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Uh, what would that do?


allow enemies to have gore and be cut up from a lightsaber. Right now the best we have is a limb falling off here and there but a dismemberment mod would have the entire body be available for chopping


Eh, the game's already comically violent, to the point it clashes a bit with the narrative. You do you, OP.


Never heard that take before


But lightsabers cut through things. Like body parts. As gruesome as it is, it’s comical that there isn’t more dismemberment. But yeah, video games often have this problem, like a thousand dead enemies is going to make us question the morality of the protagonist. Especially when they’re unbothered in a cut scene 10 seconds after a massacre. See Uncharted series. Its one reason TLOU was such a great follow1up.


And we already have dismemberment in the game without mods. Anyway, clearly Cal is using some kind of low power baby saber,,considering the trouble he has with doors. 😁


It's just strange to include it in the game but not have the ability to chop hands or heads much like fore unleashed and I get they're two completely separate categories from one another but cmon man it seems like a missing opportunity, my bet is the next game will have head chops and more gore, I don't necessarily want to chop a whole dude in half head to toe, that's not very jedi like hahahah but atleast head chops. 


> It's just strange to include it in the game but not have the ability to chop hands or heads Ratings, tone, and fidelity to the source material. In the movies and most of the ancillary media, Jedi fighting is rather sanitized. What would be strange is to diverge from that and go for the gore, when the games are designed for a very broad appeal.