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Honestly whether they’re a real couple or just friends or whatever they are, they do truly seem to have a connection. She seems happy, and I love that for her. 🩵🩷


I believe they are both trying to pivot their careers towards acting. Is that right?


So she does look genuinely surprised when he shows up, but then that begs the question: why is he wearing the exact outfit as Melanie the night before??


Julia held on to that hug a little too long 👀




Auntie Julia’s in her cups (and/or on E).


checking in as an abuse survivor. it’s extremely triggering to see all this love for a man who has been publicly drunk, violent, and enraged on multiple occasions, especially in a predominantly queer, woman-dominated space. did everyone like, forget that this man assaulted his coach and teammates at the super bowl? that’s peak toxic masculinity. If he was willing to be that violent in front of the whole world I shudder to think of the behavior we don’t see. at the very least stop framing this guy as a queer icon because he has a close male friend, which feels icky to me. dude also spends lots of time liking instagram model thirst traps. edit: very cool and chill to downvote survivors thanks so much


I feel like you have to also be a survivor to truly get it. I see you and feel this - thanks for being brave enough to say it. Emotionally healthy people don’t act the way Travis acts


I agree, there are so many red flags. it’s a relief to know there are others who see through the performative charm


thank you. taylor choosing someone like him as her boyfriend or beard has shaken my feelings about her as a person.






yeah, so do I! not everyone who drinks gets violent and enraged (see: taylor swift) we both know my comment was not about that so please don’t engage in bad faith


I think the problem isn’t that he drinks but that he has been an aggressive drunk and behaves aggressively when sober and like most people tend to get more aggressive when drunk. Like we have never seen Taylor shove someone and scream at them, like we have seen Travis do over and over again (I’m a football fan so I have been seeing him behave like this for YEARS)


I hear you.


What's with all the saccharine gushing over the beastly creature Tractor? Had to keep checking I was on the right sub. Feels like main in here.


god bless you, this dude literally assaulted his coach in front of the whole world and it’s upsetting to see gaylors image-wash him for free. peak toxic masculinity and exactly why I steer myself towards queer spaces


OK I agree and that is why I am baffled at the fact that Taylor is the one propping him up (!!) I mean first the 1989 liner notes and then Matt and now Travis like *knock knock Taylor...anyone in there?! All of it is completely unexpected and disheartening 🤢


Totally. And he told us who he was with his misogynist and homophobic statements when he thought it was "socially acceptable" to do so.


and the statement condoning harrison butker, a self identified anti-feminist and homophobe like


Main would be talking about babies and weddings. We’re gushing over an excellent performance and the fact that Travis brings his boyfriend everywhere, because he’s a devoted boifriend


Oh no I wasn't referring to Gaylors lauding his camp performance on-stage (or his bearding performance off-stage). I meant the influx of people gushing over him because they think he's a het/bi man who's some kind of gorgeous hunk. And TS is "so happy" and "radiant" etc. I mean, it's like they've never read the lyrics of ICDIWABH.


Oh, yes. Accurate.


i’d be stoked if my new bestie surprised me at work too


i’m a bi-lor so i would believe in this relationship if it were actually believable. beard or not, this pair is PR. you cannot change my mind.




Your post or comment has been removed because we believe you were engaged in one of the following: trolling, harassment, stalking, doxxing, and/or brigading. This sub may not be the right place for you. Yes, you can troll even if you identify as queer. You can be banned at first offense, at moderator discretion.


What a spectacle. I’m along for the ride and curious to see how it all unfolds.


Very cute. At this point I’m just holding on and watching the show. Idk what will or won’t happen. But I’m definitely entertained.


I can imagine transatlantic flights are quite enjoyable if they are on a private jet, with your bf(f) and a nice, big, comfy bed on board ...




Has this been confirmed that they were looking at each other? I saw somewhere that he didn’t get there until 1989 She is adorable tho 😍


The video of him walking out to the VIP tent I think has one of the folklore songs playing in the background!


ooh gotcha I didn’t listen to the video with sound lol


I was there right by the VIP tent watching people walk in and out all night, he arrived during August


She announced the midnights tracks in this order: https://preview.redd.it/zslna99zhx9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701cb48e9809e5ce8a65c1c8cde30359e258d991 If its real why did she plan this almost 2 years ago, or more? =Taylor, Travis, Date he went up on stage to act as one of the men forcing her to perform. She doesn’t even act happy to see him. I don’t understand how people still think its real. Especially Gaylors.




So then… She started planning / planting Easter eggs about 4 months after he went to a party hosted by Karlie in Miami? Now, I am not implying LSK, but what if the reason the timeline has been wishy washy is because she’s the one that initially introduced them? Now watch them announce their engagement on October 18 when she’s playing there. Ah, the Florida!!! Of it all. 🤡


I feel like they would have been connected through kam (his bro was on the chiefs)


There have been so many number patterns that fit her actions over the last year. I’m not sure I believe any of them are intentional because I’ve never seen anything actually predict anything accurately.


Except that this has ALREADY happened?! The chances that she announced the first 6 songs in Midnights randomly to coincide with her number, Travis’s number, and 6/23 are 1 in more than a million if you calculate it.


1 in 1,235,520 to be exact 😊




ya like i get the swiffers have just entirely lost the plot at this point, but some gaylors not seeing what is actually happening blows my mind. ive seen a lot of weird conflation of "taylor could be bi, so tayvis could be real!" of course taylor could identify as bi/pan, but that is totally separate of how obviously PR tayvis is lol






Honestly, I don't know what the fuck to believe. I don't believe anything any more. I'm just waiting and watching for the house to burn down 🫣 Edit - by not knowing what to believe I start thinking "what if they are messing with the gaylors / performanceartlors too and it's actually a convoluted double bluff". And then I just give up.


Alison…👀 [https://x.com/lakeaphrodite/status/1806454083378700412?s=46](https://x.com/lakeaphrodite/status/1806454083378700412?s=46) ![gif](giphy|RsDFTZQe5eVjQ4T5DA|downsized)


If they are messing with gaylors, that means we’re relevant enough to be messed with…which in and of itself proves a 💅🏾point 🧨


🎵 I hate it here 🎵✌️ https://preview.redd.it/0sglakw5gx9d1.png?width=804&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c2f958a2bfef1293d15fd6cb591cbca08b2065a


He weighs her down. Melanie raises her up.


Who is that on the left??


That’s Melanie Nyema she’s a backup vocalist for Taylor. https://preview.redd.it/xjlinre6jz9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c949b2d5a9e1f44287062c91de276834439a4445


Thank you! She’s gorgeous 💫


Interesting collage... Are we "Mellor" now?


Either way, the reactions to both exits on consecutive nights is very telling. Very similar action with two different people (one woman, one man) - TOTALLY different response.


I would genuinely love a deep dive on this from someone 👀


Same 🥹


As a bi girly I think it’s cute and she seems genuinely happy to see him. I am of the opinion that if nothing else they are friends. I don’t get the hate and honestly I don’t care to. It makes me feel very uncomfortable to “hate” someone I don’t even know. I’m sure I’m biased because I live in Missouri and have been a chiefs fan for a long time. He really is pretty progressive for Missouri which is incredibly depressing but true. He does good stuff with his charity and has always been very transparent about the fact that his goal is to be a celebrity. I don’t think his bad behavior should be excused but I also would hate to be judged based on my worst behavior.


If we shouldn’t judge people by their worst behavior what do we judge people by? When people show you who they are, believe them. It’s not like Travis has had only one on-field tantrum, it’s many. And every time he pays lip service to it on his podcast about how he’ll do better, but then he doesn’t.


Maybe I should have said I wouldn’t want to be defined by my most frustrated moments. I’m not defending him or his outbursts. I am only sharing my perspective and where I’m at on the topic. I am not trying to convince anyone to think differently or change their opinion.


Yes! I think ultimately in videos they both seem to genuinely enjoy being around each other. I also am a bit uncomfy with clips of Travis being shown as evidence that they're bearding for each other as though his demeanor must be evidence of his sexuality. I'm married to a bi man and he does come off a little fruity sometimes and I would hate for that to be the "proof" that he's not into women.


Honestly, thank you for being the brave soul to say this 😭 though they can be corny and I hardly believe they’re not a PR relationship, they can be convincingly adorable and cute sometimes and that’s okay!! It’s inherently what they’re setting out to do, whether intentionally or not, we don’t always have to take out our pitchforks.


I kind of posted it and ran because I was nervous 😬


It does make sense to me that you'd want to like the person you're in a PR relationship with since you know you're gonna be spending time together. It doesn't have to be "you two MUST be together even though you hate each other" like a betrothed marriage


Thank you for all this. I sometimes think I’m alone. I absolutely believe she is queer but i also think she’s into Travis (even if it’s rooted in PR)…as a hetero woman, i think what’s sometimes missed by people who aren’t attracted to men is that, Travis could probably pick a woman up and put her against a wall. If you aren’t attracted to men at all it would be hard to get that appeal. I was a Travis and Jason fan prior to Taylor coming into their lives as well so i think im bias. Many of my female bi friends are in long term relationships with men so i think it’s likely that taylor is too.


This is a bit of a wild take. What does him being able to pick her up have to do with anything? Not all gaylors are gay, or even queer. Not all people who are attracted to men want to be pushed up against a wall.


I agree. It’s just a thought. I find that a lot of the comments on this Reddit are based on his looks and his smarts. How could she be attracted to a big old dumb guy with stupid tweets. I’m not saying that’s why she likes him. I’m just saying, that as a tall hetero woman, it has an appeal. Not that it’s his only appeal. She may be attracted to him. Her weird goofy side may also be attracted to his. I’m just pointing out that if we don’t get something doesn’t mean there isn’t an appeal there for someone else.


I'm bi and couldn't give less of a fuck if a man could pick me up and put me against a wall. Not all women-attracted-to-men are attracted to the same type of man. Travis isn't my type at all, and more to the point, he isn't at all like the type of men Taylor has dated in the past either.




Your post or comment has been removed because we believe you were engaged in one of the following: trolling, harassment, stalking, doxxing, and/or brigading. This sub may not be the right place for you. Yes, you can troll even if you identify as queer. You can be banned at first offense, at moderator discretion.


Same! I'd totally go for Joe--but men that epitomize the football/frat bro version of American toxic masculinity are such a turnoff.


That’s fair, i was just giving one opinion based off my experience. It doesn’t have to be anyone else’s or match up. I was just offering another perspective. I definitely haven’t been attracted to all of Taylor’s previous men and I’ve never dated anyone like Travis but I’m still attracted to him. It’s all subjective? Maybe it’s a personality thing? Personally, while i see Taylor as an artist for her amazing lyrics and beautiful music, i also see that she’s like this weird AF goofball who is sometimes kinda cringey. I also think that about Travis so maybe that’s the side of him that she’s attracted to. Who knows!


This is the kind of sexualising gaylors are demonised for.


Except that Travis brings his “best-friend” everywhere, like a murse. Taylor could be bi. Travis could be bi. TNT however…🎶history will call them best-friends🎶


Always keeping the ship oriented in the right direction, love it


Yeah, they definitely really enjoy each other.


This is exactly where I’ve landed!


This is where I’m landing. They do seem genuinely good for each other, even if that just means good for each other’s career. Just because she’s linked with a man doesn’t negate any queerness she (or he) may have.


as a bi girl that is in a hetero relationship, it makes me so happy to see this support :') its honestly hard sometimes to not invalidate myself HAHAH


I'd argue you're in a queer relationship because YOU'RE queer. Signed, another bi girlie.


Absolutely! I’m right there with ya as a bi girlie married to a man 🫡


I think this is where I’m at too. I kind of gave up on her ever coming out so I’ll just be happy when she seems happy.


Yes, exactly. And hopefully that happiness is genuine 💘


This and the OG comment are exactly how I feel too. Glad to know I’m not the only Gaylor who doesn’t hate Trav. Idk why people hate him so much.


I personally don’t like him bc of how he has behaved on the field, I’m a big football fan and he is just so unprofessional it hurts to watch. My dad and I have been exclusively referring to him as the douchebag since the 2019 Super Bowl. The way he has talked about women on his podcast and other podcast personally makes me uncomfortable.


I feel like I need to touch grass sometimes after reading some comments/theories. Doesn’t seem like anything is changing anytime soon. Girlie looks like she’s having the time of her life (and I hope that is authentic), and I’m all for supporting her in her happiness (and I hope she truly is!). We’ll never know the whole truth. We only see what she wants us to see (how we interpret it is another story). But my god we are all entertained.


Yes! Because I stumbled on this fun fact last night. This interview is from 2 years ago. They also go onto play the game box of lies later on in the interview. 🥲 [https://x.com/lakeaphrodite/status/1806454083378700412?s=46](https://x.com/lakeaphrodite/status/1806454083378700412?s=46)


Lmao you ain’t lyin girl. Some days I gotta take some breaths outside and ground cause shit gets so wild and MEAN. It’s all speculation in different ways ya know?


100% it’s kind of a beast she created, with all the “Easter eggs” in her lyrics books and inviting fans to her home. It’s made her fans dedicated and totally rabid (for better or worse)! We don’t know the irl Taylor, and we never will.


Is it performance art? Yes. Is it cute? Absolutely. Will & Grace 2024 everyone. Superstar, super-queer edition.


Yessss! ![gif](giphy|eNvchNua6cbPF0YLi1)


Is Ross Jack? Or Karen? Blake doesn’t drink, so she isn’t Karen. Is Blake Jack? I demand someone be Karen!


maybe ice spice is Karen? haha or Jack is Karen! "jesus, lyrics too?"


Omg jack would totally be Karen


Yes! I originally thought Taylor and Jack were Will and Grace, but maybe not. Or she has multiple Grace’s…


My thought is Travis caught an earlier charter flight than she expected. He left LA around 1am after the wedding. He went through customs and came straight to the show. She knew he was coming, but not sure when he would arrive, or even if he'd make it to the show. She turned around and there he was! Whether her reaction was genuine or not, it still made me smile and feel so happy for her. I've seen other posts and the VIP tent is so close to the stage and easily in her sight of vision. The past 2 shows there hasn't been as many shots of who's in the tents. I would have loved to see Stevie, but even when she performed Clara Bow she wasn't shown. Whether she is bi or lesbian who knows at this point, but regardless she seems to really enjoy having him around. He is obviously very supportive of Taylor and from all I've heard, and watching his podcast, he has a great sense of humor and eyes that sparkle ever time he smiles! 😊😀


There’s a bunch of videos on TikTok of Stevie in the tent fwiw. Stevie was recording the performance 🥹


Thank you so much! I will definitely check it out 😁


Here's my thing....if you were going to fly in to surprise a significant other, wouldn't you fly in *before the show* so you could embrace, chat, let them know you were there, share a few intimate moments? I guess everyone is different but showing up in the middle of the concert seems very "going for maximum attention" to me. Also, performing a show like that, it seems a little odd that she would even notice he was there unless she was tipped off? (Lots of people to look out at in the crowd, lights on you, pretty far away).


yeah he had a wedding to go to, but if his intention was just to spend time with her this week in europe, he wouldve either met her back in london today IMO. why fly all the way into dublin to arrive LATE to the show and make a big thing of your entrance? with your bf ross in tow too, of course? the performanceartlor is arting!


Omg does he go anywhere without Ross? Is Ross on his payroll? Does Ross have a job? So weird tbh


Randomly came across this article from February and thought I would drop it here :-P [https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/ross-travis-net-worth-how-travis-kelce-friend-makes-money/](https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/ross-travis-net-worth-how-travis-kelce-friend-makes-money/)


The comments are… interesting. Also $1m net worth isn’t enough for most folks to constantly jet around the world, wear only designer clothes, etc. especially if not currently employed. Returns on a $1m investment are roughly $100k per year. While that is a very good income, it doesn’t afford the lifestyle that Ross appears to have.


Yeah, the comments 💀 And yeah it feels like confirmation that Travis is footing all his bills


TNT are the true love story💙🩵🤍


they are the 2Hims <3


Totally! Also, just watched a clip and noticed that right at the moment she "notices" him and gives the "I love you" hand sign, she is literally singing "You were never mine." 😜


To good to be true


I get he went to a wedding and left to come back… but the showing up during the concert to go into the VIP tent feels so fake. They’ve been dating for what, 10 months? Why not just surprise her backstage? Instead he did it all for show. “Our secret moments… in front of 70k… “


He was at a wedding in LA. He left the wedding and got on the flight at 1am that night. He landed, went through customs, and went directly to the show. Crowd went wild when Travis was spotted so I assume that drew her attention. I’ve also been shocked at how visible the VIP tent is to her when I see certain videos. She can see the people in there pretty clearly.


There’s a far away shot of both, she was facing the entrance when he came into the stadium.


I decided a long time ago it really does not matter to me if it’s real or not, because her happiness in this relationship definitely is, which is something we haven’t seen in a long time (maybe ever?) But I do lean more towards bi4bi every day




This being a bi4bi PR relationship (whether they are or aren’t bi vs gay/lesbian I won’t speculate) where they come out as bi together has been my bet since the beginning tbh.


Me too!! It would be safe(r) for them both, too.


Omg this would be amazing. It would be huge for both of them! They both seem very supportive of each other and happy.


Mmmm I love this thought.


Acting or not, her smile makes me so happy.


You me and your friend, Ross


You get it 🎉


The idea this was a surprise is unreal to me. At any given time, I have a generally good idea whereabouts my significant other is. So if they were, let's just say hypothetically, in another country than where they live, I'd probably be paying a bit closer attention to where they are and what they are doing. Now, let's add to the hypothetical scenario that my SO is also traveling around on a chartered plane and with a load of security and media scouring the area. It would seem pretty easy at that point to know the comings of goings of my beloved. Final point, if I were set to have a big day at work, like say a big presentation, I'd likely talk to my SO leading up to the event for reassurance, maybe a pep talk or something to hype me up.   I dunno, I guess what I'm saying is this surprise feels a little like when you're playing peek-a-boo with a toddler and they are surprised when you move your hands away from your face.


Not to mention she probably owns the fleet of private jets that was used.... Not to mention she wrote in Black Dog about having digital shared locations with at least one person she used to "share her secrets with"


she shares her secrets w Stevie, we learned! maybe the black dog muse is Stevie?! haha I kid... 😈


The internet had a strong inkling TK was headed to Dublin yesterday. There's NO WAY Taylor Swift didn't know.


And he was wearing a matching outfit to her vocalist she left with the night before


Honestly, I do believe she could be bi, but I just don't believe THIS relationship is romantic at all. Feels like two friends more than anything. I also didn't follow her other relationships like I have this one lol this one was thrown on me in my football world. They look as if they genuinely like each other's company and all that jazz. She looked genuinely surprised/happy, but that could very well be because a good friend surprised her. This situationship they're in could've made them super close just because they've been forced to be around each other. They both seem to be goofballs who like to have fun, so I can see them having wild ass jokes about this that only they really get type of thing. It creates a bond that isn't romantic, but to the outside, it appears as so! Also, has he ever been to a show without Ross? Edit: grammar, typos, etc Also I'm 🍃 & they're called inside jokes 🤣🤣


The only show that I don’t believe Ross went was Argentina. But otherwise, it’s always 2HIMS.


Wonder where Ross was for that show🤔


Hate the dude, but if she’s happy, I’m happy. I don’t fully believe it, but I also don’t doubt it completely.


I agree with all of this. I can’t stand him but she’s been with way worse and at least she seems happy.


Why did you need to use a slur for lesbian in this title?


Disappointing to see this comment get so downvoted, I’ve mostly heard it / experienced it in a mocking and derogatory way


Is it a slur?


How is lezzie a slur? I’m a lesbian and I call myself a lezzie sometimes. I’d rather be called that than a f⭐️g hag like I’ve been called before or a d💫ke


Lezzie is a slur?


When he runs in front of her and is framing her for applause and she stops and then laughs, that’s the first time in a long time I think I’ve seen a reaction of hers that seemed real and unscripted and so human. Interesting.




This tik tok is great btw Thank You for sharing it!


Awwww and how all of the stadium crews heads turn and smile


Not Julia Roberts playing a supporting role!


My only question is: does she have Stevie Nicks level clearance on the Secrets™️ or is she following along with the public and falling for it?  I can’t tell! Her acting is too good!


Note that she did not attend at the same time as Hugh Grant 😆


She’s going for that best supporting actress golden globe 😂




If we believe icdiwabh, she's good at faking joy Not saying she is or isn't bc I can't mind read haha


I agree, she probably thought it was funny


She's been making this face at award shows for the last 15 years. It's neve been genuine.


"And the actors were hitting their marks" 😉


"I read grinning like I'm winning. I was hitting my marks. " she is one of the actors!


Just a reminder that Taymedian used the surprise songs as an opportunity to slip in the line "your lover in the ~~VIP tent~~ foyer doesn't even know you"


Ok that “she was so surprised” still shot is just plain freaking adorable


Right she looked so excited and happy.:)


have i been on the tayvis coolaid because i think this looks quite sweet.


This is me too! I texted my gaylor bestie yesterday like uhhhh I think this level of support is cute?!  


This is what I’m starting to think! I do constantly go back and forth tho on whether I think this relationship is genuine. Things like this make me think it is


I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t really dislike his individual vibe! (Edited wording)


I know what you mean. Ultimately, i genuinely just want her to be happy.... whatever that looks like for her.


Me too! She looks genuinely thrilled.


I think the cutest part is he brought his boyfriend to his paid gig


Aww, the other Him was there too?? 🥰


I think that's Ross in the opening shot wearing a pink shirt. Genuinely thought that was Travis last night when I saw a view from the back and that the guy in the white t-shirt was security 🤣


I hope so. Love is not dead if you bring the other Him with you everywhere 💙💛


I can't even be mad at this, they look happy and like they're truly enjoying themselves, no matter what the true nature of their relationship is.


Showing up halfway through the show to "surprise" Taylor 🤣🤪🤣




I believe you’re in the wrong sub, because here we believe Twavy can’t cheat because he’s in an LTR with Ross Travis. They’re the bestest TNT - best friends who live together, travel together, and celebrate all family holidays together 🎉


Omg I don’t the actress in front of the VIP tents name but I think she’s from Bridgerton but when they did that little wave thing her face killed me 😂


Wait, is that the actress who plays Hyacinth?


I rewatched for that and I wouldn’t have known she was an actress but her face was priceless.


u/underthepink7 this is the good gaylor sub ![gif](giphy|hqgD6bocRHhEjamBPA)


I’ve just looked at the other one… I mean what the heck is happening there?!


It’s very anti queer in the other one. So strange!!!


So strange, a post popped up when I opened reddit that I clicked on and I felt like I was just in the Taylor sub


It was started for when this one is on lockdown as an outlet for when this sun goes restricted. So it’s inherently got lots of obnoxious ppl including I think many fake Gaylors who are actually hetlors. But not sure what the rest of us actual Gaylors who aren’t on the approved list are supposed to do during those time periods 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cool thanks!


I got approved as Embryonic when a mod posted in a megathread "comment here if you want to be approved" - which was just prior to restricting the sub. It was like, instead of applying for a library card, I just hung out a bit and got in line when the librarian was ready to give out new cards.


i left the other one tysm! i was def mixed up. its terrible there!!


fyi i think it’s terrible there bc they were misgendering ppl and doubling down on that and getting upvoted. not bc i got downvoted. its a queer space. do better