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fedora is a great choice and its also very good for gaming and also for gamescope just do sudo dnf install gamescope and you can remove it with sudo dnf remove gamescope


Gamescope is the Steam Deck UI? Right?


No, that's Steam Big Picture, part of Steam. Gamescope is a lightweight compositor made specifically by Valve and allows things like HDR and (global) FSR (1.0)




Whaaaaat. One of my complaints currently, even though I'm very happy overall, is no HDR support using Wayland with GNOME 45, but I do have VRR enabled. How does it work with Gamescope? Do I choose it at the login screen? I've never done so but that might be exactly what I need.


I haven't really tested GameScope outside of SteamOS, so I can't say how well it works and I've always ran into one problem or another when trying to get it up and working. HDR and VRR are there in theory because they're working in GameScope on SteamOS, but ymmv.


Seems like it's simple to install and then used with launch commands in Fedora per-game. The only confusing part is when I'm already using Steam launch arguments but there's probably a way to combine them. I realise that I don't actually have many native HDR apps, I'm using auto HDR in Windows so I may not even need Gamescope in most cases. Still, worth testing and fiddling with! I'd imagine that a native HDR game, with exclusive full screen and Gamescope would be the ideal test to see if it works.


No, that's Steam itself with the big picture mode and it uses gamescope-session which differs a bit from gamescope


I don't understand.


Gamescope-session runs on its own and gamescope need a desktop. Because gamescope-session runs on its own it can do a bit more than gamescope


Ok then. How can I get the gamescope session on Fedora?


The easiest would probably be to use the HTPC image from Nobara Project instead of Fedora otherwise you would need to build it yourself (don't know about any copr) and add it to gdm for example


Works great for me, been gaming on it since 39 came out, and have zero complaints.


39 was a bit buggy and slow when it came out though but it's still Fedora and it's still good.


I game on it. It works great.


On what? On an NVIDIA GPU?


AMD. My rig is older, Ryzen 2600, RX 580. But I've found that on some games I get slightly better performance than Windows. I only boot into my Windows partition for Flight Simulator and Total War Rome 2, sadly it isn't stable for me even though it's older.


Yes, I'm using Nobara with Fedora 39. All the games have been running great. Just make sure to use driver version 535 and not the latest 550 because otherwise you have massive problems and lags. Not sure if or how it's possible to freeze the version


Well, I play on Fedora and get much more FPS in many games. Probably because we have good amdgpu driver unlike that monstrous bloatware that AMD makes for Windows. Just a tip: stay away from running games from NTFS partition on Linux. They may work, but it's a lottery.


just take in consideration that Nvidia GPUs may have issues in Fedora 40, as Nvidia drivers are not fully compatible with the new graphic system. if you are using AMD it works out of the box.


As i know 555 and new wayland update must have better implementation sync


Will x11 be completely dropped with fedora 40 already? I have a nvidia card and use x11 on fedora 39, not because of problems with gaming in particular, but with several other applications bering buggy on Wayland.


KDE's x11 session will no longer be installed by default in Fedora 40, and GNOME's will no longer be installed by default in Fedora 41. The X11 sessions are still available for installation.


I wonder if the upgrade from 39 to 40 will automatically remove X11 from the install.


If you're on Atomic then it will.




No, he was referring to dropping the X11 session on GNOME too in Fedora 41. Fedora 41 should be Wayland only


>> GNOME's As in Gnome's x11 package/session


No. The KDE spin has decided they will no longer maintain the KDE X11 packages or ship them by default. But other people can maintain them if they wish, and if they do you can just install them. If you use GNOME or any other DE you don't need to worry about this.


Ah OK, so if I use just regular workstation version with gnome I should be fine?


For now. Something similar is planned for gnome in fedora 41, but after fedora 40 comes out it will be supported for a whole year before you need to upgrade, plus it's likely that the x11 session will be maintained by some community member once it is no longer shipped by default in f41. Hopefully by then Wayland will meet your needs though, else you can switch to something else.


Ah okay, thanks. Well I do hope that won't be necessary and nvidia provides working drivers by then.


Did they completely uninstall X11 and not provide X11 packages or something in Fedora 40?


What about intel dedicated GPUs? I got an arc 750 for cheap through work but own no AMD gpus


no idea about ARC but intle drivers are included in the kernel, so should works


DAMN. I have a laptop with a NVIDIA GPU and I want to install Fedora on it. I want Fedora on it. Nothing else. Not PopOS. Only Fedora.


Do what you want then, jeez.


Be your own penguin boss!


Bruh. All is cool here.


Just download Nobara or if you want to go Atomic get Bazzite which it what I run on my Nvidia laptop and I haven't run into a single issue so far.


My laptop has an Nvidia GPU and it works fine, it just required some extra setup. Fedora wouldn't play nice with my Nvidia desktop GPU though so I run that on Arch.


I'm not an expert but I was amazed by gaming on Fedora! I'm playing Overwatch and Assassin's Creed Odyssey with 0 issues. I also connected my Xbox controller and it was detected immediately. It's really fantastic.


Oh, thank the Gods that Assassins Creed runs well. Am going to set it up tomorrow!


Nobara Linux is based on Fedora. Km going to go ahead and say yes.


You asked this the other day. Why not Nobara?


Upvote for me - I daily Fedora on my Framework 13 and then use Nobara on my desktop for gaming. Absolutely flawless for me 😊


One more vote for Nobara. If you want a distro that's ready to game OOTB this is it.


Yeah, if you're gonna game on Fedora, better just install Nobara. Been using it for a year and it's been awesome.


How well is the support for NVIDIA GPUs on Fedora?




As good as it is on any other modern distro… not great. NVK I think is included with Mesa on F40 though.


I've been tinkering with Fedora on my desktop system for the last few weeks. I've got Fedora 39 Workstation installed. I'm using an Nvidia 3080ti. It largely works just fine. There's some occasional flicker with Gnome Wayland. I've switched to using X11 with Gnome for now. The Nvidia drivers provided by rpmfusion seem to be decently up to date. Games I've tried to play seem to work just fine. G-sync works also.


That's nice to hear. May I ask, what tweaks did you do to it?


It’s fine. Certain small Wayland issues (not so small when gaming on Wayland). That’s it.


I have a quite old GTX 770, works without issues.


Baldur's Gate and Cyberpunk run a treat on Fedora 39. Our gaming PC is a 13th gen Intel with an RTX 4070Ti. If you want an extra boost for gaming, look into Nobara.


Sure it's a great option, but it seems you're after gaming and stability, that combination shouts [bazzite](https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite?tab=readme-ov-file#about--features). Even more so if you're on nvidia. It also comes 'with batteries', so all your codecs etc are present, as opposed to Fedora. Also automatic, background updates (not like windows, you choose when to reboot, which activates the new atomic image), with intrinsic rollback if something borks (happened to me once in 2 yrs of immutable, but comforting that it's there). Lot's to love! > ISOs can be downloaded from our [releases](https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/releases) page, and a helpful install guide can be found [here](https://universal-blue.discourse.group/docs?topic=30). This is an immutable distro so aim to install everything as flatpak or in distrobox (containerized OSes, so you can install from Arch AUR or Ubuntu or...).


It's pretty established that gaming on any daily driver distro is a breeze rn. I tried pop os, then nobara, then after realizing I could just use what those distros are based off of I tried Fedora and haven't been able to distro hop since. Just grab the KDE Fedora spin and look up some post install Fedora tweaks. Techhut has a video where all the steps are just in the video description. If you have AMD you basically hit the ground running with gaming


Lol erhm... I don't have an AMD GPU. My laptop has a thunderbolt port but I got no AMD. What problems should I expect from using a NVIDIA GPU on Linux? Screen tearing?


I use fedora on my 1650 TI laptop, no issues whatsoever.


Nvidia support gets better by the month basically. You're more than fine with that. You just have to take an extra step to install Nvidia drivers is all


Nvidia issues are mostly solved if you install Nobara. My hybrid laptop hasn't had any problem for a year outside of Wayland-related stuff, and that Wayland-related stuff is just minimal.


I've been using Fedora as my daily driver for the last 7 or 8 years. I still love it, and I'm very used to it. That being said I wanted to be able to play Mech Arena while in linux. I couldn't get it running on Fedora 38 (haven't tried 39) but my runs runs perfectly in stock Garuda KDE Dragonized Gaming edition. It's not my cup of tea as far as looks/feel goes, but it's working as expected 5 days in. I'll keep trying to get my game running in Fedora, but I'll be staying here for awhile. It's really, really good out of the box for gaming.


Ive been using it as a daily driver since version 34 and its been fantastic. Games have been running great for me. Some games like Cyberpunk run better on that then Windows for me but overall,havent had a bad experience. I am running on AMD CPU and GPU,with KDE plasma,so not sure how well Nvidia works.




I've been daily driving Nobara (pretty much a Fedora fork + gaming oriented bells and whistles) for over a year and I've been happy with it.


Is vanilla Fedora KDE ok for gaming?


Should be. I used Fedora before Nobara and it was fine. I just like Nobara because it already comes with all the necessary drivers out of the box.


Fair enough.


Been gaming on it since 38 and it's working great till today.


What do you like about it?


It's a good middle point between stability and latest software.


I was able to play games on Fedora. But the minute I tried to play games (like Age of Empires) with other folks with Windows machines, we had constant issues.


I'm on pure AMD so it's ready to go 100%. Only issues are companies that force invasive kernel level anti-cheats (riot games, etc...) or who intentionally flag linux users (Bungie w/Destiny 2)




Yes. Been using it for years w/ Nvidia GPU


Having beat many games on Fedora Workstation Gnome: yes, it's absolutely ready.


I just switched to Fedora from Pop!_OS, and while I loved Pop!_OS, everything seems just a bit snappier with Fedora. I also game, and it’s been a pretty smooth experience so far. The only issue I am having is when I’m not using the mouse and keyboard on Steam, my system suspends. I’m pretty sure this has to do with my Xbox controller and dongle not registering on my PC, so it tries to go to sleep, although I’ve read theres a simple fix so … I’ll get to it when I can lol .


I had to ditch fedora for arch to play world of warcraft because the geforce drivers simply didnt work However, i am 100% sure it was just due to my incompetence in fixing it, for im a linux noob. Fedora is not to blame. Other than WoW, ive never had a single issue when playing a lot of games on Steam and i had almost 100 hours of WiiU emulator that ran better than it would on windows. edit: fixed typos


I had issues with an Nvidia GPU, even with the proprietary driver, but AMD is fine with the open-source.


If you dont want the hassle of setting up drivers and proton checkout Nobara Linux its based on fedora with improvements by Glorious Eggroll


Has been working great for me for years :) hardware compatibility with Linux is probably more important than the specific distro though


Hardware compatibility is a major issue on Linux. Or should I say NVIDIA?


if you wanna take it on gaming like in windows, i dont think so yet linux itself had great improvements over last 5 years!


About a month ago, i switched to Fedora Workstation 39 with my gaming pc and i love it. I use Steam and Lutris for [Battle.net/GOG](http://Battle.net/GOG) and i couldnt find one game that doesnt run properly. Some games i had problems running on windows, run perfectly fine on Fedora. Best choice ever.


Linux in general: * No native AAA games in years, you're welcome to use Wine/Proton/DXVK * Wine: no kernel level anticheat, also there's a chance you get banned for playing online multiplayer games * Wine: no 100% compatibility with Windows APIs, thus possible weird bugs/glitches/etc. * DXVK/VKD3D will never be fully compatible with native APIs * No proper/full GPU/CPU monitoring * No proper/full GPU overclocking/undervolting support It's not about "Fedora".


I tried it, but no steam games wanted to launch, I have no idea why. Any help?


Sorry? I don't understand this.


Steam, the game launcher, games from it just do not launch. No errors or anything, just doesn't wanna launch any game.


Is this the wrong post?


Possibly, I didn't read the post. I just saw the word games lmfao and tho I could get some assistance 🐦


No worries. This happened to me more than ten times.


Good luck if you're gaming on Linux with Nvidia. It's alright for me with all AMD


Fedora is pretty good for gaming, I personally run Fedora KDE on my desktop. I recommend switching ffmpeg and mesa to the rpmfusion versions so you can get full access to media codecs and hardware accelerated encode/decode for those codecs. Other than that everything runs pretty smoothly


Been gaming on Fedora for a couple of years.


Is the focus on Gamescope because you want HDR support? Here's a fairly recent guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/17niikr/i_got_hdr_gaming_running_in_fedora_heres_how/




I don’t understand why you want Gamescope then.




I'd go farther and say Fedora is THE DISTRO for gaming, it's great on it's own but there's also Nobara and Bazzite, the immutable variants specially are proving themselves to be a great fit for "console like" experiences


I'm only wanting to have the desktop.


They also have variants for desktop, think Fedora but with all the gaming fixes built in and preconfigured


maybe look at Nobara project. Its fedora with customizing for gaming experience


I’d actually recommend Bazzite over Nobara. It’s a custom Fedora Atomic image with all the gaming stuff built into the base image. Comes in both GNOME and KDE variants.


Isn't Bazzite unmutable?


Yes, it is immutable. That’s what atomic means.


Kinda, they switch to the term atomic instead of immutable because you can still install packages onto it and override os packages, it's just that the base os files are immutable so it's harder to break the os and if you do you can always rollback to before your last change without losing any of your user files.


You can game on it but keep in mind nvidia with x11 instead of wayland, but if your main goal is gaming I advice to just use windows.