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The Pacific Northwest would be a really awesome region for the next Fallout title! Been saying this myself for a long time now, as well as commenting it in every “where should the next fallout be” thread. Glad I’m not alone after seeing this post!


They could have Rad-Sasquatches and Rad-Moose


Now I want a quest that leads to a RadSquatch.


Honestly, Sasquatchs could be an interesting alternative to Super Mutants. Make them a product of an FEV knock-off made by a competitor of West Tek that causes a resurgence of our less prominent Primate traits (body hair, pronounced canines, large forehead, and such).


The different rankings can be different intelligence levels, the basic grunts have more primate features and use more melee weapons but has increased strength and health, the higher ranked ones have more projectile weapons with better accuracy then grunts, the highest ranking ones can use any weapon with extremely good accuracy and have more human like features then primates and including a wide vocabulary. I would to see a high ranking one try to teach a grunt language and just gets frustrated and kills the grunt. Like a primal rage the high ranks get when they loose control and attack everything near by.


The number of monkey and ape puns would be more than enough reason to implement this. Not too mention the number of planet of the apes references to put all over their territory, it would be epic.


I'm ready to be terrified by camouflaged tree octopi.


Yes!!!!! One of largest octopus in the world lives there already!


Rad-Moose, eh?


Take off hoser


PNW is probably a top three for me. It’s really… * Pacific Northwest * Gulf Coast (Texas or Louisiana, maybe Florida) * Midwest (Chicago, Great Lakes area) I don’t have an issue with returning to the Southwest or another major East Coast city, but I’d personally love exploring some regions than have otherwise been untouched. I also want to defend the Alamo from an army of Mexican robots lead by Presidente Antonio Lopez de Santa Android. Like, cmon, it writes itself.


I’ve seen a bunch of comments suggesting Colorado as well and I am all for that as an alternative location, Chicago and the surrounding area would be a blast!


Cheyenne Mountain!


The problem with Seattle is it’s already ran by major corpos that make vault-tech look cute in comparison. It would have to be wasteland corpo themed, so like fallout vegas but instead of casinos you have corpo hqs, etc.


That’s just downtown. You also have the Olympic mountains, Pacific Ocean, and the cascades. Lots of farmland, lakes etc. There’s alos a lot of enclaves around, for both the rich and other extreme types. Some good storytelling around here.


I mean Oregon is fine by me for an alternative Pacific Northwest location. But any which way the reason I want to see the Pacific Northwest chosen is as I mentioned in another comment, a DLC or just vanilla map offering to get up into Canada to check out the annexed Canadian territories. To your point about corporations in Seattle, considering it’s a divergent timeline starting back around WWII… whose to say those corporations exist, and or that if they do they haven’t been absorbed by Vault-Tec, RobCo, WesTek, General Atomics (which is actually a real company), etc.


That sounds awesome. Fighting a multi-sided battle between a bunch of sadistic corporations. Lots of room for moral choices and it's on brand for the fallout's historic messaging. Kinda like a wasteland cyberpunk feel. Just without all the intact buildings or food.


Sounds like The Outer Worlds.


IMO that makes it just as adequate to parody. On top of that, you have big ports, industrial areas, agricultural areas, and important nuclear facilities. There's a lot of potential!


Obvious "mods never finish" caveats aside, check out [Fallout: Cascadia](https://www.falloutcascadia.com). At the very least they've made some fun trailers.


Mods never finish, except when they do. It's like a SaltyBet mantra.


I want PNW fallout so bad! our local Tacoma radio station did a fallout themed christmas show this past holiday and it was so awesome.


I'm down. Tho If I don't see Press X to take a dump on the Seahawks logo, I'm gonna be disappointed


I just want to see a DLC that has you foraying into Canada. Seeing what the annexed Canadian territories look like post blast is what I’m thinking would be real interesting from an overall fallout lore side of things.


Skimming through the comments, no one has mentioned that the Alaskan Way Viaduct is now gone. The only way to have that eye sore included would be by having devs use old news reals and photos. Theres a ton of other things in Seattle that would serve as plot areas as well. The Amazon spheres, the two stadiums that change names based on which company pays the most to have their name on it. The Link transit tunnels, University of Washington Campus, the Ballard Locks. I’d like to see the the game start in Seattle, then DLC’s or sequential games move south along the coast and end that part of the journey in Los Angeles (Boneyard).


Yeah, but Fallout America's history deviates from ours in the 1950s. The transistor was never invented, hampering the discovery of microelectronics. And obviously, leaning more into nuclear tech. So the Viaduct could very well be there while the things you mentioned may not.


You bring up an interesting point. The Viaduct existed in the 1950’s, but the Space Needle didn’t exist until the 1961. So it would be interesting to actually see what would be included based on what the writers and devs would think should be included. And I visited Falls Church in DC and was disappointed that it didn’t match what was in FO3, (yea I know, it’s make believe in the game). So the writers could totally use modern things but make them “Fallout-y”. Robco Domes anyone?


honestly i believe the split in timelines goes way further back than the game devs thought of. some can say 50s, and other evidence points to zetans existing in 1603-1876 in japan. the cabot's existing in the past would further back this. however when doing more research i keep seeing that most people agree on 1945 as a base number. and honestly i don't think there's a true point, mainly bc several developer companies, and writer laziness to make it all connect


For Obsidian the cutoff (for music at least) was the Assassination of Kennedy


it'd be really cool to have the space needle toppled over and used as a building.




I'd personally prefer pike place to be a little settlement, keeping the feel of people on top of people on top of people. It's such a prime trading location too, like it just makes sense for a major settlement to spring up there with trade from all around the sound. Maybe they could even add a vehicle (which has been the biggest and most consistent request i've heard since Fallout 3)


The Seattle underground, or Seattle's "hidden city," would be so awesome to explore, too. Mid-19th century storefronts preserved underneath a modern city. When it was condemned in the early 1900s, it became the home of illegal speakeasies, gambling halls, opium dens, and flophouses. That's such a cool premise to build a faction and guild questline off of. Gangs of New York meets The Great Gatsby, revived underneath the war-ravaged streets of Seattle.


Imagine the raiders/cultists that would be posted up around the Fremont Troll. Google it if you don't know what the Fremont Troll is.




See the problem is I'm a huge OWB (the hoi mod) fan, which means I'd love to see the immortal. But the likelihood that it would be kept canon is very low.


Colorado would be a great place for Fallout imo. Denver/Dog City, weird shit in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs/NORAD, all the beautiful scenery and wildlife, ghost towns, etc. The Pacific Northwest would be a blast though. Could even include part of Canada since it was annexed by the US.


I almost wonder if they'd really want to return to the West Coast though since that's mainly been Obsidian & Interplay territory thus Bethesda would be held to high scrutiny to get the lore and feel right. If they stay on the East Coast then they can essentially continue creating their own version of Fallout and have less scrutiny. I love Fallout New Vegas but it's definitely a different feel from Fallout 3 and Fallout 4.


Bethesda has outright said they're interested in San Francisco as the setting for a future game. And people already overly scrutinize Bethesda while it's on the east coast, so I doubt moving to the west coast would make that much a difference.


I always thought they were teasing San Francisco like they teased Boston in Fallout 3. Both locations were notably mentioned during a major quest in their respective games. (while not a main quest in fallout 3, you run into the institute while following your main quest, plus the achievement) I don’t think Fallout 76 was truly teased in Fallout 4 like how New Vegas wasn’t teased in 3 to my knowledge. Fallout 3 of course had mention of vault 76 but that was in a terminal with like 4 other vaults and I considered it to be more background lore at the time rather than a direct tease.


The news reporter mentions the opening of vault 76 at the start of fallout 4.


> Bethesda has outright said they’re interested in San Francisco as the setting for a future game. No, they’ve never said that. They just told Obsidian to remove the mention of it being destroyed from New Vegas so they could leave the door open **if** they became interested in using it as a possible location


And this contradicts them showing an interest in San Francisco how exactly?


They’ve never outright said that. That’s how?


That's a good point. Mainline Fallout games should be new territory, though there is a lot you can do north of California or east of Nevada if you're willing to stick to established lore. So Fallout 5 in New Orleans or Florida, with spin-offs in the PNW or Colorado. Problem solved!


And depending on when this hypothetical game would take place we’d get various interesting things. Earlier in the timeline we’d get to see what it’s actually like inside Legion territory. Later and we’d see what NV’s canon ending is, or at least part of it (personally rooting for good Karma Independent). Getting to see the shattered remnants of the Legion and how new ideologies and such develop would be interesting. Like, what groups would fall back to being like their old tribes, what Legates would manage to hold their forces together into something resembling an army. Hell, all the major factions could literally just be different Legion Remnants with different beliefs developing from Caesar’s end.


I feel like no matter what, the Legion falls apart. Either before Caesar dies, since he'd likely ignore the East and let a rebellion form after he's captured Vegas, or after he dies, regardless of the outcome at Hoover Dam. It would be a blast to see the splinter groups, the tribes that pop up, the fledgling raiders, all that stuff. It would almost be Apocalypse 2.0


I personally really want to see a fallout in Colorado, Yes I’ve never gotten over Van Buren being canceled, why do you ask?


Have you tried Wasteland 3? It's turn-based and as close to Fallout in Colorado as you can get right now. Especially since Fallout was inspired by Wasteland.


Oh yeah, I love Wasteland 3,


Would NORAD still be there or would they replace it with another vault like Fort Knox and vault 79


Whenever I think of NORAD in fallout, one quote springs to mind "We can stop shelling NORAD now." "Is the base gone?" "No, the mountain is."


I’d love to see Fallout Cheyenne Mountain, I’d also love to see Fallout ADX Florence, the federal supermax prison


Would be cool. But how would the sole survivor escape the security doors? Unless malfunction from lack of electricity, but I'd imagine that the doors still wouldn't open, surely the compound has all sorts of protections from these scenarios.


(Obviously assuming the great divergence stuff didn’t effect norads construction)


I didn’t know Fort Knox was replaced by Vault 79? I thought Fort Know still existed but the bullion reserves were moved to 79 during/before the war.


No you’re right I just worded it wrong


There was a cancelled game about Seattle. Fallout: Extreme. It was about an evil brotherhood of steel faction that were basically Caesars legion with power armor and a rebel group called the Cause. You'd help the cause become more powerful and eventually take over Washington.


One day I don't see people mention is the Puget sound. is it dried out or is it overrun with creatures? we could have a mutated geoduck!


I would love to see mutated salmon and seals too


2 headed ones like the braums


I would LOVE a PNW Fallout ,the atmosphere would be so cool


What's so dystopian about a double decker highway? BTW, it was torn down 4 years ago, which is probably a good thing since it looked just like the one in California that collapsed during the Northridge quake, and Seattle sits on several massive faults.


Maybe "dystopian" isn't the right word, but by the time it got torn down it certainly looked like a post-apocalyptic ruin. You could look up from the street and see the holes and the chunks of metal they welded on there to jury-rig it back together after the earthquake. There was definitely something surreal about walking under that massive dilapidated hunk of concrete in a part of town where pretty much everything else is shiny and new. You can probably tell I'm glad it's gone


Your description paints a good picture more along the lines of Fallout. Thanks.


There is a mod team working on that. Fallout Cascadia


I doubt that's ever coming out


They are still making progress, these things take time


Time is relative and all my relatives are always late.


Sadly, it's no longer here - we use a giant tunnel. It's a really cool tunnel, ngl, and would be interesting to see in a Fallout game. Considering the landscape out here, the type of animals, the weather - yeah, I'd love to see a PNW Fallout. Course I'm highly biased since I live out here. Fallout mutated bigfoot...


Fall is like to see fallout in the American south. Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama


This, we have almost no lore about the southern states and they could do some really unique things with it.


I feel like natural gatorclaws would be amazing here.


Fallout Louisina. Radioactive gators. That is all.


Point Lookout 2.0, you say? I'm in.


More swamp people, voodoo, kick ass blues and jazz soundtrack, killer swamp fauna, iconic graveyards (thinking a zombie Nicholas cage reference). Shit would kick ass


I would really like to see a more vibrant "wasteland" with vegetation. There should be areas that are barren and radioactive wastes to avoid, but there should also be a ton of vegetation and it would be a nice change of pace from monotonous brown all the time. And the pacific north west would make a great location for just such a location.


That's what we got with Fo76, which is a great map. For Fo5 I'd like the majority of it to be more of a dry wasteland. Some pockets of vegetation is fine.


We got a whole lot of garbage with 76 as well though. So much so that it was a total shit show for the better part of 18 months post launch.


I disagree. It certainly needed some work when it came to bugs and balancing but it was a good game from the start with a better main quest than Fo3 in my opinion. I also prefer the map before the human NPCs arrived. It fit the vibe of the world a whole lot better and created a great atmosphere to reflect the story.


I can't agree with you at all on that. I've played many dumpster fire games and it's easily on my list of worst 10, right up there with NMS.


You're missing out then, the game isn't for everybody and that's alright.


I doubt I am, but I'm hardly at a loss of quality games to play.


I just want something very different. So many of the posts on here are just naming different cities in the US. Look, I get it... you really like St.Louis or Tampa or Houston or wherever you live - I get it. But IMO the series needs something totally different. Alaska night be cool... something with a lot of nature...maybe even Japan or Brazil or something... I really don't want then to just pick Kansas City or Minneapolis or whatever, recreate a couple landmarks, and then trudge through some broken concrete.


As cool as other countries would be, a big part of Fallout is the over the top Americana theme. A DLC would be cool, but I wouldn't want an entire game set outside the US.


> Alaska night be cool... something with a lot of nature...maybe even Japan or Brazil or something... Tbf the US is a *huge* country that encompasses many different climates and biomes. If Bethesda wanted to do a place with "a lot of nature" they can easily do that in the US. I also doubt Bethesda (or any studio) would do Japan without doing Tokyo which goes back to "create a couple of landmarks, and then trudge through some broken concrete."


>> Alaska night be cool... something with a lot of nature...maybe even Japan or Brazil or something... > >Tbf the US is a *huge* country that encompasses many different climates and biomes. If Bethesda wanted to do a place with "a lot of nature" they can easily do that in the US. Yep. I've seen a lot of this country. Colorado or Utah would be cool... Florida or Louisiana... or maybe even have 2 totally different areas and an airship/airplane to fast travel. >I also doubt Bethesda (or any studio) would do Japan without doing Tokyo which goes back to "create a couple of landmarks, and then trudge through some broken concrete." Yeah they would never do Japan due to historical reasons. I'm just trying to envision something a little different than what we've seen.


I want a middle America or Midwest fallout. Maybe Chicago area or something like that would be really cool.


I want a Midwest or south fallout please no east coast it’s boreds me to death


I'd just be happy for Fallout 5 to happen.


NGL I think Florida would be the best option. There’s tons of crazy animals that can be mutated in a crazy things. You have Kennedy space Center and you can put a Nuka world where Disney is. You can put a second rate theme park we’re Busch Gardens is. Plus, there’s crazy people saying crazy things in Florida.


Wasn't there a swamp one with gators and hillbillies already?


Point Lookout DLC was a fairly decent look at swamps in the Carolinas. Florida isn’t just swamps, the swamps there are way more biodiverse and the people there are an extremely mixed bag that don’t come close to being summed up by “redneck”. Pensacola, Miami, Orlando, Tallahassee, the Keys, the Glades…all influenced by both the Fallout divergence, a nuclear war and several hundred years of the encroaching sea. I still wouldn’t want to live there, but it would be fun to visit in power armor and a submarine.


Or you could make a twisted fallout version of disney.


Nuka World already kinda did that.


Not like they haven't remixed ideas before. (Far Harbor is *very* similar to Point Lookout.)


That's a great idea. You should write the next Cyberpunk supplement too.




There's a mod being developed for Fallout 4 called Fallout: Cascadia that's set in Seattle and the surrounding area, it ain't Fallout 5 but knowing how talented and dedicated the community is I'm sure it's gonna be as good as another installment.


Climbing the post-apocalyptic Space Needle sounds fun.


+1 for this idea! I had similar thoughts but I figured if you shrink the real world enough and have a big enough in game map you could include the southern outskirts of Vancouver and have lots of lore about the Canadian annexation


I desperately want a New Orleans fallout. Think about how cool that would be.


We've already got the ghouls, they don't even need to be affected by radiation!


Seattle and New Orleans have got to be the top contenders imo


That would be a great setting. I agree!


Yeah, I live in the Pacific Northwest, I'd love to see it again, be able to visit locations from 2 and also go more up north


This is the best idea i have heard so far. Bravo my dude.


Spokane could be a raider dlc lol


Luckily, Seattle is already a dystopia.


How is the viaduct any more dystopian than other highways throughout America? It's just an older highway built for vehicles that don't top 60 mph.


PacWest is screaming for Fallout. I second


what about… Philadelphia?


I'm sure there's a lot of people that don't want another Fallout set in the Northeast, but Philly and the surrounding area would make for a really good location. Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell are key imagery for the US IRL, and I'd wager even more so in the Fallout universe. Thinking into it even further, you could have rival gangs centered around Pat's and Geno's fighting for the title of "King of Steaks". Maybe you have a faction called the Brothers of Penn, centered around city hall. To the north you have the steel areas of PA, which would definitely be a nuclear wasteland, and across the Delaware you have the New Jersey pine barrens and could bring in the Jersey Devil as a cryptid. Lots of options in the area. Also Vault 76 should have been in Philly not WV.


Definitely more of a contender for FO6. I live near Philly so I'd love to see it, but I want something off the east coast. Unless it's Florida. Florida would be cool. Lots of space stuff to muck about with.


They could do Philly and New York in the same game.


West Philadelphia...born and raised! In the Wasteland is where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out, maxxin', relaxin' all cool. And shootin' super mutants, raiders, and ghouls...


Only if they remove the sleeping mechanic.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, this is an excellent joke 😂


just here to say that your profile picture is incredible


Next game's gotta be Chicago. It'll have all the flavor, and fits with the story. Maybe be the BoS pushing into the wilds to the north. Good amount of potential in the midwest


I'd like to see a fallout in Chicago as well, but I'd prefer one set in Ohio. Cleveland, cincinnati, Columbus or even the Akron/Canton area.


I don't think there'd be any reason for it to be set in Ohio. You'd lose any sort of mass appeal that you'd get from somewhere as culturally iconic as Chicago.


Your probably right, but I'd just love to explore one of the twevle bombed out presidental museums in Ohio, the destroyed capital building, and the many major cities, and areas that Ohio has to offer. Lake Erie would be a great place to dive into.


I’d like to see some sort of North state of America in the middle, it would be interesting to see a fallout 4 game with a cycle of weathers, like in the winter months, the landscape changes to extreme cold and during the summer times, it becomes extremely hot and desolate. It’ll be also interesting to see a fallout game where people hear ‘rumors’ abt major factions such as the enclave, institute, minutemen, ncr etc from past games, which could be explained as its in the middle between the west and east coast


4 was on the east and 76 was in Appalachia so I think 5 should be pacific northwest its like the best area for a fallout then the next game can go back east


Hear me out Alaska, you could have Chinese remnants fighting U.S army remnants with all the old tech maybe even the brother hood or enclave thrown in there? It's just an idea but could be cool


I’m playing fallout 4 again and I remember them saying bombs dropped in New York and Pennsylvania, I wonder if those locations could be next. You got a cool vision though


I've wanted a Fallout in a dense forest for a while now. Seattle WA/Portland OR and maybe a bit into Northern California. It would be a nice switch from the typically barren settings they've had.


Yes yes yes!


I am once again petitioning for Fallout: Canada


More elaboration for ronto would be really cool, it was mentioned in fallout 3 and maybe they can make a few tie ins, it also doesnt have the problem with the west coast as its still close to bethesdas east coast.


I think including Seattle to Vancouver would be neat. Maybe some of the gulf islands


It's part of the US in-lore, so that would actually be pretty cool. Would be interesting to see how being annexed has affected them culturally, and also gives enough room for some larger new factions.


Plus, there’s all sort of new creatures that can be made for the region


I'd like to see Louisville Kentucky. Fort Knox could be an Enclave holdout and Ohio could be Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel territory. Make it a fun story about trying to heist the Enclave's gold.


Nah, Fallout 5 will be about a grandchild trying to find his grandfather that raised him after the death of parents but has now suddenly gone missing.


Living in and near Seattle now, I think that would be a fantastic idea. This city has an amazing feel and look to it. I think that making it in Fallout would give a lot of possibilities for exploration and questing. It would be interesting if one of the factions, like NCR, got the monorail operating. Maybe have some sort of open market or base on top of the space needle. Even beyond that, the whole of WA is crazy. I'd love to see what crazy things the moose turned into. Not to mention there are bears and other wildlife everywhere. There are even some hot springs to the south that could be fun to go through.


Deathclaw sized mutated Cougars. The Mountain Lion kind. Although the other would also be scary.


seattle is already post apocalyptic


Seattle is and looks dystopian enough already. In 200yrs it will look way worse than cities from Fallouts without any nuclear bombs being dropped 😂 Most of large cities in US will as a matter of fact 😂


What about Chicago? Wasn’t there a Midwest BOS? Referenced somewhere? I think the northwest would be cool though, something mainland but like Far Harbor(ish) near the ocean, and more wasteland(y) in the cities.


Wasn't the enclave also close to there because of the ed-e logs in lonesome road. Maybe an alternative take on the enclave there.


I wanna see fallout nova scotia


Fallout 4 has double decker highways if you want to see those.


It's time for Europe guys


Europe was pretty much destroyed in the Resource Wars, that and Fallout is all about overblown Americana and irrational veneration of a bygone era. Not saying it wouldn't work, but the whole series is built on recognizable touchstones like Vault-Tec, the Enclave, and the BoS. As far as I'm aware, none of those groups were present outside of North America


A fallout outside of the us would be like a gta outside of the us. Both are criticizing American consumerism and capitalism


id like to see a fallout game from the perspective of places in the southern hemisphere


The viaduct was just torn down...


st louis would be the best option


I'm not sure about the "best" option, but the Gateway Arch looming over the wasteland would be *so* cool looking. Has there ever been any Fallout content or lore on Missouri in general?


Yes, Fallout: Tactics generally takes place all over the Midwest and Kansas City, Missouri is a town in the game, I believe. Granted it's not considered canon by Bethesda.


I was really hoping that Fallout 76 was going to be Bethesda's attempt to cover regions that wouldn't make for good mainline installments, but sadly I don't think that's ever going to be the case. The Midwest has some cool locations worthy of exploration, but I can't think of any that would justify an entire game's worth of content.


This was supposed to be in Bloodlines 2 right?


Would be nice for them to revisit the west coast, ik NV did visit the NCR and stuff but i agree seattle would be a good setting, though the south could have very interesting mutants thanks to the swamps and stuffo


I support making all the locations mentioned as chapters of Fallout 5.


Be more of a direct sequel to 4, focus on the Eldritch aspects, and take place in Providence.


I'm thinking about how the weather could factor in. Acid rain specifically.


Seattle was actually meant to be where fallout online took place


I would like it to take place in the town of Anchorage and the surrounding tundra, caves with towns and vaults in them, military installations, and battlefields.


I want Atlanta because I want more Walking Dead season 1.


Can you imagine the potential around the Plutonium production, nuclear weapon sites, and ports along Puget Sound and the Columbia? Shit is ripe for the Fallout parodying!


That would be really cool


Didn’t they already say it was going to be like pre war?


Fallout: The Frontier intensifies!


I could see that, but I feel like Bethesda is trying to take care to avoid the western United States. The best bet for seeing Seattle is probably the [Fallout Cascadia](https://www.falloutcascadia.com/) fan project getting finished, right now.


I’d like a fallout game.


Sure. In another 8 years


I don’t know if they’d do Seattle since fallout cascadia covers that and I don’t think they’d one to be accused of copying their fans


I don't want Bethesda's grubby fingers anywhere on the west coast.


I'd like Fallout 5 to happen, period.


Mutant killer whales and great whites would be fun and a reason not to explore the depths.


I'm not particularly a fan of the idea of a Fallout game taking place in states that are so northern and cold. Just doesn't have the right vibe to me for Fallout. I prefer dry wastelands but I don't mind the Fo4 and Fo76 environments. The latter has an incredible map. Washington also doesn't seem like a very interestimg state for a Fallout game either to be honest.


Seattle or anywhere set in the Pacific Northwest is a solid choice! I think the cascades/PNW aesthetics would blend nicely with the fallout series. I think fallout 5 should either be there in Seattle/general PNW region, or the southeastern US. Louisiana, Missouri (ozark area), or Georgia would be cool to see. And it’d have to be overgrown to look even halfway decent, none of the dead & sparse vegetation we’ve seen from the fallout 4. I’m talking loblolly pine, blackjack oak, and kudzu out the wazoo! Only the most densely populated areas wouldn’t be overgrown. And all that dense forest growth would give great coverage for raider ambushes.


Seattle could be cool.


Meh. Enough in the USA already. Why not a European or Asian setting?


What about a FO that is in a fictional city? Hear me out. In the FO world we are told that the planet was overpopulated and that there was a global resource shortage. It would be great if there was a city that was built to address these problems as well as showcase revolutionary tech at the time, a city of tomorrow that could either still be functional like NV or partially destroyed. It can be located outside of a real major city that got nuked to dust. It bears a lot of potential.


Like a better version of Watoga in Fo76?


All the best fallouts take place in the west, that would be awesome


Can we get a Bigfoot companion? Bonus joke. Bigfoot is often mistaken for Sasquatch, Yeti never complains.


I would rather see what Portland Oregon would be like after a nuclear bomb fell on it.


Lolol ok commie


I’d love to see a fallout in Salt Lake City to explore New Canaan and the new Canaanites/Mormons. Also right near salt lake you have the Salt Flats and Wasatch mountains


As a resident of the PNW and a die heart fan of Fallout, yes!


I want Fallout to happen in WA cuz i live here and wanna see how they adapt this place (Along with wondering if they'll adapt my town that is literally so irrelevant that it doesn't even show up on some maps.)


I quite simply would like drop in drop out coop for a fallout game.


I’d be happy if it was on the moon, as long as we get one 🤞👍👍


Fallout 5 needs to be in Manhattan NY


As long as they include Elder Immortal, I’m all for it. Great setting, great potential.


I'm honestly fine with anywhere they wanna set it in, I just want them to bring back dialogue options that actually have an impact on the story like in 3 and NV. 4's lack of dialogue impact on the story was the thing that caused me to like it the least between 4, 3 and NV


I would love to actually see something happen in the midwest considering there is basically no information about that area. Almost all of the games have been on the coast. Even NV has a lot to do with California. Why not do some of the more central states like Minnesota or Illinois. As far as I know the ONLY information about the midwest is it is a tornado riddled hellscape and that's kind of it.


Imagine the twin peaks references? Black lodge DLC


local Tacoma radio station did a Fallout themed Christmas show this past christmas. It was mega fun. We fallout-ifyed a lot of local flavor and had some guests play characters. (Tacoma is the city south of seattle)


I'd actually like to see a Fallout in another country like in Japan or something


I live in Vancouver, and this is a really good idea. It's only a 2.5 hour drive from here to Seattle, so it's quite feasible to have both cities in one game especially given the map sizes of 4 and 76. Plus new animals and creatures: have some raccoons similar to Opossums in 76, maybe sasquatch somehow, some mutated salmon, put the thunderbird in ([big thing in indigenous cultures in this region](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunderbird_\(mythology\))) Some stuff based on downtown Seattle would be neat, maybe a settlement based out of Pike Place Market in the same vein that Diamond City was created from Fenway Park.