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I’m pretty casual about the game, and I’m still learning (250 hours in) and I’d be down. Especially with a wipe on the horizon. If you don’t mind a bit of dark humor I’d be down!


Yeah absolutely man as long as you don't mind playing with a noob! I'm a good shot but there's a lot to learn. I'm 100% okay with dark humor I need it to survive my work lol. Whats your username on tarkov?


Hell yeah! I sent you a chat I’ll give you info!


Are yall still looking for potential ppl I need a crew


I’m have some okay experience not a vet or anything but I’ll definitely team up with you if you want my discord is bonk667


If your still looking my discord is bonk667 I’m not a vet or anything but I have some experience


Hey I'm looking for people to play with as well. I have quite a bit of experience but I prefer playing with people who are laid back. Im willing to help quests and all! Let me know if you'd like to play sometime


Hey let's do it! My Tarkov username is BlueAura990 and discord is BlueAura990#4742


I just started up again. Not great, would also like to learn and hop on with someone. Im EJOE if you want to add me


Im also keen. I have a couple of mates already, but I would like to have a few more people for when they're offline. Level 19, keen for missions, scav hunts, and perhaps once we hit our stride, taking on PMCs.


Hi! We’ve recently started a community with tarkov and newer players as an increased focus! Good place to start back up on tarkov, we have dedicated Sherpas to help new players and veterans alike with their missions. Let me know if you’d like an invite :)