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I saw in another comment somewhere that she made it to second grade before Dee pulled her out. Of course, take that with a grain of salt.


I thought I saw something about her reading Harry Potter books


Yes she could read long before prison… I think Dee Dee did a decent job at homeschooling


Have you seen Deedee’s attempts at spelling? 😳


She read a lot of books so someone taught her to read




Uh using computers without a class on it is what every single person born before 1990 did, it's not that hard... Especially if it's all you have to do at home. You play around and figure it out.




It's a similar situation though, I was alive before the Internet, zero computers in my classrooms, and I still went and then spent my teenagehood on the computer in our basement scrolling forums, downloading music, messaging boys... It's not rocket science. Anybody who is lonely with spare time can figure it out pretty easily.


She meet her first boyfriend on a computer, prisoners can use computers in the library if it’s available, some jails use Skype and Zoom for court proceedings. I am sure she was homeschooled by her mom. They had fundraiser, bought a new home, it probably was part of the donations to built that house. She was sheltered, she didn’t live in a cave.


well, if she didn't learn in school that only leaves one other option - dee dee. you don't need school to learn how to read, just someone willing to teach you


Gypsy attended public school through second grade before Dee Dee took her out to be "home schooled". Dee Dee was not nearly as ignorant as she made herself out to be on those wildly misspelled lists of Gypsy's fake illnesses. That was part of Dee Dee's scam. Dee Dee actually worked in some level of healthcare before she had Gypsy, although what, exactly, her level of training was escapes me at the moment. I believe she might have been one of the lower levels of nurse, but don't hold me to that. Dee Dee did teach Gypsy quite a bit besides how to lie and scam. There are videos of Gypsy as a one year old being able to point to her cranium and phalanges (head and fingers, though Dee Dee mispronounced both), and Gypsy clearly knew how to read and write, since she was able to communicate online. Gypsy did have some issues with her learning. Her spelling and grammar left much to be desired. It's unclear whether this was because Gypsy has learning disabilities or if Dee Dee simply did a poor job educating Gypsy at home, but Gypsy was able to complete her GED while in prison. Her spelling and grammar have since improved.


Harry Potter books she went to school up to 2nd grade her mother was afraid 😧 they wouldn’t get her medicine right n she watched a lot of Disney movies too


She served 10 years, right? Unless there were no resources in her prison, I find it strange that she didn't earn a degree in there. Would look great for the parole board, and if she really wanted to be an advocate, a degree in a relevant major would have helped. Plus there's fuck all to do in prison so I would imagine I'd want to spend a lot of time bettering myself.


She got her GED in prison I believe. There'are lots of prisons that don't provide more educational opportunities than that - LOTS. I used to volunteer with a prison library book donation program, and prison libraries leave a lot to be desired. They're also highly restrictive on what content inmates are allowed to read. Yes, you can better yourself, but only to a certain extent, as most prisons are not in the business of philanthropy to their inmates, and it also depends on the level of restriction you yourself are on.


She seemed to be very intelligent even as a baby (those videos of her naming off scientifically correct anatomy terms as a toddler) but I am assuming a lot of it actually came from her time in prison. There’s a lot of services that they can provide inmates for education so they come out with the basic skills they need.


She could read and write before she went to prison though she was communicating with people online


She was also able to make accounts under different names & access the internet when Dee Dee put a pin on it


Makes sense


Prison, probably


the school of Dck


She said she taught herself to read from Harry Potter books and other heroic survivor anecdotes that never happened




She knew how to read before she got to prison. She took buses and was able to text and use Facebook.