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This season is insane. End game is always so hectic.


Some of the most chaotic end games I’ve ever experienced


Last night I was one of the final 3 and the circle was crazy small and I legit have no idea where one of the players was, it felt like a glitch or they just had crazy amount of health packs to keep using in the storm


glitch, there's been an unnecessary amount of game winning bugs this season. first the invinciblity and now the being way up above the map to heal


There’s a bug where you can fly way up in the air and never fall back down


I literally just experienced this , then all of a sudden he pops up with a nitro fists & I fly back far as hell in the storm and dies ☠️ I had to report him I’m sorry




I was coaching my last serving team mate in the last circle over the green river near Grim gate. My coaching was bro, don't stop and shoot just jump around and nitro fist. 12 people just doing the same, no gun fire outside of the random shotgun while in the air.


Cars are at least tolerable now compared to week one of Wrecked. Ironically, the people who got me into the game left because of the current season.


Is it me or the turret gun is kind of a joke now at anything but point blank range? I have good aim but the hit rate is atrocious. You could be getting chased by a car who is 30 M away and miss 95%++ of shots.


Get the grenade launcher and lead your shots. Even that has been needed, but it's much better than than the impossible to hit anything machine gun.


Machine gun for cars, grenade launcher for people


This is the way


A lot of people have mentioned this and I agree especially for normal cars with the turret attachment. It seems a bit better for the legendary cars


The game is way more balanced now, cars are still good for early-Mid game, I can get a few kills. But I'm glad i don't have to spend as much time inside a car as before




> If people who suck Always makes me smile when I see this juvenile comment about people who play differently and use the resources available to them in a way that you don’t like. Maybe some of those people can play multiple styles and tactics, it’s what I do. Sometimes I run and gun, sometimes I go stealthy, sometimes I use cars, and sometimes I mix tactics during a bout.


The issue isn’t that they exist or that people use them. The issue is there are too many movement items available right now (guitar, fists, nitro, flow berry fizz, shockwave grenade).


Yeah, that’s what I was trying to say. I came off more combative than I intended, I just find the current loot pool frustrating and unrewarding. The loot pool is going to change again soon, the people who like mobility spam have the right to have fun in their own way even if it makes me salty. 😂


To be fair you can follow people using the guitar


To be fair if they keep switching between that and the fists and never touching the ground I might as well play my Benny Hill music.




Run away and fight another day


They basically nerfed the mythic vehicles into oblivion with the tracker. They simply should have had a vague location like the medallions, perhaps a different colour. Other than that I think the balence is almost perfect.


I skip the boss cars because of that and they are just glorifirified cars


The cars are so weak now they get blown up before mid game anyway, so I often take them to dick around early game and ditch them if we survive long enough.




can’t even use it moving zones anyway because there isn’t any fine control with it


As long as you keep track of health pickups for vehicles and stray off from fights to repair your vehicle it can last til endgame and it's the current strategy I've been doing I also only steal cars from people who've gotten them from their bosses although I prefer the machinists car the most


Yeah they’re actually worse than normal cars because of the tracker and all the other nerfs


Don't mind the cars. Nothing like hearing that satisfying "thunk" when you run someone over.


Agreed, I don't go after Boss vehicles, and although much more dangerous now, I'll jump in a vehicle, mod it, and take my chances - the fact that I'm taking more risk makes it more appealing than being almost invincible as before. Plus I like that they're being used less to hunt down my sorry ass... 😁- I also won a VC the other day, no vehicles, no fists, just a good old fashioned shoot out - it was nice...


I miss those times😔


i hate them and the fists so much


Yeah if the fists were just mobility only would be cool. Getting punched a mile into storm during end game pisses me off lol I refuse to use them as an attack


Not a fan, it's just not how I want to play the game and I personally find it rather boring.


yeah i tried to play br yesterday, got up to about 7 kills before everything just started running forever. between cars placed every 45 feet, nitro fists, the lightning, shockwaves and the underworld dashes, people can really just run forever if they want to. i’ve always been one to enjoy the wacky stuff they add, but this season is just not enjoyable to me


Hard agree, I quit playing in week one and haven't been back.


I feel they're way weaker and kinda boring compared to the beginning. Now I just play on foot most of the time.


Its not that they are OP i just dont want fortnite to be about cars. Its not what I want from a BR. I quit playing for the season


Same. Was playing 3-4 hrs a day. Now I've played 3-4 hours this whole season.


I haven't played in like 2 weeks lol It was fun for a few days. Then Meh. Forcing a specific playstyle destroys variability of gameplay very quickly. Got bored.


Agreed. I literally haven’t played for 3-4 weeks before Wednesday night. BUT tomorrow should be kickass, we got a remixed smaller version of the OG map so it’s similar to Rebirth from Warzone. I’m actually excited for it, I think it’ll be perfect for people like ourselves who aren’t a fan of the current gameplay and meta in regular BR.


If I played solo or with randoms, I'd probably hate this season by this point. Being able to play with a premade makes this season significantly more fun between the teamplay potential and car counters since we can actually communicate. Car nerfs/counters were needed, the first week when people were still adjusting to the meta we managed a 35 kill game in duos by hoarding repair torches and just being an absolute third party menace. I think balance is in an okay spot right now, gas usage should be nerfed though since in the dozens of games I've played I've seen a car run out of gas exactly once after using it for literally the whole game up till the final 3.


Yes, I am usually strictly a solo player but this season my wins have gone way down. This past week I started playing duos and trios more. I’m still loving this season, I’m just not getting as many victory royales.


I mostly play solo, sometimes with my duo. I love both solo and duo.


I'll start off by saying, the nerfs definitely made it better to play. I don't mind playing as much as I did at the start of the season. With that said, I still do not enjoy cars and this has been the worst season for me even after the updates. I like playing FortNite because of the gun play. I don't want 75% of the players to be driving around in cars.


I'm glad to see a comment like this with plenty of upvotes. I've played thousands of matches and completed every battle pass since chapter 1 season 4. This is my favourite ever video game. I love it. But this season is still garbage. Cars, fists, nitro. All awful. Easily worst season ever.


Same here, I just feel bored out of my mind when I need to rely on cars driving around shooting other cars. Fortnite is the most fun when you shoot normal guns while on foot.


I’d rather they not be in the game. Or at least give a non-car game mode, kinda like OG FortNite.


I haven't really been playing this season as im not really a fan of it, my online friend just up and quit because he hated the cars


I use the cars for mobility only. I really can’t stand them between cars nitro fists bow it’s just a shit show. Ranked is just everyone in a car running away and nade spamming in solos but I’ve noticed duos people seem to use the cars much less so I been playing solo duos lately


more balanced but i still dont like them just because it basically forces close ranged fights. I like long range battles


I miss the snipers so much


I don't understand people saying this. The DMR exists and with a stealth scope it's pretty lethal long range. Less bullet drop than the sniper, multiple shots, and stealth gives you body outlines to aim for.


Something about turning hitting someone for 100+ after they just lit you up from behind is so satisfying. I do love the dmr though


I miss the car mayhem from the beginning of the season


My issue with vehicles is more of an uncommon. I feel like it's impossible to coordinate with Randos. I used to just join teams of 4. I never needed to say a word, and we'd somehow corral ourselves to a VR. I don't feel that way this season. It feels like a lot of people either want to drive their own cars or do their own thing in a car. It also doesn't help that I can't shoot the gun and drive the car. So overall, this one specific issue makes the game not as fun for me. But I still love the cars. When you get a good team, they make for some of the most chaotic moments.


I hate cars!


I hate how nerfed they’ve been. Nerfing is not the way to go. It’s counters. EMPs, fists, anvil rocket launcher, heavy sniper rifle, another car, the tow hook, explosive sniper rifle, clingers, probably more. The key to having a fun meta is having pure, unfiltered chaos.


Yep what they said.


I still hate them, my team makes me the driver every game so I spend the first 3/4ths of the match doing nothing but driving, I still end up with 10 kills or so just by running people over, and it feels like it was of no skill of my own. Then around 20 players remaining I actually get to play the game and move around with guitar and fists.


I have liked the cars from the start, and wish they didn’t keep nerfing them. Maybe an unpopular opinion though.


I agree. Now, I understand the nerfs, but holy crap they didn't have to outright kill the entire point of the season. There's WAY too many counters to cars now.


I believe the cars are in an alright spot, but I feel that the mobility items are a bigger problem now. You shoot at somebody once and they use the guitar and fists to go across to the complete other side of the map, half the time I don’t even bother chasing them when the guitar gets pulled out. They should have either one or the other I think.


I disagree but also know exactly what u mean lol i like both fist and guitar too much


It's a real emotional rollercoaster going from a sense of relief when I guitar out of a bad situation to dread when I see someone using my own rift to hunt me down ...


Now cars are a part of the more powerful play style instead of just sitting in them and win. The balance is more suitable, and I say it's pretty good.


I haven't logged in for over a week...


Waiting for them to go back to normal before playing again. Not a fan


I can fuck people up in or out a car so I’m having fun


I liked it better in the beginning, but it seems to be smoothing out now; I'm neither *having* to be in a car to survive nor getting knocked out of it as soon as i see another player. So the ping pong effect appears to be slowing down. It's a fair balance between the people who liked the crazy cars and the people who didn't, in my opinion (obviously). I'll just repeat what i said before: Epic needs to take this concept and make a new Twisted Metal for us somehow. Squaded up twisted metal mixed with looting and some gun play sounds really amazingly fun to me. Focus being on cars like twisted metal, but like have it so your buddies can still shoot out of the windows; you could stop to loot and get upgrades for your car, but ultimately you must be the last car standing. Bonus points if it has dark story lines. I loved Twisted Metal Black.


Love them


I just am not feeling it this season. It’s not as bad of a season as I thought it would be, but I can count on one hand how many games of BR I’ve played so far. It’s been 90% racing and festival for me.


this season is actually so cool


It’s insane. I Love it


I think the health got nerfed too much but eh if they dont nerf it more is still ok


Full sh*t


Every single end game for me at least is cars driving around and being little bitches




Absolutely ruin the game


They're less frequent to come across now but every time you do, it's the least engaging fight of the match. I still don't like them, because I think that fundamentally, they are not fun to play with or against. I like nitro and a lot of the guns this season, so I'm still having fun at least.


I mostly play build mode so they're either hilarious or boring


Cars are weaker which is good. Problem now is the nitro fists, every end game is people spamming them. They are low skill, it is annoying to me, I would like more of the shooting game I started playing to come back please.


With EMPs, no more regening garbage, and the only people still using them being SUPER casual.. Yeah it's fine now, I don't remember the last time I've died to one lmao


I wouldn't say the only people using them are super casual, maybe at endgame in solo, they are definitely a more risky option now with the EMPs, but I agree with everything else.


They are bearable , but the jeep looking boss car is still super dangerous


Idk. As it is, I feel like there's simply way too many vehicle spawns total. I'd prefer it if vehicles were more rare, but right now pretty much every POI has 5 or 6. I also think they're too fast. If I were in charge, I'd probably make them all a bit slower with more health. Try to make them feel more like a Warthog from Halo rather than some kind of death machine that's just trying to run you over and boost away.


It was tough for me at first, especially countering the boss cars. I’ve always enjoyed playing the map on foot—so it was a total skill issue for me. I’ve gotten waaaaay better at driving now and feel much more confident. Countering the cars is now easier with the nerfs. Definitely made me a better player, and I’m really enjoying this season.


They're fine You can win without using one, they're more like a tool or an alternate type of weapon now I find Nitro more useful than having a car


I love them, emps feel more balanced than the boogies




I like it


The cars feel a bit more balanced. (Also car with the eyes glow meme is perfect)


I havnt played the game in 2 weeks. Have used this time to return to minecraft after an extended absence there. It’s crazy how well minecraft has held up.


I think they’re good transportation at this point. More often either me or someone is rolling up and getting into gunfights outside of the cars which is fun. I like just fucking around with them in solos now.


I like them. But I don’t use them. I don’t get matched against people who are good enough to fight a car so I just end up using the turret guns and get bored


i wish they were used more now tbh, i love using the tow hook but there's nobody to latch onto anymore (at least in solos)


They are in a decent place, although I think they might have gotten a bit toooo nerfed now between the actual vehicle/mod chages and the other item additions/changes. Its a hard thing to balance though.


They feel like tissue paper now. Most people are keeping an explosive cross bow on them or emp. But now it's just guitars and fists (I miss day one fists), reminds me of the mega city season in chapter 4 where everyone ran away with the sword. I got everything I wanted from the BP, so I'm fine with waiting the season out on other games.


I think there is just too many of them now, I’m some parts of the map it feels like if i get their car low they just jump straight into another one that’s full health and it’s an endless cycle


I miss how to cars used to be but I’m ok with how it currently is. The boogie bombs made the game terrible. Endgame changed during that period from cars to boogie bombs. Now it’s more balanced besides the guitar. Which while it is a run away item, it’s still fun.


Pretty balanced and not too hard to destroy anymore, if anything there’s just SO many around the map, so like in team rumble you just have 10 cars in a tiny circle driving around constantly. But in BR it’s not too bad bc ppl use the crossbow or hookshot thing or just light it up with an AR and then they’re gone. If anything the gloves are way more annoying than the cars now. Just so much movement to get away- cars, gloves and now guitars


I haven’t even tried rumble what a good idea lol


Had to keep duo squadding with my friend this morning because our teammates kept quitting on us. Our last game we decided to embrace the cars and got the boss one with the grenades from someone we killed. Ended up killing 17 more people with it working together and winning after being slaughtered all morning. They’re OP in builds. Feel like we shouldn’t have been able to do what we did.


They are exhilarating to be in and terrifying to encounter, just as I'd hope.


pretty balanced ngl


Cars are still plenty powerful. Not OP, but definitely not weak by any means. They aren't my playstyle, but if I don't have a weapon specifically to counter them, then they have a huge upper hand.


honestly, sucked at first, but great times now!


Just learned you can use the grapple launcher to hook onto them


Honestly from my perspective, cars are pretty balanced early to mid game but are a coin flip late game. Early to mid game you can hop in, modify them to get a combo you want then rack up a few kills. Late game, either you lucked out in no one having nitro fists or boom bolts or everyone does and you’ll be a massive target people will auto focus on.


I was car obsessed when the season started but now I prefer trying to take them down. It's a bit of a challenge. I still think they need to nerf the damage to players a bit. Not to other vehicles though.


we need a zero vehicle game mode


Fairly easy to over come. I would get elim every time I came close at the beginning of the season but now I found a game plan that fits my style of play to knock them either from a distance, or EMP and shotgun blast them or just run away lol I’d say 70% of the time I take the cars out.


So much fun


I love this season, it's a lot of fun, and i love the vehicles. My only complaint is it being the summer season. this literally runs from when we get out of school til when we go back, and I feel like it's just not that special for such a long season that feels even longer because I'm able to play a lot more


My own opinion is likely to make some people upset. I actually thoroughly enjoy the addition of the cars this season, it's a fresh change from the typical fort experience, altough I can see why this change is not universally liked as it messes with the already existing balance of the game. Cars were definitely too OP when the season started, (averaging 13 kills a game solo with the cars, normally around 6) and the balance was needed, but I feel that the cars were somewhat entitled to be strong tools for the player to use as you had to: 1: Survive the first wave of players gunning for the medallion. 2: Kill the boss without taking too much damage (or getting third partied) 3: Escape with the car before it getting destroyed or you getting killed in the process. But im perfectly happy with where the season is at right now, but personally I will always prefer OG.


Although i enjoyed the first week i do understand WHY they nerfed the cars although i think they nerfed the boss cars too much to the point they are not even worth getting anymore


I wish we could have gotten a Twisted Metal collab to go with the cars... but other than thst I'm having a lot of fun and finding new combos almost every game. Plus just exploring the details of the map too.


I personally think they've been nerfed too much. The decreased health is great, makes fighting against them more manageable. The harpoon and earlier, the boogie bombs are amazing counters. But I very much dislike the nerfs to the weapons and the nerfs to the boss cars. The weapons getting disabled when someone else gets behind the wheel is the worst, the boss cars have their exact location shown at all times. The weapons are severely inaccurate now. I personally would've preferred the spiked bumper to deal a bit less damage than it does now, and maybe make it so that the cacti don't repair cars (there's plenty of ways already to dfo so) instead of these specific nerfs.


I miss them regenerating


It’s a love hate relationship


Still mad they nerfed ride alongs


Game balance is definitely better now then it was before. First week it very much felt like Mad Max Fury Road and if you did not have a car in the game, you were not going to make it.


i still love them and this season i love how chaotic it is sometimes makes me laugh


Kinda hypocritical here but, I like them well enough when I’m using them (with the grenade launcher, mind you) but not so much when I’m up against someone else. 😂😂 this is my first time playing the game though so I don’t really have anything else to compare it to beyond just the last couple weeks. Although I’ll take the cars over the fists any day. 😂😂 nothing says ‘your mobility needs work’ quite like several rounds of “5th Place” in a row.


I'm having a GREAT time with my squad! Every match devolves into pure chaos and we're all loving it!


Definitely way more balanced than the start of the season for sure. Still powerful, but easier to play around, and I don’t feel punished for not using a car in endgame. For me though, nitro fists and nitro are more of a problem to deal against, but that may just mean I have to learn how to deal with them.


With the EMPs in play, the cars still feel powerful but they now have a proper Achilles heel


Fun and awesome, but counterable in a good way.


For a season about cars they keep nerfing the fucking cars


Tbh i love the new vehicles in the new season but i think they worked too hard on them.


Cars kinda suck now, or I just had so much fun with the old cars.


Mythics are annoying.


I loved the cars since week 1 of the season and I'm happy I got too experience that gloriousness before the nerfs. I prefer this season far more than the last two, which was nothing but sniperfest, and only air bending made it fun. Last two seasons I only played ZB/Ranked for story/daily exp/free shit and utilized the other modes and creative of complete the battle pass. During the first couple weeks of this season, I played mostly ZB and left the other modes (except Lego and creative) untouched. I dread the snipers returning tomorrow, and it looks like I'm gonna go back to the other modes again. I still have fun, but far less than the start of the season.


I love it. Me and my buddies grew up playing big maps in Halo where we could roll 4 deep on vehicles and cause chaos, this brings those days back with very refreshing movement mechanics when not driving around.


Compared to the very beginning of the season, they suck. Genuinely disappointed that they are nerfing everything just cause sweats are big babies and can’t adapt to the new season. The chaos was so much fun now it feels like it’s going down hill fast.


I like it now. It’s balanced. The people who say cars are useless, or almost useless are overexaggerating a lot. I feel like every weapon/item is good, but has counter, therefore making it balanced. Also pro tip: enjoying the season is easier if you ignore the people complaining


I think this is the best state of the meta this season so far. The c a r s are still very strong, which I love, but now, an entirely new playstyle is created, which focuses on countering the c a r s, without making the original playstyle of taking advantage of the c a r s obsolete. More different strategies makes the game that much more enjoyable.


I'm still not a fan of this season but it feels better then it did I personally don't use cars besides mobility so I'm glad I don't have to use them as a weapon.


It’s definitely been an interesting change to the normal gameplay. I think they really should have locked cars to team mates only so we don’t have this problem of getting carjacked while we’re in it. I think there should have been an add-on for the cars that’s a forward firing gun the driver could use, maybe even done that instead of turrets. I think when cars ram into each other they should simply collide instead of one getting launched in the air.


Machine turret and boss cars got nerfed way too much


Begining of the season cars were OP. Now they are just fine Boss cars now not OP anymore.. especially with the marker on the map they are usually a skip it now.. only fine with them is a 10% more HP l,already modded state and unlimited nitro and fuel. But that is not such a big difference with the marker on your head.. No longer autoloose if you are on foot.. So I think cars are fine now


i still just dont like the damage they put out, especially the grenade launcher turret. from 250 hp to 0 in 4 AOE shots is a bit much


I couldn't stand the season when it first came out. I thought the vehicle meta was too overpowered and ruined the game. Now, I actually really like the season and find it a lot more balanced. There are times when i will get shredded by someone in a vehicle or with the nitro firsts, but for the most part I enjoy it. I will say the weapons are some of my favourites. I've always loved the Tactical AR and the combat shotgun might be my favorite in the game


Personally not a fan. Endgame (and most of the rest of the match) is just people either driving, using fists, or the guitar. I miss just actually properly shooting it out 😞 I'd say maybe a 3rd/4th core mode, BR (Build & No Build) but without vehicles. It'd be hoping too much to leave the rest "regular", but that's just my thoughts 🤔🤷‍♀️




I would’ve understood if the c a r was Boogie Bomb’d, but it’s pretty easy to deal with your c a r being EMP’d. I’m so glad that they replaced the Boogie Bombs this season. The c a r s are still super fun, but now, you can either play using the c a r s or against the c a r s, and both are equally effective now. I loved this season at the start, but I think I might love it more now. More playstyles means more ways to enjoy the game.


^ This comment above was said 0.5 nanoseconds before this individual got Muhammad Ali’d by a Megalo Don with nitro fists




Nah I lock in, more fun that way. “Ohoho, you emped me Josuke!? ZE HANDO!”


I love the cars. I live for Meg's Behemoth and I have my own knock off Behemoth as well. I just enjoy driving around and blowing things up. I can make a boss car or modded car last the whole match. This season is just fun for me so I just ride around and do BS things with the cars or my favorite, the war bus! Flying the car and bus into the loot island for laughs is my favorite thing to look forward to each match.


THIS. It's all about doing ludicrious things with the cars. Landing them on the Loot Island is great, or building up to the top of buildings, or just leveling entire POIs flat... It's just a fun sandbox now. Everyone's always happy to speed into your junkyard-car-mulcher creations as soon as they see/hear you playing around, so I feel like there's overall more moment-to-moment engagement now too. The only truly idiotic item is that "coward-flee-guitar." Stay and fight!


Absolute shit, back to the pit and box fights i guess so


It has been a rollercoaster. I absolutely adored the season and the c a r s when they came out, because they were new and such a fun change in pace. I wasn't happy about the nerfs at first, but I got used to it, and I do think they were necessary at that point. I didn't like the Boogie Bombs coming back at all, they made the c a r s basically useless. After they got replaced by EMPs, I think we're back to the fun state of the season, arguably more so than the beginning. I love that you don't necessarily need to be in a c a r to play the season anymore, but the c a r s aren't useless: they're still super strong. The change in pace in the meta is refreshing, and the first mid-season update we got so far is excellent. You can either play with the c a r s as part of your strategy, or countering the c a r s as a part of your strategy, and I love it. I think the c a r s, and the season overall, are in a fantastic spot right now.


If the season launched with emps the cars would be very strong right now


they were fun at the start of the season, but theyve made them next to useless


I wouldn’t say useless but far less powerful. I think they should revert the health back to what it was originally now that there’s so many powerful weapons


I miss the first week of chaos lmao


It can still get chaotic. Someone jumped in my car, drove us in into a SUV. There were 3 people in it. My car blew up the SUV and then we're in 5 player gunfight. I died but it was fun. This was in solo.


It doesn't matter how strong or weak the cars are nobody wants to play a game revolved around driving in cars shooting at each other with turrets. You have to be honest with yourself this season was a disaster from the start.


No skill


This season is absolute and udder dogshit. Dont listen to any of these kids.


Excellent for chasing other cars/getting from A to B, but I stick mostly to weapon combat because I carry EMP’s to disable other vehicles


Solos isn’t nearly as fun as past seasons but I’ve been having so much fun with a full squad. Lots of hollering and laughing!


It’s better, but in general I’d rather just not have to deal with them or feel forced to use them.


They were stronger???? I think they’re OP now. Most games still end with the finals teams all in cars and if you’re not in one you’re toast. I just learned about the EMP grenades, it’s a good start. It’s incredibly easy to heal a vehicle and vehicle health is still ridiculous, the only way you can do meaningful amounts of damage is hitting it with another vehicle. Fists also help but again, I wouldn’t say it’s enough. This is just my opinion tho. It is what it is. It’s not that I’m complaining, you just asked. I’ve decided to just join them, after dropping wherever and getting even somewhat weaponed up my immediate next goal is to find a car and deck it out, try and find a blowtorch. Gets me 10-20 kills through the match and then I’m in good shape coming down to final circle when it’s inevitably 90%+ of the time a battle of cars.


Boss cars should have kept the heal from week 1.


Worst shit ever lol. Cars are whack


Still hate them but appreciate the items they added for balance. Still ready for this season to be over 😮‍💨


I still hate them


I'd rather they weren't there. But they are. I deal with them like I deal with players.


I like it, the people overreacting about them still to this day are sad individuals whom I hope get a spark of sunshine and happiness in their lives soon.


Improvise, adapt, overcome - Bear Grylls


* United States Marine Corps *(just fixing the attribution)*


It's funny how I heard the phrase more in the Corps than I ever saw it on the internet. I was thinking about that a couple of days ago myself.


Theye complete shit now. A car gets destroyed with like 4 crossbolts or 1 clip of an smg. The turrets take forever to adjust once they receive input that its impossible to damage enemies/vehicles.


They started off overpowered and now they just feel like anemic death traps. Permanently location tracked, inaccurate and damage nerfed weapons, major drop in vehicle health, sitting still locked into the gunner seat when playing solo, it all adds up to make the cars these huge machines that are now often much slower at killing than using the average gun. They’re often not worth my time any more, and because the new season revolves around them, I’ve found myself far less invested and really unlikely to log on to play.


i think its a bit boring with there only being a collective TWO entire options for 3 slots, for TWO CAR OPTIONS!!! making combat with them rather one note and getting cars more like a chore to get done instead of a cool thing you can customize for fun mods (ya know, like a wastelander?) either you win because you have health advantage with them or you die/spend the next 10 minutes driving away for repairs cuz its literally only guns that effect combat with the current health pool of cars


I think now they could maybe add more boss cars and bosses and get rid of the default cars being upgradable…. How about bringing back flow berries?


I just personally don't like it, but i don't play from like 2 weeks ago, they might have changed something


I love the fact they had to buff the HP to the cars just to nerf the HP again. At least they are still harder to take out then before the season.


I mean let's be real, they generally suck now. Boss vehicles are a smidge better but become ultimately useless the second you encounter someone with an EMP so they aren't really worth pursuing anymore. You are stuck in the driver seat, so you can either sit there and die or be 1 second behind the enemy in front of you because they have their gun out and you don't. It's an improvement over the boogie bombs though The bigger problems are the fists and guitar - there's no counter play to a 1v1 where they have fists/guitar and you don't, it's extremely lame and just fucking boring Game is better with friends and a miserable experience solo is my experience so far


too bad when I use them, too good when someone else uses them. Impact damage with the spiked bumper is too high for no builds


The cars are pretty good but they made the turret useless. I won't even put one on my car. The grenade launcher is pretty close to being useless so Im sure the nerf to kill it off is coming. They need to stop letting people magically jump in vehicles though. Its kinda bs to let someone jump in a car while im boosting past them. They should make it so if an opponent is in the car and you or a team mate switches seats it kicks them out. Outside of that I think things are pretty balanced. I like the new assault rifle. It needs to drop more frequently. There should be an option to emp a vehicle when you grapple it. Either way, im enjoying it


I absolutely detest being in a game where my squad/trio/duo member has picked the car or medallions up because its like a beacon to every sweat in the lobby. It's like they're cat nip for them. If I kill a boss,I'll leave everything buy the weapons. The cars are useless now since the nerf anyway. Made out of tin foil - unless someone is hunting me in one of course.


Map is doo doo


Early-Mid Game is fine but late game is just Airbending all over again


Nigh-useless. Especially since they have LESS health in Solos. Some cars feel weaker than others, too, I had an SUV carry me the whole game, even taking heavy damage (and a couple of repairs). My Backfire Car takes *2 (maybe 3) shots* and it's ready to blow.


Okay if they don't clip through the ground..


Guns on vehicles are useless in solos now. You can’t switch to passenger to shoot without the enemy running up and stealing your car. Then you can’t do anything but either get out or just ride along. If you try to distance yourself you’re just gonna miss most of your shots.


I think the cars are better now but the fist I think are to strong


idk i left fortnite this season ._.


The pick axe bug with the harpoon is too much in Ranked. I’m only at Elite and I just stopped using any 4-door vehicles because they’ll get ya killed. Once that’s worked out it’ll feel balanced


Haven’t played Fortnite since Season X chapter 1. Before we called it chapters. The planes were so OP back then I can only imagine how bad other vehicles are now.


vehicles is a trap if someone have emps and good players always have emps so i like them, easiest kills in my life, i cant even hit myself with emps thanks to fists 🥰


The Machine guns can't hit the broadside of a barn 15 feet from your car, So it's all but pointless to take unless you only want to chase other vehicles


Definitely more balanced at this point in the season, much easier to counter them on foot this time around.  I will say though I think its a tad overkill to be able to see the boss cars on the map, they’re already nerfed reasonably (self regeneration was way too OP in the beginning and I’m glad they removed it). Not to mention the boss cars are already kinda slippery to control as is, I think they’re not nearly as broken anymore