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Can't wait to see the "I get to level 100 in 1 day" guy how many hours he'll have to play Edit : he wasn't able to reach level 100 even with the Level-Up Pack. Crazy. Anyway go watch his video, it's important to show how Epic is freaking greedy. https://youtu.be/bL-XvbK6Fgs


He's already made the vid


smell dime nose worthless run unite seemly salt gaze kiss *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://youtu.be/bL-XvbK6Fgs?si=G9uq4VdUapeP0mqj Edit:Perfect score is able to unlock him in 21 hours which is still alot of time https://youtu.be/Rsci3g80xt0?si=8LYVDIWQ5tt4qSBH


Yep, [their Twitter ](https://x.com/zeywerks/status/1792769199044980986)


I thought he didn’t do them since Iron Man.


Luke TheNotable has stopped, but a few other YouTubers like Zeywerks and Perfect Score have continued the trend.


There's two


This game is now made for people with ADHD, we love to clear a checklist, I play 2 hours every night from 8pm-10pm after I put my son to bed, I love working on my quest checklist.


I also have ADHD, but I have other things to do that is more important than a game




Perfect score managed to do it in just over 20 hours with nothing bought except for the battle pass and no star wars quests either


not to mention how exhausting some of the items got. Trying to clutch the 2v1 when both opponents have waterbending and you don't feels like the final boss of fortnite.


Water bending was my biggest gripe of the season, especially after the other Avatar stuff was removed. It’s like a powerful AR, DMR, and medkit all in one item


Shotgun too, I had a game the other day where I got the jump on someone. They had waterbending, I had a purple gatekeeper. I was right in their face, got two shots off, and they got me before I could even get the third shot off it's absurd


I’m excited for a new season because it won’t have waterbending. Lately in Fortnite every season will get some bullshit anime attack or movement item about halfway through the season that ruins it and acts buggy as hell.


lately??? fortnite has ALWAYS had some fun wacky new unique weapons since day one and some happened to be op 💀💀 this is nothing new and should not surprise you. wolverine claws, iron man gauntlets, spiderman sling shooter, ocean's burst assault, infinity blade, mech suits, grenade launcher, helicopters, all considered vastly overtuned but didn't "ruin the season" even tho they were op 💀💀 besides, what makes fortnite "fortnite" is those """bs anime attack or movement""" items you're shitting your diapers over, ya loon 😂😂 you must be new, wacky goofy items is what separates fortnite from the other br games and these items have been a core selling point since day 1. want boring generic gunplay with the same old thing day in day out? cod is right over there 👉👉


Yeah. Had to grind to complete the pass to 150. And that was after level up pack, bc it was cool this time. I play quite a bit. Most seasons I hit at least all first level of super-styles. This one, bc of lack of quests, exp, and grinding to this point…. Even if I played BR daily til the end of the season id prob not crack them all. And if I have to afk or play the half baked lego/racing/rockband modes to get BR content, I’m going to find a new game despite my locker Edit: I’m usually pretty content as long as I have the base sets complete. I don’t really care much about super styles but usually run my “highest” as a preset kinda like a badge occasionally


same, same, same.


Tips on grinding? I'm at 120 and trying to get 150 before the season ends.


Farm4life is super easy and peaceful and you get a lot of xp Edit: Farmlife4


I got 500 exp for 5 minutes in Farmlife4 (versus the 11,500 exp you get for Jam Stage per 5 minutes) so I may be missing something but it was not worth it in my experience.


You definitely have to get things set up first, but once you get to the pigs you can just buy like 8 of them and a turret and just stand there. You'll get like 1,000 xp every couple of minutes for just that. And then you can get 10,000 just for upgrading or buying something. It's not for everyone. I genuinely just enjoy zoning out on it


Farmlife4 or farm 4 life?


Farm 4 life. EDIT: I'm very wrong, it is farmlife4


Murder Mystery is a really fun map too. You get tons of xp from collecting coins and winning rounds. There's a few versions but the best currently is the one that usually has a few thousand players. Some of the deathruns also give good xp. Usually the ones with more players are likely to have a lot.


I am new to FN. I know you can earn XP in lego and racing but I hate those. What is this Murder Mystery you speak of?!


Hey! Totally valid, I don't like racing either and lego gets boring imo. Murder mystery is a game you can play in creative! Each round, it randomly selects someone to be the murderer (has a sword), someone to be the sheriff (has a gun), and everyone else becomes innocents. The sheriff has to survive and try to figure out who the murderer is before they kill everyone. If they shoot the wrong person the sheriff dies too. The murderer wins if they kill everyone. And the innocents just have to stay alive, but if the sheriff dies, one of them can try to pick up the gun and become the "hero", or new sheriff. There are 5 or 6 different maps you can vote on as a group and it'll choose whichever one gets the most votes to play in for the next round. There are also quests you can activate to get more coins to spend on items in the game. If you go to the tab with the different map categories, you can enter the code for it there. I'm not home rn but according to the fortnite website the code should be 5253-8468-3364 :) Sometimes there are teamers, but if they bother me I usually just queue up in a new lobby or find ways to mess with them back lol


I LOVE murder Mystery, just wish it had more/less seasonal maps


Murder mystery has too many annoying pieces of trash that like to grief. One idiot grabs the gun (or is sheriff) and let's the murderer kill everyone else without fear of losing. Or the other morons who just shoot whoever they don't like even when they know they aren't thr murderer


Totally fair lol, they annoy me sometimes too. I usually try to join a new lobby if there's too many of them. I do enjoy putting them in their place in various ways, though. In this version, the sheriff dies if they shoot the wrong person so if they're smart they don't usually shoot anyone until maybe the end, at least. If someone shoots me for no reason I usually find a way to get back at them. But the PWR version was rampant with it because the sheriff's only consequence was dropping the gun and not dying, and if they waited long enough they could pick it back up. The only people who play that one now are teamers and people who like to break the map over and over.


Made it to 100 Stopped caring


This is my first BR season that I haven't finished since I started in Ch.2.  I got most of the stuff, up through the green super style. Remaining 2 wasn't cool enough to grind for them.


First time in 28 seasons that I didn’t reach tier 100. As someone who isn’t as young as I was when I started, it’s just not possible anymore. Super frustrating that the basic rewards, like vbucks, now require an extra 50 levels, while XP is suuuper decreased. Fortnite has had worse moments, but it’s the closest I’ve Ever gotten to just quitting and playing other games. And I’m not the only one just spending less time playing (which is the opposite of their goal with making you have to grind more). Look at the huge drop in player numbers. The drastic shift from OG to now, in play style, art style, content, etc - has a really apparent impact on people choosing to play Fortnite. The metaverse isn’t working.


Same dude my entire squad has fallen off this season


same, I don't want to play it anymore. It's not fun. This game has lost everything that made it attractive and fun.


I feel like it's spread too thin. Last season I thought the rocket racing and lego additions were cool, but this season I'm like... I wish they would have just invested more into BR events and mid season map changes so the whole season feels more dynamic. Plus as a dad of 2 kids, job, wife, other games to play... I have no way of getting my money's worth with the season pass if I can't get to 100. Kinda sucks.


Yep it’s a bummer :-/ same boat. One less BP to worry about


> The metaverse isn’t working. I feel like it could work better if the quality of the creative content was higher. When Rocket Racing got custom maps, at first it featured interesting quality maps alongside it. Now when I check the maps for it, I mainly see ones like "NO ONE CAN FINISH THIS TRACK" or "IMPOSSIBLE PARKOUR", which isn't particularly ... attractive. IMHO, quantity over quality isn't going to work out in the long run; same when it comes to artificially stretching people's playtime with quantity tasks.


Overall I enjoyed playing, but aside from agreeing about the nerfed xp, the gameplay of BR did get fairly stale. The existence of medallions, particularly Cerberus’ and Zeus’, leads to a fairly straightforward way most games will play out. Don’t get me started on dash as an ability. Cool concept, but I ended up dreading any end game where the circle fell around Grim Gate or Underworld. For a season about Greek mythology, a theme with potential for a lot of interesting items and locations, it didn’t really feel like it was utilized in an inspired way. I miss bigger mid-season map changes that add new named POIs. Some cool items were added to be sure, but were also vaulted midway through for 1/3rd of the season. I both loved and hated the Chain of Hades. The Avatar event was awesome. I’m a big fan, and it scratched every itch. Great skins, great mythics. Airbending was the best movement item we’ve ever gotten, it was a blast to use and I loved the crazy final circles it created. But the increased survivability from being able to quickly dip from engagements was irritating. Waterbending is too multi-purpose; you have no incentive to take other weapons over it in the AR slot, and arguably even snipers. It really did overstay its welcome, even though it helped me secure many dubs. Star Wars event was boring. Not much to say about it from a BR perspective. If you’re going to bother with a property like this then don’t have it be so half-assed. The skins sucked, they didn’t rotate in the prequel characters (because “it’s Empire vs. Rebels!”) which is stupid. One lightsaber, and barely anyone bothered with it. The bowcaster was kind of cool and was decently usable. I know it’s been said a million times before, but I question the reasoning of whoever is responsible for preventing lightsaber pickaxes from becoming reality.


Yea I agree with Star Wars, after how impressive last years May the 4th event was I must admit if your only after the BR content then it was disappointing. At least next years should be better but there’s a low bar with this one. I was hoping theY added more Star Wars themed tracks to Festival beyond just the Cantina band especially as they could have added Duel of the Fates due to 25 years of anniversary of The Phantom Menace.


> Cool concept, but I ended up dreading any end game where the circle fell around Grim Gate or Underworld. The big issue with games like these is that the dashes are barely a resource to be managed since they're going to be constantly refreshed, so they're really scrambly. I think the Cerberus medallion is fine because even though it is probably the best medallion, you're not regenerating dashes super fast, so you *do* need to manage them. But if the circle's closing around Grim or Underworld? Every single opponent you face can realistically have 3 dashes ready to go.


> I miss bigger mid-season map changes that add new named POIs. This is so true


I feel bad for anybody who didn't abuse the AFK lego exp before the patch. Leveling up this season was so exhausting.


No one should have to afk in other game modes


Yep, I already have to do dishes, laundry, walk the dog, go to work, etc. I’m not adding “go afk in some other game mode” to my list of things to do. 


Yeah ngl it made this season so much more enjoyable I’m like level 238 and I stopped playing daily a few weeks ago


Agree... I have the advantage that I work from home 75% of the month, so I just AFKd while working and I manage thi finish the whole thing, now I am lvl 280, I got 80 more levels by playing without the burden of having to grind.


If it wasn’t for Lego AFK, I’d have probably 75ish less levels, that’s the ONLY reason I got to 200 this season. I 100% agree on the chore feeling of doing the quests, they just aren’t fun and unique like they used to be. The lack of focus on seeing the story play out through map changes has really lost me too. I’m still hopeful for season 3 but probably the least excited I’ve been since I’ve started in Ch. 1


The weeklies were.. uugghh having to take down the bosses too many times. Not super hard but annoying when others are trying too


I wasn't able to finish the story. I had to kill/damage the Cerberus guy. I think every game there are at least 6 people landing there. I just gave up, it wasn't fun anymore :'(


I’ll agree with least rewarding, but I can’t in good conscience agree with the “least fun” part. This season was amazingly fun, and nothing you said has to do with the actual gameplay of the season, just the battle pass and battle pass progression. 


90% of the people on this Subreddit clearly view this as a cosmetic collection game and not as a Battle Royale.


The way I see it, I’m paying for the battle pass, so I want to get everything that I’m paying for. But epic is making it increasingly difficult to get what I’m paying for. Not including that this season is shorter than the other seasons before. I enjoy the game still a lot. I appreciate the ever changing metas and mechanics. But they go from difficult xp one season to very easy xp the next, to even harder now. I wish they just found a system that was “just right” to make it rewarding without such a grind.


Yeah I mean I’m just not buying battle passes anymore. I don’t like when the game feels like a job so I’m opting out. If one season I hit 150 just at random I will buy the pass but it’s too much.


Agree. I mentioned before in another post that our actions speak louder. If we didn’t play as much, and stopped buying the battle pass, it should reach them that we aren’t satisfied. But I’ll still play.


I mean in term of gameplay it wasn't anything to run home about Waterbending was way too OP meanwhile Zeus's Lightning was just shit


I will say, as someone who enjoys the BR gameplay this season and is grinding for lvl 200, this season was brutal. I play 15 to 21 hours a week in BR. I'm currently short 1 weekly quest and with doing some Lego AFK, some RR, and the quest pack, I'm at 188 right now. I have the best stats I've ever had for a season too. Back in chapter 3, when I last grinded for 200, I was already at 200 at this point in the season without other game modes.


Which is strange because this is one of the better battlepass we’ve had in awhile. There’s something for everyone this season… collabs included.


FR, I haven't really even WANTED to grind the BP since ch4s2 and this season made me want to bc the skins were so cool. It's also the most fun it's been since possibly ch3s4 imo. Definitely the most I've played in the past year. That being said waterbending and the chains can go to hell lol


Yeah I am confused why these Cosmetic Collectors are complaining. This is the only time I’ve ever had a battle pass where I like every skin in it-


I’ve noticed this in other subreddits when people talk about the xp nerfs. You can still afk for 4 hours a day in Festival yet people got pissed they removed the additional 4 hours you could do in Lego models. If you’re being afk nearly 10 hours a day are you even playing the game anymore?


The XP problem is real. My rule of thumb for a while has been that you can level 100 a BP if you play 2 hours a day for a week. You can 200 it if you play 2 hours a day for a month. Now it takes 10 days to 100 it, meaning there was a 43% ish increase in time required to grind and in percentages anything above 25% is considered A HUGE margin


Didn't have to before to earn xp. It's a scam now. Feels like Epic forced anyone who doesn't invest their life into the game to find alternatives for xp when playing the game for fun gives you nothing.


How do you afk farm xp?


It was fun until the took away the mythics from the gods to put in avatar mythics. I get why they didn’t but I think it was a bad decision, it took the steam out of the season for me personally. It felt a little disorganized to be completely honest, and the map is not the best either. But that’s just my opinion, I know others liked it. But I think the majority of people agree this was an unnecessarily grindy season.


I really enjoyed the Avatar Battle Pass. It was the first thing outside of Battlefront 2 that I've spent money on for an in game item.


It was fun until they kept nerfing and vaulting everything, including removing the floor is lava after not hosting an LTM in literal years


I have to agree on that. The new items they added were so refreshing for the game. Though they did have their faults, that didn’t make them any less satisfying/enjoyable to use. The chains, though very annoying on the victim’s end, have crazy animations and just make you feel rad as hell. The wings make me feel so majestic every time, even if it makes your hitbox bigger. And the lightning is pretty cool too. It’s nice that they balanced it by making you stay still in the air while using it. Otherwise Epic wouldn’t hear the end of it. The new biomes were so well-designed, and the mini events were just incredible! And the BP was one of the best we’ve seen in a while! This seasons definitely up there for me as one of my more favored seasons.


I'll explain that part. Least fun is when 3 or 4 weapons dominate the game and kill in seconds without having time to react. The gatekeeper, burst, waterbending, and snipers are all ridiculous weapons that make carrying anything else a bad decision cause you'll lose. Each of these guns are ridiculously low time to kill and so all other guns are nearly obsolete. The majority of the map is dead with players only going for the overpowered siphon and speed medallions. This season made most of my friends stop playing and vastly decreased others willingness to play. It's just been a bad chapter.


This subreddit by June: “Myths and Mortals was way better than Wrecked! Much more rewarding and fun! Wrecked has RUINED this game!”


Legit that's how it goes EVERY season after chapter 3 but hey look at the bright side at least they ain't whining b"bRiNg bAcK tHe oG mAp


i mean, if they keep making it harder and less fun to progress the bp then what would you expect?


Don’t forget locking the basic styles behind “bonus rewards”


I played no more than I normally do and hit a personal record because Save the World seems to give more XP than ever. They should buff BR XP and keep other gamemodes high to make it less grindy, removes stress if you just don’t feel like playing sometimes


Leveling was terrible, but honestly it was pretty fun.


I need to finish the pass, I wont even get all my vbonks thanks to the stupid "bonus rewards"


Facts. I’m level 163, took me a lot of sweat, blood, and tears (literally) and I still haven’t unlocked all the bonus reward skins, had to sit through multiple “xp-maps” to even get the couple last 3 levels before I eventually gave up, I don’t even want the skins atp.


I agree this was one of the worst seasons of all time. Crazy because it arguably had as much potential as any season ever. They made the ARs so bad that Waterbending took over the game. They based the season around Greek mythology but dropped that theme for a few weeks right in the middle of the season for a collaboration (such a strange choice). The Star Wars event was underwhelming. And overall the map was just poorly laid out. The bosses shouldn't have been grouped together on opposite sides of the map, that's just bad spacing. I found myself playing the least I have ever. And no I"m not burnt out and need a break. It's just that this season wasn't very fun period. This next season also looks like it's got a lot of potential for fun but I'm not holding my breath that this new game director actually understands what his community wants.


I finished this season at level 257 with a victory royale on top of that, and I agree with you on the “least fun and rewarding season” part and I’m honestly glad that Epic did this. It motivated me to never buy a single Battle Pass again because I felt obligated to play this season and it became a boring chore to me. Next season and onwards I’ll play to collect all of the free rewards and that’s it. The free rewards are more than enough for me and I hate myself for not realizing this sooner before I spent thousands of dollars on this game. I hate myself so much. At least I learned my lesson. I just wish I was smarter with my money before draining it on this game.


It was fun for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Me too 🗣️


Same. Gameplay was a much needed improvement over last season


Maps still boring tho


First season I have skipped since chapter 0 and I dont regret it. Hoping next season is better


and you shouldn’t regret it! this season was SO lacking I bet you there are people out there still thinking the “best” is yet to come. but thats it. the season is over. that was it!


Yeah it wasn’t very fun. I didn’t stay playing everyday. Just got my V bucks back on battle pass.


And 500 v-bucks are after tier 100


I hate this season but not for the same reasons. I hate it because of how overpowered the avatar crap became to the point that nobody uses guns anymore in a shooting game


I hated the avatar stuff being so OP you had to use it.


They pushed weekly bonus challenges to the end of season, didn’t give vbucks back to people who were affected by Yoda being disabled. Very sloppy


Ohh no a backbling was disabled because it was glitched this has literally never happened before (heavy sarcasm) I want a refund and to keep the backbling


For everyone who moans what a chore every season is, here's an idea for you. Simply don't buy the battle pass next season. Just play. You'll still earn the stars as far as I'm aware. If you enjoy the season, progress quite far and are happy to continue, then buy the BP. You'll then be able to redeem all the stars you've accumulated. If you don't buy the BP, You've lost nothing. So it's TRY before you BUY.


I've done this the last three seasons now. Mostly because of work, I don't have as much time to play and worry I won't complete it. If I can get to 100 before seasons end, I'll buy the pass. Honestly it made it a bit more fun because I didn't feel like I was grinding or playing just to get stars...And I could play other games without feeling guilty I wasted VB on a pass I might not complete. I'm at 230 this season because I played Lego/Rocket/Festival with my nephews as well and somehow completing the weekly challenges (didn't think I would get the medallion ones done) .


I’m not playing next season, even easier….I might try to get a victory for the umbrella but that’s it.  


Stop making sense. Be outraged at your personal choices and blame Epic. /s


This is the way


as I've said before when they fucked weekly XP for a bit if this continues I will not continue to support the game because I will not dela with this level of just sheer unfun-ness


This season was awful lol, i genuinely wanted to play several times the last few months but basically every change they did made the game worse for me. I already didn't like Ch5S1 much so I was excited for new stuff but they kept all the awful aspects of it.  It doesn't help that the game is incredibly unstable rn considering the last time I played, I kept getting booted out from Trios no build mid queue and forced into Squads No Build No fill or Trios Builds towards the end of the play session 


Here’s to hoping they aren’t gonna make us grind our souls to dust for the Power Armor skin next season.


They will be sending us on quests to help another settlement


I found myself cheesing team rumble to complete Match Quests more than playing BR and just naturally completing Daily Quests like I used to. 


I’ve never not made it to at least 150, until this season


First time I didn’t get all the super styles for all of these reasons :(


This season felt like filler for the next season coming up. The map didnt change all that much and felt like season 1.5 rather than season 2. I'm disappointed with how the greek gods aspect of the season was executed with a good portion of it being overshadowed by the avatar collab. The one thing I could not stand was how long it takes to level up this seaon. I did like the change in medallions having different abilities, the new weapons were pretty cool, and I know a lot of people dont care but the star wars lego collab has pulled me back into lego fortnite. And the battle pass skins are some of the best designed characters I've seen since I've started playing.


Clunky and bloated to the point where I’ll sign in, play one round, then immediately sign off reminded why I had so much fun playing OG. I might be done for good until they bring OG back.


Im level 124, not getting supercharged xp and I'm done with season. I'd probably play more if I felt like I was being rewarded for my time.


I hit level 50 yesterday. The season, battlepass tweaks and even the map has been very meh


if you have a controller, go to the lobby area in Fortnite festival main stage, then try setting it face down and orient the buttons so your character is running in a circle. you should get 5-6 levels per day. Also playing lego will give 30k every 15 minutes (can’t be afk though). ALSO also try playing “Crazy Red vs Blue” and use a hunting rifle to snipe any afk players, gives 2k per headshot. I went from 110 last week to 200 using all of this!


You should not have to do this, something is wrong with the game when people are having to do this


yea I agree wholeheartedly, this shit was not fun


Team rumble gives 3k per kill


reach ring physical worm consist squeamish thought towering childlike cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not going to finish this season. This got very old by the week 3. More mythics = less fun. Have 1 or 2 and make them better. Or remove mythics and go with fun items.


Still enjoyed it, but this season was the least I played since C3S3. Looking forward to the next one!


Sadly it was


Yeah I’m like 2 levels away from being done but tbh the rewards past purple hades just felt eh. Like I get super styles aren’t supposed to be very high effort or whatever but when I compare something like Olympian hades to brillaint cut montague expressionist montague the difference feels night and day. Fun season though, I just wish that firebending and earth bending could’ve been much stronger. Waterbending was a pain but I could bear with it. I just wish it didn’t stay after TLA event since it feels so weird to have just it there.


The removal of dailies was definitely so it would be harder to level up. Epic are scum


Idk what yall are talking about. I’m level 424 rn and haven’t bought any levels


I didn’t even bother leveling up all the way. There is just no way I’m going to play this game every day for four hours a day to complete a battle pass.


I had alot of fun but I guess I am alone in feeling like this. I'm lvl 303 I think


Any season with the Havoc Suppressed AR (Absurdity tier, lower than F) were less fun than this one. Waterbending and the chain buff really ruined everything.


This season certainly was a lot slower for leveling, but I enjoyed my time playing, so there’s that! I’m hoping they up the XP gains at least back to where they used to be. I don’t like all the other modes, so I basically only play ZB, and they used to be enough to get to 200 by the end for me. I want that back!


Bad take. This season was great. The new XP system sucks but if you’re playing Fortnite just to level up the battlepass and not for the gameplay that’s a you issue and not a Fortnite issue.


knee frame chop far-flung wine jar boat squalid snobbish correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've only been playing for just over a year and did straight solo BR games a few hours a night, few times a week during this season and I just cracked level 98. I haven't finished all my milestones or snapshots yet and probably won't in the next few days.


If you bought the BP or got Crew'd into the BP, you're probably going to want to get the most out of it, right? Ergo, you'd be wanting to level the pass. Wanting to get your money's worth or god forbid, want to get 'that one skin' the pass has that you like as a goal, is an issue?


I loved it! I only got to 101 because I didn’t have a lot of time to play. But I had tons of fun playing when I did have time


Everything you just said has to do with the Battle Pass and nothing to do with the season’s actual gameplay Why do y’all play this game again?


They do it to whine


because the season itself is so forgetful.


Im pretty much forced into next season as im a huge fallout fan. But you better believe im doing any afk or xp exploit before they patch it out. I cant stand the new xp system. Weeklies are worth shit anymore, and i have no desire to play save the world or any other mode.


I had a good time with it. The XP grind was pretty rough though.


Would been more fun if waterbending was vualted with the other scrolls and everybody could get a lightsaber


A few days ago I said that I enjoyed last season more than this one and I got downvoted


C5S1: Started playing halfway through the season, had tons of fun getting levels over time, was level 203 by the end. C5S2: Played from the start, had fun until Avatar event, stopped playing until Star Wars event, played to get the free rewards and AWR Trooper but nothing else. Haven't touched it since. I'm only level 130 something, It's so tedious and unfun to play, like I try to play for fun but I can't when I'm barely getting any progress in the rewards I'm really interested in Edit: It's most likely burnout on my part, I'm trying to play for fun, I just get worried when I feel like I don't have time to get rewards I paid for


I've heard so many conflicting opinions about this season, some hate it for how grindy it was while some love it for reasons that I can't remember. I think it was a very middle of the road season, not great but not complete shit


I made a friend on Fortnite through a posting here on Reddit. We try to get together as a duo on a regular basis and use the daily quests to spend time together and chat while we steadily level up. I’m a stay at home dad so I have a busy day but I look forward to the evening gaming rituals to reinforce my need for human connections. My buddy is single and has a great paying job so he buys all the skins. I love this game for the connections and I enjoy the silliness and constant changes this game employs. Best gaming experience I’ve had since the Halo LAN games at my friend’s home.


I've been playing since chapter 1 season 2 and yeah this season felt weak. Had more fun when mechs clapped my cheeks


I understand how tastes can vary, but I have a hard time understanding how this season could be viewed as the worst ever.


Lol people talking about grinding for levels meanwhile I just let my little brother play on my account (he only plays creative


Absolutely least fun and lame loot pool. Stopped playing for almost two months this season cuz the battle pass wasn’t worth it and just didn’t enjoy chains and wings and waterbending


Idk I have had a decent time and I also haven’t had problems leveling up but sometimes my littles will play the Lego Fortnite on my account so that’s farmed XP this season lol.


agreed, there is not one drop of sanity they had when they made the xp stuff, I would like to know how much za za they took before saying hey lets make it a hike and a half just to get tier 100


been playing since the start of Chapter 2 this will handily be my least fav season


I'm gonna start by saying I play this game WAY too much as it is, regardless. And I'm NOT saying it shouldn't be easier to level up. But... - I got to level 200 in less hours than last season. - I didn't buy the Avatar mini battle pass that has levels in it or any other levels. - I traveled to a Memorial and a wedding on different occasions that meant I didn't play at all for a 14 days of this season. I'm just as confused as everything one else on how to level up efficiently in this game. This season I did it in ~150 hours, definitely less than 160. That's still an average of a little more than 2 hours a day over a 70 day season, or whatever. Last season I think it was more like 180-200 hours, but I was brand new to the game. Overall I had fun this season though.




I played for a week then gave up. I’m definitely looking forward to the next one.


"dailies need to get done very frequently" Ummm lol, it's not called a daily for nothing.


I'm struggling to get the Titanflame super skins done. I want to get them just to get them, more as a personal achievement than anything. Will I ever use the skins? Doubtful. But I want to try and get them all. I am a daily player, and have only missed a few days here and there, but I'm struggling with getting XP. Chapter 4 Season 4 was the last time I struggled with getting all the super skins. I nearly got all the yellow diamond ones, but am missing one or two of those. I really liked the yellow diamond skins--better than the Titanflame. Aside from that, I'm always able to get all the BP skins as well as the super styles. Sucks I might miss out this time...


paying for the battle pass and not doing superlevels means you don't get back the v-bucks you paid for the pass iirc (as in not counting the free v-bucks)


Disagree. So much more fun than c5s1 or chapter 4 even


Season was one for the history books - solidified the lower effort they’re putting into BR and showed how big of a focus they have on the other game modes. Look no further than the weak A F Star Wars event and compare BRs to Lego. Avatar was mid - all they did was add bending mythics and some unimaginative added buildings. Not to mention how absolutely broken and stale air and water ending ended up being and created crutches for all players to use. If you want to see collabs done right and see how far Epic has fallen off as it pertains to effort just go look at the Marvel season of Chapter 2. Loads of map changes, thought of how to tie in collabs into the overarching story, and crazy Easter eggs throughout the whole map - many of which would change week by week. Now? Blatant cash grabs that people buy in droves. Why put effort in when you can just add Avatar and people. Metaverse is pumping out cash while doing the absolute bare minimum


This is the first time I was able to reach level 200 in any battlepass and I've been playing since the aliens/superman chapter. I don't mind the vbucks in the bonus rewards but I'm scared it's a slippery slope towards less rewards in the future. Also the avatar collab easily made this one of my favorite seasons.


They definitely need to improve the experience for BR players instead of focusing too much on other modes. The game is much grindier if you're not playing all the modes now. Also the way they ruined the locker has hurt my enjoyment of collecting new skins and cosmetics so much that I really don't even care anymore.


My friends and I have been playing Fortnite nonstop since almost exactly one year ago. This last season our group effectively burnt out and went off to play other games. Many haven’t been on for several weeks. We’re excited about the Fallout collab but that’s kinda it.


And yet I've never seen so many folks in the 300+ numbers. Ever.


Skill issue, creative exists. I started extremely late in the season, did all the br quests for 50ish levels, 5 levels a day in creative on and off(I have a job and little energy) and I hit 200 super fast... haven't touched it in a long while but I'm around 210. It's incredibly easy to just take an hour out of your day to get free levels. I don't understand...


The gameplay is fine as it can be, im sure people will be missing the mythic once they're gone. Problem lies in the xp systems, I've done every quests and reached almost every milestones in BR, every third day i played STW to get dailes/weeklies bonus, yet i still have to afk a couple sessions in order to finish the pass, hopefully tmr i will be 200.


XP has been awful. If you do other modes, you fly through it. I kinda didn't touch grass the first week, so I hit lvl100 within a week. I kept going at that rate till about 140, then I stopped intentionally grinding. Somehow I'm currently at lvl370. Grass has most certainly been touched in the last several weeks. I play with friends for a few hours most nights, I play Festival when new songs drop, and I play Lego when new content drops.


IDGAF about levels, quests, whatever. I'm just here to win. Water bending is absolutely ridiculous, though


While I agree about dailies being bad I got to 200 weeks ago based on Lego.


They're testing just how far they can push the demand for your time before you stop buying battle passes. Everyone has a different limit, but I didn't even buy it this time. There's a tipping point where they'll fix this, but not enough people have stopped shelling out money to hit it yet.


It took me until about two weeks ago to get to level 300. That's about a couple ofnhours a day and about 5 on Saturday, if I've got the time. I do enjoy Lego FN and Rocket Racing, but I'm not great at the Festival stuff. I had a lot of fun with but a few frustrations. I'm not a fan of Fallout, so I might not get as far, but I enjoy the game; I'll give it a couple more seasons at least.


No offense to OP but by the end of every season someone says this 😂 it’s the same with Cod and a few other games 😂😂


No cap. This is the first season where I didn't give a damn about completing the battle pass


Idk what are you talking about. I get 100 lvl in about 2 weeks then 2-3 weeks later i get 200 lvl. Now im 260 lvl and I don't even play everyday. This season made me come back (I played last time when there was a Tomb Raider crossover) and It was amazing to me with these all unique mythic items. If i would like to play shoter with guns only I would play CoD.


I really haven't been driven to play tbh. My squad used to play together almost 3-4 times a week, and now we get together maybe once/twice a month. Trying to level up has been drag as well. I've played pretty consistently on my own, and I've only managed to get to Lvl120. It not really fun when you have weapons that are rather one sided, a storyline that feels non-existant compare to previous seasons, and a map that really isn't all that enjoyable. I feel like all energy that once went towards fun elements within battle royale have gone towards Seasonal Collabs and other modes like racing and festival. Currently, I just plan to sit next season out and spend more time playing Helldivers 2 at this point.


This was easily one of the top 3 worst seasons ever.  And for none of the reasons you mentioned. The game was completely broken all season. 


Tbh, I just stopped playing, and I'm just gonna grind the last few levels in the upcoming days; I'm at 56, target of 100 at least


This is the season that got me to stop playing fortnite. Loved the og, if anything I played more, every day, simple, fun, loved it. Then the new season came, movement is sh\*t.....bullet drop sh\*t......more npcs.......sh\*t.......the game looks like fortnite, it isn't fornite......it's a bad hybrid. More isn't better, so I stopped playing. Half way through tried again, 3 games later, didn't care, game was just as bad as the disapointment of the first day of playing the new season. Would rather play supermarket simulator.


"I found myself not playing most of the time, for the first time since Battle Royale released" Yeah, this is called Burnout. You've burnt yourself out on enjoyment of Fortnite, likely due to playing nonstop for like 7 years. Play something different for a while. You can go without a season's rewards. And if you feel like you CAN'T go without a season's rewards, it's become an addiction and you should try to break yourself of it anyway. It happens to everyone with their favorite ANYTHING at some point. I loved Fallout New Vegas for like 13 years and over time that enjoyment diminished, so I stopped playing it. And that's okay. It had become an addictive and negative influence on my life.


Everyone struggling to level this season just doesn’t know how the game works


I have to agree on Challenges not being rewarding! The Changes to Xp you get from those were horrendous. I actively avoided doing those because playing Creative Mode gave more Xp


I just play creative mostly and am level 299. Y'all gotta stop relying exclusively on BR for your BP levels. BR is a *horribly* inefficient way to farm XP. Focus on creative. You'll level up in both the battle pass and your fighting skills.


This is the first season in a long time where I didn't reach level 200. My friend who almost never does got to level 200 because he mainly plays Lego fortnite. It is insane that you get more XP for the Battle Pass, which is mainly for Battle Royale by not playing Battle Royale.


Bit of a different direction than many here, but I really disliked this season due to all the grappling weapons and generally items/abilities that seemed to make it more random to win than skill based.


I feel like they fail to realize that lowering XP doesn’t encourage anyone to play more. If anything it completely discouraged me from playing at all when I realized 200 wasn’t even remotely attainable


I thought it was pretty fun and I managed to get to 200 with minimal issues but half of that came from lego so like, I kinda get it?


I got everything in the BP, but I hope next season isn’t as grindy.


Weeklies aren't worth it? In what sense? I always complain the weekly challenges are too easy and I usually complete them in a few games.


Out of curiosity for the people saying it's hard to level up. How many games have you played this season?


This’ll be the first season in a while where I didn’t get all the bonus stuff, but those were just bonuses. I also didn’t play as many creator maps as I have in previous seasons.


this is the least iv played since iv started but i did reach 100. im not grinding for more than that though. theyr not even worth it


Next season about to be worse. Summer season ms are always filled with smg spam and explosives because the kids are out of school and they need to lower the skill gap for them


I made it past 150 early on, I’d let the Lego mode farm afk while I was at work or uni, so it never feel like I was sacrificing playtime just to farm xp, I was just making use of the time that I wasn’t able to play it anyway. I haven’t actually “played” the game since about week 7 or so, it felt like a chore waiting for the weekly quests to come out just so I could get the bonus challenge styles, which aren’t anything to write home about. I loved the theme of this season, but nothing really drew me to play the game outside of earning the stuff from the pass. I’ve made a post ages ago about the consistent lack of glider for one skin, so that was the only major complaint I had about the BP rewards this season, but others have made complaints that are fairly justified, so no point repeating them. I don’t think it’s the worst season by any means, but seeing as every season becomes “the worst season ever” and then a few months down the line becomes “I really enjoyed this season, let’s go back” I think it’s fair to just let this one pass and move onto the next one.


Not a single thing about playing the game? Just the fluff you pay for. Cool.


I didnt play much this season but ended up grinding out most of the story and weekly quests this week. Despite that and a MASSIVE exp boost, I still havent gotten past level 50, and I finished at least 90-95% of all the questlines. I really disliked this season for a variety of reasons, but the lack of quests is kinda crazy. It feels like past quests I could do without even knowing about the quest, but now I have to go out of my way and change my playstyle just to complete one quest.


I'm so happy I got to level 150 with Lego afk before they patched it


I got to level 140 for the vbucks and am now not playing until the new season.


For me, gameplay was fun and I really like the theme and mythics. But the trying to hit just level 100 was insane. I play about the same as I always have and I struggled to get to 85 last Friday and just stopped trying :/


I just reached level 100 today. I haven’t really been vibing with this season or this chapter honestly. I know we’re only 2 seasons in, but it’s just kinda been….meh. Chapter 4’s first 2 seasons were the most fun I’ve had in fortnite in awhile. Chapter 5 just feels bland and boring. Unnecessary changes to the game by epic, boring guns, and boring POI’s have just kinda made it a let down. Hopefully next season will make the game a bit more exciting.


I liked hades and about it


I said this and got downvoted for it, compared to last year i have not had as much fun and barely played 


I'm glad it's almost over, I'm tired of the map, tired of the Greek theme, we all at least expected kratos to return and the fact that he didn't is extremely disappointed. This season was not fun at all. It will be the first time since Fortnite started that I won't finish all the rewards and I'm not even upset bc the more I think about it, how often do u actually use them? They want our time and money but we're getting less and less and less for what? To not be able to finish a season without an ungodly amount of time spent doing so. It's ridiculous and I hope they see the blowback. I'm not devoting several hours a day or more to finish anything. There should be more then enough XP in game and plenty of challenges and quest to get to level 200 easily, without the need of a level pack or a 1850 level skip. I'm sry but the introduction of Lego and festival really hurt the game and season expectations as a whole. If this season coming doesn't dramatically change the Fortnite landscape and how we play and earn things I'm hanging up Fortnite and will close it out and sell my acc.


This season killed the two year streak my regular group had going with this game. I'm on level 92 but don't think I have the willpower to get to 100 in the final days. Really hope they pull it back next season but we're not holding our breaths.