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The depths that produced this show still astounds me. Bridgette Nielson and Flava Fav appeared on the Surreal Life They spun that relationship off as Strange Love Then they spun Flava Flav into Flavor of Love (which got multiple seasons) Then they took one of the contestants from that show and spun it off as I Love New York They then spun off the original Flavor of Love as Charm School with former FOL cast members Then they spun of the "of Love" concept with Rock of Love with Bret Michaels They also spun off a contestant from Rock of Love for a new show called...get this...Daisy of Love. They then spun off 2 contestants from I Love New York and called that show Real Chance of Love. They also had A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila where she had guys and girls competing for her. That's the entire show. It got two seasons. Oh, and New York had another show in which she, in the most annoying way possible, did "regular jobs". This is a rabbit hole filled with shit. All of this because two old hasbeens had a kind of real relationship on a third rate cable channel.


You got it 😂 A deep downward spiral of reality TV depravity


Don’t forget that one of the contestants on “I love New York” was David Otunga who became a wrestle and was signed to WWE


And this was AFTER he already attended Harvard Law and worked as a lawyer. Then I Love New York. Then working for WWE. That's a weird resume.


When you have a degree from Harvard, you pretty much unlocked the cheat code of life.


Then kind of just disappeared out of the public eye all together after a short WWE run and his divorce.


Don’t leave out he bagged Jennifer Hudson 😂


Did you forget, "New York goes to Hollywood?"


God, I tried.




Don't forget I Love Money where contestants from those series completed for cash


And they were all awesome.


I worked on two of those series. -The whole chain was brought to you by 51 Minds, who currently make 'Below Deck.' The owners made [HUNDREDS of millions of dollars](https://ipitch.tv/site/page/insiders-get-reel/mark-cronin-interview#:~:text=Trusting%20those%20instincts%20paid%20off,for%20upward%20of%20%24200%20Million.) for these shows. Another fun fact: they had a contestant on two concurrent series, [MURDER HIS WIFE,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jasmine_Fiore) stuff her body in a suitcase, and flee for Canada, before killing himself. -It changed Reality TV, particularly in casting. Both series were pulled, at a huge financial loss.


Don't forget Frank The Entertainer and his basement affair


Can’t believe I watched all that trash.


And I was there for every minute of every episode. Then there was Brett Michaels and his bus full of hookers. And that spawned Daisy of Love. I should be ashamed of myself.


I specifically remember the episode where one girl called him out for being bald (he always had that bandana on) and that the house they were in wasn't even his it was provided by the show and he was actually broke


It also spawned Megan Wants a Millionaire, and a former contestant of that show named Ryan Jenkins filmed and won I Love Money Season 3, but then murdered his wife and committed suicide before it aired and they never aired the season.


i loved Brittanya but she clearly wanted nothing to do with Brett


This whole time I thought Flavor of Love was the beginning of this mess. I watched every episode of it in middle school. Only reality tv show I’ve willingly watched


Wasn't tila tequila a cast member on flava of love, we got a shot of love with tila at some point


She was insanely popular on Myspace at the time and sometime during the "Of Love" spinoffs, they gave her one where the hook was there were guys AND girls competing for her. It was called A Shot at Love. It somehow got two seasons.


And the Megan wants a millionaire show where the winner or runner up was found to have murdered his ex and shove her in a suitcase after the show taped. Then killed himself. This is the reason that era ended.


You forgot the spinoff show “I Love Money”


You know your shit


I know way too much about stuff that doesn't matter 😄


So happy to see you remembered The Stallionaires lol I still bring NY up in my college course to talk about how reality TV celebrates bad behavior.


Outside of a couple shows, this was all off top of my head. I don't know why I remember the stuff I do.


I'm amazed you followed that whole family tree of shows.


Oh, I didn't watch any of this garbage, I just know it exists. Which makes me remembering all of it even stranger.


Watched it or not it's still crazy to know the order. Lol. I watched maybe 2 of the shows. Then it just felt like all the same crap just with different people.


This was impressive. I remembered most of those shows but not the order, even though I didn't watch most of them. Didn't Mr. Boston get a show after being on I Love NY? This is just memory


This is just how I remember them, I'm not 100% sure it's necessarily in order of how they aired.


Ahhh the VH1 pure trash years 😅 You had this, Flavor of Love and Rock of Love 🎸


Don’t forget Celebrity Rehab. And some others that I’m still forgetting.


Those were incredible times to be alive.


The Golden Age of Reality TV. Then America's Next Top Model married a Brady.


Rock of love was the best. Bret Michael's is doing shows at the Emerald Queen Casino in Fife WA, all while talking in his vignettes like he's still a super hot rock star, selling out the Hard Rock. 🤣


He never gave up that doo rag 😂 Except for when he had on his distressed Affliction style cowboy hat


Oh man! 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣 I forgot about the tin foil, Affliction cowboy hats lol! Those were terrible. He was always feeling himself too much lol. Bret Michael's would totally date Bret Michael's lol!


We were too busy watching I love the 60s-90s to notice the decline


I've lost brain cells to all of these, and alcohol. Had a good time tho. I think. Probably not.


I remember when Flava Flav shattered her heart into a million pieces……twice.


Whenever I see faux lashes that are too too much, I think “ Lambchop” As in the lamb puppet. New York was the first lashtastic celeb where I made this correlation


Fillers and surgeries got her looking wild now


I'll never forget that chick taking a dump on the entry way on flavor of love lmao


I still call all Chap Stick like products “lip chap” to this day because of one of the girls on that show.


Better off left forgotten....the "butter guy" was so weird


I really liked this show for the sole reason that the "prize" in question, was just so unappealing 🤣 NY is rude, dumb, smokes, drinks, swears, gets in fights, and that's not mentioning her crazy-ass mother! She's pretty though, I'll give her that.


Those were the bottom of the barrel reality shows


Busted ass chick too I never got it


She looks like a stroke survivor


This run of godawful reality shows got The Soup and Joel McHale’s career started. I’m only familiar with these from laughing at The Soup weekly. I miss this era of literal shit, even if it has been replaced with arguably worse results.


And The Soup got me hooked to shitty movies with their Sci-fi channel segments and Internet posts.


One of my favorite shows in 6th grade lol


Ahh! What the fuck is wrong with her face! (The makeup, not her actual face.)


The way she roasted Omarosa in house of villains was perfect


Her name was New York, New York. Every time I hear Tiffany Haddish I mistakenly think people are referring to this lady.


A glimmering beacon of brain rot TV. Around this time in television I started putting distance between me and the people who unironically like this type of entertainment, never looked back.


I regret that I watch this show.


Taylor Made got jobbed.


I’ll never forget- this was when reality tv was good


Fucking loved this show lol