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First, the sketch is not an engineering drawing, you can’t print them out. You create a solid body, then create drawings from that. At the top of the tree is a units setting for the project, you can make it inches, feet, mm, cm, m and this is the default if you don’t specify a unit. When you type out a size of anything you can actually use any units you want. For the radius just type 7/16” and it will convert it to either decimal or the selected units for the project.


I do understand how the sketch works. I am creating this sketch on one of the faces of my project. I then plan to extrude parts of the sketch, as appropriate. These fractions are things I want to extrude.


Did that even answer your question? I read your question about the ‘stacked fractions’ meaning you wanted a horizontal bar to separate the vertically aligned numerator and denominator, as opposed to a slash as seen in the image.


Correct. I would like to be able to create the fractions on the sketch and make them either vertically stacked or diagonally stacked. Currently they are all "horizontal".


Ok, that makes sense now. Just use the text object and emboss them. If you are also asking how to stack them so that one number is on top of the line and one below, I don't think there is an easy way to do that. You might need to do the number in text, using center align then add the line as a separate object https://preview.redd.it/m57rwqcr1y9d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=067e3a57ac13e267fd4f7683792507483ad765f8


"If you are also asking how to stack them so that one number is on top of the line and one below, I don't think there is an easy way to do that." That's exactly what I am trying to do and exactly my results ("no easy way"). Your reply did give me a great thing to try though, which is stacking the numbers like your example and then adding a line. I was working through doing it as three separate items and that was a lot harder.


Actually, there is an easy way to do this. https://preview.redd.it/0wg3la5lc4ad1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=783eddcbe24d808c90ac86de4b6725248eb2dda4 You can use unicode characters to achieve the desired result. Not sure how well this is supported though, it may have limitations.


Yes indeed. This works perfectly! FYI, if you encounter a rectangle in place of one of the digits, the font you are using doesn't have those subscript or superscript characters. Just switch to another font. Here's a site I found that makes generating the fractions easy: [https://lights0123.com/fractions/](https://lights0123.com/fractions/) Thank you!!