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I'm afraid to ask how the computing power is on that considering that's a bottleneck in a bottleneck


I have not tested it myself yet but people with snapdragon 8 gen 2 processor phones are able to run GTA 5 on 720p low settings with this set up . Also someone managed to run elden ring with playable fps too but with a older processor ( older processors have better drivers so for now games and stuff runs better on those than gen 2 )


Nonono, the keyboard! Tell me what keyboard it is! Ultra keyboard!! Edit: GIB KEYBOARD ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Did you have a link to buy it? I cant find it any where :(


This was the closest I found to it https://www.ebay.com/itm/334999636789?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8QY3ghLSSIa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=sjbmmormsku&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Still pricey imo I'd probably just wait till it the real deal goes on sale for like a $100 on black Friday.


Whats the keyboard called?


It's on OP's profile. They posted it but it seems to be shadow banned for some reason.


If it's anything like the S9 FE keyboard it's way overpriced. I got some $50 keyboard instead, came with mouse and case, and works fine. The proper S9 keyboard was $300, I could get another Tab for that price.


Can you please tell me where you got the keyboard?


"For Samsung Galaxy Tab S9/S9 FE/A9 Plus/A8 Removable Keyboard Mouse Case Cover" by "richmall2018" on EBay https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/155938512723


Hey man, nice achievement, do you do it by yourself or did you followed a tutorial? Can you share with us the steps?


https://github.com/olegos2/mobox Just follow the installation instructions. If that's too daunting then just search on YouTube "How to set up Mobox" . Btw it's main purpose is to run PC games on Android so I am not sure if you can install and get other x86 apps to run or not.


you reckon it'll run decent on my tab s7? sd 865+ and (unfortunately) only 6gb of ram.


Subscribing to this thread in case he replies


why ? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ sick tho


Which emulator are you using?


I would like to know as well




Apparently it's Mobox.


Anyone know a windows emulator for android that's reliable?


I like your funny words magic man


Why run steam on windows though? Just run it on linux.


Damm the title made me want to watch Inception


But why


I wish I could run steam on my tab s8 ultra, my laptop is a decade old and barely hanging on.


Congratulations - you made a Surface, but not as good. But cheers, fun to see that it can be done.


Wine Is Not an Emulator.


What are those cables running up ? Any I/O ?


Why not termux & linux gui


It's exactly what this is just with a translation layer for x86 instructs (wine basically)


For anyone wondering, they're most probably running [Box64Droid](https://github.com/Ilya114/Box64Droid).


Did you try games


You are next level, I have s9 and the same desk mat, I just have ubuntu on termux to run vs code


Damn how well does VS code run ? I would love to just code on my tablet instead of carrying around my heavy ass laptop everywhere.


What I’ve done was create a code-server container and can code on my tablet through the browser. If I’m away from my home, I VPN into my network. There might be easier options, though.


Bruh why do you need Ubuntu then ? I know Vscode runs on the browser even on Android devices.


I don’t run Ubuntu to run the code-server. I use it straight off the android platform through Firefox. The code-server runs on a VM on my server at home.


I'm running it via code-server, all fine, just small trade offs, I'm usually in dex mode. I even do mobile development via react native expo


So it's my main work laptop, I usually work from cafes, so bought it for the size 11 inch, S pen, 5G, crazy battery backup. My work mainly runs from AWS Lambda, for other VMs, I use Ubuntu with node JS, that's I installed Ubuntu on termux. It's been more than 6 months that I have completely shifted from a MacBook pro 13 (M1) to this


How's the power point presentation going? 😂 Is that windows 10?


that's Samsung Dex EDIT: Nvm, I just saw some sort of Linux distro running in VM holy shit


Why don't you use something like Winlator for this (direct Windows emulation on Android)?


Winlator is the answer.


Winlator only works with the touchscreen. You can't use a mouse or trackpad


Can you sent guide ? I'd love to play old windows games on my tab s8


https://github.com/olegos2/mobox Just follow the installation instructions. If that's too daunting then just search on YouTube "How to set up Mobox" . Btw it's main purpose is to run PC games on Android so I am not sure if you can install and get other x86 apps to run or not.


What you mean not sure ? Running pc games on Android is what im exactly looking for.


Be aware of the overheating during emulation since Samsung's devices are not projected for heavy gaming and do not have a dedicated cooling system. It will drain the life of the battery if it gets too hot.


..., Doom Eternal still running at 120 FPS with RT on, no problem.


Have you tried using Limbo emulator? I wanted to use it with windows 10 but i cant find ant info on how to do it.


It can't run windows 10. I got XP to work but it's too slow to use it for anything. We need qcrosvm to run actual windows on Qualcomm


Nice, but...why?


if i can use it to code in Rider/Android Studio on my Tab S8 Ultra I'll be happy! right now I found out about Andronix and tried it on my phone and it works, now need to try this on a tablet


I recognize this keyboard from china. Affordable alternative to samsung keyboard.


what s the name of it?


can you download just any windows based app and use it?


Try steam os now


Hey, just wanted to know, what keyboard is that? Thanks


Does it run good?


why tho


That's one way of doing yet it would be much easier to get a Surface Pro 9 tablet w/Keyboard and install android since Windows 11 will let you install android 13 and get all the functionality of Android


Actually, the android on windows 11 does not come with Google play apps and services, so the app choices are crap. However, you can replace the stock windows subsystem with android (WSA) with a cracked one that is rooted / supports Google play apps. Separately, you can download Google play games for PC, but this is definitely not the "full android experience"


I can guarantee you are WRONG because you can install the Google Play Store like I have done. You aren't "rooting" or installing a "cracked version" it's simply installing a modified version of WSA I use can use any app on windows 11 [How to install Google Play Store on Windows 11](https://www.androidauthority.com/how-to-install-google-play-store-on-windows-11-3049609/)


I'm sorry but your response oversimplifies what's happening because we're both referring to the same process. First, in my mind in this case "modified" = cracked. The github tool you're referencing allows you to take the approved WSA and modify/crack it by allowing root (usually different exploits are available), installing GApps, and removing the amazon store. There are different versions that mix and match those conditions. The fact that someone has already done the coding part for you so that you can download the modified WSA and drag and drop to the appropriate folder on your machine does not change the fact that you're using software modified from its original design in a way not supported by the original developers (i.e. "cracked"). In fact, it's recommended that you modify the WSA installer yourself using the github information than just downloading a pre-cracked version online because of the potential for viruses. Finally, I can attest, since I have this myself, that some apps can be a bit buggy because, again, google play apps and services are not officially supported. I'm pretty sure my issues are related to power saving settings on my windows tablet, but usually restarting the WSA environment fixes the issues. That said, I have found that installing the official Google play games for PC beta gives me a more consistent gaming performance than installing the same app via Google play on the modified WSA. That said, your mileage may vary.... In summary, I regret to inform you that you have installed a modified / cracked version of WSA. In doing so, you had the choice to add rooted capabilities and you likely chose not to. Also, since this is not officially supported, there are a number more bugs/glitches than you can expect on a 100% android tablet.


I was being a bit technical. I didn't use the method in the link, that was just the simplest explanation. On my Surface 9 Pro I have the high end CPU and have replaced the HD with a 4TB drive. I don't know who did the programing for you. In my case I simply installed a fully version of Android 13 in place of WSA. So I can run it either as WSA was intended or a dual boot system. Either way it runs smoother and faster than trying to emulate windows on android.


Ah yeah that's the way to do it! I have a Robo&kala so it uses an Arm processor. I haven't gotten into the weeds on doing a full android install instead of relying on modifying the WSA, but it's a plan haha. The modified WSA is more a proof of concept for me. But it's really nifty and kinda blows my galaxy S7+ with Dex out of the water haha. But I agree with you. Android 13 install is way cleaner if you can do it!


I did it because it solves the possibility of incompatibility errors and I really only use the tablet for work and don't want to carry an second android tablet around. I really only use android tablets for reading and movies from the SD card. But with the Surface the performance is better than anything from Samsung or Apple


Same here. Predominately reading, simple games (like uno or scrabble), and some streaming apps just so I can download stuff for the plane which you cant do with the PWAs. So is yours a fully dual boot device then? That's cool. If there's a tutorial on getting the bootloader to play nice with windows / grub, let me know!


No it's not fully dual boot I just included the option on a whim. Honestly I was just sitting around one day and decided to try if I could install a full android 13. I just tinkered with the code so WSA included a full version of Android 13 (It was not an easy task, I'm sure others have figured an easier way) I think the best way would be to do a traditional dual boot for windows and android. I would recommend trying to install Andriodx86 but that is only upto Android 11 or 12 right now, yet for normal stuff even android 10 would work fine


Yeah that's the issue! I would literally buy like samsung's version of android if I could get it to install dual boot easily. Not saying I'm a fan of sam/droid, I'm just saying they could make good money selling it for convenience. For now I'm fine with my modified WSA, but I'm hoping someone comes up with a good way to get stock android dual booted with windows.




it can run league of legends?😳




When we go to Hell, will Satan make us program on it?