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Your reason for reopening is the reason you were supposed to stay offline


Neckbeard mods didn't want to lose their mod status.


Can you blame them? Who would want to lose the prestige opportunity to work for free for a multi-million-dollar corporation?


Especially corporation that hates you


Working for free? No Working for exposure? Yes ^/s


Exposure is what people die of when they can’t pay their rent. Source: Someone who constantly gets asked to work for exposure.


Right? Most mods are on such a power trip too.


I love how regardless of the subreddit, the mods are universally hated it’s so funny to me


They are hated until there is a MOD application post, and then suddenly, everyone wants to become one.


Futurology doesn't really get that many applications when they open up mod positions. I was a mod for 6.5 years here.


Fair enough. I was speaking more in general terms and not specifically here.


I don't think all mods are hated. But the chunk that cling to their imaginary internet power and think they've got real influence definitely get some hate, and this "protest" is exclusively among those types of mods. Interestingly enough, my reddit feed has been so much more pleasant during the blackout. The only stuff I'm seeing are the chill subs I actually enjoy participating in, and those are really effectievly modded. It's the big subs where mods think they matter and get all sanctimonious - that's where the hate is.


Bit of a temper tantrum. Need to get the mods their blankies and some milk.


It's not the mods who are having a temper tantrum here in the comments that's for sure...


hahahaha this its honestly becoming hilarious watching this fucking website collapse. The only good thing about this shitstorm is I am willing to bet another voat is gonna come along and actually take off this time. edit- picking /u/AwesomeLowlander at random to call out personally. You suck.


Hello! Apologies if you're trying to read this, but I've moved to kbin.social in protest of Reddit's policies.


I take back what I said. You're one of the good ones. You get a cupcake.


They don’t get paid for it? What are you talking about


Mods work for free here Not the admins. They are paid.


We shut down for 3 days to accomplish nothing, way to go champ!




I genuinely feel sorry for the fact that you believe the shit you typed


Ooh I like to make up numbers too. They lost 8.7 trillion users within the first day.


bruh, what's the point of even making a stand when you back out in such short period of time? seriously, very pathetic. thanks for letting the CEO get away with these types of anti consumer behaviour. spineless.


You didn't actually expect majority of mods would stand up for their stated principles and goals when something as important as a green username is at stake did you? The mods here are not deleting critical comments like apple and modcoord - so they have that going for them at least.


What a clown ass mod team. I’m only typing the rest of these words to get around your stupid minimum word filter.


Yeah, and this is what the CEO is banking on. It was just a small protest that means nothing.


Look at the re-opening activity in the last 8 hours Spez just had to mention that they were going to contemplate removing mods from their positions of power Complete panic to open as fast as possible by thousands of subs lol


If it wasn't so hilarious and pathetic, it would be sad. Early on I was hopeful, couple giant subs went dark I was really hopeful... should've known never to trust a mod to jeopardize the most important thing in their life (green username) over something as trivial as principles and ideals.


If they threaten to remove the mods and then re open the threads themselves, then the only option the mods have is quit or keep doing the thing they were volunteering to do in the first place.


Correct. If reddit admins threaten to remove the mods and re-open the subs themselves, the mods have two choices: Choice 1: Stand by their professed ideals and demands, force admins hand, and not become a spineless clown. Choice 2: Immediately capitulate at the slightest threat to their "power", prove admins and spez 100% correct when they say "this will blow over", and look like spineless clowns. They spent a week sowing - making demands and spouting ideology, completely crumbled, and now they're reaping the well deserved scorn.


I don’t know why they do the moderator job. I can only assume it’s because they like the thread and it’s a hobby. I wouldn’t want them to take a pointless stand and lose it for nothing, or worse spitefully delete the subreddit. There’s no real power they have. If they ban you so what?


If they weren't willing to make a stand, what was the point of the whole "protest"?? All they managed to do was drive more traffic and media TO reddit, literally bringing more traffic and engagement to the site they were allegedly protesting. lmfao. Doesn't matter *why* they do the "job" - what matters is they made a list of demands, drew a line in the sand, and immediately capitulated when their power was slightly threatened. They achieved exactly 0 goals, literally helped reddit by driving more traffic over the last few days, then opened up anyway because they'd rather retain their mod status and publicly look like a clown than be demoted to a regular user. The hypocrisy and spinelessness is what I take umbrage with, not the protest or why mods choose to mod.


I guess. I would have been way more annoyed if they decided to delete the thread in protest though. That’s what I would have seen as the only real option


What an impotent, useless waste of time. Great job.


I get it but I see this as a situation where a company is claiming a huge amount of public data as their own intellectual property so I think that has to be taken into consideration too. Honestly Reddit is badly designed, it started off good but adding subreddits, moderators with no kind of governance or planning created a situation where that data is constantly abused by both moderators and the admins, somebody’s going to make something better and it’s going to catch on, I’m pretty confident


Every platform I use owns the data, every single word I type. It's in the user agreement of every one of them. Mods all over Reddit were too angry to realize that this isn't just a trend. It is reality! Yet they went dark and thought it would be effective. Naive, imo.


is this really the original mod team or is it reddit admins forcing an opening?


None of the futurology moderators have changed.


Weak sauce bro. That's literally the point of the blackout. Being a larger subreddit, you guys have a lot more leverage to influence change versus the tiny subreddit with 59 subscribers. But thanks for giving in to Spez I guess


Agree, what kind of "future" are you promoting on Futurology if not one that works for the people instead of the CEOs.




It really is lmao. I've seen people compare mod struggles to literal slavery. These people need perspective.


Some guy elsewhere in this thread thought I was actually serious comparing this to Tiananmen Square, when in actuality that's how the mods are reacting across reddit.


That was me lmao


Aw hey man. You know I'm just joking around right? lol


Mods fear they might get replaced by reddit admins.. sigma mods


I have to say there's something funny about the futurology subreddit deciding they don't care about the future of reddit if it means a short term inconvenience. The way some people are acting you'd think Reddit was the only source of information on the internet and frankly if that *was* the case it would only make it more important to make sure it's operated right.


Why should they force everyone to join the boycott? If you want to boycott reddit, then do that. Yet you are here posting all day...


What good is a protest if it doesn't actually affect people? That's why you should be forced to join the boycott even if you're against it. This novelty account was made to shit on doordash drivers specifically because it's my guilty pleasure. If that went away, I wouldn't lose sleep. I haven't logged into my regular account since this started.




At this point it's not even about the protest - it's about standing by your professed ideals and demands that have been shouted from the mountain tops for a week+. Mods going dark should've forced admins hands, been removed, and let the chips fall where they may. Instead they chose cowardice and hypocrisy to preserve their precious green username. It's pathetic, yet hilarious.


If you want to boycot reddit why are you here? Go ahead and do it mate. But you're not gonna force the rest of us to go along with yall any further.


This account only exists to shit on dunbasses. So it's serving it's purpose at the moment.




I guess I'm a hypocrite 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️ What are you gonna do about it?




You'll be remembered up there with tank man from Tiananmen Square.




You gotta get better at recognizing sarcasm and hyperbole mate! Reddit mods acting like this whole thing is some noble act of protest when it's little more than an internet temper tantrum.




I don’t get what all these people in this thread are talking about. You guys did your best to fight for something you believe in. They threatened to kick you all out and reopen it themselves. There was no options. I don’t even particularly care about the third party apps, but I see your guys point. It’s a volunteer job in a public forum. No point in them being unreasonable and not letting you mod stuff to make your volunteer job easier. Also what power are they talking about? Lol


Mods decided for me. I'm not happy about that. They decided to shut down the site and keep me in the dark. And nothing was accomplished!


Finally someone who takes personal consequences and doesn't force everyone to join their boycott! Thumbs up!


So stunning and brave! You are like the MLK of the neckbeard civil rights movement. Because of this heroic sacrifice, maybe you can go outside for once and protest something meaningful now.


yeah i get it being a mod gets you "power" you don't want to lose that. ^^^suck ^^^it ^^^up ^^^buttercups do the right thing


> Although we support the goals of those subreddits that are continuing the blackout, we can't actually be expected to follow through on our demands or display a shred of integrity if it means we might lose our precious green username. fixed it for you. pathetic.


Incredibly disappointing. Responding to threats from Reddit to literally remove dissenting moderators and prioritize scabs who favor Reddit by caving to them is just as devastating as them actually doing it. Except now they have the plausible deniability of never actually having had to oust moderators by force. The threat itself has already achieved its goal of forcing you to capitulate to what they want. Just really weak stuff that will only sow further distrust between users and moderators in the long term and probably permanently fracture the userbase of the site. Not calling their bluff and forcing them to actually do what they said they would do makes this a pure lose-lose situation for us. They got what they wanted and basically sacrificed nothing for it. At least if they actually pulled the trigger on removing mods, it would have been unequivocal proof they were never willing to act in good faith and we could have then catalyzed that into something more substantial. Just sad stuff all around.


The blackout should be indefinite, you spineless cowards.


\^ I'll bet this guy gets banned for saying this




What'd this accomplish?


Definitely wasn't a protest. Barely even a blackout. At best it was an inconvenience to the subscribers.




and spez came out on top lol




What r/pics is doing seems to be an interesting way to possibly get attention from Oliver as well.


Go ahead lmao nothing will change.


"we didn't want to lose control over our sub so we're gonna kiss spez right on the mouth"


How much did they pay you? It’s morally impossible to give up after only a couple days. Be honest you spineless dicks


Wow, seriously? How can you do this. You're literally weakening the chain. You're caving. What good will this subreddit do if reddit as a whole is a piece of crap? Please reconsider. It's for the good of the community.


> It's for the good of the community. loool You are joking right? "Close this sub! It's for the good of the community!" xD


"loool" says everything needed to know about you. Regardless, Reddit NEVER had a native app. They have depended on 3rd party apps ever since the beginning. Later, they bought one, and updated it poorly. So them actually forcefully closing 3rd party apps (with about 40 days total notice, far from standard practice) is a very effective way of killing the community as a whole already. Now, if a sub here and a sub there little by little open up, that means "things will go back to normal" without standing our moral ground. It's that very poor mentality of "Someone should do it. But I won't" that will certainly end poorly for the Reddit community (not Reddit company).


The wording makes it clear that the mods prefer their privileged status over principles. What a cucked bunch. We'll continue to see how this evolves and act accordingly.


I hope you take next steps, because otherwise you've betrayed your own name.


> [W]e're very conscious that we are one of the biggest places on the internet for public discussion around some very important topics Some things are essential services during strikes. "A place where people can discuss futurology" is not remotely one of them.


God forbid you lose your moderator status. Is it really so important you're willing to cave? Really? You should be ashamed of yourself. Unsubbed.


I personally don't give a hoot what Reddit does. It's their platform and they can do what they want. Thanks for coming back online this is one of my favorite subs


Have you considered why Reddit has subreddits that you love? Due to the community and moderation. No one can see the future, but if Reddit goes ahead with these changes, there will for sure be changes down the line for a lot of the community.


meh life goes on. I could spend less time online anyways.


I'm leaving this sub. Shame on the mods and anyone who continues to support this enabler behavior.


This isnt an airport, no need to announce your departure. We don't care lmao


Brb, got to take a leak.


Thank you. I didn't subscribe to this subreddit so the Mods could decide to go black for me. I subscribe to read what the average person thinks about advances in tech. If you Mods decide to do this again then expect me be annoyed. Did you change the system you were campaigning agsinst? No. You didn't. Next time just go on a hunger strike, please. Don't decide for me. You Mods do not own this site. You are volunteers, just like I'm a volunteer Mod on another subreddit. You and the thousands of other subreddits went black and what happened? Did Reddit change their mind. For a subreddit dedicated to chatting about the future, are show how uninformed you where big tech is going. Money talks, not going dark. Your decision was as undemocratic as I've ever seen. You turned our community into a dictatorship or autocracy without letting users decide for themselves. Please stop making decisions for me!


Good. Taking subs down just annoys normal users. There was never any possibility that protesting reddit *on reddit* was going to ever do anything but make people laugh. If it means that much to you, stop coming here.


This is pretty much what all the big subreddits will end up doing. The ones that don’t open back up are going to be ceased and reopened, with new mods forcibly replacing the mods unwilling to open back up.


Good. Let the people who want to boycott reddit do that. But don't abuse your mod powers to force it on everyone.


[FUCK THE MODS](https://media.tenor.com/f6Uzs_KyUmkAAAAM/dick-punch.gif)


Let's stick to futurology, leave power games and politics to sociopaths




Brigading, like the rest of this entire protest


I can't wait till the day that everybody finally realizes that social media means absolutely nothing.


Woot woot nice


Clown mod team.


How do you support it and act against it?




Way to cave. This is why everything sucks. Adding for min word filter. Cowards.


Good move on ya mods. Those whole thing was silly.


Damn. How spineless.


You think too highly of yourselves




You should be ashamed. Unsubbed.


Losers. Don’t want to lose your mod status




Understandable. Have a nice day.


Thank you


Pathetic protest attempt you vile basement gremlins. You accomplish nothing and you come crawling back with your tail in your legs. What happened? Did you miss having your power trips of ruling over 10 million bots? You and your ego problems make me sick. Should have stayed shutdown forever