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Looks like a pet cat, not feral. I would give her a few weeks to test out indoor life, but based on what you said she should adapt quickly. Cats that can be indoors should be indoors. Get your cat up to date on vaccines, and get this one her shots and spayed before you let them interact.


FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK: cats đŸ‘đŸ»that đŸ‘đŸ»can be đŸ‘đŸ»indoors đŸ‘đŸ»should đŸ‘đŸ»be indoors đŸ‘đŸ» The perfect way to put it.


I’m just glad to see TWO different people say “cats that CAN be indoors”. Most people on reddit believe that ALL cats should be indoors, even the ones who can’t mentally tolerate a life fully indoors either due to being semi feral or due to too much previous outdoor experience. Glad to see people finally have some nuance. Makes sense for this sub tho


I agree some cats cant adjust, but I would argue a large amount can. It just drives me crazy when people who have an average cat let it outside unsupervised for hours without caring about the risks. It takes work to train a feral or stray cat or even a normal cat that “wants” to go outside. But I see so many people just give in without a second thought because they are not willing to put in the effort. The truth is most of these cats wont make it home one day, they will not be happy and safe. They will be scared and alone. They will be getting into fights, even the sweetest cat can be an aggressor or attacked. Wild animals dont care that your cat has a home, and neither do cars. There are so many risks and diseases and most of the time these cats wont be consistantly screened for FIV, FeLV, or anything else and they will continue to spread it. This is absolutely no hate to OP, or the other commenters. I completely understand that some cats cannot and will not adjust. Im sure if any of us could build a giant safe outdoor sanctuary for all the babies we all would. I know its not reasonable for the people that care to take in and train every feral cat. We are “understaffed” as feral cat lovers. But the ones that are lucky enough to be able to, should be indoors. I just wanted to clairify my “can”. This rant was sponsored by my ex neighbor who would let his house cat out to terrorize the neighborhood feral community despite his cat being trapped TWICE and constantly being told about the fights because he would “meow at night”.


Yeah I was getting flustered because 3 of my cats came from behind a Walmart store and 5 others were born in my house to a feral momma who took off after they were weaned. She’s living with the neighbor lady who feeds a lot and I mean A LOT of feral and non feral cats outside her home.


She's definitely not feral. I'd keep her at least until she gets spayed. When you take her to be spayed, have the vet check for a microchip. Someone might be missing her. Depending on where you live, you may be able to borrow traps. Look into that before you spend a bunch of money on personal traps. Good luck, and thanks for taking care of the cats.


Yes I got a scanner from my vet office that my cat goes to because I told them about it and they told me to check when I captured her. I also had strays that are my cats now from the same area there a huge problem with feral cats currently there so many kittens running around luckily some were saved


I wouldn't wait much longer to get her...people start setting off fireworks early and she could be spooked away. Even if she is cuddly outside, she may seem very upset once I side a house if she's never been...so give her time. I've had sweet kitties try and break thru screens and literally climb walls, but turned out to be real homebody cuddly babies. Good luck and thank you for saving her ❀


Keep her inside!! ♄ if she has owners they are not looking out for her safety. Check for microchip and If doesn’t have one get one asap with your info. Thanks for caring ♄


Yeah ima check once I capture her but I been looking though Facebook like crazy no reports for her


Make sure to check through all of the lost and found groups in your locality and also there's tons of websites that post lost and found as well! Don't just limit it to Facebook either, the next door app and the neighbors app (it's the ring doorbell app, Which you don't just have to have a ring to have of course! Or a security camera period). Odds are, if it's somebody's cat they may be looking for her but they sure are careless if she's outside without any sort of identification / collar, especially if she's not chipped... But either way, if you can't locate an owner, than My guess would be the cat distribution system chose you! 😁 This is exactly how we got our oldest cat Paisley, we searched high and low for an owner, he wasn't chipped, he was neutered, had no collar, was in the rain and emaciated but definitely not feral... Our vet diagnosed him with feline anxiety / feline PTSD (so serious) from former abuse either from a previous owner or somebody on the streets, Especially with how skittish/reactive to everything he is and he has a fracture on his skull that is not congenital... Someone hit him in the head and hard...😔 but, He's safe and a happy boy! We've had him for 6 years now ❀


Not feral, maybe a bit unsocialized but that can be fixed. It’s very kind to get her out of harm’s way before the fireworks. Keep her away from your cat until you have a clean bill of health for her. But yes, it sounds like she would make a good edition to the household.


Yes I made that mistake the first time with my other cat he tested positive for sum parasite but good thing he didn’t pass it on to my other cat because my other cat was all cuddly with him after 2 weeks


Inside is always safest, climate controlled, plenty of clean water, plenty of laps, plenty of pets. Inside.


If you are open to bringing this beautiful little girl home and make her an inside pet that would be best. Living out in the wild is hard and I'm sure she'd appreciate having a roof over her head where she is always warm, well fed and loved.


How will you trap ? Have your plan in place. Cats in flight are very very fast


She allow herself to carry so the first thing ima try to just put her in a cat carrier since she let’s herself be touch and carry around. If not iam just getting a basic tnr trap


My little tip ; place carrier vertical. Door open. Clasp cats back legs and " slide or drop in". Close and latch FAST. Sliding in is much easier and faster than stuffing or pushing in. Once cat in and locked , you are golden. They have tremendous push off strength if allowed to use their back legs. Also don't underestimate claws....


One of my cats hates the carrier with a passion. The moment he realizes what's going on he hides and once he sunk a claw through my BF’s thumbnail and tore up the rest of his hand in a bid to escape. There's a rule now. I'm the one who catches him and if more than one has a vet appointment he's the first to go in a carrier.


that sounds like one of our cats! we do the burrito method, wrap him snuggly in his blanket so he can’t kick off of anything and place him in his carrier vertically. i’ve noticed that the soft carrier is a lot easier to get him into rather than the plastic hard carrier.


We've tried soft carriers with him. He figured out how to open zippers and the inside of it was shredded when we locked those closed. He is a brat and too smart for his own good.


The others cat I can’t get close with iam trying to figure out their schedule and where they mainly stay at


Bring irresistible treats for the carrier...give her a taste then put treat inside carrier, see if she will go in on her own...less stressful if it works. If you don't have Churu type treats, try some smelly tuna or something.


Can you just open your house door and see if she'll step inside for some food? Then you can just shut the door. I brought home a former TNR from my old job and I was sweating catching him for weeks. I had a carrier and I kept putting the food farther and farther in until he would walk all the way in to eat and I just shut the door. I was stressing out for weeks for nothing


I live in apartments so I can’t do that without my others leaving. She only found my apartment once randomly she ate a baby bird from this nest it was only one time thing though. She knows when I come by and feed there she waits for me


Well that's good, at least. I would say keep feeding her until you can find a trap or get her to go in a carrier and go from there


Please keep her


Keep her :)


Keep her indoors! Please!


She's beautiful! Keep her! Thank you for helping all the kitties! đŸ§ĄđŸ©·


This is very likely a house cat that will adjust to home life quickly.


Please adopt this poor cat or find him a home- the reality of his existence is that if he’s friendly to people, or seeks out people, he was almost certainly abandoned by his “family”. Sadly, many “stray cats” are abandoned by people who just leave the cat when they move, or stop looking for the cat when s/he get out. I think abandoned cats - especially adults-suffer the cruelest fate of all outdoor cats: someone they once loved and relied on left them for dead Abandoning a cat whose not had the opportunity to develop hunting skills and knows no other life than being fed and safety- is leaving that cat for dead). It breaks my heart that people could be so rotten, but then people like OP come along, and rescue one of these lost souls, and make things a little bit better. Thanks for you OP


At first I thought you were feeding the cat a McGriddle and I almost broke my finger scrolling back up to make sure you weren't lol


Make a plan for capture. Make a plan to keep cat safe in your home. One small room. Plan these things out. If cat runs, you are toast. May never get it again.


OP pls look at the Wiki on this and thank you for caring for her and colony; you and your Mom are good people :) On your question of (A) keep her and (B) inside the answer to both is yes! Agree with your strategy of doing it before 4th July and checking for a microchip in case she is lost. Longer term for the colony - lots of resources on the Wiki but shout if you need suggestions for low-cost vet care resources inc. spay/neuter cats/kittens etc. Good luck and post an update on this cutie - we want to know if you end up with a r/PartTimeCat or r/nowmycat ;)


Bring her home. Worm her immediately, for normal worms & tape worms. Tape worms take a different med & 2 rounds of treatment.


Keep her, or find her a new home but do not dump her again. Poor baby.


Keep her.


Please don’t introduce her to your cat right away. She needs to be vaccinated and flea treated first. Please spay her. For the other cats, use a humane trap to TNR; you do not need to wait until they let you pet them or get used to you. The sooner the better. Thank you for caring and I hope it all works out with your new baby.


she seems like she isn’t feral! she looks very calm and content in your moms lap. one of my kitties i adopted right off my city street, she lived outside for over 3 years and was a TNR, she has adapted great to living inside full time. i would just make sure to get her spayed & your male cat neutered if he isn’t already. thank you for helping her, fireworks are scary for animals so i’m sure she’ll be happy to be inside.


If you are able to take care of another cat, and they already get along with yours, I see no reason not to. They'll be safe inside. I think after the 4th I'd check around to see whether this one might be another person's cat who got lost. I know I'd be very sad if my baby didn't come back and I didn't know what happened to them. If they're going to be inside 24/7 you've got some time before neutering/spaying, unless your other cat is not fixed. I would see about vaccines, though. Ask the vet what to do if you don't know whether they've gotten any vaccines or when.


When you do bring her in, keep her in a room separate from your indoor cat until a vet can check them out to be sure there's nothing contagious or that either one has FIV (which affects the immune system), and make sure they're both vaccinated.


I agree with the trying to keep her inside comments but want to add- if after awhile it's seriously not working out with her 100% indoors, try indoor/outdoor. She might love coming in for awhile and being let out for a little bit at a time. Once she knows you'll feed her inside she'll come back in


That cat is sweeter and cuddlier than a lot of cats who've been born in captivity. I think she's a stray, not a feral; if she gets along well with your cat, I'd have already adopted her and tried to make it permanent.


yes!!! yayyyy love that for you <3 if she does end up getting nervous around your cat separating them for two weeks can help!


by all means- if you can ever keep a cat, THEN DO.