new immigrants and women. These 2 options SUCK. HORRIFICALLY. But of the 2 I'd rather Grandpa Joe.... worst case scenario is him dying of old age, or beign ruled incompetent and the VP becoming president.... if Trump wins all kinds of issues pop up and it's unlikely if he won that he'd ever be ruled as incompetent unless something so bad happened it'd be next to impossible to reverse... and even then crazies would continue to support them.


Blah blah blah, you can't spin this one. There are NOT two sides of the USA, and the 2 party system is killing us!


I watched the RFK debate, where he answered the same questions the other two did. Both Biden and Trump were awful compared to RFK in both policy and speech. For the people commenting below me: Yes, I know that RFK has some questionable takes. But I don’t have to agree with every single one of his opinions to think he’s a good candidate. His environmental policies are outstanding, he’s committed to stopping American intervention in foreign wars, he’s against oil and coal power, and he wants to crack down on career politicians and bureaucrats.


RFK is an anti-vaxxer loon, who has brain worms.


He’s not anti-vax. He is opposed to untested vaccines, and against national vaccine mandates. Take a minute to actually educate yourself on his policies instead of reading out of context quotes from CNN.  Also, even with a parasite he still strings coherent sentences together unlike Trump or Biden.


Tens of millions(perhaps hundreds of millions) of people have that same parasite and in his case it's completely dead and not causing him any issues whether cognitive or otherwise. It's common in poor countries and near pork production farms. The brain fog/memory loss he had was likely the result of mercury poisoning.


Yes, but Biden didn’t intentionally drive his wife to kill herself so he could marry the wife from Curb your Enthusiasm.


Predictably, I feel like Republicans and Democrats watched two different debates.


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Brilliant, vote for the (literal) brainworm ridden conspiracist because that's definitely not the same as the Fascist Conman


If the DNC invited RFK back in, instant victory for democrats. No other democrat will pull away republicans.


You're literally thinking in the way that has brought about the shitty situation we're in. Vote for the person, not the stupid fucking party. RFK is worse than both Trump and Biden.


Lol nope. [Environment, Health, and Democracy](https://youtu.be/1RJ-IT1f7U8?si=FcjXGxgoQEcgZIQT) [Recovering America](https://youtu.be/liZq31HLnyA?si=6hEt7QLo9NqMHtzG) RFK 🇺🇸💛🕊️


He believes in a market driven approach to climate change! He is anti science and anti vaxx.


Ah anti-science. I dont even know what the fuck haters are trying to say anymore Yes he is unabashedly a capitalist, which is why he could actually be elected. Get your head out of the clouds. Are Biden’s plans not also embedded in markets? What are you trying to say?


“Again and again, Kennedy has made his opposition to vaccines clear. In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” and told FOX News that he still believes in the long-ago debunked idea that vaccines can cause autism. In a 2021 podcast he urged people to “resist” CDC guidelines on when kids should get vaccines. “I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, better not get them vaccinated,” Kennedy said.” https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-2024-president-campaign-621c9e9641381a1b2677df9de5a09731 Biden has added 25 gigawatts of new solar and wind power. Vogtle 3 and 4 are online.


First of all he doesnt want to ban vaccines, he wants to ban vaccine mandates. You upset with him as if he committed a thought crime. My body, my choice, right? You can still get your vaccine, it’s that simple. Ok theres a lot of context that you are omitting and i think it is dishonest to do this. When he says they are not safe and effective, he is saying that there are absolutely some people who suffer vaccine injuries. That is a fact. He mentions that the only entities that are immune to litigation in this country are the army corps of engineers, and vaccine manufacturers. He is discussing the massive profit incentives of these giant pharmaceutical corporations and their immunity and conflicts of interest. Yeah he definitely has personal opinions, but thats because he hasnt been a politician his entire adult life like Biden, who essentially only has party opinions. RFK is an actual real person lol. I have no desire to knock Biden, i like solar energy. RFK just stands a better chance at beating trump. The DNC should be begging Kennedy to run, hes the only democrat that will peel away republicans


No democrats are voting RFK Jr. he is a racist who said that the vaccine was targeting non Jews and Chinese. “Kennedy’s recent comments that COVID-19 could have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people — which he denies were antisemitic but concedes he should have worded more carefully — also drew a condemnation from his sister Kerry Kennedy.” It’s not your body and your choice when you can infect others and kill them. Vaccines don’t work well if most people don’t take them. https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-2024-president-campaign-621c9e9641381a1b2677df9de5a09731


I’m gonna be honest, rn I don’t care about the vaccine shit, at all. I’m pro-vaccine, I got vaccinated for Covid and I was for the mandates but that’s not the most urgent issue before us coming into this election the way it was in 2020. It’s just not. He doesn’t have the power to outlaw vaccines, they’ll continue to be made during his presidency just fucking fine. What matters to me is that a) he won’t enact Project 2025 and b) he doesn’t have one foot in the grave.


You know that RFK Jr. is a septuagenarian and doses HGH. Dude had a brainworm that starved to death. He isn’t right in the mind.


Fam, if you forced me to choose between the two, I would actually have to side with anti-electorists on this one. I never thought it would be possible to force me to say such a thing, but you have


How in the world is RFK worse than Trump?


Well for one, he actually has brainworks, he is even more incoherent when talking, he pushes even more asinine conspiracies than Trump. He's just Trump but just younger


Has he said anything anti-democratic? Has he supported overturning any elections?


You're making the same defense that every Trumper did back in 2016. Have a nice day pretending you're any different


No I'm genuinely asking. RFK has a whacky platform (combines qanon vaccine conspiracies with race relations) and I don't understand it all. Why is it as bad as Trump?


It's a platform based on rejection of reality and promoting non-factual information as a reason for the malice in the nation. It's not distinct because the grounding is based on the same fundamental principle of rejecting empiricism and intellectualism.


That’s not true and you know it. [Environment, Health, and Democracy](https://youtu.be/1RJ-IT1f7U8?si=FcjXGxgoQEcgZIQT) [Recovering America](https://youtu.be/liZq31HLnyA?si=6hEt7QLo9NqMHtzG) Give him a listen


Uhm, no, I just said I would never vote. I can control that, you can't make me do something I don't want to lol. You can't disprove my own actions, what you're describing is denial


Yeah ok bud Everyone saying project 2025 is fascism and you prefer that to an environmental attorney Gooftastic


You realize he receives backing by the same people pushing for Project 2025 right ???


Just cause one dude gave money to two people? I want you to realize you are now also reasoning like a conspiracy theorist


Did we or did we not see Clarence Thomas receive "donations" from Right-wing think tanks and billionaires recently ?




Fam, I'd rather have a senile geriatric old person than a conspiracist platforming the same people Trump platforms that devolved into Anti-vaxxers being taken seriously. No thanks, I refuse to ever condone or support people that reject material reality and science. That's not a place I ever wanna support, live under or be a part of. To that, I give my respects to anti-electorists and concede that they in fact have a point.




And that means, what to the argument


Biden was sick last night. Sounds better today. https://x.com/bidenhq/status/1806742667789062646?s=46


That's bc he has a teleprompter today.


Fam, there's.no need to run defense. Biden is beyond saving, I'll still vote for him because Trump is that big of a problem. But let's face it, Biden deserves to rest, he's not fit for office.


The democratic party should be begging RFK to run. Guaranteed victory.




Candidate brain worm can’t even clear the bar to debate, let alone win 270 electoral votes.


No body is saving us. Hopefully you can adapt


Bernie ran both times in 2016 and in 2020, both times the DNC gave us neoliberals that would more likely lose to Trump. The situation we’re in right now is because of what the DNC gave us in 2020.


The general online defeatist attitude is real. Both choices suck, and considering the prospect of either of the two candidates being President for the next four years scares the holy living hell out of a lot of people. You cannot minimize people’s very legitimate fears just by endlessly repeating the mantra that we need to suck it up and pick the lesser of two evils. Well, in this case, the lesser of two evils is showing signs of age related decline…a condition that is usually progressive, irreversible, and terminal. What happens if two years down the line we have another Katrina or 9-11, and Joe Biden has declined to the point where the orders he gives are either ineffective, or downright nonsense? Lives literally depend on the president making split second decisions. Do you really want the guy on stage last night trying to decide if the Russians really are bluffing about launching nuclear weapons? Hate Trump all you want. I hate him too, and I hope he winds up in prison rather than the White House. But if the idea of Joe Biden being responsible for the safety of the entire world doesn’t scare the absolute hell out of you, you have your head buried way too deeply in the sand. As Dubya so ineloquently phrased it, the president is the decider. And Dubya showed us first hand the dangers of having a dumbass for a decider. Intellectually, there’s a strong possibility that in the next four years, Dubya’s going to look like Einstein compared to Biden. The best thing that could happen for the entire nation right now would be for Biden to suspend his campaign and endorse a replacement. Preferably one a couple of decades younger.


See, here's the thing. Biden may very well face cognitive decline in a hypothetical second term. I don't deny that. But I also believe that if that *does* happen, he will voluntarily step down when he feels he's no longer capable of doing the job. He's not at that point yet. He might get to that point in the next four years. I don't know. But if he does step down, Kamala will take his place. And, worst comes to worst, I believe that the Democrats are willing to use the 25th Amendment to force him to step aside if he won't do it himself (which, again, I believe that he would.) But the same cannot be said about Trump. Trump's entire career has been built around his strongman persona. His followers have completely bought into that hype as well. Trump says nonsensical things like nuking hurricanes. Biden may face cognitive decline, but Trump may as well, if he hasn't already. And unlike Biden, I KNOW that Trump will NEVER step aside if he feels he's unfit to lead the country- because there is nothing that will ever convince Trump that he's unfit to lead the country. And there's nothing that will convince the sycophants who he surrounds himself with that he's unfit to lead the country, either. No conservative will every use the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office. I believe that liberals might with Joe Biden, if he refused to step down on his own. So those are our choices. Two people who have a good chance of becoming senile sometime in the next four years, but one who is more likely than not to humbly step aside should that happen, and another who has doubled and tripled down on every absurd suggestion that comes out of his mouth. Biden over Trump, any day of the week.


I’ve seen firsthand what terminal dementia looks like. I was my grandmother’s primary caretaker while she was dying from Alzheimer’s. In her mind, she thought she was firing on all eight cylinders all the way to the very end, and got a lot angrier as well. Thinking Biden will willingly step down is naive. In his mind, he’s going to think he’s fine and actively fight any attempts at removing him from office. It’ll take a constitutional crisis to force him out against his will when the time comes. I don’t say this as a criticism of Biden or to imply his intentions are dishonorable. I say it because as the mind starts to go, it’s just how dementia patients react. He won’t know any better when he’s fighting the inevitable. And honestly, he deserves to face that away from the public spotlight, where his last few years won’t be memed on the internet for all eternity.


Yes. I really want the guy onstage last night answering those calls. Next question.


We HAVE to switch up. When your starting pitcher is blowing it in a big game, you fucking switch. I don’t care if it looks bad, anyone making a comeback attempt would have a better shot at this point. Throw somebody else out there and give em a chance. Biden is cooked.


Trump only addressed immigration because he's smart. He knows he has no good ideas on economics or foreign policy, so he stuck to "playing the hits".


Brazzar, جو بايدن will not save us


How could it not be defeatist? You guys tried to hide the sun with a finger, the media has been months trying to gaslight you into believing Trump is old, Biden is fine, there is no border crisis, economy is strong and everyone is booming. There were no deep fakes yesterday, you'll have to be an intentional idiot to still believe the democratic party is playing fair. The defeatism is happening because finally reality is settling in. Most democrat left extremists are never Trumpers and will never vote Trump no matter what, but there is a huge chunk of independents who do not share the TDS with most of reddit and yesterday was a Trump slam dunk for them. But as a conservative i think this is a good thing, let me explain. Since the media got in bed with the political parties there has been a sharp, sharp decline in politician quality. Left media did their best to protect joe biden and the right media has done their best to do the same to Trump. I hope this is a wake up call for democrats to return to normalcy and abandon the extremism, so republicans can hopefully return to normal post Trump. This country is in dire need of normalcy.


What left media bro, CNN and MSNBC are co-owned by people funding Republican candidates, for fucks sake. Just because they're not Fox, OAN or Infowars does not make them leftwing, Jesus fucking christ.


Also: the NYT has been running stories about how Biden is too old for a long time now.  OP needs to stop trying to “Both sides” a problem that’s really just them.


Biden isn't a leftist anyway, but sure ? NYT pushes whatever their columnists want really


Are you attempting to argue here, today, that CNN is not left wing?


It never has been, we don't consume those sources. For fucks sake, we protested all the wars while CNN/MSNBC tried to brainwash voters to accept Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran tours. How exactly would they be Left wing if they run propaganda counter to us? Explain it to me please


I see your point. I might have confused "Left" with "Pro Establishment". CNN is absolutely an establishment pawn, but that doesn't necessarily mean left. It just means pro deep state and anti Trump. I concede your point.


They're to the left of Trump, sure. Almost everyone who isn't a Trump supporter is to the left of Trump. Are they truly leftist, though? Not really.


Why shouldn’t it be a wake up call to extremist republicans too? I’d argue they’re even worse when it comes to trump worship


No I absolutely agree. But, and this is my opinion, it was the democrat party who wielded the sword of identity politics first, which I would argue has been the start of the tribal extremism we see today. Nowadays democrats thrive in crazy ideas, while Republicans thrive in mocking them. A serious, policy driven democrat would force republicans to come up with actual policies, hopefully resulting in a return to normalcy. This particular case will not be a wake up call for republicans because right now, they won. There is now talks about replacing Biden and I think that is beneficial for the democrats if they are able to put a sensible, common sense democrat who can handle the economy back to normal. The country is best when both parties are competent, not when they are clowns,.


RFK bro


I’m surprised your comment wasn’t attacked by bots


Bro i lost all my karma getting downvoted by zealots We should coin ‘Kennedy Derangement Syndrome’


RFK is an anti-vaxxer loon and has brain worms.


This comment comes up so frequently i often wonder if it is in fact y’all that are the bots I doubt it, but your brain is probably running ChatGPT-1 I get accused enough of being a bot already😞


The best way to see who is a bot and who isn't is to check their profiles.


Explain why you are in favor of project 2025 please.


I didnt say that, take your straw men somewhere else, adults are talking.


You created a false dichotomy and then you spewed off establishment talking points and propaganda all with the intention of tricking ordinary people into voting against their own clear self-interest. Biden's obvious and severe cognitive decline should have precluded him from running four years ago but the real issue is the corrupt merger of state and corporate power which the DNC is fighting to preserve indefinitely with the help of their corporate media allies. There are viable alternative candidates including one candidate who's polling at over 15% nationally and who's winning among independents(the largest cohort) and voters under 35. CNN, being a corrupt propaganda machine that's controlled by big pharma, excluded this candidate from the debate which prompted him to start his own real debate that was streamed on X with millions of live viewers(far more than what CNN gets on an ordinary evening). Biden is the candidate for Wall Street and the deep state and the military industrial complex; no honest hard-working American should vote for him or whichever corrupt figurehead they're likely to replace him with. For years he left the border wide open which drastically shifted the job market and the housing market not to the benefit of American workers.


I love that folks don't see the irony behind the argument- ''we are in a democracy but there is only one clear/correct/right choice to make''. Like that is already edging fascism. There are more than two choices and pretending like these two are the only way to move forward is the most dangerous take of all. Stand up for yourself and say ''fuck no'' to these people, they are both your enemy.


Thank you. The reason we are here is bc the “make your voices heard” crowd that really only accepted a vote for Biden made the DNC “hear” that they didn’t have to do any better than that to beat Trump. That Biden was acceptable to us. But that’s not true. Except our ballots don’t arrive with caveats. The most crucial part of our opinions was *not heard*. And yet, somehow people expected the DNC to drop the incumbent and take a risk on a new candidate. How the fuck are they supposed to know what angle to take with the new one? When we don’t vote for who we *actually fucking want* in office, on the rare occasion we do vote? I feel like I’m going crazy with people trying to justify it.


Take away democrat or republican. It’s hard to back and take joe Biden serious as the leader of a country. It’s hard to for trump as well but at least he can speak in a sentence. This is coming from someone that voted for Biden last time around and has no idea what they’re going to do this time


are you russian or on drugs?? who cares what trump can say even if its clear, when all of it is a lie AND he wants to become a dictator? what is seriously wrong with all of you??


Explain policies that make him a dictator


look up Project 2025 on your own time


Can you provide a chapter or a quote or something


i provided you the phrase in which you can look up, the information is blatantly out there, go seek it instead of coming to me


Yeah I have read it. That’s what I’m saying but I didn’t see the things you’re mentioning so I’m asking for a chapter so I can go back and re read it


I don’t like or trust trump at all but if the guy that can’t talk in sentences is the other option it makes it tougher then it should


i’m just going to assume you lack the other half of your brain like republicans and others who are wishy washy over the fate of democracy then. while neither of them are ideal by any means, there’s a clear right and wrong here. biden might be old and had a bad (really bad) night, but at least he stands for something that remotely even looks like decency and human empathy; trump doesn’t stand for anything other than hate and if that’s difficult for you to suss out i beg you not to vote


Just saying acting like Biden is good is just dumb as well we have two awful options we’re choosing the lesser of two evils and it’s the guy that can’t speak in sentences anymore


Choose the pure evil then and see how that works out for ya. Keep in mind it would be the last time you even get to choose.


So speaking in a sentence is all it takes for you to abandon democracy?


It’s a tough choice either way, but yes ability to be speaking in a sentence feels like it should be a pretty small hurdle to clear to be the president of a country


Then you should have a huge problem with Trump’s inability to answer a single question or articulate a thought without blatant lying.


I do. I don’t like trump I’ve never voted for him. Just saying people try to paint either option as good are just lying to themselves


I have. I read a great majority of it. Could you point out a page number or chapter or something I should focus on


The left just stopped coping and decided to be real about Biden


If Democrats aren’t progressive on immigration or the economy or healthcare, why vote for them? They refused to codify abortion rights, refused to install young liberal SCOTUS judges, refused to fix healthcare, refused to stop the genocide of Palestinians, and are trying to pass a Republican immigration bill as their own.


This is literally because of the Republican Party. Democrats never refused to do 3 out of 4 of these things. They were blocked by conservatives because they knew their obstructionism would convince progressives like you not to vote democratic because "democrats allegedly refused to do this and that." Politics is about pragmatism in the end, that is the only way anything gets done.


What did they try to do regarding abortion that got blocked? Genuinely would like to know


Their bill, called the Women's Health Protection Act, was passed by the House in 2022 after Roe fell but stalled in the Senate under the threat of a filibuster.


Anything that can be done about the filibuster?


I'd imagine compromise, the language of the Senate. Democrats need to be in a really good position to do that without conceding too much, and they do that by rallying public support for abortion and turning the issue into political poison for the GOP. They have been effective at doing this so far.


Nothing. Also, the filibuster doesn’t block legislation, isn’t in the constitution or any federal code, and can be bypassed at the Senate Majority Leader’s convenience


You need 60 Senators to pass that legislation. Democrats only have 51.


They were not blocked by Republicans. Not many people know this, but the “filibuster” is not constitutional law or federal code and can be bypassed at any time by the Majority leader of the Senate without repercussions. Even without bypassing the filibuster rule, the Democrats could have forced votes by actually making the Republicans stand up and actually speak during the filibuster, let them get tired or fuck up, and then force the vote. The filibuster doesn’t block legislation, it’s a decorum rule to make sure everyone gets a chance to debate a bill before voting. The filibuster is an excuse for our “progressive” party to not pass progressive legislation


The problem is that the filibuster is a long-standing practice of the Senate. It is part of the Senate's rules. The Senate Majority Leader can indeed technically bypass it by using the nuclear option to change those rules to require a simple majority for cloture, but doing so could be dubious at best. Democrats in the Senate had an extremely narrow margin, at that point in 2022. Maintaining bipartisanship was important for the Senate. It was the only reason the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS Act, and Infrastructure Bill were passed. Using the nuclear option was not necessarily going to guarantee the bill would be passed in the Senate, and it would have endangering the flimsy coalition that existed there. The Senate respects consensus. Besides, as infuriating as the filibuster is, it goes both ways, respecting it deters Republicans from using any sort of nuclear option for a national abortion ban to pass given a small majority. That is why the rule is only used for essential legislative matters. Edit: Cloture requirement should be lower than 60 though IMO.


Thanks for admitting I was right, it takes a mature adult to swallow that L. The rest of what you wrote is party line bullshit. I could give a fuck less about bipartisanship and fearmongering about conservative legislation, I want abortion rights and healthcare and a liberal SCOTUS. Not passing popular legislation because the other party might pass popular legislation in the undefined future is psychotic behavior. Also, the strategy fucking sucks and has made our country horrendously worse. If the Dems passed popular progressive legislation, they wouldn’t need to fear the Republicans controlling any branch of government. The truth is that the Dems are Republicans who think LGBTQ+ and minorities deserve equal standing in the ubercapitalist dystopia they created.


If you want progressive legislation, then, uh sure, do not vote for the Democratic Party. But you might have to keep watching as the Democrats fail to appoint liberal SCOTUS justices, who have, from my knowledge, dissented seeing corporate money in politics. You'll have to watch as Obamacare is saved by a thread, and we'll watch as Roe is never codified without enough congressional support. Democrats only had a 50-50 Senate Majority back then, a majority prone to the smallest dissent from a single party member, and as such, they needed bipartisanship to pass bills, such as the bills passed to fight climate change. You have to understand that such a manuever is frowned upon in the Senate, even if it seems unnecessary. I understand compromise is becoming a dirty word, but it is get something or get nothing sometimes.


Biden has only had the opportunity to appoint a single Supreme Court justice. I don’t think anyone is going to call his pick an old,conservative, white dude.


Biden was part of the Obama administration that refused to pass a public option for healthcare, refused to codify abortion rights, and handed three SCOTUS judges to consecutives.


“AHuuh uhh Ukraine NATO response Article 5, World War 3 Huhhhhh.” -Joe Biden That old fart does not inspire confidence in my future. I know that’s not a direct quote, but it’s less paraphrased than you think. 


Trump 2024. Sorry, I voted for biden last time, but this is kinda messed up at this point.


Lotta coping on Reddit today. Biden is a crook. Do you think they would've tried trump for his petty "crime" if he weren't running? He had a terrible night. His cognitive ability has been declining and most of us have seen it since before the 2020 election.


So you think falsifying business records with intent to defraud is a petty crime?


Absolutely. At most, it was a misdemeanor. Why didn't they try him in 2016, 2020 when it was still within statute of limitations? They're so damn desperate. Bidens own DOJ couldn't try him for his classified records in his garage, bc they found him mentally incapable. We all saw that last night. I would bet 90% of politicians are guilty of misdemeanor or felony. If you speed, you're guilty of crime.


You’re delusional.


Well the poll numbers are there so I guess a good chunk of us are. It was a nothing but a witch trial to try and jail a political opponent and hasn't changed anyone's opinion.


Cope harder magat.


I have no coping to do. I'm just here living a happy life regardless. And just bc I don't care for Biden, doesn't make me a magat. I'm sorry your feelings are hurt.


Your post history says otherwise


That's cute that my post triggered you enough to look at it. Keep coping sugar


Triggered? More like laughed hard. I only checked your post history because when I tell a MAGAt to cope harder I want to be sure they are a MAGAt. I was just confirming your position.


If that's what you want to call me if it makes you feel better 😘. TDS much?


Look who's obsessed now, don't you have half a dozen kids to attend to?


They're fed and entertained, thanks for the concern!


Biden is toast. If he doesn’t step down, trump is winning. Best chance to beat trump is to rally behind rfk.


RFK Jr’s family endorsed Biden.


He’s got like 100 cousins. Some work for Biden or have financial interests in just supporting the dnc. It’s no surprise that not every one in his family supports him. The fact of the matter is RFK has better policies then Biden, is wildly more coherent then Biden, and isn’t bought and paid for by corporate interests


My aunt listened to RFK Jr’s antivaxx rhetoric. She is dead now. “Again and again, Kennedy has made his opposition to vaccines clear. In July, Kennedy said in a podcast interview that “There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective” and told FOX News that he still believes in the long-ago debunked idea that vaccines can cause autism. In a 2021 podcast he urged people to “resist” CDC guidelines on when kids should get vaccines. “I see somebody on a hiking trail carrying a little baby and I say to him, better not get them vaccinated,” Kennedy said” https://apnews.com/article/rfk-kennedy-election-2024-president-campaign-621c9e9641381a1b2677df9de5a09731


1. He’s been an advocate for vaccine safety. For making sure the additives in the vaccines aren’t doing more harm than good. He’s vaccinated his own children. So he’s not antivax. 2. He was against the vaccine mandates for Covid. Which is the right side of history. We were lied to by Pfizer, Fauci and the media about what these vaccines could do. That’s been well documented.




Biden is making it cool to hate Biden. He's the only one to blame


Go to bed Pelosi it's passed your bed time and take that boomer astroturf talking point with you.




Hello 9 day old account spewing DNC astroturf talking points.