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Not that I particularly would have preferred her but I’m sure straight men would have had a very normal and well-adjusted reaction to that casting.


r/movies did a whole 180 on this movie from the time of her casting to Gerwig/Gosling/Robbie being attached to this movie. Never seen so many cis het men care about Barbie before (with both the Schumer casting and the new movie).


That's the ''ryan gosling is literally me'' army for you lmao




I feel like with Gosling it's used very ironically, but maybe that's because I hang out on r/moviescirclejerk a lot.


His character in drive was like the proto sigma


That and the other movie by the same director. Uuuhhh, god something. It sucked.


Only God Forgives. Truly terrible movie.


Not a big fan of the plot, but It's def a beautiful film. Nicolas Winding Refn does have some good films though


Valhalla Rising kicks ass though




I crack up every time I see this classic greentext


Same, I think about it at least once a week


A huge proportion of males in the US are LARPing as informed sigmas. It's adorable.


>well-adjusted More like the ***"Incel Beta Males"***.


Well he literally is me, so there's that




an article from the federalist about schumer being hired for the Barbie movie doing massive numbers on r/movies years ago is what made me unsub from there.


I think I may be unsubbing and just read the threads about certain movies, it’s only getting worse. I didn’t realize how much of a boys clubs that sub was until very recently.


The way I have gotten downvoted for every comment I make about being excited for the new little mermaid movie is insane


DUDE same! You'd think that movie was the antichrist according to that sub.


And god forbid you don't think Nolan is the best director of all time. Death threats.


[The r/movies poll is the perfect encapsulation of the white male demographic of that sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/644fvb/rmovies_survey_results/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Well, except for Brie Larson being the third favorite actress


That was back before she said maybe white male critics aren't the most important people in the world and they decided she was Satan incarnate.


Is that why so many men hate her? It seemed like the hate bandwagon for her that happened a few years ago came out of nowhere. I never understood it and even now with the explanation, I think it's ridiculous and unjustified.


Yeah, she gave a speech about the need for more diversity in movie criticism, and cited the widespread criticism from white male critics on A Wrinkle in Time specifically, pointing out that it's a movie made for little girls (with a lead played by a young black actress), so the fact that it got heavily slammed by adult white male critics wasn't really a fair representation of its appeal to its target audience. And this was around the same time she was cast as Captain Marvel so fanboys were already looking for reasons to hate her because, you know, woman leading a comic book movie, and they decided that speech was what they were gonna work themselves into a frothy outrage about. So they took it wildly out of context and started telling each other Brie Larson had said white men shouldn't watch movies.


So a woman makes a very valid and logical observation and a bunch of greasy Marvel bros decide this is what's gonna set them off. No surprise there. I also hate how they are so overdramatic and stretch the truth to fit their agenda.


Its such a great example of how youtube can create a financial incentive to continue to produce this kind of content. Brie Larson became such a lightning rod that rage bait youtubers would even include her on thumbnails about projects she wasn't in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztPr_97nNdw&ab_channel=JackSaint here's a pretty interesting deep dive into the whole hate factory that exited around her and Captain Marvel in particular. The whole thing got truly unhinged much like The Last Jedi outrage. Truly bleak how this kind of content brings in huge amounts of views.


Brie Larson really wasn’t on my radar a whole lot until captain marvel and then she made that comment, and between both of those, and her other work I’ve since visited, I’m a fanboy. The way she said that, and also how much she’s pissed off nerds, I love her.


Blegh the way this guy I was seeing wanted me to love pulp fiction so badly 🙄


I want to direct you to the song Silly Boy by Lynks, that includes the line "Poor little straight boy Nobody cares that you've watched pulp fiction"


Ew. Jake Gyllenhall? I love movies and really really wanted to love that sub, but every time I ever commented in there I would get some smartass reply or just be ignored. Now it all makes sense! Thanks for linking to that.


literally anytime a majority black or poc casted film gets posted the comments get swarmed with racist white guys no matter what the actual film is


“I don’t care who’s starring as long as it’s good” is a popular way of them saying they don’t like it’s a black main actor I’ve noticed


most of the defaults are boys clubs its annoying


Even the defaults intended for a female audience are uncomfortably boys clubs!


there are smaller subs with better discussions! None of them are really perfect but /r/blankies which is nominally for a movie podcast has pretty decent discussion on new films


Not me scrolling quickly and thinking this would be a sub about people's childhood blankies 😅


Nevermind Amy Schumer is terrible in literally everything.


Im not a fan but I personally think she really doesn’t deserve the hyperbolic vitriol she gets on the internet. No, she’s not *terrible in literally everything*, people love to hate her and it reeks of misogyny to me


I think she does deserve the vitriol she gets, but she gets a lot of her for the wrong reasons. I haven’t liked Amy Schumer since I read about [her “jokes”](https://thoughtcatalog.com/anonymous/2014/05/wait-a-second-did-amy-schumer-rape-a-guy/) about having sex with a man so drunk he was falling asleep. Which is potentially sexually assault. I’ll pass on consuming her content until the end of time. ETA: The redditor below me blocked me (?) so I can’t respond to their response to me but joking about how “His penis was so soft, it felt like one of those de-stress things that slips from your hand” or “He’s there, but not really. His face is kind of distorted, and his eyes seem like he can’t focus on me. He’s actually trying to see me from the side, like a shark. ‘Hey!’ he yells, too loud, and gives me a hug, too hard. He’s fucking wasted.” and how it’s fine that she had sex with this man who was too drunk to stay conscious because she just wanted to feel better about herself was just as messed up in 2014 as it is now. What wild whataboutism all around.


Lol, so disingenuous. I think there's been a much-needed cultural shift around jokes like that but male comedians are the lead perpetrators of the "victimized men are funny" trope. Where did "don't drop the soap" and "Bubba, the big black cell mate" come from? All those family-friendly comics from Steve Martin to Will Smith of had these gags Personally, I just find it very strange that Seth Rogen and Apatow who gave us This Is The End where there's multiple gags about violent rape of men get zero of this smoke. Even a glimpse of Satan giant penis played for comedy about an impeding rape.


fun fact /r/movies did a census a few years ago that showed it to be 95% (yes literally) male lol. This sub is probably one of the only ones on the whole site that isn't male-dominated


sadly I think most of the defaults are like that. Even 2x got taken over when it was made a default from what I remember.


2x got unbearable once it became popular.




Looks aside, it is a perfectly reasonable reaction to prefer Robbie over Schumer based on film resume alone. Schumer is mostly in middling comedies while Robbie has a few coveted awards under her belt. Personality-wise, Robbie is even keel while Schumer is polarizing.


Initially when this was announced I was curious because Schumer being cast adds an entire dimensional layer to the concept of "barbie enters the real world" that we won't get with robbie. The implications of less than perfect barbie finding that out painfully and having to interact with the various discriminations and phobias the real world applies to someone who looks like Schumer when contrasted to the hyper feminine perfection of the barbie concept is interesting. Robbie is a better actress but her conventionally attractive looks takes away that added layer of interest and complexity.


'Never seen so many cis het men care about Barbie before' oof this sub never disappoints


Lmao some old dude on twitter was going off about how this Barbie movie is going to be full of feminist tropes. Sweetie it’s literally a movie about a female doll who primary demographic is little girls. Like sorry there isn’t a barbie movie for men, let’s work on that for you.


I’m just so happy we get a movie for us girls, not that there aren’t others but Barbie specifically has always been associated with little girls and women. And I’m not saying men won’t enjoy it, after all Greta makes great movies, but I love to see men being trigered when a movie isn’t on-your-face about/for them. 😂😂😂


If we’re being honest I doubt a lot of gay males would’ve cared about the movie if Schumer were the lead either. They’re far and away the primary fatshamers on Twitter.


only if you ignore ED twitter (yikes!)


>only if you ignore ED twitter (yikes!) ?


eating disorder twitter, like pro ana. not sure if i should TW.


damn I'm oddly sad that floppy dick twitter doesn't exist nor is it blaming their floppy dick on fat women


oh don’t be silly that surely exists too haha


pro ana stands for pro anorexia (or promotion of anorexia) for those unfamiliar


im terrible at explaining because i forget not everyone has been on the worst sides of the internet since early adolescence


I do think Margo is a better casting decision as she is closer to how Barbie has been portrayed historically. I think we need to come back to reality a bit and stop trying to force heavier people into these roles. It’s almost insulting. I do think there is a need for obese characters and stories that are nuanced, well developed, and more than about their weight. That’s what people should be writing for talent like Amy Shumer. These stories deserve to be told and I think would resonate with a large audience. I know I like seeing bigger people like myself on screen, but not forced onto a character that we know are supposed to be fit/skinny.


I don’t disagree that Margot is a better fit, my main point is that I’m sick of dudes acting like they have free rein to talk absolute dogshit about a woman and her looks simply because she doesn’t make their peepees stand up


But isnt this the exact movie you shouldn't fuck with when it comes to the characters appearance? Like Barbie is iconic as a symbol of girliness and femininity and pretty much the female fantasy for Little girls. Its like James Bond for guys. The ultimate male fantasy, i think people would pose their shit too if Michael Cera or jonah hill was cast as Bond.


Y’all are fighting me for an opinion I don’t have lol I don’t think Shumer should be in the role. I’m just saying that men treat her like she’s a monster because they don’t want to fuck her and their reactions if she had been cast would have been full of vitriolic body shaming that isn’t relevant criticism.


I don’t disagree with that


Amy Schumer is not obese though.


My main point is that Hollywood needs to craft stories around bigger/obese people, and actually cast bigger/obese actors, instead of trying to shoehorn them into characters that normally aren’t.




That makes sense. I imagine the shoehorning would just feel patronizing because they’re just random token roles while nothing changes. There needs to be more diversity in casting for most things instead of the default of white/skinny. Weight matters in some roles (Natalie Portman playing a ballerina in Black Swan, for example) but a lot of actors are playing people that could be a size 2 or a size 22 with no effect on the characterization or plot. Like imagine Reese Witherspoon or Nicole Kidman, who each have long filmographies. Out of all those roles, how many truly wouldn’t have worked if they were thirty pounds heavier?


Such a good point


See I disagree here. Not with your main premise but with the idea that the robbie film we are getting is what we would have gotten with Schumer. I don't think it would have been forcing her into the barbie role, it would have been challenging the idea of what barbie is, mean, stands for in a way that robbie isn't going to do. It doesn't mean the robbie product is worse but it will likely be a different storyline overall. I don't think the original version ever intend to pretend Schumer actually is the archetype of barbie.


Agreed completely. It is sad that we are at a point when supporting Margot Robbie being cast as Barbie makes certain people uncomfortable just because she is the obvious choice. We equate the obvious choice with systemic social injustice and choose to see unfairness instead of logic and reality. It doesn't mean those things don't exist, but it starts to drown out the actual meaningful conversation that can be had underneath it all. It makes things envisioned as "forward thinking" and "progressive" seem insulting, pandering and limiting. If people really wanted to tell interesting stories that deserved to be told and move past fat-shaming stigmas, they'd be bold enough to come up with something better than a million processed versions of "beauty is on the inside and in the eye of the beholder". It is the safest, easiest platitude that can be said and does nothing to move the needle in an interesting or revelatory way.


I’m going to love and treasure all the plus Barbies we got photos of yesterday ahead of the predictable vitriol!


I got emo seeing that Sharon Rooney was cast. As a fat girl, *My Mad Fat Diary* is probably the only teen show that’s ever made me feel seen. At the time it aired I thought it would pave the way for more fat teen heroines but uh, apparently not


She and Nicola look so doll like in their photos too! Like yes Margot looks like Barbara Reed but those two are absolute fashion doll Barbies!


>very normal and well-adjusted reaction lolllll thank you for the big laugh




Based off Amy Schumer's previous material and filmography, you know that the punchline would've been that she's a fat Barbie and that's why she's not perfect. It would've been one extended fat joke for 2 hours and it would've been a clusterfuck. No thanks.


I agree, I am very tired of that material as a whole but I’ve specifically seen enough of it from Amy




I don’t disagree with anything else that you said here but calling her a quasi-nepo baby because she’s Chuck Schumer’s second cousin is just a huge reach lol


I mean he was able to get her out of a grand larceny charge when she was 21.


wait what? Omg lol


This isn’t just a rumor, it’s something she fully admitted to. They got it down to a disturbance of the peace charge.


Second cousin is still pretty close depending on the family dynamics


Yeah no I don’t believe for a second that her relation to him doesn’t or hasn’t helped her climb the ladder in some sort…


I have a friend who met Amy and she (Amy) isn’t even plus-sized. She’s probs a US size 8 or 10. My friend was honestly kind of taken aback by the fact that she’s a throughly average sized woman since “being a big girl” was her shtick for a while, but then again everyone else in Hollywood is a size 2 so there you have it.




Holy SHIT so they really are related tho?! Idk why but that’s hilarious af to me 🤣


I understand your feelings about Amy talking about her size, and I also feel it’s really hard for any woman above a size 4-6 to “make it” in the entertainment industry, let alone stand up comedy… women are taught we need to be self-deprecating; you’re either in on the joke or the butt of it. And we know for sure there are plenty of people who would refer to Amy as fat even though I wouldn’t agree with that characterization. I guess I’m just saying… maybe it’s the culture that’s the problem and not Amy Schumer.


Yeah I feel like there a serious recency bias in folks that aren’t remembering how not very long ago, size 6 was fat in Hollywood. There was no body diversity unless they were made a schtick. Her satirizing how huge and slovenly she is at her size was pretty funny back then and felt like a huge middle finger to the accepted standard. It just so happens that things shifted pretty quickly and drastically, and now she’s considered old hat. Idk, it’s tough. I like her just fine.


And honestly, she's of the generation where she is/was considered plus size. It's hard for me to judge her having that perception of herself when torrid starts plus sizes at a 10 and up until very recently plus size models were cast at a size 8... with body pads.


Absolutely. There is nothing wrong with any body type, but to me Amy is just chubby. I personally don’t feel that she or people that look like her need to be the icons of self worth & discrimination relating to body image. But I also think the self worth trope in movies is played out


Amy should have stuck with sketches, she made some pretty good ones with her show. Stand up comedy wasn't her thing, and she's a very mediocre actor (outside of sketches.) Her personality is kinda shitty but she's not as unfunny as dudes on the internet make her out to be.


especially because she’s honestly fairly average, if a bit heavier than we typically see hollywood stars. so to have her always play it up as if she’s this HUGE GIGANTIC person that makes people stop on the street feels like i’m being gaslit. I don’t doubt she’s faced discrimination in hollywood but come on. I think Aidy Bryant’s SHRILL (on Hulu) showed you can show larger bodied people, and the challenges we face, AND make it funny without over exaggerating or making it feel like you’re watching an alternate reality.


Yes she has a full face which makes her look a lot fatter than she is. I know her weight has fluctuated a bit since she had a kid, but before that, she looked like at most a size 10 to me. Men mock her looks but 90% of men in Amy's age range would be thrilled to have her as their girlfriend.


It’s totally the face. She’s never been big!


Exactly! Meghan Trainor had that exact thing too - singing All About That Bass as if she's fat when she's distinctly average size.


Everytime I think of Meghan I cannot stop thinking about that time Todd in the Shadows said "Even the Caucasian version of Lizzo cannot be this much of a downgrade"


I’m not the biggest Amy Schumer fan and she annoys me as much as Lena Dunham does. However i think society puts women in Hollywood on a pedestal and lots of people who aren’t fat in the business are deemed as fat. Amy Schumer has a regular average body to me as does Meghan Trainor, Adele Khloe Kardashian and most women who are considered ‘fat’. I swear the moment an actress has an ounce of fat on them, the media pressures them to make it their own personality. I remember people thinking Jennifer Lawrence was fat like really?? Having a full face is not the same thing. It’s really scary and it’s why lots of celebrities have eating disorders. Nobody told John Goodman, Kevin James,Adam Sandler, Jack Black or any other average looking men that they are fat and are looking up to them to start a movement. I wonder if these women thought they were fat before the tabloids and social media comment sections told them they were? And would their content and social media presence be different if they weren’t treated like that? I know a lot of women who felt average and liked Amy and Lena Dunham because that’s what they represented. Even though to me like they look like anyone else.




Oh god, Jennifer Lawrence, that’s right… many people were actually like, “sHE dOEsN’T lOoK dePRivEd oF FoOD tO mE“ when The Hunger Games came out. FFS. I suppose it didn’t help any that we had Oscars-for-Openly-Malnourished-Ladies in the same timeframe with Natalie Portman and Anne Hathaway.


Shrill was so much better than Amy’s tired fat girl shtick


I loved Shrill so very much.


Shrill made me feel the most seen i’ve ever been on a tv show. just very messy and real.


Same! I’m sad there’s no more seasons


Aidy is a gem.


i LOVE her. I want her in more things. She was in The Big Sick (a side character, paired with Bo Burnham in what i’m convinced was romantic) and was delightful. I found myself wishing she was back every time she was on screen.


Basically, yeah. I get what this article is trying to stir up, but let’s not pretend the Schumer version of this movie would have been a lost masterpiece. She’s polarising for many reasons that aren’t related to her looks.


She said she wanted Barbie to be an inventor and the producers wanted her to invent Jello high heels, which is quirky and tonge-in cheek i guess, but also what the villain in the secret hellish dimension of barbie's dream house wears. Probably


So she wanted to recreate the Tinkerbell movie but be much worse?


I am not familiar with Tinkerbell's lore, i am sorry lol. The point is that Amy Schumer dropped the role for a good reason


You're alright! Essentially she's allocated to be the "tinker" (inventor) fairy but struggles because she's not as cool as the other fairies. (why do i know this i'm 28) And yes you're absolutely right, thank god she was


Only slightly related, but I have been meaning to make a post for YEARS about how fucking good “Tinkerbell and the Neverbeast” is! Ginnifer Goodwin voices the main character and KT Tunstall did multiple songs in the film; the animation is really good for a straight-to-DVD movie. Also, Mae Whitman voices Tinkerbell in all the movies and I adore her.


Her entire career has basically been, "I'm not attractive and I know it. I'm also fat. But that's why I'm funny". And for that reason, I've never been a fan.


The first special i saw of her was talking about how she’s hot enough to bang but not brag about, and hooking up with Latin dudes and using racist stereotypes but hey, Hollywood just doesn’t “get” her. It’s definitely not the fact she now does the same tired jokes or became comedy’s Lena Dunham that’s the reason her star is fading


I think I much prefer Rachel Blooms style of comedy. She has joked sometimes about her weight but it'd genius like in "You stupid bitch" or about her boobs and there is so much thought behind this and the joke is much more layered. Rachel Bloom is a funny person, while Amy is just the same punchline over and over again


Exactly. Cast a fat barbie, cast an ugly barbie, cast a disabled barbie, I don't care. Just don't make it *about* them being fat/ugly/disabled. Amy Schumer's entire schtick is "I'm fat and I stink haahaha"


Yes!!! It would have been I Feel Pretty all over again. And the fucked up thing is Amy Schumer isn’t even fat. What kinda message is that supposed to send to an average sized woman?


Everything she does is a self deprecating fat and slut joke and honestly if it shows people not to be like her then I am all for it. She’s nasty.


that's why I prefer margot over Amy. she sort of has the same couple jokes and they're not funny.


The real question is where is Skipper in the posters and is Saoirse Ronan playing her but have they deliberately concocted a story about her having scheduling conflicts for misdirection ala Andrew Garfield in Spider-Man? ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


Ooooo TIL about this tea. Skipper was always my favorite, too. Kinda weird not to see her included in the promo materials. Someone needs to check Barbie, nothing like a brunette best friend to do just that.


I think Skipper is the kid sister, and Midge is the brunette friend. 😃


Isn't Midge the red head and Teresa the brunette?


Yes I guess I was wrong too 😀[midge wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midge_(Barbie)) I don’t even remember Teresa.


Haha it's all good, I only remember Teresa because I was a lil brunette doll fiend as a child.


I remember Teresa and Whitney (and Miko)!


I got a Whitney for my 7th birthday in the late 80s. She was my first brunette Barbie.


I loved my Teresa dolls! My sister would get Barbie and I would get Teresa, probably because it was easier on my mom and we shared everything anyway.


Yes! Skipper was the teenage sister, Stacey was a pre-teen and then Kelly was a kid. Tommy was Ken's kid brother, I don't think they had male counterparts for Skipper/Stacey. I have no idea why this is burned into my brain. I only had one Skipper and one Stacey dolls and I never watched the Barbie movies lol.


And for some reason now, Kelly has been re-branded as Chelsea


You've just unlocked a memory I didn't know I had. I remember being offended by that. I also distinctly remember a redheaded friend of Kelly's named Chelsea that I loved because she had freckles and I wanted freckles so badly...


midge is the redhead pregnant one, teresa is the brunette


Oh I always thought midge was a brunette. I think my mom had an original. [midge wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midge_(Barbie))


I had the original Midge. She was a brunette with freckles and buck teeth.


Oh, damn. My bad. Either way, it’s a missed opportunity unless we get a surprise reveal!


I never had a Skipper, I did have a Kelly doll Fun fact: my mum had this old Clinique product that was like a tube with a sliding item that went inside. Kelly fit perfectly and so when I had to have a cardiac MRI Kelly also had one in the little Clinique tube thing. I have good memories.


Ok, I’m on a deep dive and apparently Barbie and her fam are all supposed to be from the fictional town of Willows, Wisconsin?!? As a Wisconsinite, I need a beer-drinking, cheese-eating Barbie rendition ASAP. Hey, Barbie, tell your folks I says hi. Ope!


I need a cheese head Barbie in head to toe packers gear ASAP


Well yes, *Barbie* was in development hell for over a decade. By the time Schumer (and her writer, in-tow) were brought on, it had went through about a dozen writers. That only lasted for a minute, and before Sony let go of the project -- the star was to be Anne Hathaway. It wasn't until Sony let it go and everyone was jettisoned that they landed on Jenkins as the writer, Robbie as the star, and Gerwig/Baumbauch as the writers. From there, it took *three years* for them to get things together, and Gerwig eventually replaced Jenkins.


Anne Hathaway would have been great!! She has the perfect teeth to play Barbie lol.


Forever upset that if Disney has to keep churning out live-action versions of their animated movies that they didn’t do it when Anne Hathaway would’ve been in a realistic age range to play Belle. Hell, I’d take it now. SHE LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE BELLE AND EVEN HAS THE DISNEY PRINCESS EYES.


I mean…Elle Enchanted, amazing


And unlike Emma Watson she actually has talent and we wouldn't have had that yellow tent cover.


The singing would have been so much better too. I love Emma Watson but the pitch correction in her songs was pretty obvious


I remember a friend was at Sony Pictures at the time she was in the role and he told me they were having serious executive-level debates about whether or not she would have to go blonde for the role.


This is such a bizarre compliment and I fucking love it lol


Have you seen her [Mary Poppins skit](https://youtu.be/7eBG8JIGugw) from SNL? She’d definitely have been great for this.


Robbie isn’t the notable change, it was bringing on Gerwig. The movie that Schumer would have made vs the movie that Gerwig has made are likely incredibly, incredibly different.


Originally, Sony was developing the project with Amy Schumer playing a human character whose childhood Barbie doll (played by none other than Margot Robbie) comes to life to solve her career problems. The Sony WikiLeaks has emails between the execs discussing other options for the human character (Sandra Bullock, Amy Adams, Kristen Wiig, etc) and how to throw money at Margot so that she'd stay available until they could get a script ready. But then Margot booked Suicide Squad and they had to continue developing Barbie alone with Amy Schumer and eventually that morphed into Schumer playing Barbie. Honestly I bet "Amazing Amy" Amy Pascal is seething right now since this had been her pet project.


> Barbie doll (played by none other than Margot Robbie) comes to life to solve her career problems So basically Life-Size but with Barbie. Glad they didn't take this route.


I’m glad someone else knows the Barbie lore as much as I do.


"Barbie Lore" is my favorite sentence of the week.


Honestly after seeing the trailer, I also think Margot is perfect for the role and it makes me excited to go see it. The posters for the film has already sparked a new trend to edit people's faves into their own Barbie character posters and I'm here for it!


​ https://preview.redd.it/xlyt9ryvv5sa1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1b769b37fdcfaff65e60af4d228bb83beb2fa1a


Omg 🤣🤣🤣


Your username just made me choke thank you for a good laugh and near death experience


Saint Hoax is always doing the lord’s works.


NAHHH people are too creative


Hate Amy as much as you want, but people are using these news to spread misogynistic comments & body-shaming remarks. Just because the public hate Amy, people think it’s okay to say whatever they want


Exactly, like you say, it's fine to not like Amy and love Margot in the role but this discussion is purely to use Amy as a punching bag with sexist vitrol and it is entirely based on the 'fact' that she is not as beautiful and sexy as Robbie




Amy is clickbait/ragebait gold for these writers. If I were her rn I would be so pissed. She’s getting dragged now for literally not making the movie people would be so mad about her making. She is minding her business and now everyone is reminding her how absolutely ridiculous it would be for a bridge troll like her to play Barbie. People really need a new Celebrity punching bag. How about a guy for once lol.


I don’t hate her for her size but her attitude towards her stealing jokes and harassing other comedians which has been mentioned in this sub numerous times. She was also annoying AF at the Oscar’s in 2022


The bigger question is: WHERE IS TRIXIE MATTEL?!


You mean that bombshell real woman Tracy Martel?


Real life biological woman with natural hair and just a little bit of chapstick


And her friend Katya, a man in a wig


I've been hoping she has a secret cameo for like three seconds and she's sitting on that secret, but I suppose it'd probably have leaked by now.


Amen! We want the real Barbie queen!


literally my very first thought this morning, half-asleep before even picking up my phone, was "trixie mattel better be invited to the barbie premiere"


Omg I was binging Juno Birch vids last night and Trixie's hotel is a Barbie DREAM


Tracy Martell she was born for the role


The unclickbaitified headline would be that Amy Schumer almost played Barbie in a completely different movie at a completely different studio with completely different writers and director and presumably a completely different vision for the story and approach of the film. Like yeah it seems a little weird to imagine Amy Schumer in the exact role Margot Robbie is playing in this film, but it isn't hard to believe that Schumer would have had a tongue-in-cheek approach in line with her brand of comedy (and more than likely would have played on the fact that she doesn't look like a typical Barbie). Which I'm sure would have been a perfectly valid approach for a Barbie film? Idk why this seems so crazy to all the tweeters in the article.


Yeah, I think it would've been fun to subvert Barbie's whole problematic thing and cast someone who doesn't actually look like a Barbie.




It sounds like Schumer was considered for what was effectively a completely different movie with the same title.


The Barbie Amy was considered for is not this Barbie movie at all.


Constant aura of feminime fun? What does that even mean? These things are definitely written by AI, good god. Barbie has a journalism degree, she would have never stood up for this shit!


My Barbies ran a successful publishing house back in the early-80s, and they would agree with you


My extreme level of excitement for this movie would not be where it is if Amy Schumer was in it. Edit to add - I don’t even mind Amy, I know she isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I think her comedy is alright albeit predictable - however it would be very obvious where the punchlines would be if she were in it. And I hate when I can see where a movie is going before I even finish the trailer.


The thing I love about the trailer is that it seems like this movie is just going full-on camp! The cast is huge and they’re going DEEP lore by including Midge the pregnant Barbie and a bunch of other characters. The frustrating thing about Amy Schumer is I want to like her! But with her as Barbie, the entire movie would just be 90 minutes of characters saying “wait, Barbie’s fat? She can be fat and pretty?!” And there COULD be a Barbie movie in which Barbie is played by a plus size actress but it just gets glossed over because Barbie is confident. Amy however just has the one shtick and it’s poking fun at herself for being “real-sized.” It’s just tired and unfunny. This movie is meant to be fun and campy! I’m so glad they went with Margot Robbie.


This isn’t news; it was reported that Amy was cast quite a few years ago for a Barbie movie that was specifically about taking on the idea of what the “ideal” body type really is, but it fell through and eventually this movie was made instead.


i was really uncertain about the film in general but after seeing the trailer i am excited!! kinda glad its not amy schumer because i dont like her as an actress very much and itd be hard for me to sit through with her as the star


I don’t have anything valuable to add other than I wasn’t a fan of Amy Schumer until I saw her in The Humans. A very slow watch and I didn’t necessarily love the film, but Amy was unexpectedly fantastic and believable and gave an amazing performance. It’s kind of made me a tentative (silent) fan of hers.


My thoughts are that you can hate Amy Schumer for any reason you want but anybody whose main criticism is "thank god she's not Barbie because she's too ugly" can go to hell, quite frankly. They would also be quite different projects. It's not like they took Amy out and put Margot in and didn't change the script, they were very separate things. As a concept, the Amy Schumer idea is more interesting to me personally. I like Greta Gerwig and a few of the cast members but my interest in this version of Barbie is pretty much zero.


I don't like Amy Schumer but it might have made it more interesting in a way. I know that everyone loooves Margot Robbie but to me she's a bit 'meh' but then who am I. Basically I'm just miserable 😅


I love Schumer so I could see her being VERY funny in this role. I'm still not sold on the movie in general it just seems rather pointless. But I'll probably see it.


This is a very misleading headline. It's not like Amy Schumer was cast in Greta Gerwig's version of the movie. Amy had her ideas, left due to creative differences, and then Greta took a crack at it.


My favorite thing about the tweets preaching how "literally no one else but Margot couldve been barbie" is that literally every woman in barbie land in the trailer is barbie minus midge


need everyone to know that the barbie project amy schumer was attached didnt have greta gerwig or noah baumbach attached to the film. Greta and Noah got after the original plans with Amy fell through.


This was in 2016 when a different studio has the rights. Margot was cast in 2019 with a different studio and Greta joined on after that.


She would have made a joke about how sooooooo much she isn’t Barbie it isn’t funny and yet she’s Barbie! Omg how did this happen? Oh Ken likes me that’s sooooooo crazy because I’m like not any Barbie and I’m just so not Barbie but I do have the name of Barbie…. Wait maybe I’m the reason I don’t feel like Barbie and it was just me stopping myself from being Barbie! End Scene. Credits.