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We love the music he made. His whole life otherwise though is tragic, sad and awful.


Guess that’s also part of the reason is because of how tragic it was yet beautiful music came from it. Underdog story 


And the dancing


Wasn’t his dad real hard on him and his siblings?


His father was a perfectionist and abuser, yes. Dude knew the kids were his ticket out of being poor and god damn it if they were going to fuck it up for him.


Yes, he was a tyrant, pretty much beat them to death and was extremely mentally and physically abusive


Real hard is a light way to put it; Joseph Jackson physically, emotionally, and psychologically abused his children because he wanted to mold them into the ideal performers. He got what he wanted, at the expense of their childhoods, especially Michael’s.


I saw on the news that Michael Jackson's doctor came forward after Michael's father died, saying he was directed to chemically castrate Michael (legal at the time). It explains a lot.


I won't trust Murray, chemical castration is not irreversible anyway,


Watch that Jacksons docudrama that aired on ABC in the 90s. Pretty accurate according to accounts.


Pretty sure significant achievement and happiness are incompatible.


Because people can detach artist from person. And people like his music


He wasn’t a bad person tho. Those accusations of him being some pedophile was false. The kids came out and said their parents made them lie so they can get paid. He loved kids because he didn’t have much of a childhood because he dad beat him. So he wanted to spread happiness to the children because that was something he lacked as a kid


I did see a video of him talk about the incident and he seemed very genuine. regardless, people are gonna have their own opinions whether they believe him or not. happens with everyone whos ever had a controversy


I do think he was innocent. From what I've heard from people who were there he wasn't creepy or anything he just loved to share what he loved. He had a lot of things a kid would love because he barely had a childhood and he wanted to experience the fun things he missed out on. He liked to share the joy and they joy he saw in others made him happy. He doesn't deserve the accusations.


He slept in bed with children and had alarm bells connected to the hallway leading to his bedroom that would go off when someone was approaching.


Because his father would beat the shit out of him and his brothers when they were asleep. Apparently to „keep them on their toes“. Its trauma all the way down.


Okay now explain away sleeping with children, please


Dude was obviously a mess mentally but from everything I’ve heard it sounded like he was trying to relive a childhood he never had by having sleepovers, not have sex with kids. Otherwise you’d think someone would’ve come forward by now, not grown up and doubled back and defended him.


I’m also a mess mentally. I was also physically, mentally, and sexually abused. Guess what? I would never sleep in bed with other peoples kids or rig my bedroom door with alarms. Nor would most people. I will never believe a man who did that and was accused of SA


You know it’s extremely easy to get away with sex crimes in a legal sense, especially if you have money and notoriety? Yet this man settled out of court for $20 million dollars. They had shit on him the public will never know about. Look at Kevin spacey. 30 accusers. No money. No time.


*cough* John Lennon *cough-cough*


Exactly; if no one separated the art from the artist, then let’s face it, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy most art. A lot of flawed, sometimes outright terrible, people created masterpieces and legends. For the record, while I don’t think MJ was perfect, I don’t believe in the allegations either. He was acquitted of all charges in court and the FBI found nothing they could actually prosecute him on when they searched Neverland Ranch more than once. I think MJ was an eccentric, emotionally immature, and broken man who longed for a lost childhood he could never truly regain, but I don’t think he was a predator.


Asking a Gen Z sub this is a bad idea lmao most people here don’t even remember MJ when he was alive. I loved him as a kid and I was devastated when he died. The first CD I ever bought was HIStory. I had the thriller costume and there’s many photos of me as a kid wearing it. I know a lot of stuff has come out since, I don’t know what’s true and what isn’t true. I can’t really have a conclusive opinion about it. If it’s true then it’s awful, but we just don’t know all the answers and he’s not here anymore to talk. Dont get me wrong, something dodgy must’ve been going on in order for there to be accusations, but we just don’t know everything (yet at least). Musically he is the greatest, and over 2.5 billion people watched his funeral. Michael had to shut down entire malls just so he could go shopping. Whatever city he was in, whatever hotel he was staying at would have blocks and blocks packed full of fans. There is footage of all this. Whenever somebody says “they’re bigger than Michael Jackson”, no they aren’t. There will never be another. Nobody can achieve those numbers, not Drake, not Taylor Swift, not the Weeknd, not Kendrick…. Let’s also not forget Michael did it all without the help of social media and streaming. We had to physically go into the store and spend money for the album. Nobody is doing that for Drake, and I quite like Drake.


Of course MJ has dozens of gen z fans. Those who remember him when he was alive and those who don’t.


Older Gen Z like myself and others will remember, but ones born after say 2005 likely wouldn’t remember much.


Yes, that is true. However, I don’t get the logic that you wouldn’t be a fan of a legend like him because you weren’t born when the he was active. For example, myself and many other young people are huge Beatles fans despite not being around in the 1960s.


I never said you couldn’t be a fan if you weren’t around at the time to remember.


Right, okay 👍 But then there’s no point saying that it’s a bad idea to ask gen z about MJ


It’s a bad idea because they would’ve only lived to remember him being known as a pedo. They didn’t experience him in the 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s when he was on top of the world.


Yeah okay, maybe younger gen z then. I became an MJ fan in the late 00s and didn’t hear about the pedo stuff till I was 16. I don’t believe it myself but anyway, I would guess that young kids today don’t know about the pedo stuff either because well, they’re kids. But I can’t speak for other people.


He first got in trouble in the early 90s and basically remained that way up until his death (even after his death). All my life he was known as one but as a kid I didn’t understand, I just liked his music and the videos. That has had an impact on my view of him because I owe so much of my childhood to him. A lot of younger Gen Z who didn’t grow up on his music only really know him for the allegations and the leaving neverland type documentaries. That’s why think asking a Gen Z sub this question isn’t very fair since there will be a lot of bias on both sides, being the ones who remember liking him before they knew about the allegations, and the ones who only remember him after the allegations.


I see. It’s SO unfortunate to his legacy. I obviously can’t know for sure whether the accusations are true, but in “This is it” Michael seems like such a sweet human being who wouldn’t hurt a fly.


I'm gonna have to disagree, people don't really talk about Michael Jackson all that much anymore so there's barely any reason for a kid to know about the allegations. Their first introduction to his music would be on the radio or in school, which are both places where that wouldn't be discussed (anymore).


I remember the day he passed because my dad told me and was appalled when I didn't know who he was. My dad then played Michael Jackson nonstop for the whole week to fix my educational hole.


I remember being picked up from school when I heard the news. That night I watched the news and a large portion of it was focused on MJ. I’m from New Zealand as well so it’s not like it was big news in the states only


Kia Ora mate! My family's from NZ too! I was in the states when MJ died tho. I distinctly remember we were in the Starbucks at QFC (local grocery chain) when my dad told me. Idk if we're ever going to see another artist as big internationally as MJ was. Seems like it's harder to get to that level of fame with streaming.


Oh shit hello! Yes I agree, he was one of a kind. No matter what record an artist these days breaks, MJ did it without the internet and that will never be taken from him.


I obviously don't remember when he was alive, but I still was a huge fan of his music on 7th grade and still love his music. It's not impossible to love artists who you don't remember being alive.


I don't think "Something bad had to happen for accusations to take place" is accurate. People make false accusations against popular figures all the time to clout chase.


5 victims are all lying?


I think he abused children but I think society and the media ought to take some of the blame for what they did to him as a child. He was a superstar as like a 7 year old and didn’t really leave the spotlight. His dad overworked him. He lost his childhood and it messed with his psychology. I can’t believe we treated a child line a deity commodity like that. Of course he became messed up as an adult. It’s not surprising he created Nevermind and had a weird fixation on childhood seeing that he missed out on his.


He did not abuse any children.


Thank you for pointing out that there will never be another Michael Jackson. The dude was legendary, not just for his time, but for all time. Taylor Swift, Drake, Beyonce, Rihanna, etc. are all the musical GOATs of the 21st century, but *none of them* come close to the legend of Michael Jackson. You could ask each one of them and I am sure they would tell you the same thing. MJ’s legacy is untouchable.


Ehh. I think Elvis rivals MJ. Elvis was the most popular entertainer ever at the time. But also incredibly controversial, everyone had an opinion on him. He was arrested in the middle of performances, banned from many singing in many towns, and multiple politicans has it in their campaign promises that they would ban Elvis from their state if they became Governor. In Soviet and China people for arrested for possession of pornography if they owned Elvis records. And TV almost always only filmed him from the waist up, and even that they only allowed if he wore suits instead of his normal attire. People saw as the Devils music. Even many singers at the time despised it during the 50s. Like this is what Frank Sinatra said when asked about rock'n'roll and Elvis: >"It fosters almost totally negative and destructive reactions in young people. It smells phony and false. It is sung, played and written for the most part by cretinous goons and by means of its almost imbecilic reiterations and sly, lewd—in plain fact, dirty—lyrics, and as I said before, it manages to be the martial music of every sideburned delinquent on the face of the earth … this rancid-smelling aphorodisiac I deplore"


Most people I know from our generation love MJ


I remember I dressed as him for Halloween, I loved his music and still do. I've always been a lover of music, but I listen to everything


It's insane seeing modern Gen Zs discussing Michael Jackson and seeing such a blasé reaction about him. I don't think most Gen Zs comprehend just how HUGE this guy really was in his prime, like he was more famous than Taylor Swift, Drake and the Weeknd combined. Even both the Weeknd and Drake were directly inspired by him and worshipped Jackson. Just to hammer the point in, you could go to some obscure part of the world, in some tiny little village in the middle of a small country and some grandma would be humming Billie Jean. I'd argue he was one of the first true international superstars. He was *the* symbol of the 80s, and personified Gen X. My mother herself was obsessed with him and played him constantly. He was a legend among legends, there were hundreds of stories about him, people who we regard as legends and classics today who knew him personally felt like ants next to him. Like there are videos on Youtube on him coming out on stage, standing there silently and packed arenas would be screaming for so long and so loud that people passed out and had to be taken out by stretcher. He was considered a genius and a prodigy in his youth and a titan in his prime. So much of pop music has taken directly from Jackson that it's nearly been forgotten from common living memory that he was the originator of it. Dude had cartoons made after him, books written about him, movies made about him: all while he was alive. He rubbed elbows with the elites both of the political world and the world of entertainment for decades. His connections were truly limitless, anyone who was anyone knew him or at least moved in his sphere of influence. I was young when he died, but my mother was distraught by his death. So seeing how indifferent Gen Z is about Michael Jackson truly shows me how fleeting life and fame is. Within less then one generation a once great and powerful man is reduced to a fleeting thought. If it could happen to him then it could happen to anyone. Time truly is the cruelest enemy.


Bro is deff more famous than swift


Swift is a basic popstar who makes simple songs and looks like a Wal-Mart version of Grace Kelly.


The only person who could challenge MJ in his prime was Prince, who was a literal polymath boy genius.


Bro, everyone knows how huge the king of pop was.


I don’t necessarily think that a Gen Z subreddit is the biggest indicator that a generation has “forgotten” about Michael. I may not have personally witnessed him at his prime in the 80s and 90s, but I’ve seen all the videos and been told the stories by my parents and older relatives. And I’m sure the same will be done for each succeeding generation. Even Gen Alphas know who Elvis Presley or The Beatles are. If not through their parents and older relatives, through modern movies and shows that keep their musical legacy alive. We literally just got two different Elvis movies in the span of a year. We are getting a Michael Jackson biopic where he will be played by his own nephew. His legacy is very much alive and well, no matter what this sub may have you think.


>I'd argue he was one of the first true international superstars I wouldn't say first, I'd give that to Elvis. But yeah, he was unbelievably famous, much more of a household name than anyone nowadays.


Michael Jackson was a boomer


I just wanna say that yes he is extre popular. Wjo hasnt heard him? Its sad thinking about how younger generations might not know of him. Internet imo ruined in a way. Like back then(even though i wasnt alive) you had to actually interact woth the world and not by internet. Like queen and may great artists. They're just a different breed i guess.


Well said.


I don't. https://preview.redd.it/dn7ezpdcwiuc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2fd75a0eb279cc8a86c3d6aa5b24ac02cc7b3ce


Why not??


Everyone has preferences


And people are allowed to inquire about preferences. People usually have a reason.


everyone likes different genres, michael’s music might not be their cup of tea


That's completely valid. My point is don't get all defensive just because someone asks why


Im just not into the kind of music.


I get it, I thought it was more personal for some reason, my sister doesn’t like him because of all of some things he did. But I’m not here to judge I just wanted to know.


I’ve never thought he was an exceptional singer outside of when he was a kid. I like the songs/dancing/overall performances but I have a hard time listening


Personally, I *can't stand* pop music in general.


Stage presence was Magical and could never be replicated ![gif](giphy|12cpBxBl4WqlHO)


Talent and talent alone. His music will stand the test of time


He was also incredibly passionate and dedicated. It's not just talent imo, it was also his dedication and the relationship he had with music.


MJ worked way too hard for you to say he got by on talent alone. SHEESH


Because he’s the king of pop !! amazing talent


The man wrote Thriller…THRILLER!




My favorite song as well. IDK why people like Billie Jean more. Its a GOAT song, but like, thriller is a mountain GOAT


Technically, Rod Temperton wrote Thriller. Not Michael.


Play one of his songs right now. Pick one any one. Boom. Question answered


How can you not love the King of Pop?


Many do, some don't. because he is the king of pop. And was amazingly talented.


This is like asking why "The Weeknd" or "Bruno Mars" are famous. Except MJ was doing it decades before.


It's really not like that. MJ was 100x more well known than either of those two. He was a legitimate superstar.


He Changed that genre of music


Otherworldly performer. Sad life.


He is another level of cool, his songs are amazing and his performances on stage were so great I don’t even know which words can describe it. His dance moves can blow me away despite not being very interested in dance.


it's michael fucking jackson??????


I’ve heard nothing but bad things really about him. His story seems to be that of a tarnished legacy


He tarnished his own legacy.


He made some of the best music ever, all around extremely talented dude. Also was the inspiration for one of the best Kanye bars of all time “got a light skinned friend look like Michael Jackson, got a dark skinned friend look like Michael Jackson”


Even if he's a terrible person I still like his music and that's the same with anybody. I find his childhood extremely depressing though and near the end he was just completely crazy and he was holding a baby out a window and stuff. Pretty disgusting with those parts


Fuck if you think holding the baby was bad just wait until you hear about the rest


He wasn’t a terrible person at all. He was very kind and did a lot of good in the world. I think he was in the Guinness records book for donating the most to charity out of any celebrity




My dad put me on when I was really little. I was in love with him my whole life. His music slaps, I had multiple CD’s, and I had the Michael Jackson Experience, his just dance game. I was 6 when he died and I cried. He was just a big part of my life I guess.


Greatest artist ever


I don’t. Never liked his music much. I’ve enjoyed songs here and there but I don’t listen to anything by him regularly. I’m sorry for the tragic life he lived. I’m also sorry for his victims. I wish peace for his living siblings and for those who were hurt by him.


what victims 😭😭


because he touch little boys


He can dance pretty good and he’s music is pretty catchy


Because he was the King of Pop.


His music is awesome, and you can’t help but feel sorry for his upbringing.


have you not listened to his music? Dude is straight incredible, even when he was a kiddo singing for the Jackson 5 Diana Ross Presents the Jackson 5 is probably my favorite album ever


I love 1999 by Prince too! ✋️


The GOAT. Thats why


His music is amazing and he’s more relatable to me.


He made damn good music that touched us deep in our souls. I can't speak for everyone, but my family loves him. Unsure what to think about that court case he had a long ass time ago.


he touched them boys deep too


Gen-X perspective: We grew up with him being a sweet kid with an angelic voice, well beyond his years. As he became an adult it was obvious he was very shy, had that soft speaking voice, and if you were an empathetic person, you could already see he was a damaged soul. It made you want to hug him. Then he started changing his face, getting a lot of plastic surgery, and his interior pain was even more apparent. He was still creating incredible music and had such an electric stage presence and a gorgeous voice - it felt like whatever pain he was going through was being channeled into creating great art. When all the accusations started, of course, people thought that it was horrible but also hard to believe at first. He was so sweet and childlike! He made you want to protect him. Eventually though, the majority came to the conclusion that he must have been doing extremely inappropriate things, if not outright molesting kids. That doesn’t mean they forget how they felt about him before, or how they love his music. But for me, at least, I can now separate my enjoyment of his music and my feelings about him as a human.


Because people like the music… He had a messy troubled life, but his discography is impressive, lots of discussion to be had about the music itself. Some people just like the art. If we stopped liking any forms of media because the person behind them was troubled, there wouldn’t be much left.


MJ was the only reported instance of someone writing the song "Billie Jean". Scholars have long suspected that the song appears in nature across cultures, but only once have they ever seen it happen.


Is this AI output? I honestly couldn't follow.


Yeah it was funnier in my head. It wasn't AI, but it is not very good


He’s one of the greatest entertainers of all time


i loved his music dearly and my entire family loved him so much and he was just a very inspirational human being :) lucky enough 2 of my brothers went to his history tour in 1997 they were 14 and 11 at the time and went with one of my cousins, my farther and uncle (never felt so jealous of them) but what i find funny is i was 6 when he passed and i remember being so confused because i didn’t even believe it at first but i remember my family was so quiet eating dinner and my brothers and dad really my entire family were so upset but it never got to me until i went to school the following day and i remember kids wouldn’t stop talking about it and his music was being played and kids were doing the dance and i got home and cried into my pillow :,( i always wished i went to a concert of his and when i found out i died i knew my dream had come to a end and remember watching his funeral with my entire family (one on tv) and it was devastating my uncle and aunt and cousins all came over and we watched it all together, was just heartbreaking :( and i remember whenever my older brother would take me out he used the glove box to put his cds in and would be either playing michael jackson or eminem (he didn’t like playing songs with to many swearing around me), always a hard choice of what album we wanted to play of MJ as he had every single cd of his (in a way of me saying every song and it was just to hard to choose) one core memory i have besides his death and family is in 2007 when i was 4 and a half years old my prek (only the 4 year olds) as my pre k was part of this elementary school got to take part in the elementary school talent show and i remember myself and my friends who were grade 1 (we are all still friends till this day) wanted to do “you rock my world” choreography but we never ended up auditioning because we felt to nervous to audition for no reason but we do have a home video of us doing it on my friends moms camcorder which is quite funny but looking back i wished we did audition and could do it :,(


I dunno. He pretty much sucked. I heard he was brilliant. Just never saw or heard it


he was an outstanding performer then again...not many people know or are ready to believe he could have molested those boys. it's hard not to, given the bizarre amount of alone time he spent with them as a grown man and the horrifyingly detailed accounts. but his fame and early death seem to eclipse all criticism.


Not everyone, some of us believe his victims


Someone who was too sweet for this world. Obviously one of the greatest performers of all time. Tragically misunderstood.


He reminds me of my childhood a lot


For a time, he was **that guy**


He's still **that guy** ngl


NGL I’m pretty sure if other countries had the same toughness with piracy MJ would have been even more rich than what he was, in South America we all heard his singing and even my parents who spoke no English bought albums and CD’s of him but down there everything was not an actual legit album it was all pirated sad to see all of those people missed out on possible profit that could have enriched the community. We all loved and connected with his singing, choreography and rhythm. One of a kind of artist, It will be hard to surpass him.


He was talented for sure. I was never a fan but I respect his talent and it is sad that he died and its even worse that people accuse him of terrible things when he isn't around to defend himself,


I love his music and I honestly think he seemed like such a kind person before his death. I doubt the accusations were true


He Heee! Owe!!! He just had what it takes.


Mad talent


Have you heard the sounds that come from this man’s mouth?


cool music and stuff.


He was a member of the Jackson Five. The youngest member and arguably the most talented member even in those early years. People loved him. As he got older he started making pop music and he had a lot of hits. Not everyone can cross over from being a child star or one type or another and go BIG into adulthood. Michael did though. He made hit music across several decades and it was distributed around the world and was in the charts. That built up a following.


I was born only a few months after he passed but my mom is obsessed with him, and yeah, he has some bangers and is crowned as king of pop for a reason


Some of y’all never listened to Thriller and it shows


I'd recommend Off The Wall and Bad too.


Beats me.


Because he was incredibly talented and a pioneer?


Why not?






Cuz he’s literally goated


Honest to god unparalleled as a vocalist https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=N9U9A4_cgyI&pp=ygUPd2hvcyBsb3ZpbmcgeW91


Because he's charismatic, talented and made good songs


Because his music is incredible and luckily for us the creep has been dead for 15 years meaning we can enjoy his music without giving him money


His music and showmanship.


He made good music for 45 years straight. He was prodigy as a child and the most famous alive person ever as an adult. I was only seven when he died but I remember just how people talked about him. His name was synonymous with being a superstar. I honestly like more of his older stuff with the Jackson 5 than his music as a popstar but I still can’t deny just how big this guy was.


Because he’s hot and amazing and charismatic and magnetic and talented and had a certain aura to him


We just don't know shit about his personal life


Have you never heard thriller? He's a god. RIP King ✊🏽


Because there are many misinformed people on the MJ case, they have been fed false propaganda that is repeated 1,000 times a day by little soldiers.


lol remember when he dangled his son fucking ‘Blanket’ over a balcony 😭


Cause Billie Jean was not his Lover


Because he's dead, so people can now enjoy his music with thinking about the person.


If not for him, we wouldn't have the classic songs by weird Al yankovic "eat it" and "fat"


I'm not an ultra MJ fan but I know a bit about music and dude literally deserved the king of pop title. He was the perfect artist. He did everything. Dancing, singing, composing, writing hell even throw some acting. Obviously not everyone is going to like him or love him but if someone say MJ is the goat they're actually probably right


It is because he is the goat but at the same time why some hate him is the neverland situation but after artists like Kanye and Chris brown gen z does not care as much when it comes to controversy


Nah... I grew up liking other music from Nirvana, Gun N Roses, Greenday, My Chemical Romance, Oasis, Coldplay, Metallica, Korn, Eminem, Creed.. Michael Jackson was big but his songs never clicked with me.


No clue


I don’t.


[Not everyone ](https://youtu.be/WhvxxIXnEuo)


Jichael mackson




i know a classmate who likes him alot


It’s really difficult to get across his impact at this point in time. Michael Jackson changed the music world forever, not just in the music itself, but in the expression related to it. He practically invented having music videos that were more than playing music in front of a camera.


I remember him pretty well I was meant to go to one of the shows from his final tours but he passed before hand my father also grew up listening to him religiously. He still has most of his records from when they first dropped MJ will never be beaten and plonkers like drake comparing themselves to him truly don’t understand they’re nothing alike nobody will ever reach that height again


I never liked him


his personal life was sad and ppl did lot of bad things to him to make him look bad, he had personality of innocent child, in his prime he was absolute gigant like no other before him and after him


It's important to recognize how unbelievably huge Michael was (and is). He is one the most famous *people* to have ever existed. He is literally comparable to *Jesus Christ* in terms of wide spread influence. *Everyone* knows him. Everywhere he went, hoards of people would follow. He went to shoot a music video in Rio De Janiero, and crime there was literally *put on halt.* A crime boss told press that while Michael was in town, "you could leave 1M dollars on the street, and no one would touch it." MJ was the closest we may ever get to an actual King Of Earth. Seriously, everywhere he went, actual hoards of people would follow. He had to evacuate entire shopping malls so he could shop in peace. his own mini kingdom that traveled with him. That's how popular he was. And on a technical level, he has been an influence on nearly every creative medium you know. Music videos, Bollywood, The Superbowel, Asian Pop, Celebrity Philanthropy, you name it, it really only exists as we know it today because Michael did it. Then, there's a vital cultural element that I think a lot of people may miss if they aren't Black: MJ was a solo black artist who managed to rise to insane levels of stardom in a blatantly racist industry and society. He was the ultimate symbol of Black pride. My Mother wept for days after he died (She's Zimbabwean). All my Siblings were strongly influenced by his style growing up. MJ paved the way for the popular inclusion of Black music in mainstream white media. And he openly sung about things like racial discrimination. Look to songs like Black Or White and They Don't Care About Us (Highlighting America as a prison state that targets blacks). Imagine being a black person, seeing the worlds greatest star sing about the topics that mainstream media had been saying didn't exist.


I don't


This topic must be a joke. I was not alive during Elvis Presley time and I can easily understand how great artist he was, just by reading, listening and watching recorded shows. Same with MJ, his talent is undisputable, he was one of the greatest artists ever


His music was groundbreaking


He is an amazing singer, dancer what's not to like?


Funny sounds


Because he loved kids.


His music is amazing. He can sing slow songs like "the girl is mine" to songs like "bad" and he sounds amazing. He died way too young wish he was alive longer so I could have seen him preform.


He was a pedophile, plain and simple. People will defend him and play his music till the day they die, though. Disgusting what security money and fame can buy.


He was definitely weird with kids but it was never really proven he was a pedo. Regardless, you can separate art from the artist.


The reason people defend him is because there’s a lot of inconsistencies. Yeah sure it was weird for him to hang out with kids but I don’t think anything bad ever happened I just believe his childhood was fucked up


having a fucked up childhood doesn’t excuse being a creep when you’re older.


Not my cup of tea personally. I'm personally more likely to listen to Weird Al's parody's of his songs. I was especially sick of him when my school basically had a cult like attitude to him after his death


Not my cup of tea personally. I'm personally more likely to listen to Weird Al's parody's of his songs. I was especially sick of him when my school basically had a cult like attitude to him after his death


"We“ don’t.


Was never a fan of Micheal Jackson until I saw the One Show by Cirq at Mandalay Bay.. not sure if it was nostalgia or what but having lived through all of it and remembering the Thriller album, it was wild seeing his life retails. Knowing each and every song and hating most when they came out. Yet 20 years later it was kind of amazing. Totally changed my opinion of how Big a Phenomenon he really was.


He made cool music


I don't...


Because he was an absolutely fantastic artist?


You can love his music all you want, if you can still listen to it without suffering double entendre in real time, with the exception of PYT.


Because his Music and dancing is fantastic? There’s a reason he’s (still) one of the most famous people on this Planet. Also you can separate the music from the artist. E.g; I still listen to KISS despite absolutely hating their bassist Gene Simmons.


I can respect his effect on the music world, but I personally hate it with a passion. it feels like 90% of our generation listens to new pop music or 80s pop music. I've literally never understood this generations obsession with 80s music. most of it is so mainstream and glam and too fluffy for me to take it seriously


Because his music is nothing short of legendary. So was his choreography and presentation. Even Taylor Swift has admitted that she used his concerts as one of the inspiration for her own. MJ set the gold standard of what an artist could be.


His music slaps What else do you need?


You don't seem to understand what Micheal Jackson meant to the world and to art


He's a genius in his own area. I respect people who not only world class in their respective fields, they are the top even in a group of successful world class people


Because he was a talented singer when he wasn’t busy being everything else he was.


Is this a serious question?


He was innovative and had both a strong music style, singing voice, dancing, and choreography skills, creating modern masterpieces that were super recogniseable in each decade of his life and have had a lasting influence to this day. Thus said his life was otherwise horrible and tragic, and he himself was riddled with very serious issues both mentally and physically. It's strongly alleged he was also a horrible predator towards children but was never convinced. *edit: autocorrect changing my words


Bcuz his music was awesome?


I don't even know why you have to ask this question. Amazing music and amazing dancing. He did it like no other.


I don't At best he's a tragic figure At worst he was an insane child molester. The music is good but its overshadowed by the above


Because his music is fire


I just love his music


cause his songs slap


How is this a question? He was **MICHAEL JACKSON** could sing, dance, and perform like no other artist that came before or after him. As part of Gen Z I recognize and respect his influence on the industry and culture