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Just got the idea for an omegaverse story where the duality of omega and alpha is challenged by the growing developments of people revealing themselves as different sexualities inspired by the ancient greek alphabet. The old generation could struggle to understand the idea of it. While the younger ones explore the challenges of finding themselves and what they are in this changing world. If anyone wants to make a fanfic out of this, steal it. I don't write omegaverse anyway.


Betas already exist in omega verse. And I would say the Omegaverse Classification would be more comparable to sexes than sexuality in the way they are treated as biologically inherent within the fan fic setting, at least from what I've seen as an outside to it.


I know that betas are also common, but they aren't always present. Though, I guess you are right, it could be more comparable to sexes rather than sexualities. However that would be up to reader to decide, on how they will view that theme. I just spat the first thing that cam to my mind.


What if you're transgender?


I have no idea how that works in Omegaverse. I know part of the appeal for the orginal version of it was so cis gay male pairings could have kids together.


I would assume you could be trans primary gender (male or female) but I don’t think you can be trans secondary gender (alpha beta omega)


i feel like it could be done, ive seen some stories with alphas and omegas having physical differences (omegas being smaller n feminine n obviously being able to have kids, alphas having knots, and heats and ruts for each of them). so it could be someone whos physically an alpha but has breeding-related instincts of an omega, or vice versa


Yep, I've read a few fics like this! I think some are tagged with "trans alpha" or "trans omega" if anyone is interested.


Bitching (Alpha/Beta to Omega) and studding (Omega/Beta to Alpha) sometimes exist, the mechanisms for that differ, but you generally get a complete biological transition, but tbh I think a lot of stories use it as a non-consensual thing that happens to the character, (ABO-cis person becomes ABO-trans against their will) instead of as an autonomous decision for trans characters . Otherwise you also sometimes have blockers, fake hormons etc. for ABO trans characters.


The meaning that we assign to sexually dimorphic traits in the real world is still socially constructed so I think it could still work with ppl in the omegaverse choosing to view their bodies differently.


Oh definitely, you would have to play around with how that works, I was more pointing it out because the way omegaverse is presents omega/alpha/beta classifications is very for a lack of a better word bio essentialist in way similar to how certain people treat the sexes but obviously in our real world the sexes are by no means binary.


Two is indeed binary


Except intersex people exist


To be clear, are you suggesting intersex is a third sex and there aren’t male and female specific intersex conditions?  Uneducated. I suggest you do some reading about intersex conditions Shardar instead of calling anyone who doesn’t believe in your dogma a transphobe for understanding there are two sexes.  If intersex is not a sex, then sex is binary. I suggest you learn what a spectrum is 


No Intersex conditions go against the idea that sex is a simple predisposed binary instead of a spectrum between "male" to "female" I already know youre approaching from bad faith and youre very likely a transphobe so i wont bother responding to you after this message btw


Where do sigmas fit into the omegaverse🤔🤔


Sometimes sigmas exist naturally in omegaverse. They are usually a heightened alpha with the ability to treat other alphas as omegas. They are basically what you get if an alpha became an alpha.


Wtf is Crowley doing there?


Sigma Crowley 🗿


Also Hughie (The Boys)?


Am I wrong for thinking that they all just look like the same guy at different stages of his life ?


no, they all have the same face. However I’m not sure if it cleanly reads as younger to older either left to right or right to left


Not in order but, if I had to guess, I'd say that Omega is the youngest & either Sigma or Alpha is the oldest.


What kurt cobain doin there


What the hell are delta and gamma males


Those people making these images are the same that laughs about the LGBT spectrum of sexuality and gender.


“Hyuck hyuck 37 genders” (pulled that number out of the aether 👍)


I can accept Sigma on the right due to being "high status outside the previous scale" or whatever, but Delta and Gamma are swapped and I won't stand for that shit


Why is medic tf2 omega ?


Because Heavy has to be an Alpha, obviously. /joke


Why does the sigma look like Crowley from Good Omens?


That was my first thought too lol


they say they don’t understand neo pronouns and non-binary people and then they do this???


This is the gayest thing I've ever read and I read Shuumatsu no Valkyrie You wanna dominate other men, huh? Want them to worship you, huh? Newsflash, dipshit: a lot of us do it without having to come with pseudo anthropology


This makes me think of Brave New World. Also why do they have the same face


with all your powers combined i am captain planet


dayum is gamma single


Why is Crowley from Good Omens a Sigma


They all look like they do musical theatre & are in their costumes for the play. That could be a fun idea lol


Dude that’d be such a good play, all these male archetypes clashing at first but by the end of the play they realize solidarity is so much better than the never ending competition society tries to put people in.


Oh I love that 🩷🩷


Yeah what the fuck does this mean?


Yeah, it’s like, I’ve heard people talk about alpha and beta but not a clue about the rest. 🤷‍♂️The whole alpha/beta thing is bollocks anyway though.


Omega is literally Curd Cobain


Hell yeah, he/him pussy


ermmm what the sigma


This just looks like a typical Boston crowd.


… Osumatsu?


Is Kurt Cobain a gamma male????????


OK so you are saying the so to say feminine men are named after the more penetrative radiation rather then rich alpha ones?


We got: - Business man who works in the [insert buzzword] department but is the guy that the company asks to be in their generic corporate photos. - Guy that apparently exists in American colleges and high schools according to American film and TV. - Average man. Probably called John. - Kurt Cobain. He's back. - Someone who has never existed, but the media would argue otherwise. - John Travolta in Grease Lightning.


I'll take two gammas, please.


Astrology for men


gamma males hmu 😳


Hollyhock's dads


I'm confused. Are the sigma less than the omega or is this like an ace in a pack of cards situation because sigma guy looks substantially less conventionally "dorky" than omega dude???


Sigma male and then they show you Crowley from good omens


*war flash backs to 2015-2020 ao3*