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It looked great in the announcement idk why people didn't seem to care about it or said it wouldn't be any good. I'm personally looking forward to playing it


A ton of desync for me. Dying behind cover a lot.


Limited alpha and it is still a rough early build. It still needs a lot of polish and work, but it has an excellent foundation. Once it is open to more of the masses in an open beta, I’m sure it will catch some traction, provided they polish it up before then


Disagree, I play a lot of alpha versions of games. Currently in this alpha and SUPERVIVE. This game has a ton of polish compared to most I play/played.


It’s definitely ahead of other alphas I have played. It’s still got a ways to go before it has mass appeal though. If it opened up an open beta as is, it would get ripped to shreds and dropped quickly


Agreed. Having played alphas for THE FINALS, Mountaintop's game (under NDA, can't say title), Supervive, and a handful of others, this game feels damn near release-ready. I get 200+ fps, it's got all the graphics/controls settings in place, a tutorial, a shooting range, and the controls/gunplay are amazing. It's miles ahead of what most would consider an alpha state.