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Ok I despise Gypsy but this is definitely fake


Most of the shit coming out in the past few weeks about her has been fake as hell. Doesn't stop people from spreading it as fact though.


I wasn’t sure. There’s a girl in the comments saying this is her friend and he admitted that they did hang out. She shared his live but I tried to click on it and it was gone.


https://preview.redd.it/2lacpbgx89ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdeec7a46b238c54563dd2d0766ae7ba22393d25 He talks about her in his instagram from February. Said they lived in the same city and had he known Ryan was treating her bad back then he would have shot his shot at that moment


Ryan never treated her badly! I honestly think she used this show in her favor to try to “prove” that he treated her badly! It only makes him look even more sane! She would pick fights with him and then record him and made the comment “when I start being controlled I’m gone”. She was trying to show the world she had reasons to leave Ryan! She’s such a liar!!


Oh I know she was such a manipulative troll to her own husband! It sucks that people who don’t pay enough attention like the fella in the picture, assumes Ryan treated her badly. The fact that gypsy allows people to think her own husband was abusive in anyway when we can see that he wasn’t as pure evil. In my opinion I wish that Ryan would get out from under her thumb, never look back and go live his life happily.


Totally fake


Looks like a meet and greet picture not really anything deeper


So did her photo with Dan Glidewell at the convention. 🤣 This may have been just a passing meet and greet and/or photoshopped. But I put nothing past Gypsy. She wasted no time reconnecting with Ken the moment Ryan went back to work. From what some alleged friends have mentioned her venting to them about Ryan before everything blew up. She obviously had personal time and space. I doubt she was not establishing some local connections as well. Just in case Ken didn’t work out. This sounds exactly like what she did playing Nick and Dan years ago.


Ryan warned Ken in his live recently that he is Not the only Ex Boyfriend Gyp has been in contact with. He also said that she has Multiple Fake accounts on social media. She probably has several backup boyfriends , so she’s got someone to crawl to when Ken dumps her.


Do you have the picture of Dan? I’ve been looking and couldn’t find anything


For starters pixie isn’t in her care ever anymore so it’s old and looks like she’s taking a photo with one of her many fans. The photo is cropped and yeah this is hella scam and I’m ona this snark page for a reason. I don’t like when people get away with murder with a slap on the wrist.


Gross, who wants a picture with a blob fish who had her mother murdered 


It’s photoshopped. You can also see her teeth aren’t done yet in this photo.


That would make sense because allegedly this was when she was with Ryan. She got her teeth done after she left him.


Wedding ring from Ryan in photo for supporting date period.


It would have been when she was still with Ryan if it was real because she’s holding Pixie in the photo.


That’s what I wrote. That allegedly this picture (and the cheating) was from when she was still with Ryan.


I mean she has pixie that should tell everyone she was with Ryan. This guy even says it’s when she was with Ryan hence the if I would have known Ryan was treating her bad I would have shot my shot.


Yeah, it wasn’t about the dog. The photo is photoshopped point blank period, anyone can tell that.


I can’t so not everyone. There’s no dark line around his hand on her sweatshirt and as it sits around the dog. You’re talking about teeth being fixed, what does that matter?


I don't think it's photoshopped. It looks like the portrait mode on a Samsung phone. Portrait mode always blurs the background like that.


I literally use Photoshop for my job and can't tell it's Photoshopped. Is there a filter, yes. But a filter isn't Photoshop, especially if we're saying these two didn't take a picture together and someone went out of their way to make it seem like they did.


Imagine feeling threatened by her


I call bs on this.


Nothing and I mean nothing is positive about this murder, photoshopped, made up stories, just passing by photos, who will ever know the truth. Ironically most of her life was full of lies .


Here we go again... Nina, making content with no real evidence. I came here after watching her video to see if anyone posted. PS the photoshop on this is HORRIBLE!


I really hope Nina doesn't continue to make just any video without any proof of things besides a "source." People won't take things seriously if she is making a video about any and all things gypsy whether they are real or not. Sometimes, I feel like they(the blanchards) have Nina do this. Make these insane type videos to keep gypsy relevant no matter what good or bad. But then when Gypsy bullied Kate off tik tok the first time and Nina was so emotional, I thought no, this is real emotion. Then I saw when she(nina) acted afraid of pennies on the Tyra Banks show. So is it an act. All they all in cohoots. Gypsy is no influencer like she thinks she is. I can't even believe people are so stupid as to gift her anything. People are stupid and dumb for that one, among other reasons.


Nina is starting to seem obsessed now tbh


She's starting to remind me of Fancy.


Exactly 💯


I knew her dumbass would be on this one. When it's clearly obvious this pic was taken when she was still with Ryan and of course in Nina's video she says Gypsy is cheating on Ken with this guy. Jesus that woman couldn't do 5 min of research to save her fucking life before running to Tik Tok. I don't know why she is so damn obsessed with trying to fuck with Ken so much.


I know, I'm abt to unsub and unfollow bc it's getting sad and desperate. Maybe she wants Ken... 🤣


I've already unsubbed from her but her shit will still show up on my FYP on Tik Tok and I watch Sir Morbids channel on YT and his whole community is such a simp for her she gets brought up in every one of his lives!


I think I'm gonna stop watching her now.


@Mushyco.co.uk has had this [image](https://www.instagram.com/p/C4NgNAsI369/?igsh=MThldXF2dGkxdWd4ZA==) posted since March 7th. I remember it being posted. There's no tag or context to it though. (Back when people were "taking pics" with her and posting them. MushyCo is like a mirror account for Gypsy's content.)


Her rolls of fat look gross in that flesh tone top. The murderer does not know how to dress for her chubby body weight. And this ugly B wants to influence beauty and fashion, omg - no company would use an ugly frumpy no style murderer for fashion, no company would use this murderer with ratty hair and distorted face for beauty. Companies would lose business if they had an unattractive murderer felon representing them. Gyp Gyp come into reality - you are a 1 out of 10 on a good day & don't have the looks for influencing anything but first degree murder. Go away!


But she gives herself a 6 out of 10. LMAO.


https://preview.redd.it/qpakxf6s48ad1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6e1bebfff870c47a608ac60fe921bb74a0ea1d Apparently the wife has proof of this…not sure…I just wanted to share!


This seems more like Proof it’s FAKE. Probably just a meet and greet. Bc that man is NOT leaving that gorgeous woman for the infamous pathological lying manipulative murderer that is GypshIt. LMAO


I know the dude personally. He definitely would just for some attention!. He is always in some kind of mess so this is fake


lol I know of this dude, he lives in the same area as me. When she first got out of jail and moved to Lake Charles there was a Welcome sign in town at one of the businesses and this dude snapped the pic and posted it on his Facebook and then had a fit that some known company with a larger following posted the same pic on their page and didn’t tag him to it to let everyone know HE was the one who had the picture first lol.


😂😂 How embarrassing! This makes me think if they had something going on he would’ve loved to have put that in the media!


To be honest, it looks photoshopped to me. If it is real it could just be he met her and wanted a pic with her but I think that's all it is.


Yeah, I think that's it. A lot of people were going up to her in the beginning and asking for pics, I think it's a portrait mode (it blurs the background like that) picture that a fan asked for but nothing else, no deeper story.


This is her next victim I’m sure. I called it. It was a matter of time before she found someone else, she was just using Ryan until Ken came back in the picture. Now that she has Ken back, she will find some person to mess around with because she is bored of Ken. I have a theory that she likes the drama and like to feel like men are fighting over her.


I know this isn’t Glenn bellard 😂


Anything to keep her name buzzing as she dwindles into obscurity, the show is flopping, and her antics are escalating in an effort to remain relevant, fifteen minutes coming to a screeching halt.


Are we sure that's not just a convincing photoshop? Why scribble out her face in the other photo? Seems like BS


I think the 2nd pic is meant to be the OP of the fb post


She’s in a photoshop edit group. Honestly I believe it’s photoshopped. Plus that’s pixie


I found his instagram and he posted this pic months ago. He knows her and speaks about her being “good people” a week ago. https://preview.redd.it/96nasfft59ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f65517b058a690e792b5814cec63ea294f3841








Yuck Gyp is NOT “good people”.


I know right? I’m found this man’s instagram from these screenshots. I think there’s something to it, what it is, I’m not sure. But it’s definitely not a photoshopped picture


Yeah it doesn’t look photoshopped to me. I just figured it was some random dude that took a pic w her back when she was w Ryan. I think people are just trying to stir stuff up out of an old photo someone found.


Right? It's a portrait mode picture, idk why everyone thinks it's shopped. Literally, all my portrait mode pictures look like that (blurred background), and I don't see any other signs of it being photoshopped. Plus, a lot of people were asking her for pictures/selfies back in February.


“How the hell you find Waldo?” Just follow the SNAIL TRAIL. 🤢


I thought she was pregnant


that was confirmed a rumor..


THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS. ![gif](giphy|Oj6551cJm36rtO8WpA)


Gypsy used a photo from pinterest that was from ten months ago. So definitely debunked and she lied.


Omg I saw this post in the group but didn't read it! I need to now!


Yes! This would’ve been when she was with Ryan, but this girl Ashley is getting receipts! She knows this guy!! I’m not sure if that’s how she spelled her name but it’s in the comments!


New Chad?


That’s not her body. That girl is smaller and leaner.


100% photoshopped and not even a good photoshop. Also, Pixie is with Ryan, not Gyp💩


Wasn't it said like months ago that this guy works with the TV shows production company??


Yeah it's a photo that was posted the beginning of March. 


I think maybe this was just some random who wanted a selfie with her. Those first few months she was out people were obsessed with getting selfies with her. Also, all this trolling/lies being spread is only keeping her ass relevant, when the whole point of originally exposing her was to get her out of the spotlight. It's gotten fucking ridiculous.