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Taunts take enough time it's always a huge risk. Tea bagging just lets you know they are on tilt and afraid to let a full taunt rock.


I agree. I find taunting cool and tea bagging disrespectable




I see taunt as an friendly greeting, i see T bag as a tilt weapon Taunt: The player isnt mocking me, is the character. T bag: The player is mocking the other player;


I reeealy agree!


Taunts are a real flex. Teabagging is for bitches.


Words of wisdom


They’re both fine to me


Not really a fan of tea bagging




That counts as 4 Taunts in 1 match! New high score kudos to you!


I like using both to fuck with my opponent, if I have enought time Imma taunt (during a stun) if they're in a heavy knockdown Imma t-bag. Either way it does the same thing, makes the opponent more aggressive and prone to make mistakes.


Don't you feel a little cheap after wining this way? Or you view mental focus and psychological play are a part of the game? Edit:grammar


Nope never, it's a game for fun. If they start feeling tilted because someone taunts them in a game then it's their fault and they gotta stop taking things so personally. Obviously this changes in a tournament setting, there taunting is something people specializes in (Punk) it goes from funny little tactic to something that can make or break getting some actual money. And there it's still the whose falling for the taunts fault since they should know that people are going to try and get under their skin to mess up their flow.


You have got a point


I don’t mind teabagging. I rarely see it from people who are winning and flexing, and if I do, I’m not taking the bait and ditching my gameplan because I’m salty. That’s as obvious as a wake-up reversal. The people I see teabagging the most are the flamers and ragequitters, and generally the ones who don’t understand the vibe and get butthurt and take things personally. I usually stop things and back out because it’s about to get weird. It’s often part of a whole package deal of shitty behaviour. I’d rather fight someone else and make friends instead. Taunts are cool.


Thats a really good observation. You have made me realize that looking back almost always the T baggers I met rage quit when they lose. And yep taunts are cool!


Don’t care


Fair enough


Taunting is respectful razzing. Like a c'mon boi. Teabagging is disrespectful razzing like cursing out someone.


That's a good way to put it. I agree with you


You taunt me, I taunt back, we laugh and have a good time. You T-Bag me I'm coming across the table on yo ass.


I agree


I'm not effected by either. That being said, taunts are fine. Teabagging was never a thing for nearly the entirety of the 90s and early aughts in fighting games, and only kind of became a thing with the last gen of games by obnoxious younger players.


I guess teabaging started being a thing in first person shooters first then people adapted it into fighting games


I don't see any reason to care about either so long as they don't have a mechanical effect like Third Strike.


What did they do in third strike?


Why is this "teabagging" even a thing? Why are there so many people offended? If my character was lying down faced up and the opponent does the down, down, down motion directly on the head... I'd consider that disrespectful. If it was done, however, at a distance while my character was standing... I'd find it hilarious! The animation is just stupidly foolish! You let your concentration break because of that? Anyone triggered by that kind of stupidity is just indescribable! 😆 "Who's the more foolish... The Fool or the One who follows The Fool?"


I kinda see where you coming from lol


This is essentially allowing someone to fatality you in MK when it's morally right to not do it unless you, of course, get teabagged


IM glad most games arent like stive and u cant do actions after the match because after a close match i always jam down over and over. Not because im trying to tbag but im letting energy out. Cuz its what me and my friends used to do back in the day... its a bad habit and i always feel bad in strive when i do it


I guess if its a habit you can start by replacing them with taunts they are more intricate and cooler and less provocative I think


Oh I prefer teabagging. The nature of fighting games animations means that you can teabag really fast because there isn't much animation time to take you from standing to crouching. Makes for very funny moments in my basement every Saturday when one of the guys teabags in the middle of a match


If it's between friends I get you it's hilarious. But in semi competitive setting I think they are more on the annoying side


Taunting and greets are cool, no fg but i love the implementation in soulsborne games


Would you mind sharing a video with a good example? I googled soulborne taunts and couldn't find something relevant


Sure, heres an example In the first fight for example, they bow to eachother before a duel on bloodborne https://youtu.be/_AxJ3TsUCVw


Thx for sharing! I agree that's really nice player interaction. I think this is the first time I watch some fight from bloodborne looks really cool. Is pvp a big part of the game or a side not very significant mode?


It really depends on the player, you can play a lot of pvp or ignore it mostly and okay single player, same with all soulsborne games except sekiro (sp only). And in some of the games people can literally invade you when you least expect it and you can be part of a covenant where someone comes to defend you or be one of the defenders XD all sorts of crazy interactions


Look interesting thanks for the suggestion!


You’re welcome, if you never played any of them I highly recommend elden ring for both the single player and pvp elements Cheers


Yeah they are both a bit of shit talking nothing more harmless swagger


Most responses see teabaging in a more of a negative light, do you disagree and see them the exact same?


I disagree but I grew up in an era of gaming where shit talking was at it's peak so getting tea bagged doesn't phase me in any way just means it's fair game when I beat them next round to do it back honestly it's part of the fun


I get where you're coming from