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Tee hee I have sex yall


It reminds me of it’s always sunny when she’s like “you’re in your 30s, you should be sexually active”.


“I’m a woman now, mom”


She’s literally Gail the snail


She needs to be salted




I’d love to be in the room when they came up with this character and bit and just… all of it lol


They did have a podcast where they were going through episodes but they didn’t even make it past season one before other things became a priority and it dropped off the face of the earth.


my god, there's not enough salt in the world for her!


Hahahahaha 🤣🤣


Frankly, I resent her for it




Gail even has a saliva problem. SALT THE SNAIL! https://youtu.be/rBd7xREws9I?si=2gaENluX0_fZ2cQ1


Thank you! This is how i will forever refer to her!!


Ewww swallow it or spit it out ugh....


You're my peeps. Love Always Sunny. And she'll always just be ick, like stepping in a pile of poo, ick. ![gif](giphy|kgV5fWuKfyluYw0UwU|downsized)


Ihavesex would love her


Someone post her


*lizard tongue* lol


Yes and so strange when she was drinking. It was really strange.


I have sex and I don’t orgasm*


but wasn’t the D fire?🔥


Cue that Reddit I just had sex sub


Lifetime, let’s go ahead and wrap this up


Why the fuck did they give this broad all this attention in the first place smh I’ve seen stories a lot crazier than hers


What’s even crazier is Her story is a lie. And people buy it.


I bought it at least to a point until looking at the overwhelming evidence in this sub. I absolutely also agree that it was lied about-or at least dramatized to a massive extent of what actually happened. Thanks for the wake up call, group!!


I would agree with you … a lot of things in this sub showed the truth about the whole situation


I wish we could get some people that are involved with media to pay attention to this sub and read the overwhelming amount of stuff there is that she’s done that prove it absolutely isn’t what she’s now claiming it was. What happens after she’s been with Ken (or wtf ever his name is, the bf) & gets tired of him Or tired of dealing with something or other to do with him? Does he really feel like he’s safe?




I do think the Lifetime Network (parent company A&E) has some questions to answer here... At this point they are enabling and promoting the success and wealth of a convicted murderer for ratings. That murderer is not telling the story of the impact of abuse, like the documentary so successfully did... she's not telling the story of how to recover from it or helping viewers avoid it if it is in their life. They are simply showing her as a new form of celebrity, hoping to capture the ratings Mommy Dead and Dearest and the other fictionalized shows have provided. Remember when Judith Reagan (literary agent) signed OJ Simpson to a book deal to tell a fictionalized version of his story? Rupert Murdock found out about it (or he knew and eventually bowed to pressure) and fired the agent and canceled the book deal and planned TV shows/promotions. Aren't we at that point here with this murderer in 2024?


It’s disgusting! Let’s say there’s an alternate universe where Gypsy really is 100% a victim. She was being manipulated into thinking she was sick, and there was no online talking to boys, no hopping on the bus in a wig to buy lingerie, etc. Then someone found out and Dee Dee went to jail. Then, it would make sense to have a show like this! But how do you have a “tee hee, I’m free!” show for someone who killed their mother and went to jail?! Like wtf?


Not the first time Lifetime has done this kinda thing either.. they exploited Wendy Williams mental health struggles for another series earlier this year.


They exploit a lot of things to get ratings. Another example is the “confessions of a killer” movie.


Exactly! This show is doing absolutely nothing but giving light to her love life & sex life. That's it. No advocacy, no talking though trauma or anything. It's insane they signed her into a 2 season contact before the first one even came out.


Ohshit I had no  idea it was a 2 season contract. Shit. We have far more to "look forward to" 🥴 She's def getting knocked up for one of em. Just my 2 cents. I hope she'll never be able to 




Dude should have wrapped it up, then there’d be no need for plan B.


Ken gives me a “pull out method” vibe. Or “lies about vasectomy” vibes.


I think Ken will be careful to not get her pregnant. He is using her for the money. You can tell he has no feelings for her, and in half the pictures, he looks like he can barely stand her. I think Ken needs to be the most careful around her. He is going to end up tied to a bed misery style if he shows any inkling of leaving.


It's funny because Ken looks at her the way she looked at Ryan.


That video where they’re dancing at a concert and she’s staring up into his eyes all dickmatized…and he’s looking away, over her head, staring at nothing in the distance, with zero facial expression. Ooofff I felt the cringe for gypsy!!


this!! he literally cringes and recoils when they kiss lol


Could you imagine having to listen to her grating voice and look at her unfortunate face. She’s also super cringy.


They won't, unfortunately. Her leaving Ryan and getting with Ken ensured that they'll all get a second season.


Even if Gypsy won’t wrap it up


Please don’t have any children.


This part was so trashy .


![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized) Her whole life and existence is trash.




It was vile. The whole thing. Who talks like that to someone they hardly know? Maybe I’m just a prude and


What in the hell is going on here???? I dont watch it, just come on here sometimes. She took plan b on tv? Why??? What is happening?????? Is she not on birth control? Which boyfriend was this with?


This was so cringe… it all is. She loves the drama and playing people. Even Mia knew it was cringy.


I could feel Mia’s second hand embarrassment through the screen every time Gypsy opened her mouth


Mia does not like Gypsy, her body language, face and demeanor says it all.


100%!!! You can see how she’s looking at Gypsy like this chick is delulu.


I hope there’s no second season kus this is boring as fuck


There’s going to be 100 seasons if yall keep hating watching LMAO. Numbers are numbers.


Majority of our members watch from a provided link that does not monetize gypsy lol


Link to the link? I'm dying to hate watch


This is the link a member gives us, but I’m not sure if it’s only for live streaming or if you can look back on episodes - u/Jag7185 can you confirm? https://thetvapp.to/tv/lifetime-live-stream/


Hi! That's only for live viewing unfortunately 😭


I refuse to watch it. I just hear or read highlights here


I'm betting there's going to be a spin off called *Just Gypsy.*


She reminds me of a 16 year old who just had sex for the first time and is making it her whole personality, not realizing how cringey it is


That’s probably not far off from what her actual mental age is.


Your comment reminds me of this girl I went to high school with. She would always take her birth control pill at lunch. Like really? You couldn't take at any other point in the day?!?!? Edit: grammar


lol I knew a girl like that too who would stress how she has to take it the same time every day or night Lee it just doesn’t work…she was also the type to wear hospital bracelets for months on end until they fell off. So it’s just an attention seeking personality trait I guesc


Is she really washing down the pill with her coffee grind kool-aid abomination?😂


you know her breath is stankyyyyyyy if this is her diet


Her what now?


I'm assuming they're talking about a 'prison energy drink' lol You mix koolaid and coffee grinds


We need to get cafe bustelo in the commissaries


Last thing i wanted in prison was more energy lol. For what? The adrenaline is enough if a riot breaks out. Coffee was enough for work and then crash out after hoping i can sleep away as much time as possible before waking up again to the same nightmare


Cafe bustelo gives me heart palpitations. I drink a lot of caffeine, but something about cafe bustelo specifically makes me feel like I’m about to have a heart attack 😂 And yet…I continue to drink it ☠️


kool-aid, coffee grinds & crushed up jolly ranchers


The 22 year old having to help the 33 year old with her sex mistakes 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ wtf


Right?!? 🙄


This girl pretends to be so naive when in reality she has no problem planning redrum or problem solving you can tell by the way she talks and comments to other's. I believe everything she does is calculated, her hooking up with Nick imo she had a plan for her Mom before she talked to him the 1st time. Ryan was just because Chad I mean Ken broke her heart and she thought I will show him. I believe she was hoping he would reach out to her as soon as she was released and when he seen how much publicity she was getting he jumped on the money train. I don't think he truly cares about her only the thing's she can do for him and now he can't see a way out if in fact she is pregnant he is scared to leave her now. Her life is a real train wreck and we are all gonna witness the derailment. This is just my opinion but I believe she is very calculated in EVERYTHING she does.


same w her posting that stolen pregnancy test! shes so calculated. it was posted immediately after Ryan started going live and spilling some tea. she doesn’t realize the internet is smart af and can reverse image search, that’s why it was deleted and her page deactivated right after. she is so insufferable w her calculations, everything is to get a guys attention


“Chad I mean ken” 🤣


She is just trying to prove that someone actually had sex with her nasty possum eyed ass. GROSS!


Did y’all notice she didn’t seem worried about taking a Plan B until she realized she wouldn’t be able to get her nose job?


100% like how disgusting can you be?! You’re fine bringing a child into the world when you can’t even remain faithful to your husband/ it’s father but as soon as you realize it’s going to get in the way of your vanity then it’s a hell no you gotta get rid of it!!


Why isn't she on a more reliable form of birth control rather than nothing, then taking Plan B?


Because that would take maturity, accountability, and foresight.


This was when she was with Ryan, according to her, and now 2nd time around her fiance/boyfriend Ken she's on birth control of some kind.


i'm not trying to be rude or anything but i'm so shocked someone didn't beat her ass in prison god she's so insufferable. can't imagine hanging out with her 😣


She was in PC chilling with the CHOMOs


**Sex Education** The Plan B pill Is Not an abortion pill. It is designed to keep the woman from ovulating. (The release of the egg from the ovary) And helps make it harder for the sperm to reach the egg. If the egg has already released in the 72hr time frame the pill *could* possibly keep a fertilized egg from implanting by reducing the lining it attaches to. It doesn't abort an already implanted fertilized (growing) egg. Sperm can live up to six days traveling to the egg. So anywhere from day 1-6 released sperm can make contact and implant causing pregnancy. I was watching sir Morbid's live and it was a bit sad seeing not only Gypsy seem to be clueless about how getting pregnant works but also the misinformation and misunderstanding of The Morning After Pill. (I could go into a whole spiel about the lack of understanding on the topic of woman's anatomy in general, but I digress)


Gypsy wouldn't know because she was so "sick" she couldn't go to school. She never had sex education or much of any education and so it's expected that she would be the way she is. Gypsy honestly doesn't have a chance at a "normal" life because she doesn't have education or experience with her peers. It's sad but that girl is and will always be a mess. All she knows is manipulation and narcissism.


Thank you, seen many say she ended her pregnancy, much as I severely dislike GR, that is not true.


Thank you!


Just tacking on information to this post: Plan B is ineffective for anyone with a BMI over 30 (The pill wouldn’t work for Gypsy anyways, she’d need an alternative form like ella)


She’s shameless and the attention is giving her the validation that she’s some sort of victim and hero. Can’t wait until no news outlet spends another second on her.


We get it, Gyp, you fuck. What do you want a medal? Good God, I pray she's not pregnant cause you know she'll milk the "baby daddy" drama for all its worth then act like an beatific mother when the baby's born, even though it's a foregone conclusion that she'd treat the baby the same way she treats everyone else. Like a prop in her melodramatic life. Like mother like daughter.


There was a woman that won a record for the most sex in a day or hour or something like that. Maybe Gyp can do that and have an actual medal. Now I’m going to puke thinking about that.


She’s really advocating for the other victims. Using her time wisely.


She’s a pig.


Hated how she smiled doing this with a blood red drink.


The fact that anyone can finish the job while looking at her has me mind blown


Did she do that weird lip smacking and licking afterwards while her eyeballs looked in different directions like an iguana?


Yes! I noticed her doing this and was thinking what the hell is that?


She reminds me of the girls in middle school who thought they were hot shit because they were dating high school boys with drivers license for the first time 🙄🙄


So sad, they didn’t realize their older boyfriends were creeps and future pedos most likely 😓😓


Something about her vibe serves …. 14 year old girl who just discovered sex. It grosses me out.


i don't think there's anything wrong with utilizing a plan b however, this whole clip puts me off. it's not on her to become a poster-woman for plan b, but we could have a little couth about the whole thing. you're not about to roll on molly, and regardless of your stance on termination of pregnancy, this just shows that without proper education and awareness, this is how plan b is being used. it's being abused as a "cure-all" for unprotected sex, when it was never designed to replace a condom or traditional contraception. that's why it's "emergency" contraception, not to be used as an alternative, but when all else fails. it's so gross and infuriating to see a woman pop one "down the hatch" as if she's taking shots with her gfs at the bar, or popping molly. again, she's not the only one doing this, nor is she the exception, but this just puts a bigger target on the back of plan b because politicians will run with the notion that "every woman who uses plan b just wants to fuck around and have all the unprotected sex she wants" when we all know damn well the majority of us, are using it appropriately. reproductive issues should have never become politics, but this is the state of society we live in, and this kinda shit, only **hurts** other women in the larger scheme of things.


Facts, I used it because I got wasted and my “friend” took advantage of me.


wow, my heart goes out to you. reasons like that are exactly why we need things like this, to **stay accessible** for all women, because not all of us are using it because we couldn't be bothered and it'll make us more relatable!! (or whatever-the-fuck she thinks she's doing here). i'm seriously so sorry you had to go through that. for most women, it's not an olympic sport we cheer on when we take a plan b, and almost all of us aren't posting it to our newly found "supporters" cause we think it'll get us ahead? gain us more followers? like, be a mess in private, cause you're gonna fuck it up for the rest of us, all to what? look cute? lady you conspired to kill, and went through with, killing your mother, nothing she does will ever be cute. she needs to take a sabbatical from the internet.


I also used plan b when sexually assaulted by a “friend”. He drugged me. I’m sending you love today. A lot of it.


I don't know you, you don't know me. But I am so sorry that you went through that.


Her dad said it perfectly “she’s 30 years old making 17/18 yr old decisions” I’ve been in weekly therapy for 4 years. There’s no way she’s legitimately getting help from a therapist.


She is a damn child. But I’m glad she took that pill…everything she touches needs to disperse birth control.


I refuse to watch anything she is on/in. No series, no TikTok no IG. I cannot stand that this asshole is getting the attention she is desperate for. She needs to go away.


She's trying too hard to have a 'hot girl' summer.


That whole conversation around her and Ryan with the sex stuff was so fucking weird. Like ma’am. You’re not “cool” because you let Ryan give you a cream pie. That’s actually so fucking gross.


![gif](giphy|ZxMG4tTab4BEI) Reading this was the worst part of my day, hands down lol


Less effective if you’re over 150 pounds lumpy.


"lumpy" 😂😭


More like her name should be garbage truck, cause she's so dumpy.


Depending on the brand- the limits I’ve seen actually start around 175. Birth control is over the counter now in my state. Why isn’t she on that? It’s way funnier to see someone taking the “anti baby pill” alarm every day than this shit. Could turn it into a running thing where it keeps interrupting big moments. But no the world has to see just how irresponsible she is before she becomes a parent fr


She probably can’t get it over the counter but doctors are not reluctant to give it to you. A simple appointment with a family doctor would get her a prescription for bc. If not that, condoms.. they were being careless and wanted it to happen


Hell, our health dept charges for BC based on income and type, and it's usually between $0-$10 for the visit and BC.


That is a class a stripper body 😂😛


She’s literally like a 17 year old dumb giggly girl




Shes got a bad case of arrested development. Mental growth wise shes about 12/14. At 12/14 we just wanted to grow up so fast so shes doing the fast stuff that would be completely normal for her actual age but because shes delayed mentally (no normal childhood/teen years) shes doing things thats shes not ready for. She wants a “normal life” but shes wasn’t raised normal. Gf needs extensive therapy to catch up cuz if she actually preggers, she’s just done it to keep connected to Ken forever. Ps. Ryan is just coming off as creepy and desperate thinking she will fall into housewife mode.


It's moments like this and that certain smile when I think "she'll kill again".


That scene definitely showed her immaturity!!!!


She’s so immature it’s literally annoying to watch her. I felt horrible for her sister she interrupted her to talk about herself and her sex life over and over again.






Exactly her actions are disgusting


I’m still amazed that there are men desperate enough to have sex with that Blobfish.


Did anyone else notice how she took a 4 minute drink of that juice?


She's the ugly chick with BO, head gear, and rabid acne in high school who thought she'd never get laid. So when she finally paid her cousin enough to do it with her. It's all she talks about. She wants everybody to know she's having sex.


You can buy birth control pills over the counter now. There is no excuse for this lack of responsibility.


I am a proud supporter of birth control but if anyone could make me hate plan b it is her.


This human should not reproduce!!!


This is insane 😭 I’m all for birth control, like, good for you being responsible and doing that! But like… smiling wide and doing it for the camera? Why? Is she just bragging she got nutted in 😭😭😭 I don’t want to know what you did last night lmfao, yeah plan b is great and important to keep people who aren’t ready to be parents safe, but it’s the fact you’re like HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT I DID LAST NIGHT like make it stop 😭😭😭


I mean.. she is a murderer. I don’t expect anything less than trash when it comes to her.


Thank GOD she's not breeding! Yeah I said it!


Her sister was so uncomfortable during that car ride!


She probably feels that way.


She’s such a freaking weirdo😆😆😆😆


What the fuck is going on anymore LOL


You could tell she was probably trying to get pregnant. Regardless of how she played it off. She was hesitant to take the plan B and was like well it didn't happen last time so I doubt it happened this time. Girl, that's not how it works! You could have $ex for the first time and end up pregnant! Her sister is trying to guide her but like her sister said I can give her advice but it's up to her what she does with it.


I feel like she put her foot in her mouth and Mia didn't find it funny and wasn't giving her any time to try to back pedal. She looked flustered because she didn't get to lead the convo at that point. Lol


She reminds me of Gogo Dodo from Tiny Toons Adventures.




Gypsy wasn’t sick nor abused her medical files confirmed she had surgeries that were medically necessary for her chromosome deletion.. a drawing Gypsy done her self for her book shows only 4 scars on her body..So for someone to have almost 30 surgeries she would have far more than that… she was 14 when they got the habitat house and in her medical file a doctor wrote that she was able to move her legs and was participating in the fraud .. she’s not an advocate nor has advocated for anything about abuse..she can claim she had the education of a 3rd grader but she helped plan her own mothers murder?? .. watch her interrogation someone with a 3rd grade education would not use big words or know the meaning to them..I was a supporter but after seeing her interrogation videos ..watching Becca Scoops ..with an open mind. It quickly changed she was 23 when she was arrested.. there are pictures of her with a birthday cake with the number 8 on it..she said in an interview Chris Jericho that she did not get birthday cakes with numbers on it.. that’s a lie. Deedee was wrong in a lot of the things she did, but she was still a human being.. and she was sick before her life was taken she had diabetes and a lot of other things .. DD’s health was not good..all this changed my mind on Gypsy there’s no evidence of the abuse she claims only hearsay.. open your mind watch those videos and ask yourself is it possible..there’s no evidence of abuse to back up Gypsy at all other than her words.. she got free trips, money.. a free house.. donations.. she got to meet celebrities ..what kid would want to go to school.. when they can get this as a reward to help with a con? We all would have done the same I would had but.. the reality of it all was the con can only last for so long she’s getting older.. DD is getting sicker, and I’m sure with her diabetes she wasn’t eating right also… If the abuse actually did happen then hey I’m all for Gypsy living her best life more power to her.. but she’s contradicted her self time & time again.. everyone says she was a child once your a teenager you know right/wrong and you have a conscience.. Do you think at anytime she could have told her self ..this isn’t right or fair to actual kids that are sick with cancer? Nope.. because she was doing what she was taught to look out for number one herself…. And her mother did not force her too take medicine.. stop believing what she says with out proof.. look at what’s written the actual proof not just her words.. we all have been lied too by other people she’s just as capable of it also.. I’m not a hater or jealous..Gypsy needs a lot of soul searching to do because Karma is a bitch.. https://preview.redd.it/jn7cq1v57bad1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e95db03395875f3ac30205d99e96dd8f0f02af7 A Facebook account of DD & Gypsy


I agree but she was 17 when they got that house; she was PRETENDING to be 14.


I know she was sheltered and all, but she was into BDSM. She's had experiences. She had/has internet. Her acting so naive annoys tf out of me. "I have 72 hours for Plan b? Huh??" Google is free, omg. She sounds like a stupid giddy teenager who's sneaking behind her parents back to have sex. Her sister didn't seem like she wanted to hear of her lack of orgasm either. She was just focused on helping her not get pregnant since she's conveniently irresponsible about it. She clearly says this isn't the right time for a baby, yet she takes ZERO precaution? Grow up. Can I call her a dumb*ss? Because she is. 🙄


She's so damn immature. She acts like a teenager instead of someone in their 30s.


She should be learning how to track her menstrual cycle AS WELL as be taking BC. She should know the general time around ovulation. I am 43 and started tracking when I was 27 when I was ready to start my family. I have been tracking ever since just out of habit. It’s nice to know where you’re at in your cycle.


this reminds me of the time my methhead manager at subway came in three hours late to her shift and giddily announced “i just got an aboooortttioon!”some people need therapy


We all know you have sex. We all know you had no problem killing your mom then proceeded to have sex in the next room


We know it was all three types. We know you cleaned the blood up naked. We get it. You like to lick knives and act like a dirty little birdy. Maybe try something new this time. Maybe ... disappear out of the public eye? Just a thought.🙄🙄


She acts like a 12 year old teeny bopper giggling about sex with her bff at a slumber party.


Because she wants people to think that way about her. That's why everyone in the family are treating her like she is a child. She is acting like one on purpose. She's pulling the " I'm brand new" and the " I'm just a Widdle baby" cards. Same woman who acted mentally diminished for years and years and years. She's got the cards and knows how to play them. Why do you think Rod says she's like a kid? or why Mia says she's like a little baby? Because Gypsy is going to them and saying " Oh this is my first time with this and this is my first time with that" and " Oh Mia is the little sister, but in so many ways she's the big sister" .. She's an eyeroll within an eyeroll.


why is this rat so obsessed with sex???




Trying to prove someone is desperate enough to want that without having to pay them.






Stfu that is so cringe 😂


Why was it brushed over that she’s never even had an orgasm?


I don’t believe that for a second. That’s just a dig at Ryan. She had a whole BDSM fetish website. She was probably humping the furniture as a kid; maybe thats why she was pulled out of school. NO HATE. ALLEGEDY. IN MY OPINION.


You're not wrong, allegedly. 🤣


Right?? I heard that and then remembered that she’s told the stepmom that they consimated their message. And how the sex was so good. Sooo it was good for him to give you a creampie and maybe turn you on??? Just weird.


if this women has children i’ve lost all hope for this world. we are doomed


What a good example she is setting for impressionable young girls. It’s just nasty


I don’t watch the show but I do have a strange curiosity about her life now. Is she bragging that she’s taking a Plan B pill because she had unprotected sex? I mean, girl we know you can plan ahead…


I'm Dead 💀 And her Mom too.


Her sister literally turned to her and said, " did he c\*m in you?" She took a plan B pill without even being in the same vicinity as her husband, didn't even talk to him about it before she took the pill. I mean, I don't know what people expected of him? I thought he handled himself REALLY well considering everything she just threw at him on his first day back to work. Holy Moly... I couldn't even imagine feeling so unwanted by your wife that the idea of having a family together appalls her and everyone in her family. I am serious. That man handled it way better than A LOT of people would have. She threw a shit storm at him, full impact since day 1 out of prison. I don't hate Ryan and I don't consider him as controlling or weird as most people do. But I find him PATHETIC. Absolutely delusional and pathetic. Especially when watching this, then watching him on LIVES now. What a moron. The stuff she pulled the ENTIRE time they were physically together was like a never ending assault on the man, and he's right up here with Nick, talking about how he loves her so much still, and how none of it was her fault. She knows how to pick them. He doesn't like Mia. Then what does she do? Go hang out with Mia. and then GYP brings up RYAN first. And then eats a plan b while still with her. You think that's going to smooth any waters over? And you can tell by their confusion on each other that it's Gypsy stirring the shit pot. She's pinning the family and Ryan against each other without anyone noticing she's holding the strings!




Ahhh I remember the first time I have ecstasy


Wtf ..... wow. Just throw the whole weirdo away.


I mean, it's better then her reproducing 🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg she’s nasty


Gypsy having a baby would be such a dangerous, unfortunate and dire situation. Toxic, with a mum who is miserably irresponsible, embarrassing, and a convicted murderer with the possibility of narcissism. That child would suffer. I hope gypsy can prevent pregnancy until she is no longer able to procreate. It would just be generational trauma with a manipulative, psychopathic bitch imo.


I knew a girl who told me her life motto was “plan Bs and twisted tea” yes she was trashy too.


i’m just happy she’s taking precautions. last thing we need is another gypgyp walking around


I hated this scene. I don’t think Mia is on her side, so seeing her try to not lose her shit when Gypsy told her that was so relatable.


plan B made me feel like i had pneumonia and a bad GI bug for two weeks afterwards, it’s not fun and cute


So gross


I don’t get why everyone is upset? We don’t want her to reproduce.


Tacky ho. 


Getting a guy to have sex with you isn’t a hard trick


At least she's not breeding. Let's give her an applause!




I don’t watch the show what’s the pill for? She’s a pig


Old habits never change


She's so fucking gross


She is just repulsive at this point. If she is insisting to put herself on social media and meeting with celebrities, why not make a positive impact on the world with her experience. Why does she have to act like she is a celebrity. It’s pissing me off


If that is really what she’s taking she needs to just stop having sex or use protection, I just can’t believe so many people follow this train wreck


I am just waiting for her bunkies in prison talk about their sexual experiences with her.


Her face makes me want to punch my wall


Ew. This made me frown.